Chapter 2 I walked out and saw Geo playing with brock, they were playing basketball and Brock could get the balls easily with his nine tails, they both fell laughing on the floor and Geo hugged Brock, "i wish we could take you along, im going to miss you" Geo said, "iwill never leave you" Brock said, "i hate this mushy stuff, i got a cake to catch" i said as i walked away, i saw Misty and Star playing on the sea saw, Star told Misty to stay on one of the sides but she would just move, "cats are smarter than dogs, she doesnt even know the word stay" i laughed, i sneaked clser and Misty spotted me, she ran to the other side of the sea saw as i ran torwards her, i leaped up and landed on the other side making Misty fall away torwards the sand box, Star ran torwards her as Pika and Geo laughed, Brock sweatdropped, "oh Misty, are you ok?" Star said holding her, Misty didnt say anything with sense, she just freaked out, "you freak, im gonna tell dad Pika" Star said as she ran inside with Misty on her arms, "good shot Ash" Geo said laughing. I sniffed something and hurried torwards the other side of the garden, my eyes started glowing as i saw the most beautiful vision ever, a huge wedding cake, it looked beautiful, sweet, delicious, before i could even notice i was divng inside the cake eating as much as i could. Sam came a while after with all the guests, "my bride here tells me its time to cut the cake, i hope you save some because the mother of the bride made it herself" he said pointing at a smiling grey haired woman, suddenly the woman stopped smiling and seemed like she was going to faint, all the guest started gossiping and Sam looked front, "ASH" he yelled, he started running torwards me and i had to run away, lukily for me Dhelia stopped him, "Sam its ok, he is just a pup" she said kindly, i hid under a bush and was surprised by Brock, "pup, you got a whole load of things to learn" Brock said shaking his head, i twisted mine a bit stating my confusion. Now it was sunset, almost night, Misty had forgoten my little joke from before, Sam had forgoten the little incident and the guests all left, a little moment of peace. Sam came carrying suitcases, Brock looked concerned, "luggage? Why luggage?" he said, i looked at him also concerned, "is that bad?" i asked, "not at all but i didnt know about any travel" Brock answered, i shrugged not really knowing what to say, Misty walked by carrying something that looked like a fuzzy sea urchin, the orange sun was behind her, washing her beautiful fur coat with its light beams, she looked like an angel, she was extremely beautiful as she walked pridefully and with grace torwards the car. Misty stopped, she seemed a it puzzled, she looked at me and i had to look away, i couldnt see her but i knew she was confused, i blushed extremely and ran away from her, i leaped on Pika's arms and she hugged me while carrying me into the car's backseat. Great, one more travel, i hate them, i dont like cars, specially mountain ways, they make me sick, there he is, he looks so cute, the sun is playing with his shiny clean fur, he looks strangely atractive, he is looking at me? He is, but he turned arround, what could this mean? I guess he is just shy, or maybe he was looking at something else and i thought he was looking at me, i know im blushing, i hope he doesnt notice. Not much later we were on the road, it was night completely and the children were already asleep, i stuck my hear out of the window, "eeveebat, the new pokemon" i yelled, "fool" i heard, i looked and saw Misty lying comfortably on Star's arms, Brock was sleeping on the floor since he was too big, "did you say something Misty?" i asked, "me? No, not at all" she said ironically, "yeah right" i said aproaching her dangerously close and mocking her, "i didnt say anything and if i had said something, why would you care?" Misty yelled, "well, just in case you criticize me on my back" I screamed proudly aproaching one more step, "Ash, one more step and you are a gonner" Misty adviced, her fur was straight, her tail was curved and her head was down but she stared at me, "oh yeah, what will you do?" i said and walked one step again, Misty didnt think twice, she leapt on me and scratched me, i was lucky to move away but still got one of my paws slashed. I was now angry, i rushed to bite her, but she dogged, "you two back there, stop" Dhelia adviced, but misty wouldnt stop, she shoot a bunch of floating bubbles at me, they hit me and i fell on Brock, suddenly the car stopped, Sam came out of it, ehld me and Misty and placed us inside the luggage case. From inside i could feel the car starting again, Misty and i were in very tight conditions, i managed to stare at her and saw her eyed glowing in the dark, they looked angry and i gulped, "ok Misty, you win" i said, here i had no chance at all against her. After a while we fell asleep, i focused my sight on the lugagge and eventually dozed off, Misty looked oposite from me and was sound asleep. I got in deep thinking before i fell asleep, and i figured out something that has been bothering me lately, the reason why i felt so heartbroken when Misty insulted me or defeated me when even is Gary did, i wouldnt mind, why do i shiver and most of the time i blush when she