Hi, people! I'm back! And I'm sending this in much before I actually thought I would! I think this sequel isn't as good as the first half of the whole saga, but it's up to you to decide that. send questions or comments my way, at: pamcam@sprint.ca This takes place 10 years after 'Who are you really?' ends. Now,, the disclaimer: Ah-Hem! "Pokemon never has, and never will, ever belong to me. (Oh...At least not yet...Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! (Evil little laugh!) Hah!)" Casey Skylar Ketchum , and Ashly, and countless others, are my creations, so please, DO NOT USE THEM! Ask my permision first, please.Now, On with the show! Argg! I mean, Story! Casey Skylar opened her eyes drowzily, managing to open them half-way this morning. Her Pikachu and Oddish mobile came into focus. Rolling over, Casey saw her wall covered in Pokemon League posters. A stuffed Snorlax kept gaurd at her window, by her poke-nip garden. A typical trainers room. Yawning, she sat up and rubbed her sleepy eyes. She thought about what her parents had been discussing the evening before. She didn't have to go to Prof.Oak's (now in his 80's) lab for a starter, since they bred their own Pokemon. Ash and Ashly had already set aside a special Pokemon her Casey, but she didn't have the slightest clue what one it would be. She would have loved a Bulbasaur, or a Squirtle. Casey jumped from her bunk, and took a shower. As she dried herself off, she thought long and hard about Pikachu and Piki, her parents favorite Pokemon, and the family pets. They were a breeding pair, in their early 20's, and their final breeding season had ended almost a year before. Two of their offspring, Pik and Pikasso were replacing them this year. Casey looked in the mirror at her reflection. She was sort of pretty, and had inherited some of her best traits from her mother. Her pale skin, heart- shaped lips, and thick eyelashes, to name a few. Her black hair and ears were from her father. But her eyes; they were her own. She was tall and skinny, regal looking. But she hated it. It just got her teased. Sighing, Casey pulled on her black strech pants, and belt. (Belive it or not: Casey is that skinny! Even form hugging spandex will slip off her body, unless she uses a belt.) Then she put on her black t-shirt, and white, short-sleeved tunic, and grabbed her green back pack. Slidding down the banester, Casey landed on her rear, giggling. "Skye." Ashly called from the kitchen."Please don't slide down the banester. It isn't lady-like, and you'll get a splinter in your butt." "Aww, Mom!" "Casey, listen to your mother." Ash said, coming down the stairs, dressed in a shirt and tie. "Yes, dad." Casey stood up, and dusted herself off. She was so excited, she could hardly eat her breakfast, but finally, the deed was done. "Now, Casey. About your Pokemon..." Ash stood up, and produced a pokeball, with a small pink heart above the button. Casey took it from her father, suspiciously. It suddenly burst open, and Casey was holding a... "Pikachu!" Casey cried out. Ash grinned. "Yeah. She's Pikachu and Piki's last offspring. That makes her a special Pokemon, you know." "Yeah, I know. What's her name?" "Believe it or not, Bright one, it doesn't start with a 'P'. Her name is Sheila." "Sheila? Pretty!" Casey cooed, cuddling Sheila. "Hey, shouldn't you leave?" Ashly asked, getting heavily to her feet. Her slim figure was just starting to show her pregnacey, for the second time. "Not that we're trying to get rid of you, dear. But you don't want to fall behind." "Oh. Right." "Do you want to take your bike?" "Yeah, sure!" Casey replied. Sitting Sheila on her head, Casey went to the front hall, and put on her slip-on's, and grabbed her pack, before going outside. Her parents followed. "Good luck, Sweetie." Ashly said, smiling. Ash handed Casey her pack, which contained Casey's Pokedex, pokeballs, and clothes. "Make me proud, bunny." Ash said fondly, using the pet name he used to call Casey when she was a baby. "Dad..." Casey muttered, rolling her ebony