Fighting Back By ~Flaming~Dragon~ Well, Part 3 is here! Expect Part 4 probably in a couple of days…well enjoy and review! Ages (see part 1) Other (see part 1) Disclaimer: Raise your hand if you think I own pokemon. If you raised your hand you're wrong. I don't own pokemon. I wish I did. But anyways, if you sue me, you're wasting your time. Part 3: Confessions BAM! BAM! BAM! Ash Ketchum's Desert Eagle pistol was smoking. He had fired three shots, every shot hitting the target: an apple. "Alright, apprentices. Try doing that stunt," Ash told the new agents. Gary had come back yesterday from a 2-day search for more members. Right now, Ash was testing them to see if they each had enough skill to join the Shadow Clouds. After two minutes, every candidate had finished and passed the test. All of the Night Hawk pistols were smoking. "Good job, welcome to the Shadow Clouds. That Night Hawk pistol will be your standard SC weapon," Ash called. "Proceed to the Grand Hall, and grandmaster Gary will guide you to your new rooms." The trainees slowly filed out. Ash sighed. "Time to check on the Sonic Train," he muttered. ****** It was surely a magnificent sight to see. The new, polished train station was made entirely out of pure silver, as the new Sonic Train was made of gold. This train could go at the speed of sound, easily able to take it's passengers between the Shadow and Aqua bases within 30 seconds. "Nice work, boys," Ash called to the construction workers. The leader of the squad just nodded gruffly. ****** News came to Misty, stating that the new Sonic Train was already been finished in two weeks. But Misty didn't really care. She just wished that she could be with Ash again. She wished that she never left him three years ago… ***FLASHBACK*** A pretty blonde has just came over to Ash and Misty's table while Misty was out of her chair, looking at all the desserts on the counter. Then she noticed that the woman was giving Ash her phone number. She angrily stomped over there. She immediately took the piece of paper and ripped it up, throwing it on the ground. "He's with me," she growled. The blonde just walked away, glaring daggers into Misty's face. Then she turned to Ash. "You're doing it again!" Misty told Ash angrily. "Doing what?" he asked stupidly. "Flirting! I'm beginning to wonder if you even love me anymore! All you do nowadays is work at your stupid league champion job or flirt with other girls!" she snapped. "Misty, you know that you're the only girl for me! I would never leave you!" Ash replied. "I don't believe you! From now on, I don't want to ever see you again!" she yelled. Now the whole restaurant was staring at them. Misty got up and prepared to leave. "I guess you would leave me," he said sadly. "SHUT UP!" shouted Misty. Then she angrily stormed away. That was the last time she ever saw him for years. The next day, Misty impatiently waited for him to come to her apartment and apologize to her, just like the men in the movies did. He never came. It was then that she realized what a big mistake she had made. ***END FLASHBACK*** After that Misty never got the courage to go up to him and apologize. She knew that she was lucky that she had met Ash 3 weeks ago. Suddenly, the news of the Sonic Train was very important to her. She realized that now, she could go and see Ash everyday. She hurried off to the finished station. ****** Tracey had just finished showing Ash a new gadget, the x-ray glasses. They would be very useful, for missions and for daily life. (A/N: I think you know what that means, lol!) He saw Gary walking by, on his way to the garage to go and look for more candidates. "Hey, Gary!" Ash shouted. Gary looked his way and smiled. "What's up?" Gary asked. "Tracey was a good choice for our gadget developer," Ash mentioned. "He made x-ray glasses! A boy's dreams come true…" Gary laughed. "Yeah, I only pick the best." Ash frowned. "And you've picked 50 women and 5 men." Gary shrugged. "Oh well. I got to go search for some more new agents. Bye." Ash waved. He felt a little hungry, so he decided to go to the cafeteria. ****** Misty had just arrived at the Shadow Base in less than a minute. Amazingly, she didn't feel like throwing up even though she was going at such high speeds. The train had special repulsors that kept the passengers from getting nauseous. She felt hungry so she decided to go to the cafeteria to eat. ****** Ash was walking around looking at all the restaurants. He didn't know which one to choose. He didn't notice the woman that he was walking right into. ****** Misty was examining the different signs of all the restaurants. She couldn't decide which one to eat at. Many young men from the Shadows and the Aquas had asked her to go on a lunch date with them, but Misty had refused them all. She didn't have to think twice. The only man she loved was Ash. Suddenly, she ran into a young man. "Oh, I'm so sorry," she said to the young man. He looked up, so Misty could finally see his face. She gasped. She mentally screamed to herself, 'How could you embarrass yourself by walking right smack dab into him?' "Uh, hi, Ash!" ****** "Hiya Misty!" Ash greeted. She looked extremely nervous. 