The Life of a Bulbasaur Part One ________________________________________________________________________ Authors note: I declare that this shall be a story told from a Bulbasaur’s point of view, from birth to death (if I get that far). you all know I don’t own Poke’mon, ‘cause if I did I would probably pay scientists to make a living Bulbasaur. Now, to the fanfic! Enjoy! I sat, in the dark, squished between the walls, ceiling, and floor. I started to rock, back and forth, trying to find a way out. Then out of the ceiling, came a light. I pushed my head through the hole the light came from. I was in a new world. Everything around me was colored, bright shades of green and red and yellow. Light was coming down from the blue sky. A large green Poke’mon was staring at me. It looked scary at first, but then I saw the look on its face. It was caring. I knew I could trust it. The word immediately came to me. Mom. I broke out of the rest of my dark prison and looked at myself for the first time. I was green and scaly, like my mom, only she had a large, colorful growth on her back. Flower. My mom picked a small, hard something off the ground and placed it on my back. I felt a sharp pain, and let out a cry. Suddenly something spurted out of my back, yet it was still connected to me, like the one on mom. I looked at Mom, and she looked back at me. She moved around back of me and nudged my hindquarters. I stood up on my feet for the first time. Next, she stood next to me and lifted one of her front legs. I copied her. Then she set it on the ground in front of her. I did the same. Then she did it with her other front leg. So did I. Then she did it with one of her hind legs. And with the other. I yet again copied her. I seemed to have moved a little. She did it again, only faster. I did it. I moved further that time. Walking. My stomach had a funny feeling. Hunger. I started to cry. My mother nudged the growth on my back so it faced toward a ball of light in the sky. Sun. I felt energy go into the bulb. The feeling went away. My throat grew dry. Thirst. My mother led me to a round hole with a clear blue liquid in it. I instinctively licked some up with my tongue. After a few licks, I was satisfied. My mother started walking towards some, tall, brown things. Trees. She took a few steps, then she called to me in a language I somehow understood. I followed her, stumbling a bit. We were soon surrounded by trees. Two words came to my mind. Forest. Home. We walked for a while, until Mom stopped. I walked in front of her to see why she stopped. Another Poke’mon was standing there, a lot like mom, yet a bit different. He had the same caring face, yet slightly more stern. Dad. Around Dad were five more creatures, like me. Brothers. Sisters. They walked beside me, sniffing me. One by one, they lost interest and started tackling each other playfully. I decided to join in. I ran and jumped at one, then he jumped on top of me. Fun. Our parents pulled us apart with vines that came from under their flowers. We started struggling to get loose and back to our game, so our parents gave up. After a while, we got tired. It grew darker. The Sun started going away. I stared at the new, dark sky in fright, wondering if the Sun would come back. The feeling in my stomach came back. I pointed my bulb at the sky, yet no energy filled it like before. I started crying. My mother walked over to me and dropped something on the ground. I sniffed it. I smelled good. I saw my father ram a tree. More of these things fell down. My siblings walked over to them and started eating them. My mother nudged the thing towards me. I took a bite. Fruit. I took another. I kept eating until it was gone. The feeling left me again. Now a new feeling filled me. Sleepiness. My eyelids grew heavy, and I fell unconscious. Sleep. It was a like I was floating. Pure bliss. I was in the blue sky, with my brothers and sisters. We were all floating. Dream. We floated there, happy, talking in our special language, and then the Sun disappeared again. The sky grew dark, and we all fell. I awoke before I hit the ground. Nightmare. I opened my eyes. The sun was back. I sucked in some energy and looked around. All my siblings were up, and so were my parents. We started wrestling again. One of my two brothers jumped on top of me and wouldn’t get off. I instinctively sent out a vine like my parents and lifted him off. My family stared at me with awe. After a while, we got bored of wrestling, so my brothers and I went exploring. We instinctively stayed in the forest, though. We waded through the leaves, looking at all the Caterpie, Metapod, Weedle, and Kakuna, with whom we shared the forest. I heard footsteps coming from a clearing ahead. My brothers told me in our language to stay down. We tiptoed to the clearing and watched the strange creatures. They were not Poke’mon. They talked in a different language, that somehow we understood. They wore coverings over their bald skin. Humans. ________________________________________________________________________ Remember- Bulbasaur are part plants. That means they use photosynthesis. That means that THEY DO NOT LEAVE WASTE! You know what I’m talking about, and I will not write such things in my fanfic. Even when they actually use their mouths to eat, it still gets converted into oxygen. Sorry about that. It was bugging me. Also, I would like reviews and maybe a nomination for the Readers Choice Award for any of my fics.