eyes back. Sheila jumped into the basket, and squeeled for Casey to hurry up. "Pik'chu! Pik'chu!" she cried. (Hurry up! I wanna go!) Casey sighed, and said goodbye to her parents. **************************************************************************** "Wow! Look at all the Pokemon!" Casey breathed. Sheila, too was taken aback by all the interesting species around her, and fasinated by the graceful way they moved. The Butterfrees glided, the Pidgeys flapped heavily, the rattata's scampered... "You want to stop, Sheila?" Casey asked, slowing down. Sheila nodded furriously. "Would you like to catch some Pokemon?" "Pik." (sure.) "Okay. It's up to you. What do we capture?" "Pika-pikachu, pika." (The big floaty thing.) "The big floaty-Oh! You mean the Butterfree!" Casey giggled."Okay. Sheila, double edge, and thunder shock!" "Chu!" Sheila cried, frying the hell out of the butterfree. "Pokeball, go!" Casey said, imitating her father. The Butterfree was sucked up, and made little struggle to escape. "Okay! We have a new friend!" Casey cheered."Now, let's go. We shouldn't stop for so long. Their might be..." She screwed up her face, trying to remember what her mother had been muttering about the previous night. "...perverts and thieves around." "Pikachu?" (What's a 'pervert' ?) "I dunno. A jerk, I guess." Casey said with a shrug. "Chu." (oh.) "C'mon, Sheila. We can go to Viridian City, now. It's supposed to be really lovely this time of year!" Casey said cheerily, scooping up her Pikachu, and settling her into the basket. **************************************************************************** "Ooh! I've got a cramp!" Casey moaned, stopping her bike. They were just outside Viridian City, with three new pokemon: a Sandshrew, a Rattata, and a Pidgey. The sun was just beginning to set."Good thing we're here!" "Pikachu!" Sheila paused."Pikachu, Pik-pika-pikachu?" (Great. Casey, can I go in my pokeball now?) "Cold?" "Pik." (Yeah.) "Of course! Why didn't you say anything sooner?" "Chu! Pikachu pika pika!" (Duh! I wasn't cold then!) "Hhhnnn."Casey muttered."Sheila, return." **************************************************************************** Casey walked her bike the rest of the way to the Pokemon center, as dusk was falling. She was tired, and cramped from the long bike ride, and she and her Pokemon needed to eat and sleep. She chained her bike up out front, then walked into the Pokemon center. Nurse Joy looked up. "A trainer!" she exclaimed."The first one today!" Casey smiled, and placed her pokeballs in a tray. "How are you, Nurse Joy?" she asked, putting the tray on the counter. Nurse Joy picked it up, and handed it to a Chansey. "Oh, I'm fine. Business is a little slow." "Hmm? Why?" "Well, it has been for close to...what is it now? 15 years, I think. Ever since the Viridian gym was closed for being involved in Team Rocket. Now trainers avoid the city, because there's nothing for them to do." she sighed. "Oh, I...I don't want to be a bother, if I'm the only trainer here..." "Oh! You're not a bother!" Nurse Joy said,"We appriciate you coming to Viridian City." "Hmmm. Thank you." "No, thank you!" **************************************************************************** Casey slipped off her tunic, and folded it neatly. She was thinking carefully about what Nurse Joy had said. *Fifteen YEARS! God! Well, maybe they could get a new gym, or something. Then the Pokemon center can get some good business!