To Be a True Master - The Journey Of a Lifetime Part 16. A New Fire Pokemon Is Added To My Team (Continued) I stood still for a moment, trying to absorb the gravity of the situation. I had beaten Erika, the Gym Leader of Celadon City. With ONE POKEMON. "YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAH!" I shouted, jumping into the air and pumping my fist in victory. I ran over and picked up Growlithe, throwing the little puppy in the air and catching him. Jessie, James and Lark ran over and started celebrating with me, dancing and hugging Growlithe. With tears in my eyes, I held Growlithe in the air victoriously, and he leaned down and tiredly licked my face. Erika stepped forward and handed me a badge, which I pinned beside my other two. "And, now you have proven yourself worthy of the Celadon Gym's Victory prize.," she said solemnly, then smiled. "Actually, it isn't ana official badge, it's something I can't take care of, and I was looking for a trainer for it." Erika handed me a minimized pokeball, and I took it unsurely. "It's a Bulbasaur, and a very powerful one at that," she said. "I hope you'll take good care of, but I must go now, good luck on your journey, Jack." And with that, she was gone. I grinned and hooked Bulbasaur's pokeball to my belt. 'Bulbasaur's said to be the best grass pokemon, and excellent for beginning trainer's teams,' I thought. "Woops, I'd better give Growlithe some potion, he's pretty tuckered out." I fished a small pink bottle from my backpack, then sprayed the entire contents on Growlithe. In moments, he was awake and kicking, barking and licking me ecstatically. "Woah, hold on boy, if ya wanna evolve into an Arcanine, you'll have to stop knocking me down! When you're an Arcanine, you could knock me cold with one tackle, 'kay?" Growlithe looked a little sad at the idea of not being able to tackle me anymore, but then he cheered up and barked he was ready to evolve. "Okay, here goes," I murmured, then touched Growlithe with the red stone. The white glow I was getting used to seeing on my pokemon engulfed Growlithe, and his shape and size changed, elongating and growing more powerful. James whistled approvingly when the glow faded and Arcanine stood proudly. We all jumped back when Arcanine roared, shaking the gym and our bones. Suddenly, the over 6 foot tall tiger turned to face us, and I could see a spark of fury in his eyes. "Arcanine?" I said, walking to him with one hand extended. The next thing I knew, Arcanine pounced on me, and everything went black. ********************************************************************** *********************** Part 17. The Next Step Of The Journey I must've woken up in a pokecenter, at least that was my impression, as there were kids my age carrying injured pokemon in all around me. When I looked up, it was into the comforting face of my traveling companion, Lark. "What haaaapened?" I slurred out, pain radiating from my ribs. "Shh, just keep still, you're hurt, don't make it worse," she said, then wiped tears from her eyes. "I thought you might have died when Arcanine hit you that hard." I shook my head, then made a feeble grin up at her. "What happened?" She took a deep breath, and began. "When Arcanine evolved, he lost all memories of you, and us, and consequently attacked you. I used Drowzee to levitate Arcanine off you, then slam him him into the wall. When that happened, his memories of you came back, and he went back into his pokeball. Then we brought you here to the pokecenter. Nurse Joy says you have some injured ribs, but you should recover within two weeks, if you keep these bandages on and don't make any sudden moves." "Thanks," I said with a smile. She hugged me gently, burying her face in my shoulder for a minute. "So, umm.... Where're my pokemon?" I asked after a moment. "Oh," she said as she pulled back from me. "Here, I had them healed." She unbuckled my belt of pokeballs from above her own and handed them to me. "Great, thanks for everything, now where're Jessie, James and Meowth?" I questioned as I stood up and put on my pokeball belt and jacket. "Last I heard they were still battling in the public gym," Lark said as she handed me my backpack. Just then, the three people in question walked into the pokecenter to heal their pokemon. "You should have been there!" James yelled when he found me. Making motions with his hands and noises appoximating