is extremely pretty, why do i think she is pretty, why so i choke with my own words, the reason why all of this happens to me is described as the most wonderful feeling of all, this feeling is called love, yes i have to admit that i have been falling in love with her, but i know she will never like me. I looked at her, she seemed to be sound asleep, i blushed at the thought of how close we were, both our bodies were next to each other, and i could feel her body heat, i whispered "i love you" softly, very quietly, but to my surprise she turned her head and stared at me, i blushed thinking that she may have heard it, "did you say something Ash?" she asked smilig kindly, wich could have made me melt like a block of ice, "" i gulped, "Ash? Are you ok?" she asked concerned, "sure, why?" i asked, "well, your cheeks are red, are you sick or anything?" Misty asked, i started shivering, "no, of course not" i giggeled, "i wouldnt say so, you are shivering, lets get closer so we can heat each other" Misty said and she snuggeled closer torwards me, oh man, this was new from her and now i was sweating nervously, but i had to calm down, i looked at her, she smiled in her sleep, she seemed so different to my eyes now, and she was acting so sweet torwards me. Finlly the door oppened, and i hopped out, i neede some fresh air, i loked arround and snifed the air, "WOW; this is a smell-o-rama" i said, something focused my atention, DODUO, "wahoo, i died and went to kentucky" i screamed and started chasing the doduo, they ran frenetically from side to side, meanwhile the family talked with a strange woman, her hair was purplelish blue and she seemed pretty kind, "dont worry, i will take care of them" she said smiling, Star handed Misty to the woman and i stopped chasing the doduo only to keep an eye on her, i didnt trust her, if she dared to hurt Misty, she was lost, "i only have to make a three day trip to a cattle guide" the woman said, "you are leaving?" Geo said, "oh dont worry, my neightbourg will take care of them, he is very trustworthy" the woman said, Geo walked torwards Brock, he kneeled next to him, meanwhile Pika came torwards me, and Sam came after her, "how far can you throw the frisbee?" Sam asked, i was chewing a nice ornage frisbee by now, "pretty far" Pika said, "to that field?" Sam asked, "maybe you do it" Pika answered, Sam took the frisbee from me and threw it, i was kind of pissed but dashed after it, leaped on the air and caught it, "hope he doesnt forget me" Pika said and went to the car, "gotcha, hu? Hey, Pika? Where are you going?" i said letting the frisbee on the floor. Geo was now hugging Brock, "im gonna miss you old friend" Geo said, "i know you are sad, i wonder why?" Brock said, "be good, stay" Geo said, he stood up and walked inside the car, "Geo? Where are you going? Stay" Brock said, the car started the engine and speede torwards the road, i looked sadly on the horizon as Geo cried hopelessly, "oh no, not this" i whispered. The woman made Misty wave her paw, "ok ok, easy on the fur coat, Star? Whereare you going?" Misty said watching at her owner leave. On that moment i felt a wave of anger rush through my body, i was really mad at them no, specially Pika, who left me here, suddenly the woman took a pokeball out, "guys return" she said, she returned me, Brock and Misty to our pokeball, and thats where we were for the night. I shook trying to get out, but it was hopeless. The next day i started exploring the place, i saw a beautiful rapidash, i chased the farfetch'd arround the pond, the water was extremely cold, i met a funny looking pokemon, much like a pig but the ebst was when trying to get a hold of the doduo, the wooden door was closed and i had much trouble in opening it, when i finally did i chased the doduo all arround the place, but was startled at a three headed thing that was between them, it quacked angrily and started chasing me quickly, but i made it back to the porch, Brock was lying miserably on the flor and Misty was caressing her shiny blue fur carefully, "i hate this place, it takes me ages to get clean" Misty complained while licking her front paw carefully, "i quiet enjoy, there is a bird the size of a ponyta" i said shaking my head, "great" Brock mumbled, "hey whats wrong with ya?" i asked him, but he turned his head away, i looked at Misty confused, "he has been like that for the whole morning, i think he misses Geo" Misty said, i was about to complain about her answer when i saw the woman that cared for us taking the car out of the garage, i leaped torwards her hoping for a car trip but almost bashed the gate's door when she closed it, "not now fellas, you gotta stay here, ill be back soon" she said and went away. I returned torwards my friends really pissed, "we are locked, i hate being locked" i said, "what?" Misty asked, "this reminds me of the pound" i explained under my breath, "stop making up stories" Brock said, "hey i have been there, so dont tell me there is no pound" I yelled at the top of my lungs "they have been away for too long already, its not normal" Brock said standing nervously, "you are right Brock" Misty said, "wake up and open your eyes, they dumped us" i said really pissed, "no they couldnt have dumped us" Brock said, "they love you