Hello ladies and gentlemen. I have done a lot of humor and romance but no horror. This is my first attempt at horror. I was watching this movie at a sleep over last night (4 /20/04)and decided to make it into a fic. Well, here it goes! it is way different from the original. My other version (lots of swears) is at fanfiction.net I’m still CuTeLiLClAfAiRy1222 Fanfiction.net 1: Rated R for excessive swearing. ( the F word mostly) Pokemon tower 1: rated pg-13 for swearing. (no F words) The girl: looks like domino The old lady: picture her yourself Setting: present day Jessie: 17 James: 17 Cassidy: 17 Butch: 17 THE PASTELTON MASSACRE The following things I’m about to say are in deed, true. Jessie, James, and Meowth were a simple team. They went after pikachu, stole pokemon, and did their boss’s usual bidding. Well the boss wasn’t too satisfied, so he told butch and Cassidy to team up with them for a couple of days and see how they do. With much arguing, cussing, and complaints, they finally agreed. Well, what choice did they have anyway? And so, the boss set up a mission. They were to go into the viridian forest and catch some pokemon. If they didn’t, they would be fired. Yeah I know life’s rough and they only had four days too. So anyway, they set out for their mission bringing two tents, four duffle bags, supplies and food, and other camping necessities and got into the jeep they had borrowed from mondo. (The black one with the red R) finally, they were on their way down the old dirt road. Let’s check up on them. Shall we? Jessie: anyone know what time it is? Cassidy: why don’t you check the clock? I’m surprised you’re not the blonde one... Cassidy rolled her eyes at Jessie. Jessie: Shove it Cassidy. I would, but I’m driving. Unlike you I- James: Jessie can I drive next? Jessie cocked and eyebrow and looked over to James in the passenger seat. She quickly looked back to the road. Jessie: you? Drive? Why don’t you run me over now and get it over with?! James: oh come on jess! Meowth: that is so true it ain’t even funny. Jessie: no James. James: but Jessie I- Butch: WHOA!! Jessie look out! Jessie: huh? Jessie looked back to the road. Their walking mindlessly in the middle of the road was a girl, probably about 15-19 years old. Jessie: HOLY SHIT! Jessie took the steering wheel and swerved with all her might barely missing the girl. They swung once around, and then stopped. Jessie: whoa...is everyone ok? Meowth: dis cat is fine... James: yes I’m fine... Butch: yeah.... Cassidy: I think I’m alright. Nice driving skills Jessie. Where the hell did you get your license? Jessie: easy. I don’t have one. Butch: well there’s a surprise. Jessie: shut up. James: Jessie, I think we should check if that girl is alright. Jessie: good idea. Hey! You! Jessie knew they had the top down so she yelled to the girl up a head of them, probably about 21 feet, who was still walking in the same direction. She wouldn’t stop walking. Jessie:hmmm... I’ll be right back. I’m going to see what the hell is up with her. Jessie was about to get out of the jeep when James grabbed her right sleeve. James: Jess? Be careful you don’t know who the hell she is...or what the hell she’s capable of. Jessie looked over at James, gave him a quick wink, nodded, and then walked towards the girl. Jessie: hey miss! Jessie walked up to the girl. She was still walking, slow and grave as you would at a funeral. Another weird thing about how she walked was because her legs were so wide. not how you would normally walk. Her walk was very careful. Almost... cautious. She looked beaten, dirty, and was wearing a tattered black dress (that looked like a team rocket uniform but had no red R). Her hair was golden blonde. Or at least, that’s what color Jessie thought she had for hair since there was bits of mud and blood caked on some strands to make it look brown. The girl had a pair black boots on and black gloves and kept muttering something under her breath. Jessie touched the girl’s right shoulder. She jumped slightly and looked at Jessie with shocked, confused and uncertain dark purple eyes. Jessie: hi are you alright? I almost ran you over back there... The girl looked at Jessie, then turned and started walking away. Jessie: hey get back here! I’m not done talking to you! Jessie walked back up to her. The girl then looked at Jessie and finally began to speak. Girl: I’m going to die. Jessie: wha...what? The girl just kept mumbling over and over “I’m going to die. I’m going to die” this was starting to freak Jessie out so she called James over. Jessie: James! Come here for a minute! James: