Hi, people! I'm back! think this sequel isn't as good as the first half of the whole saga, but it's up to you to decide that. Send questions or comments my way, at: pamcam@sprint.ca Now,, the disclaimer: Ah-Hem! "Pokemon never has, and never will, ever belong to me. (Oh...At least not yet...Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! (Evil little laugh!) Hah!)" Casey Skylar Ketchum , and Ashly, and countless others, are my creations, so please, DO NOT USE THEM! Ask my permision first, please. Now, On with the show! Argg! I mean, Story! A few days outside of Mt.Moon, Casey and Morgan were enjoying the peace and solitude. And catching Pokemon. "Squirtle,hit it with another water gun! It can't stand another attack!" Casey shouted. "Squirtle!"It shot a powerfull stream of water at the injured Ponyta, who whinnied in pain. "Pokeball go!"The ball sucked in the Ponyta, which wiggled for a moment, then was still. "Woo-Who!!! I caught Ponyta!!!" Meanwhile... "Charmander, Ember! You've almost got it!" "Char-Char-Char-Char-Char-Char!!!"Charmander began to spin around, sending bits of flame at the Bulbasaur it was fighting. "Pokeball go!" the ball wiggled, and rolled, then stopped. "Bulbasaur, you're mine!" Casey stopped dead in her tracks as a little red pokemon lept in front of her. *A Vulpix!* Skye flipped out her pokedex. "Hmmm...Squirtle, think you can take it?" "Squirtle Squirt!" (No prob!) "Okay! Use water gun!" "Sssquirrttllleee!!!" it said, spraying the fire fox with water. "Now, Sheila! Thunder shock!" "Chuuuu!!!" The Vulpix squeeled as the electric attack hit its soaking wet body. "Pokeball, go!" the vulpix made little struggle to escape. "Yes! I caught Vulpix!" "Pikapi!" (Yay!) "Squirtle!" (Yes!) "Hey! Squirtle? Do you want a name like Sheila, Sandy, and Diana?" "Squirtle?" (Really?) "Yep! I can't keep going around, saying 'Hey, you! Squirtle!' all the time. Squirtle, I'll call you Bubbles!" "Squirtle!" (Yay!) "Pikachu pika!" (Good name!) "Hey! You're missing out on the Pokemon!" Morgan said, coming out of the bushes, with Carmander on his right, and Eevee on his left."What have you been doing?" "Giving Squirtle a name. Besides, I have 23 Pokemon now, I can aford to take a break." Casey saw something behind Morgan,"Oh! A Meowth! Outta my way!" Morgan sighed, and watched her catch it. "Make that 24 Pokemon." He called to Casey. She giggled sheepishly Unnoticed by Casey and Morgan, Team Rocet was watching them. "If we get the girl, our revenge will be sweet!" James chuckled."Imagine what we can do to her!" "Well, I have a pretty big imagination!" Jessie chuckled. "Stop yappin! We gotta figure out how to get the girl!" Meowth snapped. Jessie and James snapped back to reality. "Right!" they said. "So Cerulian city is our next stop, isn't it?" Morgan asked. "Yep!" "Then I think that You should use Sheila, and have your bulbasaur as backup. And Squirtle as a last resort." "Okay, but Squirtle is Bubbles, now." "What wierd name!"Morgan commented,and Casey threw her shoe at him, leaving an imprint on his lightly tanned face. "Never make fun of a Pokemon's name! It decreases the power of the name!" "Okay, Okay!" Morgan muttered,"What ever you say!" Suddenly, without warning, Morgan fell into a carefully dug and concealed pit. "Whoah!" he hollered, as he fell. "Morgan!" Casey screamed as her arms were grabbed. Jessie and James had tight holds, and Casey couldn't move. Her feet didn't even touch the ground. Casey kicked both of her feet out, one to the front, and one to the back. Her shoes slipped off and flew up in the air. "Did you really think that you could get away by kicking at thin air-Ouch!" Jessie was cut off as one of Casey's shoes fell heavilly, and hit her face, knocking her down, semi-concious. "Jess-Yeowch!" James yelped as Casey's other shoe fell on his head, making him fall on his comatose partner. Picking up her shoes, Casey kissed them. "Ooohh! You lucky shoes!" Casey peered into the pit. Morgan was still trying to get out. "Morgan! Use your Butterfree! It can carry you out of there!" "Okay! I'll be