"Who Are You, Really?" Chapter Two "Ash! I should Have Known it was you!"Ash turned around and saw who it was. Standing in front of Him was a furious Gary Oak. "Gary! What-"Ash said before Gary cut Him off. "You know why I'm here! Don't play dumb!"Gary shouted,"Give Me back my Acanine!!" "What?! I don't have your Arcanine!" "Yes You do!I have proof!" "What?" "The button from Your jacket,and Your foot prints outside My bedroom window!How do You explain that?"Gary replied smugly. "I don't, 'cause..."Ash said quietly,"...I DIDN'T DO IT!!!" "Yeah, right!I'm going to get You for this, Ash Ketchum!!!" Gary yelled over His shoulder."I'm going to make you pay!!!" "Geesh!What a Temper!What did He mean by 'I'm Going to get You for this!' and 'I'm going to make You Pay'?" "Growl Grow growlithe..." ("I don't think..." "Purrrr Pursian Purr!" ("...That he does either!") "Thank's You guys! Squirtle,Bulbasur,Angel,Blaze,Puar!That's enough!Return! C'mon pikachu!Race ya back home!' Ash took off like a shot, with a small electric mouse on His heels. "Ash? Is that You? Come have some lunch with us. Your mother left us some, before She went out to do some shopping." Misty called from the kitchen.Ash looked at His watch. 12:47. *Hmmmmm...The Pokemon are hungry...I'd better feed Them...I'm getting kinda hungry myself...* "Alright, Misty.Just a sec, Okay? I gotta feed My pokemon.They've used up all their energy,training." "Okay.Anything happen while You were out, Ash?" "Now that You mention it, that Jerk Gary Oak, acusesd Me of stealing His Arcanine. What an Idiot!" "Now I see what you mean when you call him a jerk!He's one small step ahead of a Grimer, One giant leap below a Magikarp!"Misty hissed through clenched teeth "Heh-Heh! Good one Misty!" Ash chuckled softly. "Hey,Ash.tell us all the details."D.j called from the back yard, where He was feeding His own pokemon, Jolteon,ponyta,Clefable,Diglett,and Raichu. During lunch,Ash told Them everything that had happened. D.j and Misty were silent for a moment, before they had an idea. "Why don't We call Ashly? She'll know what to do!" "Yeah! I'll call Her right now!"Ash said, running to the living room. "Ring Ring Ring! Ring Ring Ring!Phone Call! Phone Call!" Ashly Green reached over and picked up the Phone.*Awwww!And I was just getting to the good part!* She thought, putting down Her copy of "One flew over Pidgy's nest". "Hello?Green Residence, Ashly speaking." "Ashly! Hi! It's Ash!" "Ash?" Ashly asked, turning of the 'Voice only' comand on the phone,"Are You alright? You sound Stressed off!" "I am. Ummmm...Could You come over? We're going to need Your help." "Certainly, Ash. I'll be over soon."*So much for 'One flew over the Pidgy's Nest' Sigh!* "So Gary wants to get You, Huh?Guys this is really serious! Oak's and Ketchum's don't get along!" "No Duh! I know that!"Ash said causticly. "Ash!"Ashly said sharply. "Sorry."He mumbled. "Look, I'm Not sure what to do.Ash, let Me talk to your pokemon." "O-kayyyyy..."Ash said.It was creepy the way Ashly could talk fluent pokemon. "Pokeballs, go!" "Squirtle!" "Bulbasaur!" "Purrrsaiann!" "Grooowwllll!" "Eeeeeeeeeee!" "Pika?"Ashly tried. (What happened?) "Pikachu! Pikaaa! (Ash was Training us all morning! He was doing great!) "Growlll!Growlithe Growl!" (Until that Jerk showed up!then we went home And had lunch!") "Oohhhh! Pika-pi, pikachu!" ( what about,before that?) "Chuuuu.... (Ummm...) "Squirtle! Squirtle