* With this thought in mind, Casey pulled on her jammy top, and drifted off into peaceful sleep. But not for long. **************************************************************************** A blaring alarm woke Casey rather rudely. She jumped up, tripped over her back pack, and went spinning on her stomach, into the hall. Casey's face smacked into a wall, leaving a red mark on her forehead. Groaning softly, Casey peeked into the lobby. A group of rag-tag Pokemon thieves were holding up the center. "Alright! Hand over all the pokemon!" One of them growled, waving a gun."And no funny stuff! I have an itchy trigger finger!" Thinking quickly, Casey went back the way she came, and found all of her Pokeballs, which all had hearts on them. "Okay, battle time!" Casey whispered to her Pokemon, devising a quick plan with them."And remember, they have guns! Don't be seen, unless you have to!" "Pik!" Sheila nodded, taking Butterfree, and Rattata with her, and Casey, Sandshrew, and Pidgey went the other way. The idea was the hit the thieves with the Pokemon's most powerful attacks from different points, and detain them until the police could come. "Pi-Ka-Chuuuu!" Sheila screamed, using thunder shock. "Freeee!" Butterfree said spraying the intruders with stunspore. Pidgey pecked, Sandshrew scratched, and Rattata bit. While this cherade was going on, Casey was phoning the police. Rattata flew by her head and into the wall. Gasping, she turned, and saw one of the thieves standing behind her, smirking. Her long, dark pink hair fell into her face, as she grabbed, and twisted poor Casey's arm. "That wasn't smart, kid!" She snarled."Now tell me your name, so I can add you to my list of casualties!" "Casey Sklar Ketchum!" Casey grunted, struggling in vain."And I'm not going to be a casualty! Not today!" Stomping on the woman's foot, Casey dropped to the floor with a groan. The woman looked frightened and amazed. "Ketchum?! Ketchum!! So, did you know it was your father that put us in jail? Well, we're just going to play a little game of seek and destroy!" Grabbing Casey's arm, she forced her to her feet, and into the lobby. "James! This is Ketchum's kid!" "Are you sure, Jessie?" "Positive! She told me!" Jessie snarled, throwing Casey to the floor at James's feet."We can finally get our revenge!" She put a gun to the back of Casey's head, and was about to pull the trigger, when a bolt of lightning knocked it from her fist. It was Sheila! "Chu!" she warned, her electric blue eyes snapping and sparking with fury. "Heh! Another Pikachu!" James snorted, and picked Sheila up by the scruff of her neck. A blast of fire hit him in the back. It was Officer Jenny, and her police Growlithe. "Hands in the air! Let the Pokemon go!" "Well that's all cleared up!" Officer Jenny said, looking around as Jessie and James were shoved into a police car, screaming for their lawyers. That's when she saw Casey, who was going to her room for a bottle of super potion for her Pokemon. "Hold it right there!" Casey stopped dead in Her tracks. It was a police officer. "Where do You think You're Going?" Jenny demanded "To my room! My pokemon were hurt, and they need super potion!" "Oh. Just show me your I.D, and you can go." "I.D? Okay." Casey pulled out Her Pokedex. ^Hi!I'm Dexter!A Pokedex programed By Prof.Oak, for Pokemon Trainer Casey Skylar Ketchum. If lost or stolen, I cannot be replaced.^ "Ketchum?! Oh! I'm sorry!" The officer stamered. "Can I Go now?" Casey asked with an impatient sigh. "Yes!" "Thank You." Casey sighed again. She hated the way people treated her. Just because her father and mother were both famous Pokemon doctors, she was treated like some kind of godess. The name Ketchum was sometimes like a curse! After she treated her Pokemon, she helped Nurse Joy clean up. After that, Casey phoned her parents. Her dad picked up. "Hi Dad!" "Casey! Where are You?!" "In Viridian city, at the Pokemon centre." "You're in Viridian already?" "Yup! and I have 5 Pokemon Now!" "Really? You're doing much better than I did, when I was starting out! So what Pokemon do You have?" "Well, besides Sheila, I have a sandshrew, a Pidgey, a Rattata, and a Butterfree!" She paused,"Oh and before I forget, Jessie and James want to kill me. But I'm okay." she said this so matter of factly, that Ash had to laugh. "Right on! Good Luck, Casey!" "Thanks, Dad! 