I’m coming Jessie! A few moments later James was there at Jessie’s side. Jessie: now James I need you to bring the car around and bring it here. Got that? James: right o’ jess! James ran back to the jeep and drove it slowly over to Jessie. After a couple of minutes The car was at Jessie’s right side. James: here you are. Jessie: thanks James. Here come and get in to the car. Girl: I’m going to die... Butch: hey Jessie didn’t your mother ever tell you not to pick up freakin’ strangers?! Jessie then got and evil glint in her eyes. Maybe anger? She all of a sudden whirled around and grabbed Butch’s uniform collar and yelled in his face. Jessie: shut up politoed man! My mother wasn’t even around because she’s friggin dead! She loved me and she got taken away from me! The only person that really understood me and loved me! So don’t even bring up the subject of my mother! EVER EVER AGAIN! Jessie then let go of Butch’s collar. Butch was shocked. Butch: o...k...sorry... Jessie: you bet your sorry ass you’re sorry. After the fight Jessie calmed down and helped the girl again. Jessie: Cassidy you need to move your fat butt so she can fit in. Cassidy: I do not have a fat butt! Jessie: well if she can’t fit then I guess it’s true. Now move. Cassidy: right away miss.Biotch. Cassidy moved over towards her door on her right and the girl slowly got in. Cassidy looked curiously over at the girl who was now next to her. Butch got in to the left side of the girl and shut the door. Meowth decided to go in the front seat with Jessie and James because there was no room. Cassidy: I think we should get her to a hospital... James: yeah I agree. Jessie: do you have a name? Girl: I just want to go home... Jessie: ok... but first the hospital. Jessie started to drive again when they passed a sign that read “Bob’s convenient store” on it. Then out of no where the girl started going bizerk! The girl jolted and grabbed the steering wheel from Jessie pushing her to the side. Butch grabbed the girl from the waist and sat her down leaving enough time for James to grab the steering wheel and Jessie to grab the key out of the ignition and stopped the car. Jessie: WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU??!YOU COULD HAVE KILLED US! Girl: I’m not going back there... James: Where? Girl: I refuse to go back there... The girl’s next action scared all of them and would haunt them for the rest of their lives. The girl opened her legs to reveal 2 very badly bruised and bloodied inner thighs. She then pulled a sliver gun with spots of blood on it out of her crotch . Cassidy and butch jumped back from her leaving a half a foot between her and Cassidy, and a half a foot between her and butch. Jessie: OH MY GOD! James: JESUS CHRIST ALL MIGHTY! Meowth: HOLY CRAP! Cassidy: DON’T SHOOT! Butch: OHHH....SHIT… Girl: I’m not going back there... The girl then put the gun in her mouth and wrapped both hands around it with both of her pointer fingers on the trigger. Meowth: HOLY CRAP TIMES 2! Jessie: JESUS NO! And then.... BOOM! A gunshot rang through the air. The girl, now dead fell back on the seat, her limp body slightly sprawled about. There was a huge hole in the back of her head which Jessie and James could see through (because her mouth was open too) before her head rolled back and her eyes closed. Hot smoke was coming out of the girl’s mouth from the hot bullet’s entry. Well what was there left to do?First Cassidy and butch jumped out of the car followed by Jessie,Meowth, and James. They were screaming, crying, and yelling, all of them afraid to go back into the jeep. Jessie and James fear hugged and clung on with all their might to each other, not wanting to let go while Meowth ran around in circles like a chicken without a head.Butch then started pacing around in circles and Cassidy was by now throwing up. Butch: what the hell are we going to do?! I mean we freakin’ have a dead body and weed! Jessie: I know! I- Hey we don’t have weed... Butch then laughed nervously and blushed. Butch: oh heh...my bad... James: botch, there is something you’re not telling us...wait a minute...why the hell do you have weed??! Butch: GRRR! The name’s butch and I have weed because maybe I smoke it! Everyone looked at butch oddly. James: I knew that voice wasn’t natural. Jessie: duh. Butch: I have like 2 pounds in my pockets... Cassidy: oh my god I hope you are kidding... Butch: no I’m not. Jessie: You bastard! That’s illegal! You’re going to get us all sent to jail! Ohh I ought a... Jessie advanced towards him about ready to punch butch when he said something. Butch: wait! I saw in