those of a Pokemon battle, James described how his Geodude had evolved into a Graveler, and he had beaten all but one of Erika's Gym Leaders. Jessie ran up and, slightly calmer, explained that her Oddish had evolved into Gloom, then she had bought a Leaf Stone and evolved it into a Vileplume. I was impressed to find out that the two former Team Rocket members had ruled the day, together defeating all challengers and gym trainers. They did fight Erika, and James nearly won with his Graveler. The rest of the day I didn't even suggest going anywhere, my ribs were still hurting. So Jessie, James and Lark spent the day in combat with trainers coming to Celadon Gym, and becoming legends of the gym with their stunning victories. I however spent the day organizing my travel supplies and Pokemon team. I talked with professor Oak for an hour, trading my pokemon back and forth. At the end of that hour I had evolved Vulpix into a Ninetales, and Eevee into a Jolteon. Then I messed around with my Pokemon team, ending up with Charcloy, Arcanine, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Pidgeot and Bulbasaur's pokeballs on my belt. Arcanine I carried for my main fights, because he was incredibly strong. Also so I wouldn't have to take out Charcloy often. I found out from Oak that Charcloys tend to tire after one or two battles, that was their one weakness. So Arcanine was my new starting pokemon, Charcloy my backup. The poor fire-tiger was still feeling guilty about injuring me, but after repeated reassurances that I didn't blame him he finally cheered up. The only time I left the pokecenter that day was to go watch the pokemon battles in Celadon Gym, where I saw just how powerful Jessie, James and Lark were. In spite of the fact that Flareon was her only evolved pokemon, Lark manuevered her Drowzee, Oddish, Pikachu and Flareon skillfully, using their speed attacks to slowly chip away at the slower, more powerful plant pokemon that many of her opponents seemed to favor. James's Graveler, Weezing, Victreebell and Jolteon were powerpackers. The heavy, destructive plant, poison, electric and rock types simply stood their ground and hurled out devastating blows which severely leveled all competition. James never seemed to use the little Spearow I had captured for him in Viridian Forest. I think it was because he was embarassed of the tiny bird trying to compare to his towering muscle-bound starter pokemon. Jessie was usually a fighter, yelling and screaming at her pokemon, but I noticed she began to soften and not get angry at her pokemon when they lost (which was rare.) Her menacing Arbok seemed to shut down competition's defense, leaving the way open for her Jolteon, Lickitung or Vileplume to deliver the killing blow. Unlike James with his Spearow, Jessie let her Doduo battle some, and found that he was a fast little bird, and with patience and time, could actually defeat an evolved enemy. The Dodrio that I had captured in Viridian forest was shared between Jessie and James, and was only called upon once, when James was in trouble. It was a powerful bird, and its loud shrieks had people covering their ears to avoid the sound. I assumed that when Jessie's Doduo evolved, then the Dodrio would pass on to James. Through all of this, I noticed that Lark was true to her word, and never used one pokeball. The one that had belonged to Adrian. At the end of the slugfest that marked Jessie, James and Lark's entry into the Celadon Gym, their score were as follows. (Lark: 20 wins, 3 losses.) (James: 25 wins, 5 losses.) (Jessie: 23 wins, 2 losses.) The Gym was glad to close the doors at the end of the day. The pokecenter that day was constantly filled with injured pokemon as the defeated trainers flooded in, then went back out to challenge Jessie, James and Lark again. I didn't sleep well that night, partially because we were sleeping in a hotel and I was adding up the costs of the two nights, and partially because of my bruised ribs, and still more, I was worried about where the next day would lead us. "Rise and shine!" Lark hollered in my ear the next morning, around seven o clock. "I'll rise, but at this hour, I ain't gonna shine," I growled as I rolled out of bed and prepared to leave. Lark laughed behind me, and tried to wake up Jessie. POW! I chuckled as I poked my head out of the bathroom to see Lark sitting on the floor, looking thoroughly