Name: CyberDuh Title: Love Session Category: AAMRN Part: 1 Well I was just inspired in the beginning of the morning so I wrote. And besides I was bored. Tell me what you think of this story. And I really do want you, the people to tell me what you think. The people are what make's author's work so hard. You are what drive's to be the best. Well this is just right where they are. Traveling to Goldenrod City. Did you ever notice that they always have trouble getting to the third gym? They did that in Kanto now they're doing that in Johto. Weird huh? Narra: We join our heroes at their camp asleep. Not one soul is awake only a Pikachu, a Togepi, two boys and one girl are at the camp, but they're sound asleep and oblivious to the outside world. They've been traveling for what seemed like months, but were actually a few weeks. But what's this?! Oh my, I was actually wrong. One of the trainers is awake. Wonder why this one trainer is up so early when he's usually such a heavy sleeper? Ash: BATHROOM BATHROOM!!! Ash quickly heads out several yards away from the campsite and starts what his bodily system calls for every so often. Ash quickly soon is done and realizes that it's very early and that he's the only one up. Ash: Man! I won't be able to sleep after that. Guess I might as well do what I've wanted to do for such a long time. TRAIN my pokemon!!! Ash walks toward where he was sleeping earlier to pick up his 5-pokeballed pokemon. Totodile, Cyndaquil, Chikorita, Noctowl, and one of his longer friends Bulbasaur. He quickly gathers his pokemon and takes one last look at his two friends that have been with him by his side since the beginning. Misty and Brock, his best two human friends. Ash looks at the rock trainer and sees that he's soundly asleep, but unsure if he has any eyes at since his eyes are always closed. He then passes by the female aquatic trainer and sees that she's soundly asleep. He just gazes at her. Minutes pass, but to Ash seem like hours upon years. Ash: If only I could say something. Then it'd all be different. All of it would… Ash continues to just gaze upon his best friend that's a girl and just looks. Minutes pass, then hours. Soon Brock begins to stir. Ash sees this sudden movement and swiftly moves out of the campsite and begins his training what he meant to do hours ago. He first releases out his two grass type pokemon. Ash: OK Bulbasaur, Chikorita you two will battle each other. Both pokemon nod in understanding and quickly go at one another by tackling at the same time. And just as soon as it started it ends. Brock: HEY ASH WHERE ARE YOU?! Ash: I'M RIGHT HERE; I'LL BE THERE IN A SECOND! Ash recalls both his pokemon and walks toward the campsite to see that the only one sleeping is Misty and everyone else is bustling. Brock especially since he's cooking, and Pikachu who is trying to contain Togepi from running amuck. Brock: Training I take it? Ash: Kind of, I didn't get too much in. Brock: Well you'll need more if you want to go to the top of the Johto League. Ash: Yeah, but I know I can do it. All I need is a little something to help me then I can do anything in the world. Brock: Can I ask what? Ash: You can ask, but that doesn't mean I'll answer. Misty stirs in her sleeping bag and sniffs the air only to smell that Brock is cooking. Misty: Yummy. What's for breakfast? Brock: Eggs and stuff. Misty: OK, we'll I'll be right back. Just got to do wash up. The trio plus two pokemon begin eating the food Brock had cooked. They clean up the campsite and start toward Goldenrod City. But something was odd when walking. Not a word was said. Until… Trainer: Hey any of you think you can take me on?! All three: Huh? They see that a young female trainer about Ash's age called upon a challenge. She was about Five foot six. Short blond hair and had blue eyes. Brock quickly went into his "girl" mode and went straight for her. Brock: Himyname'sBrockwhat'syours? Trainer: :Sweat Drop: Uh my name's Silk. Brock: Ah what a beautiful name to fit a beautiful person like you- AH! Misty had begun to grab at Brock's ear and drag him away. Soon Ash replaced the fallen Brock. Ash: Hi, my name's Ash. Sorry about that. He usually does that around pretty girls. Silk: And why aren't you? You don't think I'm pretty? Ash: Uh well it's not that I think you're hot, but uh I'm not like that. Heheh. Silk: Hmm. Just as long as a cutie like you thinks that, it's fine. Are you a pokemon trainer? Ash: Uh yeah. Silk: Then I guess I'll have to beat you. And I won't go easy no matter how