fine! Now run!" "But, Morgan-" "No buts! Now move it!" Casey began to run as fast as she could, but didn't anticipate the Meowth that dug its claws into her back, or the evil laughter that followed. "Nailed her!" it growled. Suddenly, the sound of running feet filled the clearing.The next thing that Skye knew, Morgan was pulling the deranged cat Pokemon off her back, all picking her up. "Put Me Down! Put Me Down! Put Me Down!" She hollered, kicking at Morgan. "Yeowch!" he yelped."Casey! Hold still!" "Why Morgan?" "Stop kicking me! You've got a lot of gashes in your back. Lucky that I've got a bottle of alcohol with me. "Alcohol?! No way!" Casey lept up into a tree. "Get down here!" Morgan yelled, shaking the tree. "No! That stuff stings!" "Big baby!" "Mix it with water, and maybe I'll come down!" Casey called down. Finally, after she had Morgan beg for awhile, Casey came down. "Now where do we go?" Casey asked. They had just arrived in Cerulian City. "Well, how about going to the Cerulian Gym? You do want a Cascade badge, don't you?" "Yeah! Let's go!" "This is the Cerulian Gym?" Casey gaped,*It looks pretty goofy!* "Yep! Let's go in!" Morgan said cheerfully. Inside it was wall to wall aquariums in the halls, and a huge pool. Casey, having never really cared for swiming, shuddered. "Who's there?" somebody called, stepping out of the office attached to the pool room."Another trainer? Like, Misty'll handle it. Oh, Misty? Can you, like, come in here for a sec? There's another trainer for you to battle!" "Sheesh, Daisy! Can't you ever do anything, like a gym batttle, by yourself?" "No...gym battling ruins my school girl complexion." "What?!" now Casey could see who Misty was. She was wearing a red bikini, and her long orange hair was wavy, flowing around her shoulders. She had a towel around her waist, and a pair of sunglasses covering her eyes. "Alright, I'll battle with you. 3 Pokemon. Misty calls, Staryu!" "Okay! Sheila! I choose you!" "A Pikachu!" Misty gasped."I'm in trouble! Staryu! Double Edge!" "Sheila, jump on Staryu! Wieght it down!" "Staryu! Swift!" "Sheila! Thunder Shock!" Staryu was down."Staryu! Return! Go Goldeen! Use your Horn attack!" "Sheila! Dodge! Now Use Thunder shock!" Goldeen had been fried to a crisp! "Goldeen! Return! Go Cloyster! Ice Beam!" "Sheila! Dodge! Now Thunder Shock! Full power!" "Cloyster! Close your shell!" Even though Cloyster had closed it's shell, Cloyster was being fried. Daisy stuck her head out of the office, and sniffed the air. "Like, is someone cooking chowder out here?" "Cloyster! Return!" Misty walked towards Casey. She smiled and handed Casey a Cascade badge. "Here, you've earned this!" "Yes! I won a Cascade badge!" Misty stared. Then she turned to Morgan. "She's a Ketchum, isn't she?" She asked. Morgan smiled. "When was your first guess?" "That was the best!" Casey crowed."I wanna go back in and do it again!" "Calm down, Casey! We're headed for vermelion City, right?" "Yeah." "Then you can battle in the Vermelion gym. Okay?" "Okay!" "What say you and me go catch some Pokemon?" "Yeah!" 2 hours and 30 Pokmon later, Casey and Morgan stopped for a break. "I think We've been pretty lucky so far, don't you, Caseye? I mean excluding all those Team Rocket attacks, right?" "Yeah, I don't mind that, though. They're anoying, like the measles. No, Team Rocket is much more irritating..." Casey and Morgan cracked up. As they were walking, Morgan kicked something, which flashed as it landed a few feet away. "Cool!" Casey breathed, as Morgan picked the thing up,"It's a Water stone!" "Yeah! Really cool!" Morgan said absently, putting it into his belli-pack. "It's getting pretty dark, let's set up camp, okay Casey?" "Sure thing Morgan." They set out their sleeping bags, and gathered firewood. Casey cooked their dinner, and they ate in silence, Casey staring at the stars, and Morgan at Casey. Sheila looked at the two trainers. Giggling softly to herself, she went in serch of some apples for a snack. Casey was thinking. *The stars look so beautiful tonight! Oh look! If I conect this star with that one and those with these 6, they look like Tauros! And these 7 and those 5 look like a Garados!