"Me and some guys from school Had a band and we tried real hard Jimmy quit, Jody got married, Should've known, we'd never get far Oh when I look back now That summer seemed to last forever And if I had the choice, yeah, I'd always wanna be there Oh those were the best days of my life" Dawn led Ash, Brock and Misty down a cobblestone road while the sun was setting. More people were walking around, because it was cooler now because the sun's rays were almost gone. The street lights went on and a light ocean breeze lifted off the water and drifted through Kalo Island. "Okay, I'm going to show you all the shopping places, restaraunts, and all those other stuff. So, try to remember all this stuff." Until 10:30 at night, Dawn had showed them almost all of the restaraunts and stores, and Ash and Misty had to go to the bathroom really bad. One problem- they were on the other side of the island, 8 miles away from their house. So Dawn brought them into a restaraunt where Ash and Misty rushed into the bathroom. "Hey Brock?" Dawn asked as they waited outside. He looked down at her. "Yeah?" He asked. "Promise you won't say anything about this conversation?" "Yeah, I promise." "Okay, does Ash like Misty?" Dawn asked, sitting down on a bench. Brock looked surprised. "Yeah, he's friggin' crazy for her? Is Misty?" "Hell yeah. She doesn't stop talking about him. 'Cuz I was thinking, we should put them on a blind date." Brock nodded. "That's a good idea. Oh here they come." Dawn finished, "Okay, We'll talk on the balcony tonight." Brock grinned and Dawn could tell some dirty thoughts were going through his head, but she ignored him. "This stays between us. Got it?" Dawn ordered. Brock drew back alittle then nodded. "Well it took ya two long enough, let's get going." Brock joked. Then he paused. "Uh, how long will it take to get back?" "Um, we could take Lapras on the water, we should be there twenty minutes at the most." Dawn started walking to the beach, where she grabbed a pokeball and threw it onto the water. A red light came out and there stood and 8'2'', 485 pound sea creature. "Lapras, can you bring us home?" Lapras nodded it's large head and let out an enchanting, bone chilling cry. They all boarded onto Lapras and Vaporeon swam next to Lapras as they started going at a quick pace along the waters. The shores creeped by as the water spread in front of them. "I'm tired..." Ash groaned. "That's what this island can do to ya'." Dawn told them. They sped past palm trees, and houses, stores, and beaches, until around 15 minutes later, they arrived on the beach right behind Dawn's house. "Thank you so much, Lapras." Dawn hugged the animals neck and threw it a treat. "Yeah, thanks," Everyone else said. Then Dawn called it back into it's pokeball. They walked quickly up the beach, with Vaporeon just ahead of them. Then they reached a porch which had two hammocks and a swinging bench. Dawn swung open the screen door and quietly led them inside. The house was completely dark, because Dawn's mom had to go to bed early so she could go to work in the morning. She worked at the pokemon center, working on pokemn that were badly injured. Dawn brought them up to their rooms, where Misty and Ash fell asleep on their beds the second they touched them. A few minutes later, Dawn got up and saw Brock walking towards the balcony. He opened the door quietly, and Dawn brought him to an area where Ash and Misty couldn't hear through the window. The balcony overlooked the ocean, a few small island, and palm trees. "Okay, since we're going to set them up on a blind date, we gotta keep them from telling each other." Brock said, leaning against the railing, his back towards the ocean. "So I'll tell Misty that Ash'll probably get jealous, so she shouldn't tell him." Dawn said. "I'll do the same. Okay, so where should they go?" "Uh, well, Misty's always wanted to go to a really fancy restaraunt. And then, there's a pier and at Sunset, it's really pretty. We could take them there." Dawn figured. "Good Idea. So when should they go?" Brock asked. "How about on Thurseday. Today's Friday, so I'll say some guy I know is looking for just her type." Dawn announced. Brock nodded. "Do you know any fancy restaraunts?" He asked. Dawn looked up at the star filled sky. "Yeah, it's right next to Kalo Pier, it's called 'Sea Breeze'" Dawn told him. "It's really nice." So they spent until midnight talking about the plan, before they stumbled, exhausted, into bed.