Legal Stuff: Welcome to my third Poke`mon fanfic! Yay. Wow. Whoopee. Yahoo. Part III of------I don't know! I'm writing this as I go! Sad, huh? Anyway, (ahem) Ash, Misty, Brock, Jessie, James, Pikachu, Togepi, Meowth, Giovanni, Joy, Jenny, Erika, Sabrina, Butch, Cassidy, and so on, and so forth, and so on, and all places and events are copyright of Nintendo, CREATURES, GameFreak, 4Kids Entertainment, and, I think that's it. Please do not copy or change, except for me. Any similarity to anyone else's fanfic is coincidental, accidental, and unintentional. If they have a problem with it, e-mail meeeeeeee at If the personalities are off, don't bash me! And don't mind the misspellings on the character's dialogue, because they were on purpose. Why? Well, have you ever heard half of the guys from Team Rocket pronounce any of their Rs? Heavily accented! So, this time I'm getting all of their speech right! HA! About the gender, I'm changing it to make it fit for the Poke`mon and according to its habits on the show. In other words, I'm addressing Venusaur as a male from now on. Blastoise: ditto. Arbok---I'm not sure on. Well, you can comment on whatever address I give it, but not Weezing's. The Poke`mon belonging to the secondary or other characters: I don't know. Oh, well, you'll see if or when you read this. Oh, by the way, this is chapters 21-30) This is rated PG for profanity and violence. Thanks. Enjoy reading! started:11/19/99 finished on: 12/28/99 modified on: 12/28/99 modified again on: 5/29/00 (Sorry it took so long. I got heavily sidetracked with another widely enjoyed anime. And the Rockets' Red Glare by Blue9Tiger Part III Chapter XXI The Breaks It continued to rain considerably, leaving the mud thick and slippery. That contented the roadside Bulbasaur, and the latter frolicked in the mud puddles, using their Vine Whips to form large balls of mud and toss them into the air, each landing with a sloshy sound in the watery dirt. As the Grass/Poison Poke`mon watched the rain, various conversations ensued, being heard above the wind and the steady drops of rain hitting the mud. "Bulba-Bulba!" Ah! I love rain! "Sauuuur!" Yeah! "Bulbasaur-Bulba? Bulba......Saur-Saur!" Who are those-----coming at us? The joyus faces on the Bulbasaur faded, and they hid in terror, deserting the puddles. The muddy road was further deformed as the exhausted Rocket Gang trudged down it. Though the jailbreak was sucessful, there was not a glad face on the team. It had been a great expenditure of energy, and it showed in their dull eyes. Even the gang Leader's Persian acted sluggish and even more relaxed than usual. Giovanni had already taken leave of Ash and the others, leaving with the other black-clad members, save Butch and Cassidy. The former were bound for Celadon City, to their alternate Headquarters, which came in the form of a casino basement, the casino also owned by them. Their purpose for leaving them there was to let the younger members recover, but with precise orders to return as quickly as possible. Under a thick oak tree, the only other standing tree in the area, Ash and the others sat peaceably. Of course, Jessie and Cassidy were otherwise, arguing about who was prettier. All had the Rocket Gang uniforms once again, adding much to their humor, except Ash's and Brock's. Misty noticed the former's drooping face and was considerate enough to ask, "What's wrong, Ash?" The latter lowered his head, his favorite red-and-white cap covering his brown eyes. The boy moaned, his eyes drifting in the direction of the prison, probably the most sympathy he felt for the young woman in a while, "My mom's still in that place. She doesn't even deserve to be there. And we helped to get her in trouble!" Jessie and Cassidy ceased their fighitng long enough to hear what their teammate was saying. "She didn't really do anything bad! What if something happens to her?" Everyone grew silent; nothing being heard except the long wind and rain, and Pikachu and Togepi's frequent exclamations. Finally, Misty answered, "You can't go back there, Ash! You'll just be locked in again!" "But I HAVE to! I might be loyal to Team Rocket, but I've 'gotta be loyal to my mom too! I still feel bad about stealing Mimie," he confessed, embarassed at the destruction of his pride, "and breaking her out is the least I can do!" "You feel sorry about that? Your MOM? Mrs. KETCHUM?" Brock laughed, contempt rising. "Don't