cute you are. Ash: Heheh… Misty: Who does she think she is?! Brock: Why? Are you jealous or something? Misty: No it's not that but, oh never mind. Ash: Let's start this, two on two battle OK with you? Silk: Anything is cutie. Ash: Heheh, Go! Noctowl! Silk: In that case. Go! Starmie! Noctowl takes to the sky and sees it's opponent and turns its head to think. Starmie stands at attention waiting for a command. Silk: Starmie Water Gun! Ash: Noctowl Fly up into the air so it won't hit you then Hypnosis! Starmie shoots a powerful waterspout toward Noctowl, but misses it in the sky. Noctowl shoots back with its Hypnosis rays, and hits it head on. Misty: Take her out Ash! Brock: C'mon Silk! Misty: We're supposed to be rooting for Ash you idiot! Brock: Heheheheheheheh. Ash: OK Noctowl, finish it off with some Peck attacks. Silk: Starmie, Recover. Noctowl flies toward the dazed Starmie who has some trouble standing up. Starmie slightly regains his conscious, but only in vain to see Noctowl Peck at it relentlessly. Silk: C'mon Starmie, you can do it. Ash: Keep it up Noctowl. Noctowl quickens his pace while Starmie uses a Recover attack, but with the quickening pace of Noctowl Staryu goes down quickly. Silk: Argh, you're good. Return Starmie. Go! Lanturn! Ash: Lanturn? I better check this out. :Points pokedex at Lanturn: Dexter: Lanturn the water electric type its bulb on its head guides it through the water yet also electrocuting anything in its way. Ash: Noctowl return. Go! Chikorita! Chikorita pops out of the pokeball and sees the opponent, but then sees Ash and jumps into his arms and nuzzles his nose to his chest. Ash: Heheh. Chikorita you're embarrassing me. Silk: Even your pokemon seem to have a thing for you. Ash: Heheh. Chikorita use your Razor Leaf! Silk: Lanturn Spark! Chikorita throws it's razor sharp leafs at the fish pokemon while Lanturn uses its Spark attack to collide with the leafs and still have enough juice to attack Chikorita. Ash: No, Chikorita use a Sweet Scent attack. Silk: Do another Spark attack. From a lift of Chikorita's leaf on its head it sends waves in the air sending a very pleasant smell into the air. Lanturn is slightly immobilized and leaves itself wide open. Ash: Razor Leaf. Silk: Watch out Lanturn! Don't leave yourself wide open! But Lanturn didn't care it was on heaven with such an aroma coming from Chikorita. Chikorita though threw leaf after leaf at Lanturn KO'ing it on the spot. Ash: All right! We did it! Chikorita comes running up at Ash and jumps in his arms to nuzzle with him. Silk comes from across the field toward Ash. Silk: You're very impressive Ash. I'd be happy if I can join you on your journey then I might be able to learn a thing or two from you. Ash: Uh let me consult my group about this. :Walks toward his two friends: So what do you think guys. Should we let her join? Brock: Yesyesyesyesyesyesyes! Misty: It would be nice to have another girl to talk with. Ash: OK then. :Walks back toward Silk: Well welcome to the group. Silk: Oh yay. "Now I can spend time with this cutie!" Just wondering though where are we headed? Ash: Oh well we've been trying to get to Goldenrod City. Silk: Oh is that it? It's just a few miles that way. :Points left: Ash: Well in that case let's get going. The now quartet head toward the direction Silk had told them. On the way they all got more closely acquainted. Ash showing off all his accomplishments in placing the top 16 at the Indeagou League and then in the Orange League becoming the champ against the undefeated Orange Leader. And now already won two badges in Johto and headed for his third at Goldenrod. Silk on the other hand had only one Johto badge even though she had been in the Johto League for several months. Ash: So what other pokemon do you have besides the two you used to battle me? Silk: I just only have water pokemon. I'm trying to be also a water pokemon master! Ash: Interesting. :Turns to Brock::In a whisper tone: Rather odd huh? Brock: :Nods head in agreement: Misty: Hey I also want to be a water pokemon master. Silk: Well I guess the better of the two of us will come up on top. Which will be me of course. Misty: Oh yeah! I just so happen to be the Cerulean City Gym Leader and one of the Four Sensational Sisters. :Big wave comes from out of nowhere in back of Misty: Silk: Aren't there only three sensational sisters and the runt? Misty: Grr. Ash: C'mon calm down heheh. Hey look over there it's Goldenrod City! Bout time we got here. And I won my third badge! Brock: I suggest we go