Prologue: One and All To be a Friend means "one attached to another by affection and respect", "one who is not hostile" and, "one who favors or supports something." Sixteen teenagers in their senior years in high school realize how important friendship really is and how life is too short to be picky over who hangs out with who. "I only have friends because I am popular." "I had friends before my senior year, but they separated themselves from me because I'm too bossy." "I have friends because I'm a cheerleader. They may not act like true friends but at least I have people to socialize with." "I have friends because I'm the richest guy in school. And get more attention than others." "I only have friends because I go out with a cheerleader." "I had best-friends that were guys but they found girlfriends and left me behind." "I have friends that attend another school, and I also have friends here at Kanto International too." "I could have more friends but I only have one TRUE friend that goes to school." "Ditto." "I'm more cooler than Maximillion so I have friends all over this school!" "I don't have any friends because people think I'm gay." "I don't have friends because I'm not "In with the times"." "I have friends because I used to go out with the richest guy in school…for one day." "I am the ultimate jock so I have more friends than anyone. AKA most wanted guy." "I have friends that are cheerleaders and jocks, no nerds, faggots, or losers will be seen with me." "I have friends because I'm friends with Acestar, so I have everything I could ask for." These are the statements from sixteen totally different teens that attend Kanto International Academy that are in their senior year in high school. From beginning to end, this is their senior year story. *While reading this story, try to figure out who said what quotes, it's kind of mind-boggling to figure them out, but some of them are no-brainers if you read the story.