Disclaimer: I do not own Poke’mon or Lunchables, even though both are cool. Also this is supposed to be set in Johto. That’s why Ash still has Bulbasaur and Misty still has Togepi J Way to the Poke’mart “Pika Piiiiiii! (NOOOOO! NOT THE KETCHUP!” screamed the electric rodent. “Pikachu, we can get more ketchup.” comforted Ash, the Poke’mon’s trainer. “I mean, the bottle is just empty.” “Pika, Pi Pika Chu (You’re right, Ash)” Pikachu squeaked back. The black- haired boy pulled a few dollars and a Poke’ball out of his pocket. He released the Bulbasaur from the Poke’ball and gave Pikachu the money. “You guys go to the Poke’mart and pick up some ketchup and some more hotdog Lunchables. We’re out of them, too. And hurry up. We’re planning to get back on the road by 4:00.” “Bulba! (Gotcha!)” said the Dinosaur-like Poke’mon. The two Poke’mon walked out of the Poke’mon center and started down the road. “Pi Pika Pika Chu Ka Pika! (Can’t wait to get more ketchup!)” sang the yellow mouse. “Bulba Bulba Saur! (Mustard is better.) “Pika ( Nuh-uh)” “Saur (Yuh-huh)” “Togepi Pi Togepi Toge Toge Pi Togepi. Togepi Toge! (Misty told me to come with you guys to get relish. It is the best burger topping ever!) “Pika! (Nuh-uh!)” “Saur Bulba. Saur Bulb. (I agree with Pika. Relish is worse than ketchup.)” “Togi, Toge Toge Pi Togi Tog Ti Toge Toge Pi! (Yeah, well try saying Toy Boat five times fast.)” “Pika, Pika, Pika Piki, Pooka, Piiiiiii! (Toy boat, toy boat, toy boat, ti boat, tie boots, dang it!”) “Pi Toge! (Haha)” “Bulba, Bulb Bulba. (Uh, guys, we’re here.”) The three Poke’mon walked into the store and went to the toppings aisle. “Pika Pi Pika Chu! (I’ll get the delicious red gold, a.k.a. ketchup, Togepi, you get the relish, and Bulbasaur, you get the Hotdog Lunchables.)” All three Poke’mon got the things they need. They met at the front of the store and walked to the counter. “Oh,” said the clerk “Three Poke’mon. I’ll get Delibird.” A huge ark red bird walked up to the counter. “Deli! Delibird? (Hello! Is this all you’re buying?” “Pika! (Yup!)” “Deli, Deli Delibird. (Okay, that will be $7.54.)” “Bulbasaur. (Here you go.)” “Deli. Delibird. (Thank you. Come again.)” Togepi then spotted a clock behind the counter. “Togi! Togi Toge Togepi! (Holy Crap!” It’s 3:55!)” “Bulba Bulbasaur Bulba! (We’re gonna be late!)” “Pikaaaaaaaa! (Look, there’s an Abra!)” “Bulba Bulb Bulbasaur? (Hey, Abra, can you teleport us to the Poke’mon Center?)” “Abraaaaaa. (Surrrrrre.)” Abra teleported the Poke’mon to the Center just in time. Pikachu had his ketchup, Togepi had her relish, Ash had his Hotdog Lunchables, and Bulbasaur got gypped and went to the store for nothing. The end. ________________________________________________________________________ I just wrote this to get away from my regular fanfic A Rocket’s World. After I do the sixth chapter I’m gonna do a few one chapters and maybe a few multi- chapters. I’d appreciate reviews. J