get our pokemon healed first before we do anything. The quartets jog toward the pokemon center and see that the time is almost 8:00 PM and decide it best that they give there pokemon a good recovery and get some rooms. Ash: Hi Nurse Joy. Joy: Oh how may I help you? Ash: I'd like 2 rooms and all these pokemon healed. :Hands nearly 20 pokeballs to Nurse Joy: Joy: OK you're pokemon will be recovered in the morning and here are two keys to the two rooms. Room 247 and 248, both are adjoining so you can use the doors inside the rooms to get across. Ash: Thank you Nurse Joy. :Walks back to the trio of friends: OK got 2 rooms. Silk: I bunk with Ash! Ash: Uh. Sorry the guys and girls stay separate. Silk: :Pouts: Ash: Anyways here you guys go. Brock and me will be heading to our rooms. C'mon Brock. Silk: OK Misty let's talk. Misty: Bout what? Silk: Ash of course. Eesh haven't you noticed how hunk o man he is? Misty: Ash?! Yeah-right Ash is definitely not that. Silk: So you mean you and Ash aren't going out with each other? Misty: Oh my no we'd never put ourselves through that torture. We'd never make it through a day. Silk: Hmm… Then I guess it'd be fine if I asked him out? Misty: Well good luck, all he knows is pokemon. He doesn't know the first thing about anything else. ***In Ash and Brocks Room*** Brock: Ash I'm telling you. You're one player. You have two girls in the palms of your hands. Ash: Two? Brock: Yeah Silk and Misty. Ash: Silk maybe Misty yeah right. You must be joking. :Ash lays on his bed: Brock: If you say so. But whom would you decide to choose though? :Brock does the same: Ash: I don't know. I don't care. If Silk is into me she wouldn't ask me out when we just met, and if Misty's into me well I doubt she'd ask me out since if she did like me she would of done it earlier. Anyways the guys are supposed to do the asking. Even though it's a lot better if the girls do it. ((HINT HINT FOR YOU GIRLS)) Brock: If you say so, what do you think about all this Pikachu, you think I'm right or Ash? Pikachu: Pika chu pi chu pikachu. Ash: Whatever. Brock: What'd he say? Ash: He said we were messed up. Brock: WHAT?! Ash: Anyways I got shower first. Brock: OK, I'll just watch some TV. Ash heads toward the bathroom while Brock clicks on the TV. Pikachu jumps to Brocks bed and curls up into a ball and watches some TV before dozing off slightly. Ash starts to turn on the water lightly and take off his clothes. Ash: Heheh. Yeah right, two girls after me. I'd be lucky if even one was after me. Wonder why Brock would say that, but if Misty is into me then I'm so glad that she is. Silk I'm not too sure; we just met today. Well don't matter, not right now that is since I can only concentrate on pokemon. Ash takes a quick shower and changes into his PJ's to find a snoring Pikachu on his bed right smack dab in the middle and a snoring Brock next to it with the TV on. Ash decides it best not to wake the two friends and instead sees how the girls are doing and hopefully a nice floor to sleep on since Pikachu is more then cranky when waking up. ***In Silk and Misty's Room*** Silk: I still can't believe that you don't have a thing for Ash. Why not? Misty: Because that's just the way it is. Besides I know for a fact that it'd never work out. He's not the type. Silk: And what type is that? Misty: My type of guy is where they're kind, considerate, and most of all romantic. That's definitely not Ash. Silk: Well did you ever give him a chance to be like that? Misty: Well I have been traveling with him for a few years now. He's had a lot of chances to. Silk: If you say so. The two girls decide to call it a night when they hear a knock on the door to the two rooms. Misty: Wonder what they want? Misty walks to the adjoining door and looks to see who it is and sees that it's Ash. Misty opens the door to see what he wants. Misty: What's wrong? Ash: I was kind of wondering if… Misty's heart races a million beats a second hoping for the words she most deeply wants to hear. With anticipation she says… Misty: Go on. Ash: I was kind of wondering if you'd let me have a floor space here since Pikachu and Brock have taken up the two beds. Misty falls to the side anime style and slowly but surely gets up and pats herself down. Misty: :In a disappointed tone: Yeah sure you can. Silk: Who is it? Misty: It's Ash; he's going to be on the floor tonight. Silk: Oh I see. "Hmm maybe I should try something tonight." Ash brings in a pillow and throws it to the floor between the two beds of the girls. Since it's