Squirt!" (We were jogging early this morning! Then we ran around the back yard, in fun races!) "Pika pi! Chu! Pikaaaaa!" ( Oh, This doesn't look good! Oh, You guys! This is Sooooooo Serious!) "Pursiannn.Purrrrrrr..." (We know, Child. Calm yourself...") "Pi. Pi-Chu? Kaaaa?" ( Thanks. Anything else? Growlithe?) "Growllllllllllllllithe!" (I CAN'T REMEMBERRRRRRR!) "Purrrrr!" (Calm yourself!) "Well that was an interesting conversation...But nothing to get you off the hook, Ash." Ashly sighed. "It's okay, Ashly."Ash said, sighing as well. The doorbell rang. "I'll get it, Ash." Ashly said and ran to the door.She opened it, and Prof.Oak, Gary Oak, and Officer Jenny were standing there.*Uh-Oh!* "May I help you?" Ashly found Herself saying. "Is Ash here?" asked Prof.Oak. Prof.Oak and Officer Jenny looked grim, but Gary looked triumphant. "Yes..."Ashly said slowly,"Please come in." "Ash, You've been acused of Pokemon theft.Do you have anything to say?" Ash sat in stuned scilence,His heart sinking. *Prof.Oak was one person I'd expect who'd defend Me!* "Well..."Ash said slowly,"I don't know why You'd think that I'd steal a pokemon, when I have My own..." "Well, Gary has some rather interesting proof, Ash" "Yeah, Loser!"Gary snickered, and tossed 3 items on the coffee table: A gold button,a photo of some foot prints that looked like Ash's, and some threads. Blue Threads. Ash thought back to that morning... 'Hey! Blaze! Come back Here! No!' Ash had shouted,'Not over Prof.Oaks fence!' 'Growl! Growlithe Growl!' Blaze had laughed, making Ash jump over the fence after him. Ash had got his jacket caught on the fence, tearing it. 'Great! Just what I need! A hole in My Jacket! How am I going to explain this to My mom?' "Well, Ash?"prof.Oak prompted. "I don't think that button is mine, 'cause I lost mine on seafoam island, training for the pokemon league...The foot prints could have come from anyones shoes, 'cause Mr.Mime's is selling them downtown...The threads are from my jacket, but that's because I had to chase a certain Growlithe across Your fence, Prof.Oak." Prof.Oak looked at Ash's Pokemon. "Is this true?" "Pika-Pik!" (Every word!) "Growlithe Growlllll..." (I was a bit naughty...) "Squirtle Squirt Squirtle!" ( Ash would never do that!) "Hmmmmmm...I guess that's proof enough..."Prof.Oak mused. "Hey, Gramps! Are You going to listen to what this losers Pokemon are saying? He could have told them to say that!"Gary said, in a self-assured, snobish voice. "Hmmmmmm..." Ash held His breath. This did not look good! "Ash, I'm afraid that until Gary's Arcanine shows up, and your innocense is proved, I will have to strip You of your Badges,Pokedex,Pokemon, and lisence." Ash looked hard at Prof.Oak.*I will not cry! I will not cry! I will not cry! * "Alright..."Ash's voice was painfull,"Then if that's what's gotta happen, then...Squirtle,Bulbasaur,Puar,Blaze,Angel...Return!" "Squirtle!" "Bulbasaurrrr!!!" they pleaded, as Squirtle and Bulbasaur were sucked inside their Pokeballs.('NO!' 'AASSHHH!!!') "Perrrrrr!" "Growwlll!" "Eeeeeeee!!!" ('Please child!' 'Maassterr!' 'Nooo Ash-y!') "I'm sorry...Pikachu, return!" "Chuuuu!" ('No, Ash!') "Pikachu, don't make this any harder. Return!" "Pikaaa-"Pikachu was cut off when he was sucked into his Pokeball. "Professor,take care of them.They're my best friends,and I want them to be safe." Ash turned and went to his room, slamming the door.