* Casey looked after the retreating Sheila, *Sheila is plottingsomething. I can hear the wheels in her head turning!* Morgans thoughts at this preticular moment were: *Man! What a babe! I've never met anyone like her before! She's Pretty, Sensitive, Smart, Spunky, and so much more! I can't let anything happen to her!* He looked after the retreating Sheila.*She's Plotting something! I can hear her thoughts cranking out!* "Ahhhhhhhh!" Casey yawned,"I think I'll go to bed now, if that's okay with you Morgan." "Yeah, sure." Morgan smiled warmly at her,"Go ahead." Casey got into her cute pink sleeping bag, with it's adorable sleeping Charmander on the front, and settled down with a sigh. A few minutes later, her deep even breaths told Morgan that she was asleep. He walked over to her, and stood looking down on Casey. He kneeled beside her, and put an extra blanket over her. Yawning, he got into his own bag, and fell asleep. "Ahhhhh!" Casey yawned, feeling refreshed after having a good nights sleep. "Let's get going, Morgan." A few weeks later, Casey and Morgan were in Vermelion City. "Okay, Morgan. Where do you suppose that gym is? If they use Electric Pokemon, I should use a fire type, or something like that, shouldn't I?" "Yeah, that's a good idea." "Yeah. I can deposit three of my Pokemon,and get Vulpix, and Ponyta, or some others..." "That'll be a good stratagy, Casey..." "Yeah...There. Now I just gotta find the Vermelion City Gym, and I'll be all set. Do you know where to go?" "I think so..." Morgan said, turning to the right. 1/2 an hour later, Casey and Morgan were standing in front of the gym. *Is it just me, or do these gyms keep getting wierder?* Casey was thinking as she entered the gym. Inside, there was an old trainer and a younger one, both dressed in army fatigues, with Electric Pokemon surounding them. Casey recognised the older trainer as Lieutenant Surge. Her father had told her about him. "Ahhh, My next victim, I mean, challenger!" The younger trainer said."And you're a cute one, too!" Casey growled. "Don't call me cute, or I'll kick you so hard your mother'll feel it!" She spat out. "Hey," The trainer chuckled,"You've got spunk! And I admire that in a girl. We will use 3 Pokemon, no time limit." "Fine with me!" "Okay, here we go! Electabuzz, go!" "Go Vulpix!" "Heh! A Vulpix. Electabuzz! Thunder Shock!" "Vulpix! Create a heat shield!" The electricity dispersed as soon as it touched the shield."Now flame thrower!" Electabuzz was badly burned from the flame attack. "Electabuzz, return! Go Raichu!" The trainer yelled. "Hey, Babe-y!" the man called from the sidelines,"Show 'em how real trainers work!" "Quit callin' me that, dad!" The trainer complained,"It's Cody! Just Cody! And you know it! Raichu! Thunder shock! Break that heat shield!" "Vulpix! Dodge!" Casey franticly yelped, but it was too late for warnings. The barrier was torn down by the powerfull Thunder shock, and Vulpix was too injured too get back up. "Vulpix! Return! Go Ponyta!" Casey released the firey horse. "Hmmh! A Ponyta can't beat my Raichu! Give it another Thunder shock!" "Ponyta! Flame thrower!" Raichu didn't stand a chance. "Return Raichu! Go Jolteon!" Casey yelled. "Jolt-teon!" "Ponyta! Encase yourself in your flames! Then tackle!" The Jolteon was much smarter, though. It dodged, and tried to shock the flame that was pursuing it. It didn't work. Soon Jolteon was running for it's life. It didn't have a fraction of a chance. It came spinning out of the ring, barely concious. "Jolteon! Return!" Cody sighed wearily."Here you go. Take this Thunder badge, you've earned it." He tossed it at Casey, and left the room with Lt.Surge bawling him out for losing the battle to 'a whimpy little kid'. Casey shuddered. *What A Jerk!!! Jerk Jerk Jerk!!!