a cool 68 degrees Ash doesn't need or want a blanket. Ash: Thanks again guys. Misty: It's no problem. Silk: Ash you don't have to sleep on the floor you can still bunk with me. Ash: Uh no thanks Silk. Ash plops to the floor rather hard and puffs up his pillow and lays his head on it. Misty and Silk decide to do the same and both go to the sides of the beds nearest to Ash. Ash: "Why do I feel so closed in?" The three soon after fall asleep and its not until the middle of the night that nature calls Ash. Ash opens his eyes as if something amazing has happened. Ash quickly yet quietly gets up and jumps toward the bathroom and picks up the toilet seat. Ash stays there for nearly a full minute. When Ash returns to his floor he's surprised to see that Silk is on the floor with a pillow and a blanket. Ash: :Whispers: Silk what are you doing? Silk: What do you think? I'm joining you. Ash: No, that isn't right. Silk: Nothing's going to happen unless you want it to happen. Silk shows an innocent girl face. ((We've all seen it before. You guys all know what I'm talking about. If you don't know e-mail me and I'll tell you more about this face.)) Ash: Well then I'll take the bed then. Silk: Then I'll join you. Ash: No, would you stop trying to sleep next to me? Silk: Now why would I want to do that? Ash: Silk you're a very nice girl and all, but… Silk: Now Ash you might of only known me for a day, but don't think I'm always nice. Ash: Um I think it's best I just go back to my room and sleep there or something. Silk: Ash no don't, c'mon. Nothing's going to happen unless you want it to happen. Ash: It's not that, it's the principle of the matter. You just don't do those kinds of things. Silk: What kinds of things. Cause we haven't done anything and unless you plan to do something if we do sleep next to each other then why would it matter since nothing's going to happen. Because I know for sure I'm not planning anything. Ash: Then I'm planning either you sleep on the floor or I do. Either way I'm not going to sleep next to you. Oblivious to the two debating teens Misty is hearing all of this. Misty: "Wow Ash sure is strong willed. Silk is just a slut on the other hand trying to seduce Ash like that. Maybe I should say something. No, that'd be a bad idea, wait until he really needs me to say something." Silk: Now Ash, I can be very persuasive. Ash: Silk please. Silk then gets tired of this and stands up and slowly and sensually takes off her shirt. Ash sees the plump breast and in the middle of them are the hardened nipples. Ash sees that on Silk aureole is rather large. Ash does nothing, but only stares. Silk: Now Ash come join me. Silk begins to rub Ash's chest with both her hands while Ash only stares blankly at her chest. Silk guides Ash to her bed and lays Ash down. Ash all of the sudden regains his senses and starts to get up. Ash: No this is wrong. I'm just going to go back to my room. Silk: No Ash please don't. Ash realizes the error of his way from before. This time Ash didn't say a thing and just ran to his room with his pillow. Ash closes and locks the adjoining door to the two rooms and throws his pillow down to the floor. He then goes to the bathroom to rinse off his face. Ash: OK so maybe I was wrong about Silk not liking me. ***The Next Morning*** Ash: Wake up Brock! Brock: What time is it? Ash: It's 7:00 AM. Brock: What? Why'd you wake me up? Ash: Because I need your help. Last night when I was sleeping with the girls- Brock: Wait what were you even doing in their room in the first place? Ash: Pikachu and you took up both beds. Brock: OK. Go on. Ash: Well last night in the middle of the night, Silk tried to seduce me. Brock: are you sure she tried to seduce you? Ash: I'm pretty sure; she took off her shirt and started rubbing my chest and guiding me to her bed. Brock: Well it looks like we have slight problem, but didn't I tell you that already that she had a thing for you? Ash: Well I didn't know. Well that isn't the case right now, what do we do about Silk? Brock: Hmm well I think it best that we try and forget all about it and let Silk make the first move since she probably will make the first move again. Ash: OK, that's a plan then. ***The Next Morning*** Ash had gotten barely any sleep at all tossing and turning, thinking of what to do Brock though had a pleasant nights rest dreaming of Silk with nothing on, but her pants and her exposing herself trying to seduce him. The two humans and a Pikachu slept silently until they heard a knock on the door. Ash bolt