'She looks so cute when she's nervous,' he thought. He quickly shook the thought away. "Err…you want to eat lunch with me?" Ash asked awkwardly. Misty giggled. "Sure Ash! It's just that…I don't know where to eat. You have any ideas?" Misty replied. "Uh, nope, that's why I bumped into you in the first place. I know! How about we eat at Burger Queen! (A/N: Teehee…)" Ash exclaimed. "Sure, whatever," Misty said. Ash ordered three hamburgers and five packs of french-fries, while Misty ordered a cheeseburger and onion rings. They found a small table and sat down. They both noticed that lots of men and women were staring at them jealously. "I'm guessing that those boys over there wanted to eat lunch with you?" Ash asked. "Those girls are the ones that asked me on a lunch date." Misty laughed. "Yeah, they did ask me, but I politely refused," Misty explained. "I can't believe they would actually ask you," Ash teased. Misty got a little mad. She took out her mallet and waved it threateningly. It had been a while since her trusty mallet had hit anything, mainly Ash's head. Ash's face immediately showed fear. "I'm sorry, I mean of course they would ask you, I mean you're beautiful and all!" Ash gulped. He had just realized what he had said. Misty immediately stopped being angry and blushed. "What is that supposed to mean?" Misty asked, giggling. "Err…nothing!" Ash said quickly. Misty pouted. "Whatever," she said briskly. They finished their lunch and headed to RaskinRobins (A/N: Teehee!) for some dessert. Ash spoke up. "Um, I'll have a chocolate ice cream cone and Misty will have…" "Ash isn't having the cone, we're having a super large sundae, please," Misty said. Ash looked at her with a strange look. "We can share, it's pretty big," she shrugged it off. "Knowing you, you'll probably eat the whole thing," Ash said. Misty playfully punched him in the shoulder. "Shut up," she whispered. Ash smiled. "Here's your sundae. Would you like anything else?" their waitress asked. "Naw, here's 20 bucks, keep the change," he said. "Aw, Ash, you're such a gentleman, paying the bill for little old me," Misty said. Ash turned red. They both finished the 20-scoop sundae in record time (2 minutes). They went for a walk in the park inside the base and sat on a bench. There was a disturbing silence. Ash started staring at Misty's slender body. The young, scrawny looks had fled, surrendering to the soft, beautiful looks of the matured. 'She has curves at all the right places,' he thought. Misty caught him staring at her. She blushed. "Um, Ash, don't be a pervert," she told him. He immediately and turned bright red. Misty felt that this was the perfect time to apologize for the past and make up. But first she had to know one thing. "Ash, did you have a girlfriend after me?" she asked out of the blue. That got Ash out of his trance. "Erm…well…yes," he admitted. "But that was almost a year ago." "Oh." she said. "I, um, Ash, I've, uh, kind of, had feelings, for you, even after I left," she confessed. "And I still do." Ash looked at her strangely. Then his face began to get closer to her's. "I do too," he mumbled. They leaned toward each other, closing their eyes as they got closer, welcoming the coming taste of each other's lips when… "Hey Ash!" someone called. Immediately, out of instinct, both of them backed away, faces blushing furiously. "Sorry for interrupting the romantic moment, but I, the master of picking the agents for the right missions, have an important announcement," the mystery man said. Misty squinted her eyes. "Richie?" she asked. He grinned. "The one and only!" Ash rolled his eyes. "Get on with it." "Do I hear jealousy? Oh well. Anyways, Team Rocket has snuck two nuclear bombs into the Seafoam Islands, where the Elite Four and the rest of the Indigo Plateau. They have already found the bombs, but they need a special code to be deactivated. You and Misty here have to go and retrieve the code within 48 hours, or else the bomb will explode. After evacuating the Indigo Plateau, the Elite Four don't have enough resources to leave the Seafoam Island that quickly. It's up to you," Richie explained. "The only problem is that the code's location has been traced back to the ruins of Pallet." This triggered a nerve in Ash's mind. "Pallet?" he asked quietly. Richie looked at him sadly. "Yeah, Pallet." Ash didn't answer. "Meet back at the Sonic Train in six hours with your own personal weapons, for the code is heavily guarded by armed Rockets. Also, bring your x-ray glasses to read the code, since we don't know how to open the vault without bombs, and right now we're in short supply." Richie said. "Right." Then he followed Richie out of the park. Before he left, he whispered, "Bye Misty," and he kissed her on the cheek. Then he was gone. Misty touched the place where he had kissed her. "Bye Ash." ****** Ash and Misty were being flown in a private jet to a small forest about one mile from Pallet Town. The whole way, Ash had seemed very quiet. Misty was very disturbed by his dark mood. "What's wrong?" she asked Ash. "Nothing," he lied. "I know you're lying. You never were very good at lying." she replied. "You can tell me. I'm your friend." "My mom and Mimey were killed in the invasion," he said quickly. Misty felt horrible inside. Mrs. Ketchum had been like a mother to her, and she had been very close with Mimey. "Oh. I'm sorry," Misty said sincerely. "I know. Me too," Ash said quietly. The rest of the trip was completely silent. ****** Ash and Misty quietly crept past the guards and use their laser-cutter to open a hole in the wall. The laser-cutter was especially good for opening walls. However, the laser-cutter had no strength at all when used against flesh. But even the laser-cutter wasn't strong enough to get through the vault containing the code. Ash put