* Once outside, Casey let her anger burst. "How can that guy yell at his own son, just 'cause he lost a match! If I were him, I'd encourage the kid!" "Calm down, Casey. You're yelling."Morgan soothed, rubbing her back lightly. "I mean, haven't you seen that kind of thing before?" "No..."Casey said slowly,"Back in palette, I led a pretty sheltered life. I only left Palette to visit uncle Brock in the Orange Arcapelaco, and I still have never seen that kind of behavior. My parents don't even let me listen to swear words on t.v, Morgan!" *Of course...That didn't stop me from learning to swear...* "Oh..." Morgan said quietly. His life had never been like that, so he didn't quite understand. "Oy! I ask the impossible!" Casey muttered. "You think...?" Someone said from behind them. Casey turned and gasped. It was Cody! She faced him. "You heard me?" She inquired nervously. Cody nodded. "Yeah...I'm not going back there. I can't stand the way he treats me!" "You can come with us, if you want." Casey said shyly. Cody smile brightened."I'd like that very much." then his smile became serious."I'm sorry for saying all those things back there, I really didn't mean hurt your feelings. My dad kinda expects me to say those things to every challenger, like he did. I don't like to, but he likes to call me soft if I don't." "It's okay...where are you going to go?" Morgan inquired,"I mean, are you going to go with us part of the way, or all?" He he was a wee bit jealous of Cody. "I'm not sure... I might, though..." Cody nervously fiddled with the strap of his backpack. "Do you have a bike?" "Well, where shall we head?" Casey asked."Saffron city sound okay?" "Yeah!" "Just a sec. I promised my dad that I'd call him from each gym city, after my battles. Is that okay with you two?" "Yep!" Morgan said cheerfully. "Sure!" Codey said, smiling warmly. Casey walked over to a phone booth, and dailed her house. Back in palette, Ash was typing a research paper on Pokemon health and regulations, for the Pokemon League, when the phone rang. Brushing a long strand of hair from his face, he picked up the phone, flicking on the 'voice only' switch. "Hello? Ketchum residence. Ash speaking." Ash said brightly, stiffling a giggle.*I sound like one of those professional business people!* "Hi dad!" "Casey! Where in Houou's name are you?!"Ash yelped, flicking the the 'voice only' swich off again. Casey's face came on the screen, with Morgan and a strange boy behind her. "I'm in Vermelion City. And look!" Casey held up the Thunder badge. Ash beamed proudly at Casey. "I knew you could do it, Casey! You'll be in the Pokemon League in no time at all! Keep up the good work! By the way, who's your new friend?" "Oh! I'm sorry. This is Cody. I,uh, battled him for my Thunder badge..." "He's a gym leader?" "Naw, I'm a Novice." Cody replied."My dad wants me to take over, but I'm going with Casey and Morgan instead." "Cool." Ash replied, with a grin, tugging on a lock of his long black hair. "Now be carefull Casey. You two will take care of her, won't you?" "Of course!" They replied at the same time. "Dad? How's mom?" "She's okay. Stop worrying. The baby isn't due for 5 months, Casey." "Okay, Dad. I'll phone back later. Bye, dad!" "Bye, Hon! See ya later, you two." "Bye Mr.Ketchum." "I never knew you were a Ketchum!" Cody exclaimed, after Casey had hung up the phone. "Well, of course I am! This ain't no Rattata on my head, is it?" Cody looked up and saw that Sheila was sitting on Casey's head, like any Ketchum's would. Casey struck her father's famous pose. "Now do you see the resemblance?" "You bet!" Cody laughed. They walked away from the phone, got their bikes, and started to exit the city, when... "To protect the world from devestation!" "To unite all peoples within our nation!" "To denounce the evils of truth and love!" "To extend our reach to the stars above!" "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!" "Surrender now, or prepare to fight!" "Meowth! That's right!" People began to scream and run away from the Rockets. Jessie smiled evily. "It's nice to know we're not wanted!" She chuckled. "Except bt the Police in 7 towns." James muttered. Jessie slapped his face really hard, and snarled at him. "Never remind me! All of our wanted posters were simply