be such a WIMP, Ash!" That word imprinted on Ash's memory, even if it wasn't a keen one. He faced him, demanding, "Did you just call me a wimp Brock?" "What do you think, you da-----" Misty saw where this was going, judging from the dejected look on Ash's face, and pulled them apart, screaming, "Okay, stop that! You'll never be friends again if you keep that up!" "Mind your own business, Misty! This is MY talk with Ash!" "Well, stop it! Can't you see you've hurt his feelings enough?! You've never done that before! What's wrong with you?! Ever since that've been worse than a jerk!" "What's wrong with me? How about, what's wrong with YOU?" "There's NOTHING wrong with me! You're the one that's fighitng with Ash!" "Hmm, look who's talking! You're the one that always argued with him!" "That was a LONG TIME AGO!!!! I can't afford to fight him, now! We're now only teammates, not much of friends, as I can see with you! Something's changed about you, and you'd better shake it off unless you want to be shaking----" "JUST GO TO-----" The older members had quite enough. They stood up and screamed at the top of their lungs, "QUIET!!!" The sounds of argument died down; neither side had won. Plus, Ash had used this verbal skirmish to sneak back down the muddy road towards the Celadon City Prison, bent on rescuing his unjustly imprisoned mother from the horrible walls of the building, that had been unfair and cruel to all that were placed there. "Wait, Ash!" Misty called. There was no answer; his mind was made up. The former sighed, staring at the small figure retreating into the pouring rain. She then turned on Brock. "Now look what you did! You distracted me and he's off to save his mom! You still don't have any sense, so---------I--------I think I'll put some into you!" With that, possibly the only time she had ever done it, slapped her crazed teammate, as only a girl could accomplish it. This went against her usual reactions, since she would usually take a hammer or a fan to his head. This time, though, she wanted to cause a feeling of real dejection in the former Leader of the Pewter City Gym. However, as soon as she withdrew her hand, a feeling of sheer terror creeped upon her. A thought tore through her mind. Am I becoming like him? With that, Misty stalked in the other direction, and seated herself alone on a soaked log. Brock only stood there, hurt, angry, and confused. He debated with himself whether to strike back or not, but, evil and twisted as he was, the mere boy in him forced the Trainer not to do it. Instead, he answered the slap with a remark under his breath: "Go to Hell, Misty." This confused the older members, and Cassidy decided to comment on their teammates' behavior. "Sometimes those children are worse than us!" "I hate to say it," Jessie remarked, "but you're right!" James chimed in, "They're so angry! It scares me." Meanwhile, Ash's first Poke`mon stood at a rock, and watched the road to the prison, ears down. Tears formed in his eyes, visible even though through the rain. "Pi-Pikachu! Pika!" The electric mouse called after his master, wishing him luck. "Pika!" The other members didn't like Ash's departure, for it was tardying all of them. "We can't leave for Headquahrters until he comes back," James complained. "So we'he hehe in the rain?" Butch sighed. "I hate waduh!" Screamed Meowth, trying to shake his fur loose of the drops. "Shut up!" Growled Brock, not in the mood for any complaining or arguing anymore. They sat for a while, in anticipation and anxiety over Ash's arrival. Several times Pikachu insisted on following him, but Misty would pull him back, not wanting any further trouble to be caused. Then the Mouse's ears would fall down, and his short figure would stoop down lower. Ash arrived at the destroyed gate of the prison. He looked at the ominous building, the all-too-recent memories of the torture there rushing back to him. He gave a deep sigh, and spoke aloud. "Here we go! Mom, I hope you're okay!" The Rocket stumbled over the fallen gate, and slipped towards the front entrance. The Poke`mon guards were still knocked out from the previous fight, and it bought the boy some needed time. He walked in the door, and immediately met trouble. "Flare-Flare-Flare!" "Waugh! A Flareon! I'll fight Fire with Fire! Charizard, I choose you!" "Grooooooooooaaaaaaaar!" "Charizard, Flamethrower!" The Flareon fell under the fire, and Ash was safe for