flustered. "What-?" she began. I laughed at her, then slung my backpack over my shoulder. Well, we got on our way at 8:30. After, of course, Queen Jessie had had her fiftful rest, the rest of us spending our time in friendly pokemon battle outside the hotel until she pronounced that we could leave. "So, Eevee, where's the... thunderstone?" Bill's Eevee studied the map, and his stone glowed, then emitted a yellow beam, which centered on a point.... In the middle of the ocean!?! "Are you crazy?" I yelped at Eevee. The furry little animal whimpered and cowered behind Lark, then quickly returned to its pokeball. "How're we going to get there?" James whined, circling with a marker the spot Eevee had pointed out. "Well," I said, scratching my head. "Charcloy can't fly that far, that's for sure, and even if he could, there'd be nowhere to land." I pointed to a large island not far from the appointed spot. "We can fly down to Vermillion, take a ship to Cinnabar, then see what happens from there." "I see what you're getting at, and you'll have to defeat the Vermillion Gym Leader while we go get tickets, so it'll have to be a quick battle," Lark said, then folded up the map and tucked it into my backpack. "That ain't fair!" It was my turn to whine, and so I went all out. "Charcloy'll be too tired from flying to fight, we'll have to give him time to rest before I fight Lt. Surge!" "Use your other pokemon ya big baby!" Lark countered. "Don't always rely on Charcloy!" "I almost never use Charcloy, and Electric attacks would knock out Pidgeot, Arcanine, Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Bulbasaur, who isn't strong enough to defeat that mean Raichu!" I blasted back. "Well then that's your problem for training your pokemon badly!" "It has nothing to do with my pokemon's training, it's their weaknesses!" "They can be strong against their weaknesses if you'd train 'em better!" "I'm only a beginner! I'm good enough to have all my starters except Bulbasaur fully evolved!" "That's got nothing to do with it, you evolve your pokemon too soon! You just catch 'em and evolve them, give 'em more time!" "Evolution pumps up a Pokemon's power!" "It makes them lose attacks!" "I make sure they know all their attacks before I evolve them!" "Ya Big Baby!" "Nerd!" "Amateur!" "Dork!" "Idiot!" "SHUT UP!" "BOTH OF YOU!" "NOW!" Lark and I instantly halted our argument, looking in surprise at the flaming mad Jessie, James and Meowth. "Stop arguing, let's just get it over with, I don't like flying on that big dragon!" Meowth yowled. I stuck out my tongue at the cat, and released Charcloy. Lark and I quickly forgot the argument, and I hit upon a brilliant plan, use Abra to fight Surge. So I temporarily traded in Vaporeon for Abra. On the flight over Pokemon Island to Vermillion, Charcloy took it slow and easy on my orders. Lark released her Drowzee, and he began to teach Abra the psychic attack Confusion. It worked out well too. Halfway to Vermillion, Abra used Confusion for the first time, knocking out a Fearow that was diving and circling through the air. I captured the Fearow, not easily, because the pokeball fell to the ground after Fearow was caught. Pokedex came in useful then, automatically reaching out and retrieving the pokeball to beam to Professor Oak. "Now that Abra knows Confusion, I'll have a better chance of defeating the Vermillion Gym Leader," I said with a grin when Charcloy began his descent to Vermillion's street. "Ground!" Jessie cried. "We love it so!" James continued. "So let us go," Meowth said with tears in his eyes. "Sweet... Solid... Ground!" Jessie, James and Meowth yelped together after collapsing and kissing the ground upon landing. "Aaaaabra!" I reached out, but couldn't catch Abra. The small psychic, pokemon, which had been sleeping, fell and hit the ground, hurting nothing mroe than its pride as our entire crew, even Charcloy burst out in laughter. The little Abra stood up indignantly, brushing itself off. "Zzzzeeeoum!" Abra glowed for a moment, then evolved! "Oh yes! I got a Kadabra, now I can vape Surge!" "Ka-Dabra!" Kadabra barked, spinning his psychic spoons skillfully. "Right, so we're off to go get the tickets, we'll meet you back here in about thirty minutes, 'kay?" Lark asked, then ran off without waiting for me to respond. I muttered to myself, then recalled Charcloy. "Okay, let's go, Kadabra," I said cheerfully as I walked