horrible! Personably, I think that I look much prettier!" During this rather heated conversation, Casey,Cody, and Morgan were trying to sneek away. Jessie caught them. "Ah ah ah! Never try to sneek away from Team Rocket! Now hand over all of your Pokemon, and the girl, and maybe we won't hurt you." This infuriated Morgan. "If you want Casey, you're going to have to fight me first! She's my friend, and I'll fight all of you to keep her safe! Go Charmander! Eevee! Butterfree! Zubat! Pidgey! Bellsprout! Attack together!" "Don't forget about me!" Cody put in, "Electabuzz, Raichu, Jolteon! Lapras, Eevee, Gloom! Let's do it!" "Don't make me feel helpless, Guys!" Casey complained,"Sheila, Bubbles, Vulpix, Ponyta! Pidgey! Go!" The flock of peeved Pokemon advanced slowly, step by step, growling their anger, and intimidating Team Rocket. Whirlwinds, Stun spores, Flame throwers, Thunder shocks, Razor leaves, Ice beams, Water guns, Double slaps, Take downs, and Super sonic waves raced towards the Rockets, as they screamed in horror. The combined attacks sent Team Rocket into the next time zone, screaming: "Looks like Team Rocket is taking off again!" Casey stared after them defiantly, then began to giggle. Morgan stared at her, then began to laugh happily. Cody stared at them, then grinned, and snickered. "Electabuzz, Raichu, Jolteon, Lapras, Eevee, Gloom. Return!" He said, giggling. "Charmander, Eevee, Butterfree, Zubat, Pidgey, Bellsprout. Return!" Morgan gasped, holding out the Pokeballs, and holding his sides. "Bubbles, Vulpix, Ponyta, Pidgey. Return!" Casey said, all smiles."C'mon, Sheila. Climb up on my shoulder. Let's go!" Three weeks later... Casey was thinking about how she could win a Marsh badge. She didn't have any of the right Pokemon. *I need a Psycic Pokemon...or a Ghost type...But were am I going to get one? I don't think I can get one around here...* "Hey, Casey? You've been awfully quiet lately."Morgan said, nudging her with his free hand,"Is there something wrong?" "Hm? No, nothing's wrong..."Casey answered. *Maybe Diana can beat a Psycic Pokemon...She has a light screen, and the metronome...Wait a tic! I can catch a Ghost type Pokemon in Lavender Town!* Casey stopped her bike, and began to rummage in her back-pack for a map. The others stopped and exchanged looks. "What are you doing, Casey?" Morgan asked, looking down at her. She looked back up at him. "I don't have any of the right Pokemon, so I want to try my luck at catching a Ghost type in Lavender Town." "Lavender town?!" Cody exclaimed, backing up."Don't you know how hard it is to catch Ghost Pokemon there?" "Of course I do! My dad tried, and got a Haunter. He didn't catch it, he be-friended it, and it stayed at the Saffron Gym with Sabrina. 'Course, he did almost get himself killed, but he shrugged it off..." Morgan and Cody were slowly backing their bikes up. Casey noticed. "Fine! If you two are going to act like chickens, I'm going alone!" She snarled, turning on her wheel. They exchanged glances, and realized that she was serious. And gone, too. So was Sheila. And the Map. "Wait for us!" They hollered, riding after Casey. When they finally caught up with Casey, a thick, cold fog was coming in. Cody and Morgan shivered. "Are you guys scared?" Casey asked, turning around to face them. "Uh-Huh! Uh-Huh!" "Big Babies!" Casey muttered, turning back to Sheila."And we don't have to stay at the Pokemon Centre, 'cause I have some cousins in Lavender Town." "T-that's g-good." Morgan said through chattering teeth. "Oh, Casey! It's so good to see you again!" A young lady, about fifteen years old, ran up to Casey and hugged her. "Oh, Amage (A-Mage-A)! I haven't seen you since last summer! Are you a Pokemon breeder yet?" "Of course!" "How's uncle J.C?" "He's just fine!" "Oh, these are my friends, Morgan and Cody." "Pika!" (Hey!) "Oh! And Sheila." "Chu!" (Darned tootin'!) "Oh what an adorable little Pikachu!" Amage picked Sheila up and began to cuddle her. They were in Amage's front yard." Park your bikes here please. Now, tell me why you came to Lavender Town?" "To get a