'Bye!" " 'Bye! And Be careful!" "Well, on to Pewter!" "Pika Pika?" (You sure?) "My dad says that the Pewter gym is best for beginers, like me." "Pi." (Oh.) They were just entering the Viridian forest, walking the bike. "Oh! A Caterpie! I love bug Pokemon! Take 5 Sheila. I can do this on My own!" grabbing a stick, and Her Pokeball, Casey crept closer to the Caterpie. Swinging the stick the other way to distract the Caterpie, Casey threw the pokeball. It worked like a charm! The ball wiggled a bit, then was still. "Yes! Caterpie's Mine! Now, I think dad told Me to be carefull, and avoid someone called 'The Samurai' and Be carefull not to wake the Bedrills.Yuck! I like Bug Pokemon, But Weedles,Kakunas, and Beedrills are not on My list!" "Chu!" (Yeah!) All was quiet, and Casey was catching a lot of Pokemon: an Eevee, a Bulbasaur, and an Oddish. All were sent to Prof.Oaks Pokemon Lab. Then it was a Nidoran Female, and, quite surprisingly, a Jigglypuff. But then... "Hiiiiyaaaaaaaaaaaa!" A sword came crashing down in front of Casey. She did the only thing she could think of she Kicked out. Hard. "Oooooooo!" The man groaned."Young lady, was that nessesary?" "Very!' Casey replied."It was insticnt, a force of habbit." "Oh. I am the Samurai! And I chalenge You to a Pokemon Battle!" "Aren't you getting a wee bit old for this?" "No! 2 Pokemon! I select Beedrill!" "Ewww!" Casey shuddered"Well, then, Sheila! I choose you!" "Pika!" "Beedrill! Twin Needle attack!" "Sheila, Dodge it and counter attack with double edge!" Beedrill was down! "Beedrill, Return! Very impressive! But it cannot beat my Pinsir!" "Sheila! Keep dodging any attack it trys!" "Pinser! Tackle attack!" "Keep dodging!Now use agility!" Pinser was confused."Now the technique I showed You!" Sheila pulled elecricity from Her electric sacs to cover her Tail. Very quickly, she whapped the Pinsir over the head, again and again until it couldn't fight back. "Pinsir Return! Very good fighting stratagies! I shall let You pass." Casey had been picking up her bike when she heard this. "You mean, if I couldn't beat You, or wouldn't battle, you wouldn't have let me pass?" "That is correct." "You Idiot!" Casey yelled. She pulled out a HUGE mallet, and sent the Samurai flying over the horrizon. After a few days, Chasey found Her way out of the Viridian forest. "Ahhhhhh! Fresh air!" Casey cried happily."I was begining to think that I was stuck in there for the rest of my life!" She made her way to the Pokemon centre to have her Pokemon revitalized.She stared at the Nurse. *Yee Gods! They're multiplying!* She thought. The Nurse smiled at Her. "I know why You're looking at Me like that. I'm Nurse Joy, sister of the Viridian city Joy. We look alot alike, don't We?" "Uh-Huh!" "Your Pokemon will be done in an hour. Why don't You go get something to eat?It looks like You need revitalizing, yourself!" "Alright. I'll be back before then!" Casey found herself walking down a nice street. She was thinking that if she was going to battle for a boulder badge, she should use a water Pokemon. But she didn't have one! *Maybe Sandshrew. Or I could switch Caterpie for Bulbasaur...But Sheila is REALLY good at physical attacks...* Casey was thinking this as she walked down the street. She wandered around after lunch, until she went back for her Pokemon. "Here are Your Pokemon, Casey!" Nurse Joy said cheerfully, handing her a tray with Her 6 Pokeballs in it. "Thank You, Nurse Joy!" Casey took the pokeballs, and headed for the gym. *It's Huge!* Screwing up Her courage, Casey went in. "Hello?" She called into the gloom. "Who's there?" A male voice called. Casey started, stumbling in the darkness. "Casey Ketchum! I chalenge You to a Gym battle!" "Another trainer, eh?" The lights came on, revealing a man in His mid 50's, brown and gray hair, and a Graveler by His side. Casey wimpered slightly. Her heart was pounding. *This must be uncle Brock's dad!