Its whats inside that counts ---------------------------- DISCLAIMER:i do not own pokemon! i hate these disclmaiers i feel like a lawyer (no offence to lawyers) :P ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As the trio are walking down the road Team rocket appear as usual and say their boring old motto *yawn* Jessie:To protect the world from devastation! James:To unite all people within our nation! Jessie:To denounce the evils of truth and love! James:To extend our reach to the stars above! Jessie:Jessie! James:James! Jessie:Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light! James:So surrender now,or prepare to fight! Ash:its you again? can't you take the hint? YOU CANNOT HAVE PIKACHU! Jessie:Shut up twerp were not here for pikachu this time Ash:what are you here for then? Jessie:YOU! Suddenly a big hand comes out from the team rocket balloon and grabs Ah tightly by the waist Misty and Brock:ASH!!! Suddenly Pikachu jumps up and shocks the balloon setting Ash free,but causing Pikachu to go hurtling into the sky and landing in th woods. Ash:PIKACHU!!!!!!!!!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- will ash save pikachu? find out in the next chaper :D reviews please and i will be finishing off my other stories soon! :) CHAAAAAAAA!