the next few cell blocks. He ran through them, not trying to look over his shoulder, and never slowing down, even though, starting from Block M, a human guard chased him, shouting, "Stop where you are!" He heard the guard's voice, radioing for reinforcements: "Charlie, we've got an escaped con on the loose, here. No sign of his friends. Description? Male, about five feet, kid, black hair, brown eyes. He's wearing a red hat. He's a Rocket. Get your squad over here! We're 'gonna have a party!" Ash knew that description was him, and he winced at the thought that he was being chased, alone, without any protection from arrest, and a bead of sweat formed on his face. The small boy continued to run, and the fact that he was now being tailed was extra convincing to quicken his pace. Down the Blocks he went: N, O, P, Q, finally......R, where his mom was being held. "Mom! Mom! Wake up!" The appearance of the red-haired woman was ghastly. She was paler than usual, and her eyes were dull and unresponding. Thankfully, she free of chains, and seemingly untouched by the brutal mistreatment of the hellish Celadon City Prison. "Venusaur, Razor Leaf........careful, though!" "Venusauuur!" The Pocket Monster released leaves from his immense flower, which destroyed one section of the bars. From there, it was easy for Ash to slip into the cell and wake his mother. "Mom! Mom!" " came?" The sweet voice was barely a whisper. "I couldn't leave you here, mom, no matter how bad I get!" "Thank you........that's my Ash.... " The boy helped his mother up, and they exited the cell. Unfortunately, by the time the young criminal had started back to the entrance, the prison guards had assembled. "Okay, you, hands up!" Ash thought quickly. If it would work for Jessie and James in the past, when they were enemies, it would work for him. The boy stood up straight, trying to bring his pride on, and shouted loud enough to shatter the eardrums of the older guards, "Prepare for trouble! And make it single! To protect the world from devestation! To unite all peoples within our nation! To denounce the evils of truth and love! To extend our reach to the stars above! Ash! Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light! Surrender now, or prepare to fight! Uh, that's right!" "Huh? What the hell are you talking about? Get your hands up! You're surrounded!" Ash thought again. He noticed that the guards' legs were spread far apart, and had an idea. The boy gave a shout of determination, and dove under the guards' legs, while they fired their guns at the wall. He streaked like a Pidgeotto toward the entrance, avoiding the attacks of the Poke`mon guards. Unfortunately, one could only run so far, and the Rocket began to tire. He slowed, and the prison guards on his tail opened fire, grazing Ash's arm. "Augggggghh...." He groaned in pain, but still persisted in bringing his mother to safety. Block E, D, C, B, A, finally, the main entrance. He stumbled out the door, holding his wounded arm, and at the same time holding his mother. His vision was blurred, and could hardly walk through the mud. The pain bit into the boy like an Ekans bite. Every step was a forced one, every inch a forced inch. But he was forced to continue, if there was any hope of freedom for his family. Some time passed. It was still raining. A Poke`mon Trainer that resembled Ash in mannerism, age, and appearance strolled up a hill towards the Rockets' campsite. He wore a blue cap with a yellow stripe upon it, along with black fingerless gloves and a thick backpack. His sneakers were red, black, and blue. The rest of his attire was green, white, and yellow.. Jessie heard the footsteps and whipped out her binoculars. She identified him easily, between chews: "Its Richie, that twerp! We tried to steal his Pikachu while you were at the Safari Zone!" "You mean Ash's Rival and friend?" Misty asked, holding Pikachu in her lap. "Funny that he would be backtracking to Celadon City! Unless that's where he lives." "Well, whatever the reason, it's ouh chance to nab his Pikachu!" observed James. "'Da Boss'll be real happy!" Meowth speculated. "Then lets hurry up and disguise before he sees us!" Cried Misty. "Pika-Pikachu!" Within seconds, the gang were dressed as crossing guards, though where they were was not even a road, only a vast expanse of mud. However, it suited their purpose, and they took the chance. "There are some cars passing! Better