Who Framed Tracey Sketchit?
By Tracey's Sketchbook(Copycat)

Chapter 1:
Acussed Witness.

Tracey was walking home from a movie.He had enjoyed it and was ready to head home and help Prof.Oak out in any way he could.A high pitched scream came from somewhere ahead.Tracey,alramed,stopped and listened.He heard laughter nearby and some kind of glass breaking.Two shadows approached Tracey,who remained still.The two shadows stopped and he caught a glimpse of these two.One looked like a Rocket,if Tracey wasn't mistaking,and the other,looked exactly like himself."Ditto,you can transform to your old self."a gruff voice said.Just as the Ditto changed back,sirens rang out into the silent night."Return,Ditto!"the voice ordered.And the figure disappeared into the night.Tracey,meanwhile,was debating between running or staying.If he stayed,he'd get caught and acussed for murder and if he ran,they might catch him and he'd still be acussed of murder.Before he could decide,Officer Jenny's voice rang out,"Freeze!"More officers came to back her up as Officer Jenny conforted Tracey herself.Tracey remained still.Where was he supposed to run in any case?A second later,Tracey felt his hands forced behind his back and heard the faint click of handcuffs.Then he was hauled off to Viridian City Police station."We found him at the murder site,Chief."Officer Jenny said inside the Chief's office."I didn't do it!I swear."Tracey cried out."We'll fix a date for trial and you're to itend it.If you try to leave,it'll make you look more like the murder if you aren't."The Chief said.Tracey was sent home."How am I going to tell Prof.Oak?Oh,Copycat.I need you."Tracey's thoughts evidently reached Copycat because she came a few minutes later.She looked like she hadn't had a decent sleep in ages."What happened to you,Copycat?"Tracey asked."I can feel myself close to evolving!"cried Copycat excitedly."Really?"Tracey asked."Yes.Ayway,you called me for?""There was a murder recently and I witnessed it,you could say.Well,I was caught there and they think I murdered whoever it was in that house.Now I have to tell Prof.Oak about it."Tracey said miserably."Come to think of it.I saw it myself.I can be a witness in court.Do you want me to be by your side while you tell Prof.Oak?"Tracey felt slightly embarassed,but nodded."I can understand that.When I was human,I was a very big chicken and never wanted to go anywhere alone.I kept telling myself to be braver,but that took a few years to get over."Copycat said.Tracey gave a hollow laugh.

To be continued.