a movie once that they shoved a whole bunch of weed in a dead body then left it! Let’s do that! James: Buzz! That’s sick! Butch: BUTCH! THAT IS MY NAME! BUTCH! NOT BUZZ OR BOTCH. BUTCH! Jessie: give me the weed butch. Butch: What? Jessie: don’t get cute with me. Give it. Butch: no. Jessie: NOW. Butch hesitated, and then did as he was told. Jessie then took it from him, dropped it, and stomped it into the ground. Jessie: I knew you were smoking something you pot head! Butch: AHHH!!! THAT WAS THE LAST OF MY STASH! NOOO! Butch started feeling the ground for his weed. They all decided to ignore him and talk. So they all gathered around in a circle and started to talk and make a plan. James: well what do we do now? Jessie: well there is only one thing left to do. Drive to that convenient store we saw just up ahead. Cassidy: oh no we can’t! There is a dead girl in there that I will have to sit next to! Jessie: well life’s a bitch just like you so let’s go! Cassidy: but what about what the girl said? Jessie: yeah so? Cassidy: well...oh never mind With much yelling and cursing again, they loaded everyone up into the jeep. They covered the girl’s face with a pink rag they found and drove off to the store. They finally got to the store and walked in, the bell jingling from the front door with every person that walked in. it wasn’t a big store, but it would have to do. The place was empty except for a freaky old lady in a pink dress and an apron that looked about eighty-seven years old. Old lady: what can I do for y’all folks? Jessie: umm well we would like to report a suicide. Old lady: Really? Jessie: yes and we were wondering if we could please borrow your phone to call the police. Old lady: well sweetie pie, the sheriff is a good ol’ friend of mine and I’ll be glad to call him for ya. The old lady gave them a crooked/evil/ friendly smile that Jessie didn’t like at all. Cassidy: oh by the way, are we in the viridian forest? Old lady: Heck no. y’all are in a small town called pastelton. Very small. Just south of viridian city. very far South.yep. Many people miss this town because it’s so small. Anyway I’ll call the sheriff for ya. Jessie mouthed an “I don’t like this woman” to James and he nodded and mouthed the words “me neither”. The old lady talked on the phone for a couple of minutes and then hung up. Old lady: the sheriff will meet you at a nearby farm. It’s called the pastelton pokemon farm. Cassidy: why? Why can’t he come right here? Old lady: little missy, its 1 hour away from the station to this here store and he don’t like to travel too far. You can meet him half way. He says he hopes y’all don’t mind... Jessie: well yes we do mind! Old lady: I’m sorry miss there is nothing more I can do. Jessie: Alright then I guess we have no choice. Let’s go. So they all got directions from the old lady and got into the jeep again. They went down to the old pastelton pokemon farm about a half an hour a way. When they finally got there, they were surprised at what they saw. It was an old run down farm house which probably hadn’t been used for years. Decades even. they decided to wait for the sheriff. After ten, then twenty, then thirty minutes after he was suppose to be there, they all lost hope. Butch: what if this guy doesn’t show up? Butch checked his watch. Jessie: then we are stuck with a dead body. James: what are we going to do with the body? James leaned against the old, brown, worn away barn doors. Butch: I say we leave it here and scram. She’s dead I mean, she’ll be soil soon anyway. Meowth: Meowth too. No one will know... Jessie: Butch! Meowth! That’s horrible! We can’t just discard her like she’s a piece of trash! She’s got family somewhere that will probably want to know what happened to her! Cassidy: yeah! That’s disgusting! As much as I hate to agree with vanity over here, that is just plain wrong! Jessie rolled her eyes and mumbled “thanks a lot” to Cassidy. Butch: well then let’s take a vote. Who ever wants to leave her here and get the heck out of here say “I”! Meowth: I! Butch: I! Jessie: and those who don’t say “nay”! Cassidy: In the words of a ponyta, I say Nay. Jessie: and me too. Nay. Hmm... James you didn’t vote yet...so? James looked around to everyone from his spot against the barn doors. He fidgeted nervously. He saw the eagerness in their faces waiting for an answer from his lips to either hear “I” or “nay”. He shifted his position as he leaned on the barn doors. James: I say... FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! Hope you liked it! I tried my best to match it exactly. Please R&R.! thanks byes