awake and walks to the door with a sleepy Brock coming out of his dream and a Pikachu still snoring not bothering with the door. Ash: Who is it? Silk: Ash it's me I got to talk to you. Ash: Uh, just a second. Ash unbolts the doors and opens it to see Silk with close to ten pokeballs. Silk: Here Ash these pokeballs belong to you and Brock. :Hands pokeballs: Ash about last night I- Ash: Silk it's OK I understand, let's just forget about it. Silk: But Ash I can't. I like you SO much. Ash: If we're meant to be it'll happen. Don't force it. Silk: I understand. Misty and me will be at the lobby waiting for you guys. :Kisses Ash lightly on the cheek: Ash unfazed from the kiss takes a step back and closes the door and walks back to the floor he slept on. Ash: C'mon Brock time to wake up. :Throws a pillow at Brocks face: Brock: OK, I'll be up in a second or two. Ash: Well I'm going out to the lobby they're there already. Ash goes to the bathroom and washes up Pikachu comes in and jumps to the counter where Ash helps Pikachu out a little. The two of them finish and Brock is up and about stretching and everything. Ash picks up his pack and pokeballs and walks out to the lobby to find the two girls. ***Lobby*** Misty: So when should those two be coming? Silk: Don't really know I told Ash about 10 minutes ago. Misty: OK. "That'll give me 5 minutes about to talk to her." Silk can I talk to you about something that's been bugging me a little. Silk: Yeah what is it? Misty: Silk don't coy with me. I know what you did last night. I know what you tried to do to Ash. Silk: Misty I uh- here comes Ash. Ash: Hey guys, Brock will be coming in a few minutes. What are you two talking about? Misty: Ash don't worry I know what happened last night. Ash: Misty it's fine Silk and I have settled this already. Misty: Oh you have? Ash either way Silk was wrong to try and do that to you. Ash: Misty we've already settled this. Hey here comes Brock. Brock: Hey guys. So where are we off to? Ash: To the Goldenrod City Gym and I'm going to win another badge. Silk: Me to. Brock: OK then we'll go to the gym then, but first we eat. The four of them and two pokemon go to the concession stand in the pokecenter and order their breakfast. Ash orders the square meal breakfast, which consist of scrambled eggs, two sausage, two bacons, and a drink. Misty and Silk orders the same things while Brock orders ham, eggs and sausage. The two pokemon share the food of their trainers and take a few bites of it and get full quick. The human trainers though eat all their food and finish quickly. When they finish with their food they head toward the Goldenrod City Gym and find that there's no one there. The group walks into the gym and sees that there are a few shrubs here and there nothing to big. They try to figure out what the type is of the gym, but have trouble identifying what gym it is. Ash: What type is this gym? Silk: I'm not sure. Maybe the grass type gym? I saw a few shrubs. Brock: No, in Johto there aren't any grass type gyms and also there aren't that many shrubs. Ash: It seems all too normal. Misty: That's it! The normal type gym that's what it is. Its main pokemon are normal type. Ash: OK then I'll have to switch one of my pokemon then. Ash takes out his pokedex and presses a few buttons. The professor receives the message from Ash and takes care of the rest. Ash: OK already to go and fight. Misty: Who'd you trade for who? Ash: Got to wait and find out. The group walks on deeper and fine the only person in the gym. Whitney: Hello my names Whitney and I'm the gym leader here. Ash: And I'm Ash Ketchum from the town of Pallet. Whitney: Ash Ketchum? Oh I've heard so much about you. It'll be a great honor to battle you if you are the one I am to battle. Silk: And I'm Silk Alloy from New Bark Town. Whitney: Who's here to battle me for a badge? Ash/Silk: I am! Whitney: OK two of you. Who'll be first? Ash: Silk you can go first. Silk: OK then I will. Whitney: OK this'll be a three on three-pokemon duel. No time limit. Silk: OK then. Go! Starmie! Whitney: Whitney calls for Tarous! Silk: Water Gun attack! Whitney: Tarous Take Down. Starmie stands in its place shooting its Water Gun attack at the charging bull pokemon. Tarous tries to evade the attack left to right, right to left the bulls tries to dodge. Just when Tarous was about to hit Starmie makes contact with its Water Gun and sends the bull back a few meters back. Whitney: OK then Tarous Thunder Bolt! Silk: Starmie Psychic! Tarous sends out a Thunder Bolt right