Person Today,Pokemon Tomorrow
By Tracey's Sketchbook

*Yawns and stretchs*"Hello.You could probably tell by looking that I'm a Meowth,but originally,I,too,was a person.I have become known as Swiftclaws."*shows her claws*"Come on.I'll tell you my story while I have a bit of exercise."*points toward a small trail*"Like I said,I was a person before,until I met a Meowth.I was resting under a shady tree,ennjoying a light breeze that was blowing when a Moewth suddenly appeared.It looked beyond scared and I wanted to help it,but I remember something my mother had said about not helping wild Pokemon yourself,so I kept my distance,but it saw me and leapt,claws extended,dirceted at me.I crawled away and all I received was a scartch mark on my arm.Then it ran for it,howling like I was planning to capture it.And I headed for home,very confused about that Meowth's behavior.I ate dinner,did my usual horseing-around,and went to bed."*arrives at a lake and sits near the edge*"The next day,I began to feel itchy and couldn't stop scratching.Then,for the first time,I realized that I was growing fur.Tufts of white hair sprouting everywhere and my fingernails turning to claws.I was soooo glad it was a four day weekend,I'd have some time to think before I had to go back to school.By the next day,I was shrunk and grown a tail.The chram and whiskers came arond time to go to bed and by morning,my ears went to the top of my head.I leapt out of bed and headed for the kitchen,where my grandmother was fixing her breakfast.I tried to sneak past,but she turned,caught a glimpse of me and paniced,as did I."*stops to drink a little water,then lick the fur on her arm*"She managed o reach down and grab me,then opening to doors,she dropped me one the ground and shut the door."*stops to cough up a hairball*"Anyway.I sat there for a while,meowing for her to open the door,but she doesn't like Pokemon hair,so she didn't open the door again.Finally,I figured I'd stand a better chance wandering for food then sitting there all day.So I left."*pauses*"If you think I wandered here that easily,you're dead wrong.It took me forever to find this peaceful place."*glances in one dircetion*"That story is much longer,so I'll cut it short.I was wandering in a place that was about as good as this,except a lot of people came by and one finally caught me.He trained me hard until someone wanted to trade.Meowth for Crobat.Guess if he accepted.He did.I was then given to some chubby lady for a gift,which was a drag.For a while,I stayed with her,pampered and loved,but even I,who was born spoiled,longed to be free and have adventures,fend for myself.Finally,I ran away.I wandered for a long time,starving more than half the time,but after a lot of perserveance and patience,I found the place you see before you."*does a little dance on her hind legs*"This place is even better than my old home*unable to keep balance and falls over*"Meow-owch."Looks up at you.*"Come back and visit anytime,just leave your pokeballs at home."

The End.