Whispering Darkness (An AAMRN by Crysta) Authors note: Yeah yeah, I made Pikachu talk. Basically now Ash and Pikachu have been together 6 years. Pikachu learned to talk, Ash is the Pok‚mon Master, Brock and Tracey have gone their separate ways (Brock is a breeder, and Tracey works for Oak) and Misty. well, read on. Oh yes, and now Tracey is 18 and Ash and Misty are sixteen. ********** "Look at that." "Ash, it's only an Oddish." "So? I wanna catch it!" "Here we go again." "Oh Pikachu, stop moaning." "Ash, Pikachu has a point." Ash looked across at Misty. "You can talk!" "Just." "Toge pree!!" (Don't start) Togepi peeped. Pikachu laughed. "You tell them Togepi!" he said. Ash grinned. "Grass pok‚mon are weak against. Fire pok‚mon! Charizard." "Ash! Charizard's too strong!" Pikachu warned him. "You're right. I know! Go Flareon!" "Flareon!" (Let's rock!) cried out the fire pok‚mon. Misty groaned. "It's a good job Fire types are good against poison pok‚mon too. Oddish is a grass and poison type." "He's a good pok‚mon master if he can't even remember that." Pikachu shook his head. "Orddish?" (Huh?) The Oddish looked at the Flareon funnily. "Flare!! Eon, Flareon!!!" (I don't like that look!) "Orddish, dish ordd?" (What have I done?) "Flareon! Flare flare eon Flareon!" (Beats me but I gotta obey my trainer.) Pikachu laughed. "Sounds like Flareon's a rather interesting kinda pok‚mon!" Misty giggled. Ash blushed a furious red. "Flareon, flamethrower!" "Flare!" (Sorry.) Flareon roasted the Oddish. "Orddish. dish. Ordd." (That's. OK. Ow.) Oddish fell over. "Yeah! Pok‚ball, Go!" Ash threw one of the red and white balls that were designed to catch pok‚mon. The ball hit Oddish. Oddish was sucked inside. "Here we go." Pikachu said. "Yeah! I caught Oddish!" Ash yelled, doing his pose. Misty and Pikachu laughed. "Some things just never change. Do they Ash?" Misty got out between giggles. "Charming." Ash placed the pok‚ball with his others and walked over to them. "I'm hungry! Let's go to my Mom's and get something to eat." "Great idea!" Pikachu called out. "Like I said, some things never change. But yeah, I'm hungry too. Let's go!" Misty said. ********** "Not another bug!" Ash pried Misty off him. "Geez Misty, it's only a Caterpie." "I don't care! It's a bug and I HATE BUGS!" she shrieked. Ash sighed. "Go away Caterpie! You're frightening the lady!" Pikachu said, chasing the offending Caterpie away. "Preee!" (bye!) Togepi called out. Misty got off Ash. "Phew!" Ash tried not to blush. "Let's go before it comes back!" Misty said. Ash nodded. "C'mon Pikachu, let's go, before Misty freaks and I carry her all the way home." "Oh, oh. That was not a good thing to say Ash!" Pikachu said. "Why? OW!" Misty smacked Ash across the back of his head. Ash groaned. "*That* is why." Pikachu said. "Gee thanks, Pikachu. Bit slow, weren't you?" Misty just laughed and walked a little way off. She paused and said "Come on Ash!" ********** ". Are you going back to Cerulean?" "You have got to be kidding me. Lily, Violet and Daisy can have the stuffy old gym. I'm staying right here!" Misty said sharply. "I like having you here." Pikachu said. "You're perfectly welcome to stay as long as you like dear." Mrs. Ketchum said. Her Mr. Mime ran past clearing the table as it did so, except for Togepi's plate, because she hadn't finished eating yet. "Pree!!!" (Yum!!!) Mrs. Ketchum blushed with pride at this vote of confidence. "So you're staying, huh?" Ash didn't say what he'd meant to say. "Yep! Besides, how would I get my bike back if I didn't?" Misty joked. Ash frowned and she quickly said "Joke." "Uh?" Ash looked up. "I didn't really use it anyway." Misty said. *Say it Misty!* *I can't!* *Just say it, easy!* *butt out!* Misty shook herself and smiled at Ash, her red hair tied back in its usual ponytail style. "What now then?" Pikachu wondered. "That's easy! We gotta catch 'em all!" Ash announced. Pikachu groaned. "Can't we settle for those we have already?" "No! I want to be the master, and own all the pok‚mon there are!" "Lucky me." Pikachu sighed, and looked at Togepi. "You done yet Togepi? Only I think Mr. Mime wants to wash the tablecloth." Misty said. "Togepree!!" (Finished!!) the egg pok‚mon said. Mr. Mime did a party trick of whipping the tablecloth minus a Togepi off the table. "Mr. Mime!" it said. (Time to clean up!) ********** "OK Oddish, let's start your training!" Ash said. "Err, Ash, do you think this is wise?" Pikachu said. "Of course!" "Suit yourself." Pikachu said. "Hey look! It's an Ekans! Go Oddish, use your stun spore!" "Orddish!" (Right!) Sparkling spores flew into the air and the Ekans was paralysed. "Yeah! Great work Oddish!" Ash called. There was a scream of pain. It sounded just like. "Misty!!" Ash ran in the direction of the scream. He found her nearby, cradling her face and crying as if in immense pain. "Misty, what's wrong?" Ash asked, dropping down beside her and putting one arm around her. "The spores. in my eyes." Misty gasped. "Oh no. Come on Misty, we need to get you to a hospital!" Ash cried. "Pikachu, run on ahead and tell Mom what happened and tell her to call a doctor!" "Right!" Pikachu shot off. Ash followed slowly, carrying Misty, who had passed out from the pain. ********** Oh no. It was dark. She was scared of the dark. She was afraid. "Ash?" she called out. A hand grasped hers and she stiffened. "It's OK Misty, it's me. I'm here for you." Ash told her. "Misty, dear, are you all right?" That was Mrs. Ketchum's voice. Misty looked towards her. It was pitch black. She couldn't see a thing. "The spores seem to have washed out well, and she should be fine, except." the doctor was cut off. "You hear that Misty, you're gonna be fine!" Ash said. "Ash. Can you turn the lights on? I don't like the dark." "Err. That could be a problem." Pikachu's voice said. "Why?" she said. "Because. they are on Misty." Ash said. Misty panicked. "Why can't I see anything? What's happened to me?" "As I was saying, the spores have damaged her eyes. She has been blinded." The doctor finished. Misty whispered in shock. "Blinded? I'm blind?" "We'll be here for you Misty, I promise." Ash said. But the dreadful reality swirled in her mind. "I'll never see again." To be continued. c Crysta Kitty, 2000. Disclaimer: I own nothing, Nintendo and Gamefreak own everything. Except the story!