Legal Stuff: Jessie, James, Meowth, Butch, Cassidy, and all other related characters are copyright to Nintendo, GameFreak, CREATURES, 4KidsEntertainment, SoftX, and TVTokyo. This, as always, is ameteur and nonprofit, and if I'm taking anyone's idea, please tell me and I'll modify it, but that was accidental, coincidental, and unintentional, if it happens. Setting: Lavender Town, and time I don't know. And now, for my fourth comedy...... Rated: PG started: 6/4/00 finished: 6/4/00 The Rocket-Mart by Blue9Tiger It was raining at the town of Lavender. That was a rare occurence, because Lavender Town was always dark, but without rain. The Poke'mon Mart had just closed for the night, and the shopkeeper was busy tallying the day's total, when suddenly, two Rockets appeared in his doorway. "Oh, no, what do you want?" "If you require to know who we are..." "NO! STOP WITH THE MOTTO! We KNOW who you are, and I'm 'outta here!" With that, the man grabbed his cash register, having no success at pulling it out. "OH, NOOOO! Will you guys help me with this?!! I have to get away from you!" "No, we'd just steal---" "SHUT UP, James!" Cried Jessie, silencing him with a paper fan. "Meeeeowth, whadda dope." "We'd be glad to help you with it!" She answered in a sweet voice. But then she realized that she couldn't pull the register out, either. "James, help us!" It was obviously and order, not a plea, and James cursed this fanfic for being Comedy and not JAJRN. But it was his chance to push the storyline toward that category. He grabbed Jessie's two large (CRASH), and she screamed, slamming him on the head. "DON'T GRAB THERE, YOU IGNORAMOUS!" "I'm not ignorant of those! They're huge!" "How about I make that lump exactly the same size?! RRRRGHHH!" Meanwhile, the shopkeeper struggled with the cash register. Meowth decided to loosen it with his claws. Half an hour later, it was out, but the money had fallen out because Meowth ripped holes in it. "Whoops, guess I was strongah 'dan I 'tought..." "AAAAAAAHHH! My cash register! That's it, I'm leaving! You can have the cash register! In fact, you can have the store! I'm going to get my brain transplanted!" "Uuh, there's no such thing!" James called. But the man had already left the store, leaving Jessie and James to take care of his Mart. "Now ya've BOTH done it! We 'gotta get 'dis place fixed up befohe we get custahmers!" "Customers?! You don't mean we're actually going to SELL things here?" "What about Pikachu?" "Meeeeowth, It's 'da poyfect way to get some quick cash!" "If we're recognized, we'll get a QUICK ride to jail!" James whined. "No, we won't, James! Lavender Town citizens are incredibly ignorant to our imaginitive insubordination against the incredulous government!" "HA-HA! YOU COULDN'T MATCH 'DA LAST WOYD! YOU USED A "G" WOYD, INSTEAD OF AN "I" WOYD, WHICH WAS PART OF YOUH ALLITERATION!!" "If you don't quit laughing at me, I'll call you the "B" word, then the other "B" word, then the "GD" "Y" "F" "A" "T" "H", and then I'll kick your scrawny "A" to "H"!!!" "Oh, look who knows her "ABCs!!" "You'd bettuh luhn them befohe youh teeth fall out. But, being the old hag you ahe, that'll be pretty soon!" "RRRRRGHHHHHH!! Butch, since when did you take CASSIDY's lines?!" "Huh?" "Cassidy's always insulting me, you never do, why the sudden switch?" "Maybe they're-----soulmates!" cried James. "'Fess up, you two! You love each other! Go and kiss before I have a chance to throw you out of our store!" Butch and Cassidy suddenly turned a bright red, not able to hide their feelings any longer. They turned so red that an Electabuzz and Scyther ran through the door, with the purpose of beating them up. When stars where swirling above their heads, and enough to fill the Milky Way, and then another galaxy, they kissed. "OOoooooooohhhhhhh!!" James squealed, grabbing a camera. Unfortunately, it was out of film. He grabbed some from the counter and snapped the picture, then gave it to Jessie. "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaa!!! If you don't help us running the Poke'mon Center--I mean---" Suddenly, Nurse Joy walked in. "What do you mean by "The Poke'mon Center"? I run that." "Sorry, I was just-----" "Oh! So you think you can just take my line, right?" "Listen, will you---" "You think you have the brains and the looks to run the Poke'mon Center?!" "The