toward Starmie while it revs itself up for a Psychic attack. The Thunder Bolt reaches Starmie and nearly KO's it on the spot, but Starmie sends out a Psychic attack right at Tarous. Tarous is still able to battle, but slowly gets up. Whitney: Tarous hurry and do one last Thunder Bolt. Silk: Recover! Tarous send a Thunder Bolt flying at the weak Starmie and Starmie does a Recover attack, but right when in the middle of recovering the Thunder Bolt hit and caused confusion into Starmie and caused it to be confused and KO itself. Ash: Now THAT was new. Whitney: Great job Tarous. Return. Go! Chansey! Silk: Return Starmie. Go! Lanturn! Whitney: OK Chansey do a Sunny Day then Solar Beam. Silk: Battle it with your own Rain Dance and do a Thunder when you win. Chansey brightens up the sun immensely almost causing blindness all around. Lanturn dances around and makes a downpour start to happen. Chansey powers up the Solar Beam while Lanturn throws a Thunder Bolt into the clouds and sends the Thunder attack down right at Chansey. Chansey is weakened greatly, but still has enough strength to fire its Solar Beam at Lanturn also causing great damage. Whitney: OK then Chansey Soft Boil. Silk: Do another Thunder attack Lanturn. Chansey uses its Soft Boil and recovers half of its HP while Lanturn sends a Thunder Bolt into the darkened clouds again. Soon comes the Thunder attack right at Chansey, but causing minimal damage this time. Whitney: Sunny Day Chansey. Silk: Lanturn, Thunder Bolt. Chansey brings out the sun and drives away the rain clouds. Lanturn shoots out the Thunder Bolt at Chansey, Chansey goes left to dodge it just barely. Whitney: Chansey Egg Bomb attack. Silk: Barrier Lanturn! Lanturn brings up a Barrier on itself and is more protected against physical attacks. Chansey sends out Egg Bomb after Egg Bomb causing only minimal damage at Lanturn, but enough to destroy the Barrier that was protecting Lanturn, then also score a KO on Lanturn. Silk: No, Lanturn… I really needed you to win. Whitney: It's OK young one there are many gyms out there. Now Ash Ketchum I've been waiting for this battle. Same rules as last time, a three on three pokemon duel. Do you accept the stipulations? Ash: I accept. Whitney: Go! Porygon2! I saved the best for you. Ash: What's this? :Points pokedex at it: Dexter: Porygon2. Unlike Porygon this pokemon was made for space exploration, it is also the second manmade pokemon. Ash: OK then. Go! Cyndaquil! Whitney: Tri Attack! Ash: Heat it up with a Flame Thrower! Porygon2 sends out three triangular figures at Cyndaquil all going in what seems like a circle. Cyndaquil tries to blow it out of the way with a Flame Thrower, but misses even though it makes contact perfectly. Ash: No, not the triangle Cyndaquil. Flame Thrower Porygon2! Cyndaquil fires its Flame Thrower attack at Porygon2 and scorches it totally. Burning it and causing damage. The Tri Attack discontinued and Porygon2 slowly looses its strength because of the burn on it. Whitney: Oh no you don't Porygon2, Recover! Ash: Flame Thrower again! Porygon2 uses its Recover, but still was losing strength fast. And a stream of fire came from Cyndaquil's mouth and caused a KO on Porygon2. Whitney: Return. Ash your reputation serves you well. But no matter I'll win. Go! Milktank! Ash: Return Cyndaquil. Well play times over. Go! Snorlax! Misty: So that's who he switched for. Ash: Snorlax Body Slam. Whitney: Big boy here's going to have some trouble. Stomp! Milktank sends out its foot right at Snorlax's stomach, but Snorlax takes the hit gets up and slams itself right on Milktank causing it to be paralyzed. Whitney: Oh no, return. Now for my best. Go! Blissey! Ash: Belly Drum then Rest! Snorlax beats its Stomach and raises its attack all the way where almost no pokemon had ever been. Snorlax also takes a Rest where it recovers all of its strength. Whitney: Oh no, Blissey Egg Bomb. Ash: Snore! Blissey shoots bomb after bomb most missing, but some hitting. Not causing much bother to Snorlax. Snorlax though sent a massive Snore attack to Blissey almost KOing it. Ash: Another Snore should do it. Whitney: Blissey, use a continuous Egg Bomb attack. Relentlessly Blissey sent wave after wave of Egg Bombs toward Snorlax. Snorlax though was unfazed and sent its own Snore attack at Blissey. Knocking it off its feet and KO'ing it. Whitney: Return. Congratulations Ash, you truly do deserve your reputation as a strong competitor. I now present you with this badge. You are now one step closer to competing in the