________________________________________________________________________________ _____ Disclaimer- I don’t own Poke’mon, Megas XLR, or an encyclopedia set. Please review. All Cooped Out Coop leaned back in his seat and took a big slurp out of his Mega Slush. “Ahh. Mega Slush. Now all I need to do is get a cheese steak sub and I’ll have a full snack. “Can we get back to training now?” asked Kiva. The red-headed girl sat in the seat next to Coop, typing on Megas’s computer. “The Glorft are bound to attack any minute!” “I can take care of them.” said Coop. “As well as any robots or mutants the bring with them.” “Yeah Kiva,” said Jamie, the black-haired boy in the back seat. “No one can beat us with Megas. We might as well just sit around and relax.” “First cheese steak subs. Then relaxing.” said Coop. “Puny Human! You cannot defeat us!” said a mysterious, booming voice. “It’s the Glorft!” said Kiva. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll just kick their butts again.” replied Coop. “Not this time, meat bags!” said the Glorft leader. “Release the warp hole!” A giant hole appeared in the sky. “What the-” stuttered Coop. “I can’t control Megas! We’re getting pulled in!” “Great! Yet again you get us in a situation which could get us killed!” yelled Kiva. “Hey, if you had just let me get my Mega Slush earlier, I’d be destroying them!” yelled Coop in reply. Meanwhile, in the Poke’mon dimension- “As I was saying,” said the brown-haired boy, “Superman could kick Spiderman’s butt.” “No way, Brock.” said the black-haired boy walking next to him, “Spiderman has all the powers of a spider and a man. I mean, he can shoot webs. Can Superman shoot webs? No, I don’t think so.” “I don’t know why I started traveling with you two again,” said the redheaded girl walking behind them. “First thing, Ash, Spiderman lacks the ability to shoot lasers from his eyes and he is not practically invincible like Superman. Yet, Brock, Superman lacks in the agility apartment and depends on brute strength rather than planning, like Spiderman.” The little electric rodent Poke’mon on Ash’s shoulder squeaked in wonder. “How did you know all that?” asked Ash. “I went through my attic while I was waiting for my sisters to get back from they’re cruise, and I found my dad’s old comics. Bless his soul.” “Gee, Misty. I never knew you’re father was dead. “ said Brock. “He’s not. My sister dumped him into one of those old folks homes, even though he is only fifty-nine. He hates it there.” Suddenly, a giant hole appear in the sky. “What is that?” yelled Ash. Something started to fall out of it. It looked like a giant robot. “Take cover!” yelled Brock. Meanwhile, in the same dimension only from the other groups point of view… “Hold on, guys! I think we’re in for a bumpy landing!.” yelled Coop, as Megas crashed to the ground. “Wait a second, I’m getting control of Megas!” “Great,” yelled Jamie. “Now the crash will be even worse!” “We aren’t gonna crash,” said Coop. He flipped a switch on the dashboard and the rockets turned on. He flew over a whole bunch of trees and landed in a field. He could see a whole bunch of little creatures scurrying around Megas’s feet. “Kiva, where are we?” asked Jamie. “It seems we’re in an alternate dimension. We have to get back through that portal before it closes!” “You’re a little late.” said Jamie, as he watched the hole get smaller until it disappeared. “Great.” said Coop. “We’re in an alternate dimension, and I spilled my Mega Slush. Can things get any worse?” ________________________________________________________________________________ _____ Well, that is pretty mush all I could come up with for this part. I have a word of warning to all of you. What ever you do, DO NOT TRY TO WRITE A FANFIC WITH MEGAS XLR AND POKE’MON IN IT! It is hard. For now I bid you all adios (I am not Spanish, I just learn it in school.) An can you please review? I am desperate! Well, not desperate, but I really would like some reviews of any of my fanfic.