A Heart Is Never Filled Disclaimer:As you all know, i DONT own pokemon coz if i did this would all have happened by now ^_~ Chapter 2 Anyways as you all know(if you have read the first chapter),Misty has been kidnapped by Team Rocket. What will happen next? read on to find out! :D -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ash:"oh no! how could i have let this happen....." Brock:"Ash this is not your fault but we've gotta find her!" Ash:"yeah your right! cmon Pikachu!" Pikachu:Pika! [okay!] Ash sends out Noctowl to go look for the ballon while he,Brock and Pikachu look for a trail of some sort. Ash:"i never told her while i had the chance now she'll never know how much i love her," Brock:"Ash,i know you love Misty but you gotta stay focused but dont worry we'll find her," Ash:"w8....how do'you know..." Brock:"a guys instinct," *smiles* Ash:*grins back all red*"thanks Brock," Brock:"anytime," Suddenly Noctowl circles round and points to a cabin with Team Rockets balloon Behind it. The trio follow Noctowl to the cabin and enter to spot Team Rocket fast asleep. Ash:"cmon lets look for Misty," Pikachu:Pika pi,cha pika! [one moment i cant resist] Ash:"Pikachu dont!" Pikachu thundershocks Team Rocket and they wake up dazed. Jessie:"oh no!its the twerps here for the twerpette!" James:*holds out gun**pulls Misty out from a corner*"one move and the twerpette gets it!" Ash notices Pikachu sneak behind James but doesnt say anything. Ash:*grins but tries to act natural* ya'know this is soo shocking but i'd turn around if i were you," James:"huh?" *turns around**drops Misty*"CRAP...." Team Rocket get a powerful shock by Pikachu and Pikachu bursts out laughing while Ash sends out Totodile and squirts James in the face. Ash:*grins*"having a bad hair day?" James:"thats it!"*sends out Weezing*"Weezing use smog!" Weezing:WEEEEEZ![yes master] Weezing uses smog and the room get covered with smoke while James grabs misty and Team Rocket float away in the balloon. Ash:"NOT AGAIN!" *sighs* Brock:"dont worry it wont take us long to get her this time but dont worry i have come prepared for next time* Brock shows Ash a secret weapon and Ash Grins. Ash:*still grinning*"lets go get 'em!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- how did ya like that chapter? well im hoping that in the next chapter,ya'll find out what that secret weapon is.I tried to make this story as long as possible,and as original as possibe. hope ya liked it.Adios Amigos! ^_~ CHU!