across the street to the Vermillion Gym. "Ka-dabra," Kadabra said as it slowly looked up and down the massive doors of the Vermillion Gym. He studied it for a moment, his brilliant mind pumping. I stepped into the dark lobby of the Vermillion Gym. "You'd think with this being an electric gym they'd have enough electricity to turn on some lights," I joked to Kadabra nervously. The psychic merely studied me for a moment, then nodded. "You wanna challenge me?" asked a heavy, weird accent. "You must be nuts, no one's ever defeated me, 'sept for that two kids..." A truly imposing man stepped into the light that poured in from the still-open doors. Fully 8 or 9 feet tall, the man wore army clothes, and a dog tag around his neck. "Ash Ketchum and Gary Oak? I asked curiously. "Yeah, those were them,. the babies!" "You're Lt. Surge, sir?" I asked in a timid voice as it soaked into me that only Ash, Pallet's hero, and Gary, the boy I had defeated had ever beaten Surge. If I could triumph over Ash's rival Gary, and his hardest battle yet, Lt. Surge.... Then that would mean I was as good as, if not better than Ash. I heard it had taken Ash two tries, and some tricks to win. "Yeah, that's me! You here to fight me, baby?" "Yep! I, Jack Soniq of Pallet Town, do hereby challenge you to a pokem-" "Save the introduction, kid, as Gym Leader I have to accept all challenges, you don't have to go through all that!" Surge said with a smirk. "Right!" I chirped. "So, where's your battle arena? Let's get the battle on!" Surge reached to his left and flipped a switch. Lights burst to life, and Surge's 'throne' was dropped down through the floor by way of a secret panel. I jumped back as I realized that I was standing on the challenger's side of the battle arena. Surge made a mighty jump and landed across the gym in his appropriate space. "The Gym leader, Lt. Surge, is using a Raichu. The challenger, Jack Soniq, is using a Kadabra, let the battle begin, no time limit," droned a voice, but I noticed it droned more describing me and my pokemon. "Kadabra, go!" I yelled, pointing to the center of the fighting circle. Kadabra teleported to the spot in a moment. Lt Surge released a powerful-looking Raichu, which immediately ran to its space. "Okay Raichu, let's start him off with a Body Slam!" Surge ordered. Raichu built up speed, then hurled himself at Kadabra. "Teleport away fast Kadabra!" I advised. Kadabra flickered for a moment, then reappeared behind the hastily slowing Raichu. "Now Disable it Kadabra!" Kadabra reached out a clawed hand, and suddenly Raichu staggered. I got a mental message from Kadabra saying that Raichu's thuderbolt had been disabled. Apparently Surge had received the same news, because he suddenly howled and smashed his fist into the wall behind him. "Okay then Raichu, we'll have to use Take Down!" Surge bellowed, face red in fury. "Kadabra, Teleport and Confusion," I shot back. Raichu made a fast move to grab Kadabra, but ended up staggering across the gym holding air. Kadabra reappeared behind Raichu, then using his Psychic powers, picked up the electric opponent, hurling him to the ceiling, where he lay flat for a moment before dropping to the floor. Raichu jumped back up again, hardly hurt. The battle went on like that for twenty minutes, Raichu charging, Kadabra dodging, then sending Raichu into another wall. And Lt. Surge got angrier and angrier, as the time ticked by, Raichu inflicting no damage, Kadabra chipping away at his opponent. "Okay Kadabra," I yelled, trying to keep up my confidence in this bnoring fight, "finish it, give 'im your best Confusion!" Kadabra concentrated for a moment, and begana to glow. His spoons began to rattle in his hands. "Raichu, he's hesitatin'! Givvim a Body Slam!" Surge cried triumphantly. Raichu built up speed, and came neared Kadabra. Kadabra glowed brighter. Raichu neared. Kadabra's eyes opened. Raichu began his dive into the air. "SSHHEEEEZZZEEEEECH!" Kadabra's spoons emitted purple and red beams, which joined together, slamming into the flying Raichu. Raichu was knocked back thirty feet. As he spiraled through the air, the beam of energy kept up with him. Tendrils of the red and purple beam craeled over Raichu, seemingly electrocuting him. When Kadabra's attack ended, Raichu hit a wall, then slid down to the floor, where he lay unconscious. "Raichu!" Lt. Surge bellowed, then recalled the fainted