Fighting Back by ~Flaming~Dragon~ Hey guys! This is my first ever pokemon fic, and I'm starting it because I came up with an idea. Anyways, please review at! See ya! Ages Ash, Misty, Gary, Richie, Duplica: 18 Brock: 22 Daisy, Lily, Violet, Jessie, James: 23 Other Facts Pikachu: Male Year: 2092 Disclaimer: All I own is some clothes, CD's, gum, and a few computer games. If you sue me because you think that I said I own pokemon, you're just wasting your time. Part 1: Invasion "Sir, all weapons are ready. Should I launch Operation Invasion?" asked an officer. "Not yet. Wait until after this message is broadcasted." A tall, dark man replied. He stood up. "Citizens of Kanto. Today I shall change the world. Be prepared for the invasion. Team Rocket shall rule the world, led by me, Giovanni!" ****** Delia Ketchum was hanging the laundry on a clothesline in the backyard, when she heard an emergency broadcast on the radio beside her. "Citizens of Kanto. Today I shall change the world. Be prepared for the invasion. Team Rocket shall rule the world, led by me, Giovanni!" Delia did not understand any of this. "Is this a joke?" she asked herself. Then she noticed a huge missile coming straight for Pallet Town. "Mimey! Barrier! Come over here and protect us!" Delia shouted. "Mime!" Mimey answered. Mimey immediately produced a barrier. The missile exploded. Mimey strained against the pressure. It was very obvious that the shield could not hold on much longer. Delia realized her fate. She put her hand on Mimey's shoulder. "Thank you Mimey, but it is over now," she said grimly. "Mime," it replied sadly. "Ash, take care of yourself, I love you." That was the last thing Delia Ketchum ever said. ****** Flint Slate was watching his favorite sitcom on T.V. "Attention! This program has been interrupted for an important announcement!" "Citizens of Kanto. Today I shall change the world. Be prepared for the invasion. Team Rocket shall rule the world, led by me, Giovanni!" Suddenly, he noticed a huge missile coming for Pewter City. "Children, come here! This is an emergency!" he shouted. All the children squealed with delight. 'What is it, daddy?' 'Anything wrong?' 'What's up?' were only some of the questions that the children asked. "I love you all!" he said to each of the children. "What do you mean, daddy?" one of the girls asked. "You will know soon enough. Brock, I love you. I guess I'm going to be with your mother in heaven, watching over you. Goodbye." Flint said quietly, only seconds before he was killed. ****** "You have improved greatly, Aya," Koga said to his sister, countering an attack from her num-chucks. "Thank you, brother. You are the one who have taught me all that I know," Aya replied. "Let us go and rest." They both went back to their house and turned on the T.V. "We interrupt this program to share an important news bulletin!" "Citizens of Kanto. Today I shall change the world. Be prepared for the invasion. Team Rocket shall rule the world, led by me, Giovanni!" "Team Rocket?!" Aya gasped. "That was the organization that tried to steal our pokemon all those years ago!" "Yes, those thieves were from Team Rocket. If Ashura hadn't saved our pokemon, we would've had to shut down our gym," Koga said. Then, they both noticed a gigantic missile heading right for them. "Quick brother, to the secret hideout!" shouted Aya. (A/N: I know it sounds kinda cheesy, but it was the best i could think of.) "Of course! Good thinking!" Koga replied. He knocked on the wall of the room 8 times and kicked the wall 3 times and a door opened. A stairway led down to a dark, secret cave. "We shall be safe in here, sister," Koga said. Both of them immediately went inside and bolted the door, protecting themselves from the dangers of the missile. ****** "Magmar, fire blast!" Blaine shouted. Fire in the shape of a star came out and knocked the Dragonair unconscious. "I am the winner! Sorry kid, you're not getting your badge today," he told the trainer. "You're pretty good, though," he said. The trainer smiled. "Thanks. I'll be coming back for a rematch soon, after I'm done training." "Sure, anytime," Blaine replied. The trainer walked out. The radio next to Blaine suddenly spoke up. "We have a special news bulletin." "Citizens of Kanto. Today I shall change the world. Be prepared for the invasion. Team Rocket shall rule the world, led by me, Giovanni!" "What?" Blaine asked himself. Suddenly, Blaine heard a huge humming sound. He looked up through the crater of the volcano and saw the missile heading straight for it. "Holy sh-" Blaine shouted. He ran out of the volcano as fast as he could, returning Magmar to it's pokeball before he rushed out. The missile flew right into the mouth of the volcano, exploding instantly when it came in contact with the lava. This started a chain reaction that caused the volcano to have an enormous eruption, much different than a regular eruption. Blaine was so full of fear, afraid that he would be burned alive in the lava. He decided to go to the docks to use his private boat to get of the island, since he didn't have any water pokemon to surf him across the ocean. He turned around and looked at how far the lava was from him. He knew the lava would eventually catch up to him before he could reach the docks. Suddenly he got an idea. "Magmar, go!" Magmar immediately came out of it's pokeball. "Magmar, let me ride on your back!" Magmar crouched down and Blaine climbed on. Blaine knew that Magmar could stand the heat of any kind of lava. "Magmar, take us to the docks!" "Magmar!" it replied. Magmar began to run slowly to the docks. The lava caught up with them, but Magmar was not affected. When Magmar finally reached the docks, the lava was cooled down by the water. They saw one of the last ferries preparing to leave, the crew assuming that everyone on the island without the ability to surf through the ocean had already left on a ferry of some sort. "Magmar, return! Thanks, you have done a good job!" Blaine shouted. Magmar immediately returned to it's pokeball. Blaine ran onto one of the abandoned piers. He lifted up a board and jumped down. Seconds later, a jet boat shot out from under the pier, heading towards the secret league base at the Seafoam