*She thought. "Do you want to battle? Or are you just going to stand there?" Flint asked. Unable to answer, Casey nodded. "Hmm. I thought so..." Flint laughed."Now down to business. Three Pokemon, no time limit. Do You accept?" "Of course I do!" "Alright, then. Onix! Go!" The rock snake Pokemon came out. "Alright then! Sheila! I choose You!" "Chuuuuuu!" "A Pikachu! You can't be very smart! Onix Tackle attack!" "Sheila! Dodge!" "Onix! Bind it!" "Sheila, Agility!" Sheila ran all around Onix: over,under,around, and through,with Onix following Her, until Onix was one big rocky knot. Onix struggled to escape. "Onix!" Flint gasped. "Sheila! Thunder bolt! Aim for the horn on its head!" "PIIIIIIKKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAACHHHUUUUUUUUUU!!!!" The attack hit the rocky protrusion on top of Onix's head. Onix screamed in pain, before crashing to the ground, unconcious. "Onix! Onix, Return! Go Geodude! Tackle it!" "Same as before, Sheila! Dodge it! Now Confuse it with Agility!" "Geo! Geo! Geo!" Geodude was getting confused. "Now the special technique!" Geodude was out of there. "Go Graveler!" *No! Dammit, Sheila can't hurt it!* "Sheila, double edge!" Sheila crashed into Graveler. "Graveler! Counter attack! Tackle!" Graveler butted Sheila with its hard head. "Sheila, you can't win this! Return!" Sheila obediently returned to the safety of her pokeball. "Go, Sandshrew! Scratch attack!" Casey ordered. "Sand! Sand! Sand!" Sandshrew yelled, scratching Graveler across the eyes. Graveler fell over, and it was the end of the match. "Okay, you eaned this!" Flint replied, handing Casey a Boulder badge. "Thank you, sir." Just outside of Pewter city, Casey and Sheila were riding along, towards Mount Moon, when all of a sudden... "Hey! You! Pip-squeek!" a Pokemon trainer yelled at Her. "May I help you?" "I know who You are! An' I wanna battle with You!" "O-okay..." Casey said nervously."How many Pokemon?" "1 will do! And the forfit will be...your bike! Go squirtle!" "My bike?! Alright, then. Sheila, Go!" "Pika!" (Yeah!) "Squirtle, water gun!" "Sheila, Thunder bolt!" The Squirtle was knocked un-concious. "You only won 'cause You're a Ketchum!" the boy snarled. "No, I only won because I use stratagy! Using a Squirtle when I have a Pikachu in full view is a pretty dumb thing to do!" "Hmmph!!!" The boy turned to his Squirtle, pulling out a whip."And as for You!" He brought the whip down on the Squirtle's Shell. "Stop that!" Casey gasped, horrified that a trainer would punish a Pokemon for losing a battle! "Don't hafta!" The trainer brought the whip down again, but Casey delivered a swift kick to the other trainers hand, knocking the whip away. "You leave this Squirtle alone! You don't deserve to be a Pokemon trainer!" Casey shouted. The trainer flinched. "Well, it was weak, anyway! I was gonna abondon it!" The boy turned, kicked Casey's bike grudgingly, and left. Casey gaped at Him.*What a jerk!* She turned to the Squirtle. It looked back at her, it's eyes shining. "How'd You like to come with Me, Squirtle?" "Squirtle Squirt!" (I'd Love To!) "Then come on! Let's go!" Casey deposited Her Rattata, and Held out a Pokeball. Squirtle jumped into it. Grunting, Casey stumbled to her feet, and found that she had twisted her ankle badly. Luckily, Pidgey found another trainer nearby. "Geez!' he exclaimed,"Are You Alright?" "Nope. Does it look like I'm alright?!" "Tell Me what happened." Casey told Him everything. The boy looked at her with a horrified expression on his handsome face. "That was Big Rex. He uses that whip of his on his Pokemon, if they don't obey, or lose battles." "No!" Casey cried out. "Yeah, And you were lucky he didn't use it on you. C'mon then." the boy said, hoisting her up,"I'll take You back to my place, and get You fixed up, Okay?" "Yeah. Thanks." "Thanks for helping Me out, ummm?" "Oh! I'm Sorry! My name is Morgan. I have to confess, I've been watching You lately." "Why?" "Out of intrest, and for your own protection. I overheard a rather unusual conversation last week. Team Rocket was talking about kidnaping Casey Ketchum for revenge on Ash Ketchum, and I had to make sure that you were safe. When I saw your battle earlier, I knew who you were imediately. I was going to tell you, but I never had the chance." "Gee, Thanks." Casey said dryly. "I really think I should come with you." "Why should I let you?" "I have My ways..." "Blackmail! This is Blackmail!" "No! It isn't! I