be careful, kid!" Jessie warned. "Cars? Where?" Richie asked, his guard falling. "They're there, but the rain is hiding them," Misty explained. "You know, you look familiar........hey, isn't that Ash's Pikachu?" "Ash who's Ash?" Cassidy inquired. "Ash is......wait........" Jessie couldn't contain herself, and she pulled off her disguise, and the others did the same. For once, they skipped their ubiquitous motto and completely surrounded the frightened boy. "Ahh! They're really from Team Rocket! Wait, aren't you Misty- -------" "Shut up, brat!" Ordered Jessie. "We're going to get your Pikachu and there's nothing you can do about it!" The following battle had a terrible beginning, with Misty pleading with Brock to send out one of his Rock Types. "Come on, Brock! Pikachu's electricity won't affect Onix or Golem! Why don't you help for once?! You haven't been any help today!!" However, the other only turned away, the hardened criminal dwelling in him as a result of the days of his solitary confinement and physical mistreatment, forming a thick barrier between all people, that could only be healed by time and kindness. Also, the slap had silenced him almost completely. Misty groaned in anger, and not all was lost, for Jessie and James had already sent out their Poison monsters to battle whichever happened to be Richie's starter, which happened to be his Pikachu. "Sparky, time for you to show these guys!" "Pi-ka-chu!!!" "Arbok, Glare!" The sleek Cobra slithered towards Pikachu, staring deeply into its eyes, Paralyzing it, much to Richie's horror. James then sent out his Poison Type. "Weezing, Smokescreen!" "Weezing-Weez!" Thick green smoke poured out of the Poison Poke`mon's mouth, blinding the Trainer. Between chokes and coughs, he released his low- key Butterfree. "Go, (cough) Happy! (cough) (cough) Blow this away with Whirlwind! (hack)" "Free, Free............" It flapped its wings at an incredible speed, and the wind cut through the gas easily. By then, it was too late: Sparky was gone. Richie's eyebrows narrowed, angry at both himself for his ignorance and Team Rocket. He started after them, demanding, "Give me back my Poke`Balls!" There was no answer. The boy tore off after his adversaries in a fury, determined to get his monsters back. The rain drove even harder than earlier, causing Richie to slip on the mud, blinding him, reducing his sight to only inches away. He couldn't afford to stumble, though, for his enemies could be miles away by now. Fortunately for him, he kept a steady pace, and finally caught up with them, though seriously out of breath. "Oh, look, it's the twerp, again," Jessie mocked, staring at Richie with her young sharp eyes. "You give me back my Poke`mon, you thieves!" The brown-haired boy shouted, angrily. "I don't think so, Richie........." A boyish voice sounded. "What?? The stunningly familiar voice sent a chill throughout Richie's bones. His eyes widened in horror when the youngest Rocket member appeared in the distance, his weakened mother on his torn arm, with an expression of defiance planted in his exorbiant face, though it was filled with pain. He had lost his passion for everyone save his mother, and had reverted back to his cold, evil self now that his mother was safe. "A--A---A---" Richie's tongue caught in his throat, unable to speak further. The former's teammates were, on the other hand, relieved to see him. "Hey, look, it's Ash!" Misty shouted. "He's huht!" Shouted Butch. "I see the bullet! He was---" "Pikapi!" A frown of confusion crossed Richie's face, unlike the joyus yet worried expressions on Pikachu's and Misty's faces. Finally, he forced words out of his mouth. "Ash........what did you do to yourself?" As the Richie said this, he stared at the bright red R on the former's uniform. Ash smiled nervously. He stared straight into his Rival's eyes, and answered, coolly, though, inside, his mind and heart in turmoil. "I joined them. And-----" The volume of his voice increased, "We're going to steal your Poke`mon." Misty eyed him in disgust, correcting, "Ash, we stole his Pikachu, Sparky! He still has Zippo and Happy!" "Oh, sorry. Okay, then we'll steal them. Go, Pikachu. Snatch them right out........" "Wait, Ash! Don't! You're hurt!" Misty pleaded, though to no avail. The twisted Electric rodent tore towards the Poke`Balls at Richie's belt, grabbing them between his teeth. "Hey! Get away from there!" He shouted, trying