and they dump you" i said trying to reason with them, "not Geo" Brock said angry and walking nervously arround the porch, "how dare you talk like that about your trainer" Misty yelled from her chair, "sorry guys, geez, i didnt know you cared so much about them" i said lying down, sudddenly Brock walked torwards a tree stump that was next to the fence, "im going home" he said and leaped gracefully onto the trunk, "what? You cant mean that" Misty said, "i do and im going home, you dont have to come" brock said and leaped onto the other side, " but Brock, its too far, and you dont know where it is" Misty said hoping he would return, "no Misty, its time to go home" Brock said, Misty leaped onto the other side too, i just stood there, "you will not make it to the road, thats were they catch you and get you to the pound" i yelled, suddenly i saw that dodrio again, it ran after me, i leaped from my place on the floor and rushed torwards the fence, "its birdzilla" i yelled, i leaped onto a garbage can and almost fell over, but managed to steady myself, then leaped onto the trunk and onto the other side, i literally smashed mysself against the floor but quickly stood up and caught my friends, "i thought you were not coming pup" Brock said, "well yeah, but you needed protection" i said, "my hero, i guess im gonna have to stare at your butt the whole trip" Misty said ironical, "come on, i race you to those trees over there" Brock said, the three of us started running torwards the forest, it was going to be the most amazing a perilous journey of our lives. After much walking and arround lunch time, we were walking through a rocky slope, "woa, i never thought this will be so hard" i said to myself, brock turned arround and smiled, "too much for a tough guy like you?" he asked, "no, im just sick of hearing her complain" i said, Misty was right behind me walking carefully across the rocks, "ough, ow, eeek, i hate group travels, and i think i broke a nail" she complained, "hey guys come here quick" Brock yelled, i ran torwards him but was easily outran by Misty, when we got to the top we saw a humongous extention of trees, "wow, you can see everything from here, except the house, i dont see the house, where is the house Brock?" i asked curiously, "its right after those hills" Brock said, "hills? They are mountains, i dont know about you but im staying here and wait for the bus" Misty said, i followed Brock, "ok Misty, you can wait for your bus, youll do fine" Borkc said and kept walking, "we will sent you a dead goldeen whenever we get home" i said laughing, "i prefer to do my own shopping," Misty said, she looked arround and saw she was alone, she sarted running down, "guys? Wait for me!" she yelled and ran at our side. After much walking we were deeply inside the forest, brock kept saying that he had a sixth sense and he will guide us home, i was not so sure, i discovered so many things, i started barking at a sentret that was peacefuly eating on a tree, "yeah, like the pal here is gonne come down and ask you to eat him, pathetic" Misty said passing next to me, i leaped on her playifully and we started rolling torwards Brock, we smashed against his hind legs and he lost his grip falling behinnd us, "hey, what are you two up to?" he asked raising an eyebrow, "us? Nothing" i said, "we were just...playing" Misty answered. We all laughed, i really dont know why but we did, until something very familiar had to appear, "well, isnt that my good old friend Ash the uncommon eevee" a voice said, "oh no, not you again" i said raising my eyes, "and who is your pathetic group of friends here? Another weak bunch of house pokemon?" Gary said, "nope not at all, maybe you dont mind batteling a female, do you?" Misty said walking pridefully, "me? Of course not, i will show you who is the looser" Gary said howing his teeth, "i cant wait to see that" Misty said. They both got into position, Brock reffed the battle and i observed carefully since there was not much i could do, "ready, set, GO" Brock yelled, Gary threw a flamethrower at Misty, i thought she was lost but she didnt even move, then one hydro pump shot from her mouth finished the fire before it reached her, she then leaped up and shoot a bunch of bubbles in a bubble beam attack, Gary was badly wonded, he stood up and rushed torwards Misty ready for a crunch attack, but once he was close enough she leaped up and hit him with her tail, Gary rolled away and crashed against a tree, then Misty made quick attack to confuse him and finished with a water gun attack, Gary was a gonner, he stood up and speeded away from us, i walked next to Misty, "wow, that was amazing" i told her, "thanks Ash" she said, "how come that being such a great warrior you are not in a team?" i asked, "i dont want to talk about that" she said and walked away, "was it something i said?" i told myself. I walked away, i didnt want to reveal my past, it was the worst past ever, i walked torwards a nearby river and sared at my reflection for a brief moment before it blurred with my own tears, should i tell Ash? After all he is my friend, he should know about my past, maybe not, mayber Brock will tell him, i am so confused. Brock walked next to me, i was really confused, "Ash, Misty was a trainer's