pokemon. "Here, take the Thunderbadge and go!" Surge said, and angrily tossed me the gold badge. "Thanks, sir," I said with a nod, then recalled Kadabra and pinned the badge to the inside of my jacket. I got outside just as the rest of my team arrived, boasting tickets on a fast two-day cruise over to Cinnabar. "This works out perfectly," Lark said as she showed me the tickets. "The ship's Captain said he'd drop us off at an island only a mile away from Cinnabar, rent us some diving equipment, and we can stay on the island and go diving for the stone. When we're done, we just fly over to Cinnabar," Lark finished with a triumphant and somewhat smug grin. "You seem to be the only one so passionate about taking out Ultrareon," I joked at Lark as we walked away from the Vermilion Gym. "Well at least someone in this group is," she shot back at me. I frowned. "When does this ship set sail?" Lark looked at me and smiled. "Oh, tomorrow, I chose the later one to give you time to roam around the fields to the west of Vermilion." "Ooooh! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" I burst out, hugging her and lifting her several inches off the ground. "I'm gonna an Arbok, then one of those Sandshrews, and oh boy! A drowzee!" I bubbled out happily as I took off to the west gate of the city. "There he goes again!" James howled and chased after me "Looks like Team Rocket's chasin' Jack again!" Mewoth cried as he started off. "We should be getting used to this," Jessie and Lark said together. ********************************************************************** *********************** Part 18. The Pallet Trainer's Steady Obstacle! Well, I don't need to bore you with the details of how I captured Sandshrew and Drowzee, but it wasn't easy, especially in Drowzee's case. The ugly little sucker knew Hypnosis and Dream Eater and knocked out my Jolteon and Pidgeot before Arcanine ended the battle with his powerful Take Down attack. Arbok was a whole other story.... "Eeeeeeyaaaaaaah!" I screamed as I took a one way flight back into the road. I had been crawling around in the fields, when a huge purple vine of some sort had smashed into me unexpectedly, propelling me ten feet back into the road. "Chaaaaaar-boka!" Something snarled, then the fear-inspiring 12 foot monster known as Arbok slithered out of the field to confront the enemy who had disturbed it. Colored purple, with a wide neck and chin that had various paintings on it, the gigantic snake was truly a force to be reckoned with. "Holy Smokes, let's go Arcanine!" I yelped as I tossed out a pokeball and jumped to safety. "Arcanine, give it a hard Take Down attack! Arbok reared its head back, preparing its attack. At the same moment that Arbok jerked his head and spewed forth green stingers, Arcanine tackled him. Arbok's head was snapped back, and his green poison spines sprayed around him. I ducked the spray of deadly thorns, and felt two or three puncture my backpack. After I was sure the danger was over, I looked up. Arcanine had the mighty Arbok pinned down, and was breathing flames into the snake's face angrily. On the other hand, Arbok's tail was wrapped around Arcanine, constructing painfully. "Okay, my turn now, Arcanine, jump off him quickly!" I ordered, prepping a new Great Ball. "Zzzzzip!" Arbok was sucked into the Great Ball just a split second after Arcanine leapt away. "That's twenty-one pokemon!" I yelped. "At this rate, I'll pass Ash, become a pokemon master, and make the town of Pallet known across the world!" I said truiphantly as I rubbed Arcanine's head. "Did you say Pallet?" Asked a sharp voice behind me. I turned, and saw a short, stocky boy about my age emerge from the grass. He wore strange ninja armor and carried a sword. "I am Samurai," he stated proudly. "I am also swift, cunning, and completely invincible in battle!" He ended, striking a fighting pose. "So, you want a match?" I asked while looking him up and down. "Yes!" Samurai chirped. "I have been awaiting anxiously the day I could challenge the next trainer from Pallet! So far I have fought every trainer to emerge from the town." "How many'dja beat?" I asked. "That is not important! The battle is, so choose your Pokemon, Novice and prepare to be defeated in combat!" Samurai removed a pokeball from under his heavy armor jacket. "Pinsir, prepare for battle!" he barked, tossing out his first pokemon. "Then I choose Arcanine," I