looks, but not the---" "Are you trying to barge in on my profession?!!" "NO! I wouldn't be a Poke'mon Nurse in a million---" "But you used my line?!!!" "Uhhhhhh......" "YOU USED MY LINE!!!!!!! HERE I AM, A SUPPORTING ROLE, WITH A FEW LINES, AND YOU'RE A MAIN CHARACTER, WITH ALL THE LINES, AND YOU STOLE MY LINNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Okay, that's enough. Joy, you can scream all you want at the stationhouse!" "SHE STOLE MY LINEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Meowth looked at the audience, and declared, "Here's a lesson: Don't scream above 90 Decibels when ya 3 FT away from 'da cops' HQ." "As I was saying......If you don't help us run the Poke'mon MART, we'll develop these pictures and send them to the "Unlikely Marriages" newspaper!!!" "Noooooo! Please, Jess, be a pal and don't!!" "Good, then help us run this!!" The next day, Butch was arranging the different levels of Potions on the shelf. "Lets see what we got, hehe. Poke'Potion, Great Potion, Ultra Potion, Master Potion, GS Potion---wait a 'sec!! Meowth, wehe you messing with the Potions?!" "Meowth?" "Don't play nohmal! Tell me!" "Nya-nyaaaaaaaaa!!" "VERY FUNNY. Put a translation, hehe." "Meowth-Meeeowthh!" He leaped on top of Butch and used Fury Swipes. The latter grew red with anger, and was beat up by the Scyther and Electabuzz again. "Here they are, Butch. Ten Revives." "I didn't want Revives. I wanted the right Potions." "What's wrong with the Revives?" "CASSIDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY-----" He cut himself off, looking out the window to see Jenny. "Meowth, give those Potions back, NOW!" Jessie commanded, stomping on his head, and his eyes bulging out so wide that a person with 20/70 vision could see them. "Meeeeeowthhh! Okay, okay! 'Dey're in my-----Meoowthhhhhh!!" James pried open the Scratchcat's mouth, finding all of the Potions. "Do you have a Staryu to clean this off? Ewwwww." That afternoon, customers finally came in, only to find that the Mart was lacking Revives, because Cassidy had the smarts to place them next to the Poke'Balls, and there was a fainted Eevee on the shelf who was conveniently at half energy after the Revives were gone. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-----" "That's enough!" "------KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!" "Now we have more Revives!" "I am not a chemist....I am not a chemist..I am not a chemist.." Cassidy repeated to herself. She mixed up a terrible-smelling mix of junk, and was prepared to test some on her fainted Raticate, when the customers poured in. "WE WANT REVIVES! WE WANT REVIVES! WE WANT REVIVES!" "Okay, fine! Here's your Revives!" "Thanks, creeps!" shouted the customers. An hour later, they returned and complained, "STUPIDS! These aren't Revives! They don't work right! You should have RAISED the prices, not drop them!" "Why not?" asked James, arranging Great Balls on the shelf. "These are Max Revives!" Cassidy sighed in relief, and Jessie, James, Butch, and Meowth were pleasantly surprised that it had worked so well. "Okay, now I'll try and make a Max Potion!" declared Cassidy. Unfortunately, that Potion had the opposite effect, and it killed every single Poke'mon exposed to it, including their Trainers. "Cassidy, you idiot! What did you put in that?!" "Essence of Koffing, Syrup of Weezing, Acid of Ekans, Aroma of Primeape, Eyes of Grimer, Ass of Muk, Big Purple Glob, Original Potion, Original Revive, Poison of Frogs....." "Cassidy, you're more of a witch!" James exclaimed. "(sighhhhhhhhhhhhh) Oh, well, we'd better close the shop before we mess anything else up and lose money." "RRRGGGHH, don't you mean YOU mess anything?!" "True, true," Butch seconded. "Guess it's back to capturing Pikachu." "Meowth, 'dat's right!" "And it's back to the getting caught." "That's right." With that, they left the Poke'Mart, which was later taken over by other Rockets, who sold the Max Revives but not the Max Potions. Then they were driven out of business because the Lavender Town Poke'mon Mart wasn't supposed to have either Max Revives or Max Potions. THE END Comments? Questions? Flames? Send them to I'd be glad to extinguish them. Thanks for reading my fourth comedy. I'm glad you read it, if you did. Look out for ATRRGPX, coming as soon as I finish it. Rgggggg.........