pokemon, the best pokemon ever, she and her trainer managed to win the Kanto league, she was never switched, she was the only pokemon her trainer had" Brock started telling, "wow, so thats why she is so experienced" i said, "exactly Ash, after they won the league they started the Orange island league, but an accident ocurred, one night, after they won their second badge, they were walking torwards the pokemon center when two people appeared on front of them, they had four pokeball each, and when the pokemon were released they were four powerful jolteon, Misty tried her best to save her trainer but the jolteon's quickly managed to weaken her and they attacked their trainer, the people left wihtout stealing anything and her trainer bleeded to death, when they found the body the next morning they thought Misty had attacked her, so she ran away, when we found her she was half dead from the electric shocks, and in a very unstable emotional state, after much treatment she recovered her trust torwards people, but only she knows she is the champion of a great trainer, our trainers dont even know" Brock said, "that is very sad" i said. I walked next to Misty who was still focused on the water, i sat next to her but she didnt even look at me, "Misty, im sorry, i didnt know" i explained, "its ok Ash, i should have told you" Misty said, "come on, lets go, we have much ground to put behind" i said, i kissed her quickly on the cheek, and rushed away, i knew i was blushing badly, Brock noticed. I heard Ash and felt him sitting next to me, he apologized, i didnt knowwhy exactly because he didnt do anything wrong, his serious mood turned to his typical joyfull one, he had such an ease to change moods, he urged me to go with them but before he rushed torwards Brock he gave me a kiss on the cheek, i started blushing while looked into empty space, i was too stunned to think straigth, "Misty, coming?" Brock yelled from far behind, "c...c...coming" i said, i was choking with my words, i stood up and ran after them, but accidentally tripped over a rock and fell down, "Misty? Are you all right?" Ash asked, i looked at him, and fell into his deep brown eyes, "im all right Ash" i said kindly and he helped me up, "good, lets go" Ash said. As we started walking home, Ash ran from side to side like if his energies were never to end, Brock walked slowly on the front and i walked on the back a few metres away still too stunned to say anything, Brock stopped and waited for me, "anything wrong Misty?" he asked kindly, "hu?" i asked kinda snappping out of it, "Misty, is anything bothering you?" Brock asked "no, why?" i asked, "well, you are so spaced out, like if your mind was somewere else, what happened back there at the stream?" brock asked, maybe i should tell him tha Ash had kissed me, its not a big deal unless you like the person, and that was my case, the point is that if i told him he will notice my crush on him, and thats not what i wanted, "nothing Brock, what do you think happened?" i asked, i saw Ash looking at us from far away, he was waiting fro us to catch up on him, "you seem like you got kissed by the pokemon you love" Brock said half smiling half concerned, i sweated, but managed to stay calm, "yeah, like he was right next to me, ha" i said coldly, "well, dont tell me but i think he is right here, i mean there, bye Misty" Brock said as he leaped aay, i was about to hydro pump him but decided not to this time. I was wondering what they were talking about, maybe Misty told brock about the kiss i accidentally gave her back at the stream, i really didnt mean to, it was some force that pushed me to it, Brock quickly caught me up, and as soon as Misty was arround i started my run about again, "save some enegy for tomorrow pup" Brock said without any emotion on his voice, "i could go like this for days" i said joyfully. When night finally came we stopped for a sleep under some dead logs, Misty prefered to sleep on the top, i slept on one side and Brock on other, "wow, im so tired i cant move a bone" i said, "your fault for running like a freak the whole afternoon" Brock complained, "all right, can you blame me?" i said, "never mind, good night" Brock said and went to sleep, "good night guys, sweet dreams" Misty said softly, "godd night Misty, sweet dreams" i said under my breath so she wouldnt hear me. I closed my eyes and got ready to sleep when i heard strange soungs, i heard one "ekaaaanssss" and one "hoothoot" i oppened my eyes quickly, and i stared arround, "what was that?" i said, "nothing, go to sleep" Brock said, i really freaked out when i heard strange howlings and barkings, i stood up from my sleeping place, "and now what was that?" i said scared to the bones, "that? Probably a stantler" Brock said, "ooh right, whats that?" i asked freaking out once again, "razord toothed animal that comes out at night to eat the tails of smaller animals" Brock said, "oh well, with you arround we got nothing to fear" i laughed, but Brock flamethrowered me to a crisp, "they can climb trees, right?" Misty asked, "dont need to, they can reach the top with their big horns, you'll be safer down here" Brock said, "me? Misty? Sleep in the dirt with the dogs?" Misty said, "as you wish" brock said and went to sleep, i went to sleep too.