to strike Pikachu with his hand, to no avail. "Ya ain't a Poke`mon," Meowth commented. "Ya can't battle Pikachu!" Richie glared at him, eyes sparking, "This isn't a battle! You're NOT getting Happy and Zippo! OR Sparky!" He concluded his short speech by smacking Pikachu. "Chaaaaa!" The yellow mouse flew towards Ash's face, knocking the latter down in surprise. He quickly stood back up and ordered Pikachu, "Try again........" "Pika-Pika!" While this was taking place, the other members watched him. Misty commented, "Wow, Ash really wants to steal Richie's Poke`mon!" "I don't think we should help him he can do it easily by himself," Cassidy remarked. "At least he's doing something and being bright for once!" Remarked Brock with a smirk, his eyes shifting to all the other members. Jessie growled, "Are you saying we're........" "Look who's talking.....again!" Retorted Misty. Everyone else nodded, all quite annoyed with the tempermental member. Ash was readying for the final attacks. He pointed to Richie, and shouted, "Agility, now......" The small mouse quickened, tearing towards Richie, moving at an incredible pace, creating the illusion there was more than one, and dizzying him. Ash gave the final order, that widened the eyes of all present, for their teammate was treating Richie as a Poke`mon.. "Pikachu, Thunderbolt......" The Electric Type glowed, sending a gigantic bolt towards Richie, which was enough to knock him unconscious. Ash ran over to him, removing Happy and Zippo from the former's belt, and placing it into the bag Misty held. By now, his mom was completely awake, and she witnessed the whole demonic deed. Tears slowly fell from her eyes, mixing with the rain that continued to fall. She opened her mouth and softly said, filled with anguish, but contempt quickly replacing it, "I don't know what's happened to you.........You're bold enough to break me out of jail, but you're not kind enough to leave that boy alone. Now I understand.. You had no mercy towards your victims. You deserved what you got.......a bullet......" Her voice trailed off, the true forgiving nature of her heart not permitting her to scold her son more, but the contempt that lay within prevented her from apologizing. Ash went over her words in his mind, realizing that his mother's trust in him was fading. He wanted to say "We didn't want to do it," but he knew that was a downright lie. Ash lowered his head, and his short train of thought began its sad departure. He did feel something for Richie now that he had assauted him, but it was too late to change the deed. Suddenly, his thoughts was interrupted when Jessie suggested, "Enough of this! Lets get moving! We've got to get the kid to a hospital!" James started to whine. "I'm tired!" Her partner scowled, and stood up. She picked up Meowth, who was virtually unconscious having been in the rain for so long, and slung him over her shoulder, since he would not be able to walk. She then kicked James in the mud, which was sufficient to wake him up, and he stood up next to her partner, a little shaken. The other members were wise enough not to act exhausted, and followed her lead, standing up. Perhaps Jessie was reading her Boss's mind, for even before her radio signalled, she picked it up, an angry voice on the other line, and a joyful voice answering it. Interestingly, the former and her partner were in such a magnificent humor that they had forgotten what happened the last time they recited their motto over the phone, or in this case, a radio. The result was expected, bringing pain to everyone's eardrums, for they had picked up their radios, also: "HAVEN'T I TOLD YOU TO NEVER AGAIN RECITE THAT NONSENSE TO ME? IF YOU ARE NOT AT THE CELADON HEADQUARTERS IN THREE MINUTES, I WILL MAKE THE LOT OF YOU RECITE THAT WHILE STANDING ON YOUR HEADS!!!!!!" The conversation ended with an angry oath; their Leader was not in the best of moods, since the taking of Celadon was such an important step in their conquest of the entire island of Poke`mon and beyond. Some members were not aware of this master plan, or didn't have the will to take on such a project. However, all were aware about one thing: that the plans would only get steeper, more complicated, and more risky. The gang sped off towards the city of Grass Poke`mon, taking Mrs. Ketchum with them, leaving Richie unconscious in the mud, his belt void of Poke`Balls and his heart void of his friends.