Disclaimer: Avast ye mateys! I tried to rewrite my other fanfics to undo my errors and add some stuff to them. Unfortunately for some reason I was unable to load them. So they have to wait longer. For now I'm making this new one. Author's notes: This is a TR story, so it's mostly about Team Rocket. It has a song from The Land Before Time IV movie Journey Through The Mists. in it. The song is called WHO NEEDS YOU with changes of the lyrics. *Singing^ CAN'T GET ALONG by Captain Bones On a cloudly day in the Team Rocket HQ the TR Elites and Grunts were having a friendly talk with their partners. However Tom And Anna are not having the same thing. Tom: Your telling me that it's my fault that we failed? Anna: Of course I am. Tom: Your the one that screwed up! Anna: I did not! It was your plan! Tom: You shouldn't have used your Snorlax! Anna: Your the reason why the little girl escaped! My Snorlax's Mega Punch can knock out her Alakazam! Tom: We would've had that Alakazam if your Snorlax didn't use Mega Punch on my Tyranitar! Anna: Your Tyranitar was in the way! Before Tom could say something, Viper the Team Rocket General came in the room. Viper: Are you two arguing again? I was busy talking to the boss about what should we reward the duo of Alex and Robin for a successful mission. Anna: No General Viper. Tom: We were just talking sir. Viper: It didn't sound like it. Tom: But Viper. Viper: That's General Viper! By the way the boss want you two in his office. Tom: Ok General. As they walked to the office they countered another Team Rocket duo. Cassidy: Well, fancy seeing you two here. Anna: Look it's Cassidy. Tom: Yea And Buff. Butch: (Angry) The name is Butch! Cassidy: Having trouble getting along are you? Anna: Yea. I believe I can do better with you two. Butch: That sounds like a good idea. But the boss can't do that. Tom: If he did who will I be with? Jessie, James and Meowth? Cassidy: You don't want to be with those three losers. Butch: Yea. They are pathetic. They suck. They can't steal that strong Pikachu. Anna: Anyway the boss is waiting for us, so can you let us go? Cassidy: Of course. Let's go Butch. Butch: Right. In Giovanni's office Giovanni: You are here. Excellect. I have a new mission for you. So pay attention. Tom and Anna: Yes sir. Giovanni: (Holding a picture of Ash, Misty and Brock) See this picture? A/N: Giovanni never had a picture of them. Tom and Anna: Yes. Giovanni: The boy in the blue vest has this Pikachu. I want the two of you to find them and bring that Pikachu to me at all cost. You are free to do it in anyway you see fit, but I want them alive. Do not kill Ash Ketchum, Misty Waterflower or Brock Slate. You may tie them up to a tree or something. But don't harm them. Just get that Pikachu. Don't fail me! Do you undestand? Tom and Anna: Yes sir. Giovanni: Excellent! You will find them in Jotho on a path, field, in a forest or in a clearing. Be sure to ask any trainer, Gym Leader or Nurse Joy for their location, unless you were able to find them yourselfs. Got it? Tom: Yes. Anna: We got it boss. Giovanni: Good. Now get moving. I want that Pikachu! Tom and Anna left the office. Tom: (Thinking) Oh great. I looking for a Pikachu with her. Anna: (Thinking) I'm chasing a trio with him. He will make us fail. As they search for Ash and co. they found a path that lead to a forest. Tom: Perhaps we should follow that part. It might lead us to them. Anna: What makes you think that they are in there Tom? We might get lost in their forever. Tom spotted a man heading their way. Tom: Excuse me sir. The Man: Huh? Can I help you? Anna: (Holing a picture of Ash and his friends) Have you seen these three? The Man: They are camping in a clearing along this path. Tom: Thanks bye. Tom and Anna ran off. The Man (ThinKing) Who were those two anyway? In the clearing Brock: Lunch is ready! Ash: Coming! Pikachu: Pika! Misty: Let's go Togepi! Togepi: Toge Togepi. While they were having their lunch, Tom and Anna found them. Tom: There they are. Anna: Let's get closer. Tom: Hey! I wanted to say that! Tom and Anna got closer. Little did they know that three shadow figures were watching them. Ash: So how far is Azalea Town Brock? Brock: (Reading thr guide book) The guide book says it's 20 miles from here. Ash: It's a long walk. Misty: A little excrise doesn't hurt anyone Ash. Togepi: Toge. Misty: Huh? Ash: What's wrong Misty? Misty: Did you ever have the feeling you're being watched? Brock: I don't see anyone. Ash: If we were being watched it would obviously be Team Rocket watching us. From behid a bush Tom: Grabbing that Pikachu might not be easy Anna. Anna: Oh yeah? Watch this. Back at the clearing Brock: We better keep ours eyes open. Misty: And keep our guard up. They could be anywhere. suddenly Anna grabbed Pikachu and put it in a glass cage. Pikachu: Pika! Ash: Pikachu! Anna: Ha ha ha ha ha! This Pikachu is going with me. Tom: No. I'm taking this Pikachu! Misty: Your Team Rocket! Tom: How would you know? Brock: Because of the red R on your uniform. Anna: We are Team Rocket Elites. Tom: Once I bring this Pikachu to the boss, I will have a partner. Anna: The boss made us partners. Remember? Misty: She's right