on the x-ray glasses, looking out for enemy Rockets. Misty noticed this. "Don't you dare look at me with those on!" Misty warned. She couldn't bring her mallet with her, since they were on a very serious mission and Ash's head didn't need to be injured because of his stupidity. Suddenly, Ash looked at her. Misty managed to stifle a scream, remembering that they had to be very quiet. But that didn't keep her from punishing Ash. "You bastard!" she said right before she slapped Ash in the face. "Ouch, Misty, you slap hard. Besides, why are you so mad? I didn't even turn these on yet," Ash grumbled. He pressed a button. "Now they're on." He whistled. Misty turned as red as a tomato. Misty got an evil look in her eye. He knew what was coming. "Please don't punch me in the gut, I just ate!" Ash begged. "Too bad," Misty mumbled right before she punched him in the gut. Ash fell to the floor, gasping. "Pervert." ****** Ash and Misty were walking down a hallway after Ash had finally recovered from the blow. Ash tried to strike up some conversation. "You know, it's kinda hard to adjust to seeing everyone naked with these glasses," he mentioned. Misty didn't answer. He turned around. Big mistake. "How dare you?" she said in a deadly tone, right before she upper-cutted Ash's jaw. Misty shook her head. "You know, even though you have a thick steel skull, you also have a jaw of glass." Misty said. Ash only groaned in response. ****** A handsome, dark-haired young man with brown eyes was putting on his goggles. He had a very athletic body and a dashing smile. After being continually pummeled by the redhead next to him whenever he looked at her while wearing them, he had decided to put them away. The woman next to him had bright orange-red hair that fell past her shoulders, green eyes, and a sexy body with very nice curvatures. The man whispered to the women, "The code is 50967473558365930536588539204." The woman quickly scribbled the numbers on a piece of paper. Right when she finished, a Rocket walking by noticed them. "Intruders!" the Rocket bellowed. The man turned around and shot the Rocket in the chest with a Desert Eagle pistol. The woman took out a Glock17. "Run! I'll cover you!" the man shouted as the alarms went off. The women ran ahead. The man stayed back, dodging a couple of bullets from 3 Rockets, firing a couple of shots as well. Every bullet found its target, lodging themselves in the head, instantly killing the Rockets. The man followed after the woman, reloading his gun as he ran. ****** Two Rockets appeared out of a corner, each armed with an AK-47. Misty didn't have enough time to wait for Ash to help, so she shot a couple of bullets. Both of them went into the stomach of their enemy, killing them. Misty waited for Ash. Finally, he ran up. "What took you so long?" Misty asked impatiently. "I took my time, knowing that you would defeat the Rockets," he replied casually. Misty pounded him on the head with her other hand. "Hello! We have to work together, or else we could be killed by the bigger groups of Rockets," Misty yelled. Ash just shrugged. "Bring it on." ****** Ash and Misty entered the Entrance Hall. Ash had a sort of nagging feeling in his head. Suddenly, he saw a red laser dot on the back of Misty's head. Snipers. He looked to the balcony. There, staring right back at him, was an AWP, one of the strongest sniper rifles in the world. Out of pure instinct, he shoved Misty out of the way. "Look out!" A gunshot rang throughout the whole room. Misty's heart froze. Ash was on the ground, a bullet hole in his shoulder, blood flowing freely from the wound. The world around her was spinning. Misty aimed her personal hook shot onto the rail. She was pulled up onto the balcony. The sniper looked scared. He knew he didn't stand a chance at close-range combat. He wished that he had a pistol with him. He gulped. "Die, you son-of-a-bitch." The sniper fell to the ground, dead. Misty immediately prepared to jump back onto the ground. She stopped when she saw 3 Rockets with SG552's on their arms surround Ash. She jumped, rolled onto the ground safely, and used her momentum to knock the Rockets back. She came up and swiftly shot each of the Rockets in the head. After making sure the coast was clear, she dropped to her knees and started shaking Ash. He didn't answer. Misty felt his neck for a pulse. He was weak, but still alive. With the piece of paper still in her hand, she miraculously carried Ash to the secret plane and flew all the way back to Shadow Base. ****** Ash woke up and saw Misty asleep, sitting to his left. It looked like she had been crying. He gently stroked her hair. She stirred. She smiled. "Hey Ash. Ash waved with his right arm. Immediately, intense pain coursed through his veins. The pain was so great that Ash blacked out. ****** Ash woke up again. This time Misty was staring straight into his face. "What happened? Am I dead? Are you an angel that looks like Misty?" he asked thickly. "No, you're not dead," she replied. "Well, I feel like it," he said. Without warning, Misty pushed her lips against Ash's. Ash immediately fell into a world of pleasure, where pain was not allowed. They finally separated after 5 minutes, gasping for air. "What was that for?" he asked. Misty smiled. "For saving me from that sniper," Misty said. Ash's memory started coming back to him. "Oh yeah, that sniper," he confirmed. "What did that kiss mean?" "That I love you," she said. "I love you too. ****** Part 3, finished! Review at!