Ghost Pokemon from the Pokemon Tower." "You're gonna do what?!?! You've gotta be insane!!!" "But I need a Ghost Pokemon to beat the Psycic ones at the Saffron Gym!" "Oh, well, Okay...I'm sending Fawna with you, though." "NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! ANYBODY BUT FAWNA!!!" Casey hollered. "Oh, come on, Casey. She isn't that bad." "Oh yes she is!!!" Soon Morgan and Cody were finding out why Casey hated Fawna so much. She was a flirt, ditz, air-head, ect. who wore too much make-up, and had a TERRIBLE blond dye job(You could see her dark roots a mile away, and there was streaks of her naturel black showing through). She was also a chatter- box. She kept talking and talking, and never seemed to stop. She also noticed the way Morgan looked at Casey,so she began to flirt with him, clinging to his arm, cooing out complements. That hurt Casey so much that she walked far ahead of the others. She was the first to reach the Pokemon Tower. She stood gazing up at the huge Tower, the 'Ketchum Determination' showing on her face. "I won't let some stupid fright tower stop me!" She muttered."I'm going to catch a Ghost Pokemon even if it Kills me!" Someone in the Pokemon Tower heard her... "That can be arranged..." "Okay, Casey. What's your big plan?" Fawna taunted sweetly. "Go in, look around, find what I'm looking for, and get out. Simple as that." Casey spat back at her. "Touchy!" "Shut up! If you don't like it, then stay behind!" Casey snapped, and ran away from her friends and enemy."And stay out of my way!" "Casey! Wait!" Morgan yelled, struggling out of Fawna's grasp, and running after Casey. "Pika-pi!" (Wait-up!) Everyone ran after Casey, but she was already in the tower, and on the second floor. She weighed barely 70 pounds, soaking wet, so she could move swiftly with much ease across the dangerous old floors. Suddenly, Morgan and Sheila heard a sharp twang, and a creaking noise, like that of a swinging rope, then a desperete Casey release Diana. "Oh, can't that big baby ever stay out of trouble?" Fawna complained,"Go, Bulbasaur, help us get to the second floor." Bulbasaur steadied the shaking, creaking stairs with his vine whips, and the teens and Pokemon ran up the stairs. Casey was hanging upside-down from a snare, and Diana was desperately fighting Team Rocket, Meowth, and Arbok and Wheezing. Her light screen wasn't holding up against all the bite and scratches that were being sent against her, so Diana was about to give up, when a Ghost Pokemon came out of an old closet. "Ghastly!" It complained, obviously annoyed at having been disturbed from its slumber,"GHASTLY!" It licked Team Rocket and their Pokemon,paralizin them. "Bulba." Bulbasaur used its razor leaf attack, and cut Casey down from the snare. The Ghastly started to leave via a hole in the floor. Casey realized that this was what she had come for, that this was what she needed. She got up and dove after the Ghastly, but skided over the edge. Morgan tried to dive after her, but Fawna had his arm in her clutch. He could only watch as Casey hit the floor on the first floor with a thud. The wind knocked out of her, Casey pulled herself into a sitting position. The floor creeked, and broke, sending Casey to the basement, beside an old charred Pokeball. (Authors Note: The Pokeball is the one that Ash Ketchum threw at Jessie's face, twenty-two years earliar.) Casey picked it up as the floor creaked again, and AGAIN the floor broke, sending Casey to the sub-basement. Casey hit her head against the cold stone floor, and was still. Casey still clutched the old Pokeball in her hands. The Ghastly and a Gengar came out of the shadows and prodded her. They looked at each other, and grinned. Gengar grabbed Casey's spiret, and pulled it from her body. "Gengar! Geng Gengar Genagr Geng!" (Maybe this will be as fun as the last time, with that boy!) "Ghastly! Gha-Gha-Gha-Ghastly!" (Yeah! And that Pikachu!) "Gengar Gengar Geng! (Maybe this girl will stay and play!) "Ghastly!" (Yeah!) Casey began to wake up. But not where she had fallen. One look down, and... "Oh, I'm