Disclaimer: I'm back again. While I was sailing the 7 seas I was able to find a idea for my next fanfic. This one is a other story. Just remember that I don't own Pokemon. Enjoy the story. Author Notes: This one is during Ash's adventure in the Orange Islands. At The Farm by Captain Bones Narrator: Today our heroes on heading towards another island to take a break from heading towards Trovita Island. Unaware of what adventure awaits them on that island. Ash: There it is! Misty: Land Ho! Tracey: But that's isn't Trovita Island. Ash: True. But we can rest there from a while. Besides Lapas needs some rest too. Misty: I wonder if anybody else is on the Island. Ash: So let's check it out! On the island Ash: Thanks for the ride Lapas. Ash returns Lapas to it's Pokeball. Tracey: Now that were here let's rest. Misty: Yeah. Just then a purple haired woman wearing a red overall came to the area. Woman: Hello there. Ash: Huh? Misty: Who are you? Woman: I'm Jennifer. Come with me. Ash, Misty and Tracey: Okay. They followed her to a Farm house. Ash: It's a Farm. Jennifer: Yes. This is where my husband and I live. Tracey: So your married. Jennifer: Let me take you to him. The trio followed Jennifer, till they saw a black bearded man picking apples from a tree. Jennifer: David! David: Oh there you are Jennifer. I just finish picking the apples. Jennifer: I found these young trainers on the beach. David: You three must be travelers. Ash: Well yea. David: I'm David. It's nice to meets you. Ash: I'm Ash from Pallet Town. Pikachu: Pikachu. Misty: I'm Misty. Togepi: Toge Togepi. Tracey: And I'm Tracey. David: That would be enough. Ash: Huh? David: I meant the apples. Jennifer: Why don't you come in, and have something to eat? David: She is a good cook. And I believe you three might be hungry after your trip to here. Ash, Misty, Tracey, Pikachu and Togepi: Sure. Jennifer: So your planning to participate in the Orange League. Ash: Yeah. Misty: He ranked in the top 16 in the Indigo League. David: How many badges do you have? Ash: I have only 2 badges. Tracey: He is half way there. Misty: We'll on our way to Trovita Island. Ash: We traveled from Island to Island on my Lapas. Misty: We came here to rest for a while. And Ash's Lapas needed to rest too. Tracey: That's why we are here. David: We just glad you came. We haven't had guest here for a long time. Jennifer: There is something you should know. Ash: What's that? Jennifer: In the Orange League you will battle only one guy. Ash: What do you mean? David: He is the Leader of the Orange crew. Jennifer: If you win you will get the trophy. David And another prize. Ash: What is the other prize? Jennifer: I'm sorry, but we can't tell you that. David: That's all we know about the Orange Leauge. Misty: At least you got some information. Tracey: You'll learn more when you have all four badges. Ash: Well what ever the other prize is, I will win it! Pikachu: Pi pikachu! Two minutes later Ash, Misty and Tracey: Thanks for the food. Pikachu: Pikachu. Togepi: Toge Togepi. Jennifer: I'm glad that you liked it. David: By the way, if you don't mind we would like you to help us with some of the things we do here. Ash: Well ok. Misty: Sure we help. Tracey: Anything just name it. David: Great! Thanks. Jennifer: Here's what you're do. Ash you feed the chickens. Misty will water the garden. And Tracey can help us milk the cows. Ash, Misty and Tracey: Ok. Ash grabbed a large bag of corn. Ash: Sometimes chickens are be a bit noisy. Misty: Yea. It's like they might make us unable to get some sleep. Ash: Here chick chick chick! While Ash feed the chicks, Misty watered the garden. Misty: There is a lot of good food here. David: I'm sure you'll find it like a collection. Misty: I do. Three hours later Tracey: We're done! David: We are thankful for all you done for us. Jennifer: Would you like to spend to night here? Ash, Misty and Tracey: Sure. Jennifer: Dinner is almost ready. Ash: We can have a good night sleep and go to... Ash was interrupted by David. David: Wait a mintue Ash. Ash: What's wrong? Pikachu: Pika? David: We would like you to stay here for 2 more days. Misty: Huh? Ash: What!? Jennifer: Once every week the food in our garden were stolen by a trio of thives. Tracey: Robbers? David: It happens every Tuesday. Jennifer: Since today is Sunday I figured out that you three were not the thives. David: The robbers are two adults and a Pokemon. Misty: Ash do you think the robbers are Team Rocket? Ash: They could be. Tracey: Did you ever heard about Team Rocket? David: Yes we have. Jennifer: The group that steals Pokemon. Ash: They might be the thives. Misty: No matter where we go, we always encounter them. Togepi: Ioge Togepi. David: Our Pokemon tried to stop them, but they used Weezing's Smokescreen attack. Jennifer: And we don't have any Pokemon that can blow the smoke away. Tracey: My Scyther can help. Misty: Do you want us to help you stop them? David: Since you three are Pokemon trainers, we do need your help. Ash: We'll help you save your garden from those thives! Pikachu: Pikachu! Jennifer: That's very kind of you. After dinner David: So you are a Pokemon watcher too. Tracey: Yeah. Jennifer: Can we see your art? Tracey: Sure. Two days later Ash: Man that was a lot of work. Misty: