This Means War! by ~Flaming~Dragon~ Wow, I actually got some reviews for Part 1! The first 2 reviewers (Chatsy and Josh) asked me to put Part 2 up soon, so I did! Hope you enjoy Part 2! Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon, but I wish I did. I'd be filthy stinking rich! Ages (See part 1) Part 2: Declaration of War Ash and his friends were all in the cafeteria, eating lunch. Suddenly, Gary came up with an idea. He had his trademark smirk on his face. "Hey guys, how about we 'accidentally' start a food fight?" he asked. The rest of the boys grinned like idiots. "Sure! What a great idea!" Ash replied. Ash then took a spoonful of mashed potatoes and got under the table. "Who should I hit?" he asked. Richie smiled. "Those girls over there." He pointed to Misty, Duplica, Laselle, and Melody. "Roger that," Ash mumbled before he flung the mashed potatoes right in Misty's hair. The whole cafeteria got quiet. Ash immediately got into his chair and tried to act normal. "WHO DID THAT?" she screamed. The four boys sniggered. Misty picked up some chocolate pudding and threw it right at Ash, out of luck. Ash turned around with a fake scowl. Before he threw an open banana, he sniggered again. Then he threw it into a boy's salad. ****** Mr. Hawkins, the school principal, was walking down a hallway when he heard a bunch of screaming and yelling inside the cafeteria. Straightening his tie, he pushed open the doors. Right in front of him was the biggest most messiest food fight he had ever seen. He cleared his throat. "Children!" The food fight immediately stopped. ****** "Who did this?" the principal asked sternly. The four boys exchanged glances. "They did!" Ash and his friends shouted. They were pointing to Misty's table. "You four, stay back after school to clean up this mess!" the principal said, nostrils flaring. "Yes, sir," the four girls replied glumly. As everyone walked out, they heard some voices laughing. The group turned around to see Ash laughing with his friends. The girls ducked under a table. "Hahahahaha," they heard Ash say while the rest of the boys were guffawing stupidly. "The principal actually thought they started the food fight when we actually started it!" The four girls huddled together. "I have a plan," Misty said right before she started whispering to her friends. ****** "Hey Ash!" Misty shouted. Ash turned around. "Yeah?" he asked. "I know that you started the food fight, but we forgive you," Misty told Ash. "Even though we made you guys clean up yesterday?" Ash asked. "Even thought you made us clean up yesterday," Misty confirmed. "Wow." Ash thought for a minute. He didn't think too long, since he was afraid his head would start to hurt. (A/N: Yup, Ash is still dense:P) "Friends?" he stuck out his hand. "Friends," Misty repeated. But Ash didn't notice the evil smile Misty had plastered on her face. ****** Ash and his friends were all walking to their lockers. They had told Misty and her friends their combination for their locker, since they had offered to drop off their books after class. After typing in the combination to his locker (A/N: Yes they had electronic lockers:P) Ash opened up his locker. Immediately, a bucket of oil came out, making Ash trip and slide down the hallways all the way to the school trashcans next to the janitor's closet. He heard several crashes. He looked around. His friends were in similar positions. Suddenly, he heard some laughing. He looked forward. "Ha, in your face!" Misty said, still giggling. The girls were laughing so hard, that they were gripping their sides in pain. However, Ash didn't find this very funny. He stood up with a banana peel on his head and a tomato on his ear. This only made the girls laugh harder. "You know that…" he looked at his friends. They nodded. "…this means war." ****** Done! Review at! See ya!