said, turning to my fire-wolf. Arcanine nodded and trotted towards the Pinsir. "Pinsir, use your Swords Dance, power up!" Samurai ordered. Pinsirbowed down, and red and white energy soaked into hsi body, visibly pumping him up. "Let's start with flamethrower, Arcanine, but be careful of his next attack, he's dangerous!" Arcanine barked, then breathed a harsh spiral of fire. The attack slammed into Pinsir, blowing him back and rolling him head over heels into the grass, where the only visible part of his body, his feet, remained still. Samurai's shoulders tensed and he stretched out Pinsir's pokeball, returning the lost attempt. "Now, go Butterfree!" He yelled, calmly dropping a new pokeball to the ground. As the bug-type emerged and flapped up into the air, I formulated a fast and effective tactic. "Arcanine, give it a flamethrower three times, varying in intensity, going from low to high power!" I commanded. Arcanine thought for a moment, then turned back to the battle. I hadn't noticed Samurai giving his own order, and as soon as Arcanine turned to face Butterfree, he received the brunt of a powerful psybeam. The multicolored beam slammed into Arcanine explosively, shattering his defense. Arcanine roared and pressed forward against the continuing beam, standing up to it until it ended. Still weak, Arcanine barked quickly and let loose a quick burst of fire. The spear of flames hit Butterfree's left wing, spinning him around. Before Butterfree could react, Arcanine sent out a longer spear of fire, hitting Butterfree's right wing and spinning him again. "Finish him now Arcanine!" I said with a smirk at the awestruck Samurai. Arcanine stood on his hind legs, then let loose with a huge, and rather unnecessary blast of killer fire, engulfing Butterfree. Samurai recalled the knocked out pokemon before Arcanine's attack even ended. "Oh no! Time for emergency battle mode, go Haunter!" Fear turned my blood cold as the black ghost pokemon appeared. Only when caught off guard could Haunter's fire weakness be exploited. Other than that, physical attacks just went right through him. "Arcanine, give me your best Roar, and build up for a super fire attack!" Arcanine nodded as he realized the gravity of the situation through my voice. I covered my ears, Samurai looked puzzled, and Haunter did a flip in the air. The air was quickly filled with Arcanine's deafening roar. It shook me to my very bones, and could rival Ultrareon's. My senses were jumbled for a minute, and strange thoughts flashed through my head. I dimly registered a flash of red and orange, then I slowly came out of my weird state. As reality rushed back to me, I saw Samurai holding a pokeball out to me and talking. Slowly, his words made sense to me. "-Is weak. I do not like ghost or psychic types, I prefer poison, bug and fighting, and you have proven your worth on the field. Therefore I am awarding you this Haunter, I hope you train it well, farewell." I stood, jaw dropped, until Samurai finished his speech and ran off down the road. Wow! My favorite pokemon were Charizard, Haunter, Arcanine and Kadabra in that order, so it was quite a shock for me to actually receive my second favorite just like that! Now I had 22 types! I grinned and turned to Arcanine, who was sitting, panting and staring at me curiously. "Thank you!" I cried, then hugged Arcanine tightly. "You're my second best friend, thanks for everything." Arcanine apparently didn't like shows of affection, and he just nuzzled my shoulder in a friendly manner, growled and nodded towards Vermilion. "Yup," I said. "We had better get going, common, you can stay out of your pokeball." To Arcanine, and indeed all pokemon, this seemed a special treat, so I awarded the honor to Arcanine. He was also convenient, since he could sense danger, and was big enough for me to ride if I needed to get somewhere fast. Possibly to be continued. AUTHOR'S NOTE: Due to lack of feedback on this story (I have received only one message in three months about it) I have decided to temporarily discontinue this series. I'm sorry if anybody actually enjoyed this story, if you did, please e-mail me and if the next part is finished, I'll sent it to you. If people begin to tell me what they like and don't like about this, if they liked the story or they think I'm a washout, then I'll continue it. Until then, this is the abrupt end. Goodbye. Brenndon Juster II -