Johto League. Oh Ash can I speak to you in private also? Ash: Sure. Ash walks toward Whitney where no one, but the two of them can hear one another. Whitney: I usually don't do this, but would you like to have some lunch or dinner or something? Ash: "Oh god. Why can't these female monsters take a hint? That if I was ever interested that I'd ask them." Um no thanks my friends and I got to get going soon. But I'll remember your offer for future reference. Ash then heads back to his friends where they wait for an answer to what they had talked about. Misty: What did she want? Ash: Nothing. It's fine let's go. Where's the next closest gym? Brock: Well from what I can tell the next gym would be Ecruteak City. The gym leader is Morty. Ash: Hey Silk do you know anything about the gym leader? Silk: Yeah, I've already went against him and lost. He's a very tough leader. His type is ghost. His most powerful pokemon I know is Gengar. He was the only pokemon he needed to go against me. Ash: Looks like I have my work cut out for me. The quartet walks out of the gym and head toward Ecruteak City. Misty: Hey Brock how long of a walk is it to Ecruteak? Brock: Well from the map it looks like it's going to be about a 4-5 day walk. That is if we stay on the right path. Ash: Then what are we waiting for let's hurry. Female Voice: Wait you four! Ash/Misty/Brock/Silk: Huh? Female Voice: Oh I'm so sorry for holding you up, but please take this. :Gives a bottle of water to Ash: You'll know when to use this. Ash: Uh OK. The female runs back into the city leaving the four all in questions. Ash: Wonder when we should use the water. Brock: Well I guess we should use it when we need it and not drink it. Ash: Yeah, well anyways let's get to Ecruteak! Finally the quartet head toward their destination with full speed. On the way light conversation is many between Ash and Misty surprisingly. Not a fight had come and to top things off Ash and Misty to Brocks amazed eye lines seemed to be flirting with one another. Brock: Hey Ash can I talk to you a minute? Ash: Uh yeah sure. :Walks toward Brock: Yeah what is it? Brock: How do you do it? Ash: Oh that. I put one foot in front of the other. Brock: No not walking I mean the flirting you do with Misty. How do you do it? It's so flawless the way you do it. Ash: Me flirt? I'm not flirting I don't even know what the meaning is. I'm just talking to Misty. Brock: If you say so. Ash walks back to the line and toward Misty, but to find that Silk and Misty are now talking. Silk walks away when she sees Ash come toward. Ash: What were you two talking about? Misty: Oh stuff. What were you and Brock talking about? Ash: Oh I just told him I walk. Misty: Really? Ash: Yeah. That's what I told him. Misty: Are you being smart with me?! Ash: I'm never smart so why would I be with you? :Cowering in fear: Misty: Oh yeah! Well take this! :Starts tickling Ash insanely: Brock: This is new. Eh guess we should keep on going they'll join us later on. C'mon Silk. Silk: Uh yeah sure Brock. Brock and Silk walk onward with Silk reluctantly leaving behind Ash and Misty in a tickling match to see who would reign supreme. ***Several Hours Pass*** Pikachu: Pika pi chu pikachu pika! :I am supreme tickling champ!: Ash: Hey that isn't fair! Misty: Yeah this was between Ash and me! Ash whispers something to Misty and Misty nods in response. Even with Pikachu's great hearing it could not hear what it said. Ash: OK now! Ash and Misty run with out Pikachu while Pikachu stands there bewildered at what had happened. Ash and Misty and concocted a plan together of all things. Pikachu: Pika pikachu. :Oh my god.: Pikachu runs after the two crazy humans with top speed. Pikachu finally sees them, but not running at all, but instead laying in a tent together! Pikachu: Pika pikachu. :Oh my god.: Pikachu decides to take a little look and sees that Ash and Misty are in a laying position, but his eyes are shocked to see that they are kissing one another. Pikachu: Pika pikachu. :Oh my god.: Ash: :Sees Pikachu at the opening of the tent: Oh god um Pikachu hey buddy. You can keep a little secret right? Pikachu: Pika pikachu. :Oh my god.: Ash: You've already said that Pikachu. Now come here. Misty and me have a few things to talk to you about. Pikachu is still in shock, but walks zombie like to Ash and Misty. Ash tries to explain the story of how they got that way. Ash: Well Pikachu this is how it pretty much happened. Misty and me well you saw concocted a plan together to ditch you, but what you didn't hear