Shadows were casted on the ground as a few Pokemon fans came walking up. They looked around. This place was like a marketplace. One of the girls, called Chelsey, spotted a shop that selled charms. She want over to it. The man at the table looked up and smiled as she came up. "Looking for a charm, are you?" Chelsey nodded. "Feel free to take one. It's free." Chesley's eyes lit up and she instantly went looking for one. She found on that had an N in the middle. As she slipped it around her neck, she thought of what Pokemon started with N. The first one that came to mind was Ninetales. She walked out of the shop, still surprised that the man didn't charge her anything for it. Then she spotted her friends,Lisa and Dan. "Lisa! Dan!" "Hey, Chels. What's up?" "Look what I got." Chelsey showed off her charm. "Pretty. Where'd you get it?" Lisa asked "That shop over there." Chelsey answered, pointing toward the shop she just came out of. All three went that way. Chelsey waited outside while they went in to look for a charm. When they came out, Lisa had a charm with an S on it and Dan had one with a P on it. "Maybe we should tell our friends about that shop. They make a nice gift..." However, they didn't know just than that getting those charms was a bad thing... to be continued. So sooorry for not updating sooner. Here's my excuse: Pokemon's not all it was before, I still only have two hours for writing and I've been thinking more along the lines of Wild Thornberrys and Digimon stories. Sorry again. It will be awhile before I get to the other stories, but I'm trying here. And possibly, I might get three hours over the summer. If I do, I'll have more time for my Pokemon stories. So cross your fingers. Careful what you wish for, it might come true. Cursed Ninetales.