Yeah. But at least we're done. Tracey: I glad that we finished it all. Jennifer: You three will have strawberries for doing a great job. David: We will have dinner before sunset. So you can stop the crooks. Ash: That sound good. 7:00 P.M. Ash: Keep your eyes open. Misty: Yeah There be here any second. Tracey: Look. It's them. They got closer to take a better look at the thives. Ash: Team Rocket. Jessie: Look at all that yummy food. James: It's like a outdoors feast. Meowth: And all ours. David: Not so fast! Jesse: Still trying to stop us are you? Jennifer: Of course. James: Ha! You won't. Ash: But we will! Jessie and James: The twerps! David: So you are Team Rocket. Jessie: Right. So perpare for trouble. James: And make it double. Jessie: To protect the world from devastation. James: To unite all people within our nation. Jessie: To denouce the evils of truth and love. James: TO extend our reach to the stars above. Jessie: Jessie. James: James. Jeesie: Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light. James: Surrender now or perpare to fight. Meowth: Dat's right. Misty: (Eating a apple) Your not getting away with the food. James: Oh yeah? Weezing use Smokescreen! James's Weezing got out of it's Pokeball and did what it was told. Tracey: Scyther Swords Dance! Tracey's Scyther used Swords Dance to blow the smoke away. Misty: Nice try Weezing. Jessie: What's that in your hand? Misty: Apple core. Jessie: Baltimore. Misty: Who's your friend? Jessie: James. Misty threw a apple core in Jamse's face. Ash: That will teach you! Jessie: Enough go Abrok! Abrok came out of its Pokeball. Misty: Go Star...! Misty's Psyduck got of its Pokeball by itself. Misty: (Mad) Psyduck I didn't choose you! Psyduck: Psy? Misty: Return. While Misty's Psyduck returned to its Pokeball, Team Rocket left with a bag of apples. David: They took my apples! Ash: We'll stop them! The tiro followed Team Rocket into a forest. Misty: Not a creepy forest with bug Pokemon! Ash: Misty you got to be brave. Tracey: It's the only way to get the apples back from Team Rocket. Just then they found themselves looking at Team Rocket. Meowth: Da apples are ours now. Ash: Prove it. James: (With a apple core in his hand.) Apple core. Ash: Uh.. Baltimore. Misty: Ash don't! James: Who's your friend? Ash: (Pointing at Tracey) Him. James threw a apple core in Tracey's face. Tracey: Ahhhh! Team Rocket ran off laughing. Tracey: Why me Ash? Ash: I can't allow that to happen to Misty. Misty couldn't believe what Ash said. Misty: We better go and find Team Rocket. The trio countined their serach for Team Rocket. In the Meowth balloon Meowth: What's dat Jessie? Jessie: It's a stun ray. James: A stun ray? Jessie: It will stun any thing the ray hits. James: So while the twerps and the farmers are stun we can steal the food and Pikachu. Jessie: That's the plan. Meowth: Any of the tweorps other Pokemon. Jessie: That's even better. We'll steal all their Pokemon. Just then Ash and co. found them. Ash: Stop right there Team Rocket! Jessie: No can do. Jessie started shooting at Ash and co. Ash: What this? Misty: Run! Jessie: Follow them! James and Meowth: Aye Aye sir. Tracey: I thought Team Rocket would never try to kill us! Misty: The're not! It's a stun ray. Pikachu: Pika Pi Pikachu! Ash: Don't worry Pikachu! I'll protect you! Jessie: Give us your Pokemon and I will cease firing. Jessie kelp on shooting until something else was shot out of the ray. Jessie: The stun pill! James: The what? Jessie: The stun is the main power swores of the stun ray. Meowth So da stun is useless? Jessie: Yes it is until we get the stun pill back. Team Rocket followed the pill into a chicken coop. Meowth: Da pill rolled in dere. Jessie: Let's land and get the stun pill back. James: Right. David: They are heading to the chicken coop. Ash: We could trap them. Before Team Rocket went inside a chicken ate the stun pill. Jessie: Where is it? Then the chicken laid a egg. James: Look an egg. Just then the egg blow up sending Team Rocket down in a hole. Misty: Team Rocket is down there. They heard Team Rocket aruging on who's fault was until Tracey kicked a apple core in the hole. Tracey: Oops. I kicked a apple core down there. Misty: Hey there about to see it. Jessie: Look James. Apple core. James: Baltimore. Jessie: Who is our friend. James: Meowth! The apple core hit Meowth in the face. Meowth: Meouch! Tracey: You ok down there? Team Rocket: Get us out of here! Ash: Ok Pikachu Thuderbolt. Pikachu used Thunderbolt and it caused a explosion that send Team Rocket flying. Team Rocket: Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!!!!!! ***ding*** The next morning Jennifer: We can't thank you kids enough for saving our gardern from Team Rocket. Ash: We were glad too. David: Since you were able to help us we have a special breakfast for you. Misty: Wow! 1 hour later on a beach Jennifer: (waving Goodbye) Good luck on your trip! Daid: (Waving Goodbye) We hope to see you again! Ash and co. waved goodbye to David and Jennifer. Narrator: After being to happy couple our heroes head their to Trovita Island and their next adventure. The End At long last I finished this fanfic. There will be more coming up soon. Please send me a comment at any time. See ya soon LandLubbers. Captain Bones