Islands. ****** Mr. Fuji was taking a walk outside when the intercoms throughout the town had an important announcement. "Citizens of Kanto. Today I shall change the world. Be prepared for the invasion. Team Rocket shall rule the world, led by me, Giovanni!" Only a few minutes after the message, he saw a missile flying straight for the Pokemon tower. Mr. Fuji looked on in horror as the missile came nearer and nearer. Suddenly, he saw hundreds of transparent pokemon fly through the walls of the pokemon tower, each forming a clear barrier to protect the small town. The missile exploded when it struck the giant shield, but amazingly, the barriers protected the whole town from its huge explosion and deadly radiation waves. After all traces of the explosion, including the radiation waves, disappeared, the spirits then returned to the pokemon tower. "Thank you," Mr. Fuji whispered. ****** The invasion started at 9:32 a.m. Five nuclear missiles were launched from the secret base in Viridian City. They struck Pallet Town, Pewter City, Fuschia City, Cinnabar Island, and Lavender Town. All of the cities and towns were destroyed, except for Lavender Town. Miracuously, Lavender Town was safe from the attack. Citizens reported seeing the spirits of dead pokemon protect the peaceful town for an unknown reason. Most people think the spirits were guarding their resting place. However, the other places were not as fortunate. Most of the cities' population was destroyed, and the remaining radiation waves killed off just about all the survivors. Only a few survived this bloody massacre. ****** 2 months later... Team Rocket had succeded in destroying about half of Kanto. After the great missile attack, Team Rocket had continued on to capture the Indigo Platuea. However, most of the trainers and staff there had managed to escape on secret subways under the city. After the whole city had been evacuated to Saffron City, Bruno of the Elite Four had used his Onix to completely bury the subway, leaving all traces of their escape gone. Led by the Elite Four, the survivors headed towards the heavily-armed military base at the Seafoam Islands. Many of the citizens of Kanto were angered at the evil work of Team Rocket. But no one was more angered than the current Pokemon Master and champion, Ashura Satoshi Ketchum. ****** Ash stood on a hill overlooking the ruins of Pallet, with Pikachu on his shoulder. He walked down slowly to his old house. When he finally reached the familiar street, he saw that all the buildings had been completely demolished in the bombing. He immediately crouched down and began to search through the rubble for any sign of his mom or Mimey. When he finished searching through his house, he went to the backyard. There, he found his mom and Mimey. It was a wonder that their body hadn't been completely burned off. Most of the other corpses that Ash had passed were only a pile of black bones. He picked up his mother and Mimey's body with ease, and carried them to a field where he had played in as a child with Gary. He began digging a grave next to a tree that hadn't been burned by the missiles. In fact, this field was about the only place in Pallet that hadn't been destroyed. After digging a large enough hole, he laid the bodies in the grave. He put in a couple of roses he had picked on his way here. Then he began burying the bodies. After only a couple minutes, the hole was completely filled. "Bye, Mom and Mimey," he said quietly, before leaving the field. As he was about to jump in his convertible, a voice spoke to him. "Hey Ash," the voice said. Ash squinted his eyes. "Gary," he acknowledged. ****** Ash and Gary were driving along the road in Ash's car. "So Ash, I guess you already know about the bombings," Gary said. Ash didn't reply. "I've heard that they have started forming a couple of top secret military groups," Gary said, trying to strike up a conversation with Ash. "What's your point?" Ash asked without any emotion. "Well, ever since our rivalry ended three years ago, we've become friends again, right?" Gary asked. Ash just nodded. "So, I think we should start our own military group, you know? I mean, I'm really pissed at Team Rocket. They killed gramps, and all the pokemon in his lab and on his reserve. But, thankfully, I had all of my pokemon. I'm guessing you had most of yours, too, since that new law that you can carry as many pokemon as you want, as long as you only use six to battle," Gary said. "I had all of my pokemon, Gary, just like you," Ash replied. "Well anyways, back to the main topic. We should start our own military group. I heard that your old friends Misty and Brock have already started organizations of their own. The Stone Boulders and the Aqua Clouds, I believe they were called." Ash narrowed his eyes at those names. Misty and Brock, the ones that betrayed him and left. Gary didn't notice this, so he continued. "So, you in to this idea, buddy?" "Sure, I guess it's a good idea. Hey, by the way, what happened to your cheerleaders?" Ash asked. "They were touring the Safari Zone when the missiles hit. They were killed, Ash," Gary replied bitterly. "Oh. Sorry, Gary," Ash said sincerely. "Life goes on..." Gary said, while his eyes wandered off to nowhere. Then he suddenly perked up again. "So, if we are gonna make our own organization, we have to have some kind of name. Got any ideas?" "Uhhh..." Ash began to think. Even though he had matured a lot during the past couple of years, he was still sorta dense. He couldn't help it. Then he got an idea. "How about the Shadow Shots? That was the old name we used to use whenever we played good guy and bad guy when we were little!" Gary grinned. "Sure, that sounds good. But how about our positions and jobs? I guess both you and me can be the headmasters. Let's see, how 'bout I look for good agents, while you train them!" "Sure, that sounds great!" Ash replied enthusiastically. Then he smiled. It was the first time he smiled in a long time. "Shadow Shots, fight to the end!" he shouted, using the old motto that they used to use as children. Gary grinned again, as they both drove on to form the most powerful crime-fighting organization in history. ****** So, how is it so far? Please review at! See ya!