just don't want to see a kid get hurt because of a grudge!" "Oh, all right." Casey sighed, finally giving in."I gotta phone my dad, and tell him what happened." "What?!?!" Ash Ketchum yelled. Casey winced. "Don't worry. I fine now. And I have a new Squirtle, Too!" "Hey, Casey? How's He taking it?" Morgan interupted, coming into the room. "Who's that?" Ash asked curiously, calming down. "Oh, this is Morgan. He's coming with me on my Pokemon journey." "Sworn never to leave her out of my sight for more than 5 minutes, Sir." Morgan put in with a grin. "Aaaaoooooohhh!"Ash groaned,"Casey! Whatja do? Break His bike, too?" "No! He just a bodyguard, okay? Take a chill-pill,dad!" "Don't worry about her, Mr.Ketchum. I'll keep her out of trouble!" Casey took out her mallet and smacked Morgan in the face. "Butt Out! Oh, I forgot! Take a look, dad!" Casey showed him the Boulder badge she had earned. Ash grinned proudly. "So what Pokemon did you use?" "Sheila, the whole way through!" "Wow! And you did it all with a Pikachu!" "Yep! I have some good stratagies." Casey said, polishing her nails on her tunic. "Great! I've gotta go, Casey. 'Bye, Honey! I love you! And be carefull!" "Love you, too, dad! 'Bye!" "So, where are we headed?" Morgan asked, as they headed out of Pewter city. "Mt. Moon, of course!" "Yeah! I could get a zubat!" Morgan cheered. "Dexter, identify 'Zubat'." "Whoa! Cool!" "Yep! An addition to my team!" "What Pokemon do you have?" Casey asked, curiously. "Charmander, Butterfree, Bellsprout, Eevee, and Pidgey. What about you?" "Pikachu, Sandshrew, Caterpie, Squirtle, Pidgey, and Butterfree." "Really? What gender?" "Male." "Hey! Mine's a female! Maybe we can breed them!" "Hmmm...Maybe." "Cool. Let's go!" At Mt.Moon, Casey and Morgan gaped at the scene before them: Thick shrubs, trees, flowers, plants of all kinds surounded the beautiful mountain, that seemed to sparkle in the sun. "Wow! It's BEAUTIFUL!"Casey exclaimed."Oh, wow! A Pokemon!And it's hurt!" She rushed over to the little Pokemon. She flipped out dexter. "Wow! A Clefairy! now those are Rare!" Mogan breathed. "Yes, they are." Casey agreed, fixing the Pokemons wounds."There You go, little friend. All better!" "Clefairy,clefairy fairy clefairy!" (Thank You for helping me miss.) it said as it curtsied. "How cute! How polite! You wanna come with me?" "Fairy, Clefairy!" (Yes, Please!) "Okay!"Casey deposited Caterpie, a held out a Pokeball. The Clefairy hopped in then out. "Clefairy! Clefairy clefairy fairy clefairy!" (There! Now I'm registered as your Pokemon!" "Great! Now You need a name. Are you a boy or a girl?" "Clefairy clefairy." (I am female.) "Okay, how about Diana?" "Fairy Fairy Fairy!" (I like it!) "That's what I call you now?" "Clefairy-Fairy. Clefairy cle Clefairy." (Certainly. I like it a lot.) "Perfect! Now let's go catch some more Pokemon!" "Fairy!" (Yeah!) Morgan caught his Zubat, plus a Clefairy of his own. Then he caught an Ekans. Casey caught a Zubat, Ekans, Paras, and found a moon stone. "Wow! I have a lot of Pokemon now!" Casey exclaimed, loking in Her Pokedex. It counted 16 Pokemon, quite alot, considering she had only been on the road for only about 2 weeks,and that her dad had only had 3 by Pewter city. After an hour, Casey had a Parasect, another Zubat, and another Ekans. *Which makes 19, now.* Morgan had a Paras, and a Nidorino. "Let's go. There aren't many more different types of Pokemon left on Mt.Moon. And maybe we can go to Cerulian city." Casey sugested. "Yeah, that's a good idea!" Morgan agreed. They went outside for their bikes. ******************************************************************* Okay, you have to agree with me here, this sequel sucks big time. I couldn't use the one I had finished before, because it didn't quite fit. I've done my best, now it's up to you to decide if it's good or bad. (Oh, keep it in mind: I was typing this while totally exausted from studying 'Le futer simple', and emotionaly down.(Offhand, I'd say I'm going nuts!) So be gentle, I'm fragile.) Chiao... Princess mystic.