Chapter 2 – The Drowned Rattata A crisp sea breeze blew through the harbour with the sunlight creating a magical sparkle on the surface of the ocean. A flock of Wingull soared on the warm thermals above the water. Boats were pulling in to dock, or departing on their journeys. A girl with long, blue pigtails sat on the edge of a dock, her legs draped over the edge. Her white jacket was blown back a bit by the breeze, revealing her hot pink top, which stood out from her grey-blue shorts. All the while, a Misdreavus hung above her head. Her long, black hair was blown out of her face from the wind. Her blue pearls shone brightly in the sun. The lower part of her body, which appeared to be like a neck, blew back like an elegant dress. ‘Dani!’ The girl turned around when she heard a voice call her name. She saw a boy roughly the same age running towards her. The boy’s long, L-shaped fringe was swinging back and forth in his face as he ran, while his black and gold cap sat nicely on his black hair. As he came to a stop he dusted a bit of dirt off his red and white, hooded jumper and his black and gold shorts. At his heels was a Typhlosion. He bounded along on all fours, but when he stopped he raised himself up on his hind legs to stand taller than the boy. He scratched his pale yellow stomach, which was very different from his dark-green, almost black, back. On his neck there was an arranged line of four red spots, which were there for more than just decoration. ‘Little Miss and I were worried you weren’t going to make it.’ Dani said as relief filled her face until her eyes were the same colour of the ocean, magical sparkle and all. This brought a smile upon the boy’s face as well. ‘What took you so long Yoshi?’ The boy scratched the back of his neck as he said ‘Uh…yeah… about that, see we got caught by Kamon on the way here, but it wasn’t too much of a problem. Typhlosion and I took care of everything, right bud?’ No answer. He turned to the large Pokemon standing next to him to speak to him. But he was off in another world, staring at the water, or rather what was in the water. ‘Baa.’ He barked in a low voice as he pointed at a mass of purple that was splashing around in the water. Yoshi looked down at it and identified it as a small Rattata, struggling to stay above the surface of the water. ‘Hello? Yoshi?’ Dani said as she tried to get his attention. But she had lost him to the helpless creature in the water that had taken his companion’s attention. Instead he dived off the dock and into the ocean, splashing water up on Dani as he disappeared under the salty surface. After a few seconds he reappeared with the Rattata in his arms and he paddled over to the edge of the walkway, where Dani took the Rattata from his arms lay him down on the ground and she and Typhlosion heaved Yoshi out of the water. Her friend was now soaking wet, and the Rattata was panting hard. ‘See?’ Dani complained ‘This is the kind of recklessness that I was talking about. Someday it’s going to get you killed.’ ‘Yeah, but in the meantime it’s saving lives.’ Yoshi breathlessly countered. He looked down at the purple rat, who was lying on the ground, exhausted. ‘Hey little fella,’ Yoshi whispered to the small creature as he gently stroked his wet fur. The Rattata opened his weary eyes and looked up at his saviour. In a high-pitched voice, he mustered out a little ‘Raa,’ and he slowly stood up and shook himself dry. He then looked at Yoshi again and cried ‘Rat, rat,’ before sidling up to Yoshi, who just smiled at the little creature, glad that he was okay. ‘Affectionate little guy, isn’t he? Especially for one as young as he looks.’ Dani said, completely discarding the fact that Yoshi carelessly dove in the water to save him. The sight of such an adorable creature was just too much, and she completely forgot within a few seconds. The Rattata ran around in little circles, shouting happy little cries and then stopping to happily look up at Yoshi. Yoshi smiled back down before standing up. ‘We should probably let him be now.’ Right then Yoshi’s stomach grumbled, and Dani looked at him, shaking her head. ‘Well why don’t we go get some lunch? We can fill each other in while we eat.’ Dani suggested. ‘Sounds great!’ Yoshi turned to his Typhlosion and said ‘You hungry pal?’ Typhlosion barked again, as he usually does whenever he’s excited. Yoshi looked down at the Rattata and said ‘You take care of yourself.’ The Rattata looked up at Yoshi, the happiness slowly fading from his face as the two trainers and their Pokemon walked off, leaving the young Rattata behind. Dani and Yoshi sat at a table, finishing off their plates of spaghetti they ordered. Little Miss was also at the table, nibbling at the Pokemon food in her purple bowl, her hair blowing out of her face making it easier for her to eat. Typhlosion was just beside the table, chomping away noisily at the food in his red bowl. Dani spoke up first. ‘So,’ she said in a muffled voice as she wiped some sauce away from her lips, ‘you say that you left all your Pokemon except for Typhlosion behind to try and build a different kind of team?’ Yoshi slurped up the last of his spaghetti, and nodded. ‘Tell me again why you wanted to do such a thing.’ ‘I’m trying something new to see how it works out.’ He replied with the food still in his mouth. He gulped, letting the spaghetti slide down his throat before he continued on. ‘So far it’s been great. I’ve got a brand new team that’s been taking on just about anything that has come our way. But…’ He set his knife and fork down and picked up a napkin, wiping the bolognaise sauce of his face before continuing on. ‘… I’ve still got a spare spot on my belt. I’m saving it for a Pokemon that will be able to surprise me or just make me proud when I see it.’ Just then, Yoshi and Dani sat in confusion as they listened to a growling coming from just beside the table. It wasn’t a threatening growling, but more of a friendly one. They looked down to see Typhlosion communicating with a Rattata… the same Rattata that Yoshi had rescued earlier. He was giving Typhlosion puppy dog eyes, but Typhlosion was gently resisting, and seeming to complain to Yoshi as he tugged at the hem of his shorts. ‘Poor guy,’ Dani said quietly, ‘He looks hungry.’ Yoshi sat up, fished around in his bag until he pulled out a jar. He popped the lid off and picked out a piece of Pokemon food, which he just let drop into his open palm. He held his hand out to Rattata, who sniffed at the food before snatching it from Yoshi’s hand and nibbling away at it. Once he had scoffed it down, he looked up at Yoshi again. Yoshi smiled before setting the jar down in front of Rattata, who contently started picking out pieces of food and snacking on them. After a few more pieces it backed away from the jar and sat between Typhlosion and Yoshi. Dani just laughed and said ‘Well, there’s no doubt that Rattata is a surprising Pokemon.’ Yoshi chuckled and shook his head. ‘Yeah, he’s not bad for a wild one.’ He then regained eye contact with Dani and said ‘Anyway, what about you? I’ve told you how I’m going, so now it’s your turn.’ Dani smiled and clasped her hands next to her cheek like she did in her usual cutesy way. ‘Well, I’ve also built up a strong team, and taught them all the perfect dance moves for entertaining my opponents.’ She said in her sweet and innocent voice. Yoshi just sweat- dropped, but was relieved when she continued on more seriously. ‘They all fight their hardest in battle, and never give up. They always make me so proud, especially Chomper. Ever since he evolved he’s been in charge of the battle every time.’ Yoshi lurched in his seat and sat forward. ‘Chomper’s evolved?!’ Dani nodded, and then determination began to show in her face. ‘I bet he’d be able to beat your Typhlosion now.’ Yoshi also put on his determined face at the seemingly impossible statement. Dani saw this and then said ‘I bet all of my Pokemon could beat yours.’ This broke Yoshi’s self-restraint. He stood up, his seat grinding against the concrete as it was forced backwards. ‘Fine. You and me, five on five. We’ll find a place to fight and take it from there.’ Dani nodded, and also stood up, picking up her bag and slinging it over her shoulder. Little Miss drifted up next to Dani’s head as she finished her food. Typhlosion stood up next to Yoshi, with determination glittering in his eyes as well. The four of them left the restaurant in search of a battle field, with their unexpected guest trailing behind them.