The Great Espeon Part 2 By Catcrazy This is my 2nd AAMRN fanfic. I still do not and probably never will own pokemon. I hope you like it and e-mail comments to This is the 2nd part for those who cannot read the title. Thanks to everybody who wrote to me about the first part. “Misty!” yelled Ash, as Team Rocket drove off in the Meowth machine. No, she can’t be gone; I never told her I love her thought Ash. “Come on Ash, we can’t save her by standing here, let’s follow the tracks,” Said Brock, breaking through to Ash. “Ok, But wouldn’t it be faster to use Onix?” said Ash. “I guess so. Onix, go,” yelled Brock. “On.” (Hop on) “Pika chu pi pika chu Pikapi.” (Hurry, we have to find Misty) “What’s that up ahead?” asked Ash. “I don’t know it looks like a pokemon,” replied Brock. “It looks like an Eevee,” said Ash. “Well a place called Eevee Mountain is sure to have lots of Eevee,” retorted Brock. “I’m going to capture it,” said Ash. “What about Misty!” yelled Brock. “Well, I bought a water stone at the last store, so I can evolve it and then give it to Misty as a sorry gift for taking so long. She’ll be so happy to have A Vaporeon she won’t have time to yell at us,” said Ash sensibly. “Too true, I guess you’re right,” said Brock. “I choose you Bayleef.” “Bay leef.” (I’m ready) “Bayleef hold it up with vine whip.” “Bay.” (Ok) “Poke’ ball go. See Brock that only took 5 seconds,” said a triumphant Ash. “Anyway let’s get going, who knows what will happen to Misty,” said Brock hurriedly. “Ok, just wait a minute while I evolve this Eevee,“ said Ash. “Ee vee vee Ee.” (Are you my master?) “Pi kachu chu pika pi Pikapi.” (No, you’re master is Misty.) “Ee-poreon.” (Oh) “Pika pi chu ka.” (You’ll meet her soon) “Vaporeon va por.” (Can I help?) “Pika.” (Sure.) “Ok you two we need to find Misty,” said Ash. “It looks like the tracks lead to the top of the mountain,” said Brock. “Then that’s were we’re headed said Ash determinedly. As Ash and Brock continue their search for Misty they find a new friend. Will Misty like her new Vaporeon and is Ash going to give it to her from some unknown reason? All this next time on Poke’mon urr the next part.