down there...WHAT AM I SAYING?!?!" "Gengar! Gengar Gengar!" (Hi! I'm gengar!) "Ghastly Ghastly Ghast!" (I'm Ghastly!) "Oh, nice to meet you, but..."Casey looked down again,"GET ME DOWN!!!" Morgan,Cody, Sheila, and Diana looked on in horror as Casey crashed through the floor, then into the basement, and then they heard her fall into the sub-basement. Fawna meerly smirked. Morgan yanked his arm free from Fawna's grasp, and ran down the stairs. Casey was desperately trying to punch the hell out of the Ghost Pokemon, without much success. They were too quick, or when she did make contanct with their bodies, her fists passed right through them. That infuriated Casey to the boiling point. She attacked again and again. The Ghost Pokemon laughed at her attempts. "Gengar Geng!" (You're funny!) "Ghastly Ghastly Ghast!" (Come play with us!) "Play with you?! I'd like to do more than play with ya! I'd like to-" Casey charged again, but Gengar and Ghastly moved out of the way, and Casey went through the wall, into the next room. A small boiler room, and a bunch of baby Ghastly were playing with each other. "Awww! how cute!" Casey cooed. "Oh, God! Casey!" Morgan hollered into the hole in the basement floor,"Can you hear me?!" It was too gloomy in the basement to see Casey properly. "Are they yours?" Casey asked, watching the baby Ghastly's play. "Glastly Ghastly!" ( They sure are!) "Oh, and I thought you were a scarey Pokemon, but you really aren't, are you?" "Ghastly..." (Naw...) "Oh, well I guess I can play with you guys for a bit...but then I have to go back...alright?" "Ghastly!" (Agreed!) "Gengar!" (Yay!) "Ghast-Ghastly, Ghastly!" (You're more fun than your father!) They flew off, with the baby Ghastly's trailing them. Casey noticed her friends scrambling around as they passed, obviously frightened by all the Ghost Pokemon. Casey laughed as they flew by, grabbing at Fawna's belt and skirt. Fawna screamed as she was dragged back a few feet, by an invisibe force named Casey Sklar Ketchum. "Casey!" Morgan gasped. He had caught sight of her still form laying on the floor of the sub-basement."Guys, we gotta get her out of there!" Just then, Fawna screamed. She was being dragged backwards, by...nothing! "Holy-C**P!!!!" He yelled. Casey giggled. "That was so much fun, but I really want to go back...But I also need a Ghost Pokemon...What am I going to do?" One of the smaller Ghastlys flew over to the Pokeball clutched in Casey's hand. Morgan saw this and was amazed. It bumped the Pokeball and was sucked inside. "Thank You." Casey whispered. Morgan saw the Ghastly go into the old charred Pokeball by itself. That amazed, and disturbed him. He managed to get to Casey, and cradled her in his arms. He gently shook her, alarmed by how cool her skin felt. "C'mon, Casey..." He murmered."Please wake up..." Casey dropped down closer to her body, and settled back in. Morgan looked at Chasey, seeing her respond. She slowly opened her eyes. "Hey, Morgan...Sorry to scare you..." She murmered, looking down. "Oh, it's okay. But I've gotta get you out of here. Where did you get the Pokeball, Casey? I saw a Ghastly trap itself in it." "I found it over there." Casey shrugged, and gestured."It's pretty old. And I caught that Ghastly. Can we go now?" "Yeah, sure..." Up in the Basement, Cody and Sheila were waiting for them. "Bad news, Fawna split on us. Actualy, I think that's quite good news..." "Yeah, well I do, too." Morgan agreed. "Me three." Casey said, with a wicked little grin."I've been tempted to feed her to the Arcanines before, you know..." "Pikaaaa!" (Me 4!) "Now, let's go to Saffron!" Casey said cheerfully. They got their bikes, and left Lavender Town. **************************************************************************** Hello, people. I'm exausted! This story is killing me! But, I will continue. Now, if it isn't too much trouble...I'd like to hear from you. So far, only one person has been kind enough to do so. (You know who you are, so give yourself a nice pat on the back.) Gotta go! TTFN! Ta-Ta For Now! Chiao! -Princess Mystic