you know. Anna: Which means I'm your partner. Tom: (Angry) I want a new partner! Ash: I want my Pikachu back right now! Anna: Forget it kid. I'm taking it to the boss. Tom: No I am. Anna: I am! Tom: I am! Ash and co. were surpirsed that Tomand Anna were not acting like partners. Brock: They sound like they don't get along. Anna: When I give the boss this Pikachu I be rewarded a new partner. Someone who needs my help and partnership. Tom: Who needs ya? Anna: And who needs you? Ash: If didn't know better, I think they are starting to sing. Misty: They are going to sing Ash. Tom and Anna started singing. * Tom: I need you like a hole in the head. Anna: And I need you like a bug in the bed. Tom: Ya constantly bite the hand that feeds you. Both: Who needs ya? Not me. Anna: I need you like a pain in the gut. Tom: Oh yeah? And I need you like a kick in the butt. Your totally disgrace like the ones that breeds you. Both: Who needs ya? Not me. Anna: Who needs you, you creepy, crawly creature? Your ugly as sin, just a scraggy bag of skin. Tom: And who needs you? Your beauty's your finest feature you're skinny as a bore who like to lay on the floor. Anna: Oh I need you like a rock in my toes. Tom: And I need you like a sock in the nose. I'm shocked to appalled by your behavior. Anna: Don't try being nice, cause that won't save ya. Both: I'm better off without you I can see. So who needs ya? Not me. Tom: I need you like a cold in July. Anna: And I need you like a punch in the eye. Tom: Of all the dump woman not one precedes you. Both: Who needs ya? Not me. Anna: I need you like I need a disease. Tom: And I need you like a bug needs to freeze. For quickeness of mind a rock that outspeeds you. Both: Who needs ya? Not me. Anna: Who needs you, you cross-eyed, crazy critter? You twiter and squawy and your knock-kneed when you walk. Tom: And who needs you, you flatfoot wicked quitter? Your better when you're mad, cause you're ugly as your dad. Anna: Oh I need you like I need some more teeth. Tom: I lift a rock and find underneath. I'm deeply upset by your demeaner. Anna: I know that i'm mean, but you're gettin meaner. Both: No more unlikely duo could ever be. Tom: The word is incompatibility. Anna: Not only that we don't get on, you see. Both: So who needs you expect the ones that breeds ya? You needs you? Anna: Not me. Tom: Not me. Anna: Not me. Tom: Not me. Both: Not meeeeeeeee! ^ After Tom and Anna finished singing they saw figures with Ash's Pikachu. Tom: Who are you, and what are you doing? The figures were idenified as Team Rocket's Jessie, James and Meowth. Jessie: The same thing you do, so prepare of trouble! James: We got the Pikachu, to make it double! Jessie: To protect the world from devastation! James: To unite all peoples within our nation! Jessie: To denounce the evil of truth and love! James: To extend our reach to the stars above! Jessie: Jessie! James: James! Jessie: Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light! James: Surrender now or prepare to fight! Meowth: Meowth dat's right! Anna: Hey! This is my mission. Tom: You mean my Mission Anna. Jessie: (Smiling) now what do we have here? James: Oh it's the duo that can't work like a team. Anna: You let them take the Pikachu from me! Tom: You wasn't paying attention to what was happening! Anna: You distracted me! Tom: They took it from you while you were singing! Anna: You started the song, so it's your fault! Jessie, James and Meowth were listening from their Meowth balloon. Jessie: Look at them. James: Their arguing. Meowth: Ths is our chance to escape with da Pikachu. Before they could Ash called out his Chikorita. Tom: You choosed to sing along! You're useless! Meowth: Ths is getting interesting yous guys. Anna: Useless?! If I wasn't with you, you would've been caught by the police. Tom: I would not! Anna: You would too. Tom: Would not! Anna: Would too! Tom: Would not would not would not! Anna: Would too would too would too! Tom: That's it! Anna: I had it with you Tom! Tom: From now on! Tom and Anna: I'm going on alone! Jessie: Let's get outta here. Before Jessie, James and Meowth could get away, Ash's Chikorita use Razar Leaf to cut through the Meowth balloon. Jessie, James and Meowth: (Falling) Oh no! After they crash landed Tom threw Anna right into them, and it made Pikachu break out of it's cage. Ash: Pikachu! Your free! Tom: And i'm outta here! Tom ran off. Anna: Oh no! His pikachu escaped! Ash: Chikorita return! Pikachu use Thunderbolt! Pikachu used his Thunderbolt on Jessie, James, Meowth and Anna. Boom! Team Rocket: (With Anna) looks like Team Rockets blasting off againnnnnn! ***ding*** Brock: Where's the male Elite member? Misty: He just ran off Brock. Ash: Let's finish our lunch. After the trio finished their lunch they headed to Azalea Town, so Ash can win his next badge. The next day Things changed. Tom quitted Team Rocket and started a new life working at a department store. While Anna was promoted to a Team Rocket agent. The End ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Yo Ho Ho it's done. It took me a while, but it's finally finished. There are more stories still to come. Stay turned mateys! Arrrrrrgh! Captain Bones