was the part about the tent scene thing. Misty and me saw how dark it was and decided to camp out in one tent since Brock wasn't here. That tickling match took a lot out of us and Misty and I were also sprinting away from you. And when we stopped we noticed it was dark, but we kind of by accidentally touched lips. And well you know the rest. Pikachu: Pika pikachu. :Oh my god.: Ash: Stop that! Misty: Pikachu can you keep this secret? Pikachu nods its head in compliance and walks out of the tent to leave the two teens to themselves. Ash: So what now? Misty: Well we go back to what we were doing. Ash: That's a good idea, but what about Brock and Silk? Misty: Well they'll probably think that we're camping out so they'll also be doing the same thing. Ash: Well then I guess it's back to where we were. Misty: Yes where were we? Ash: I think this. Ash leans inward toward Misty and starts to passionately kiss Misty. Misty embraces the kiss back while they begin to lie down. The two teens kiss the night away until they sleep in one another's arms. ***Brock and Silk Campsite*** Silk: So I take it they've done this before? Brock: Well actually this is the first time they've been this chummy with one another. Usually they're ready to bite each other's head off. Silk: I would have never known. Brock: Well don't worry they can camp out a night without me. They've got everything they need. Silk: OK, I'm just a little worried. Brock: Don't worry. Nothing bad is going to happen. Silk: It's not that I'm worried about. Haven't you noticed at all how Ash and Misty are with one another? Brock: Be more specific. They're a lot of things. They're best friends, they're stubborn, they're young, they've got crushes on each other and don't even know it, they've been traveling with each other for nearly three years. Silk: Well that Misty has a thing for Ash and that Ash also has a thing for Misty. Haven't they noticed at all? Brock: No, they don't know that they do. They don't even think that they like one another. And Ash for sure isn't interested in girls yet. He's a tad young. Silk: What about Misty? Brock: Well Misty I don't think will do anything since she knows Ash well enough to know that he isn't interested in anything except pokemon. Silk: Oh OK. Brock: Why? Are you interested in Ash or something? Silk: Well duh I am. He's so cute and is so great in battling. What girl wouldn't be interested in him? Brock: Well I guess we better get some sleep. We'll be able to get a few more hours since Ash and Misty have to catch up with us. Silk: Good, a girl needs her beauty sleep on the road. Silk goes into her tent leaving Brock to think about the happenings of today. Brock: So today's been interesting. Ash has finally gotten the hang of flirting without being too obvious. So he's growing a little. Misty's been flirting back, she probably already knew. Wonder how far Ash will take his flirting? Wow they've grown from since I first saw them. To arguing preteens going at one another tooth and nail. I better get some sleep. Brock walks into his tent and lays on his sleeping bag while he thinks of the days happenings. ***The Next Morning at Ash and Misty Campsite*** Ash wakes from his slumber with a waking yawn and sees the still sleeping beauty in his arms. Ash still is stunned at what had happened to him and his best friend. From near enemy to something more then friendship. Ash: Oh my god. "Now I know why Pikachu kept on saying that." I better wake her up some how. Hmm. Ah got it! Ash slowly, but surely unwraps himself from Misty's arms and sits up. He suddenly puts his arm around Misty's shoulder and embraces her in a deep emotional kiss. Misty begins to stir from the contact. Misty suddenly realizes where she is and what is going on around her and kisses back to Ash's embrace and the two teens are in another lip lock. Ash: So that's how to get you up without you yelling. Misty: Must be. Misty leans her face forward and kisses Ash with passion and lies back down with Ash only to be interrupted by Pikachu. Pikachu: Pika pikachu. :Oh my god.: Ash: You have just great timing Pikachu. Misty: It's OK we got to catch up with Brock and Silk anyways. Ash: Yeah. Ash and Misty together roll up the sleeping bags and undo the tent and pack everything up. Misty takes Ash's arm while they walk onward toward the direction that Brock and Silk had gone, Pikachu on top of Ash's head. The group walks in quiet without a peep. Nothing is said, but only heard are the sounds of nature. Until… Voice 1: Prepare for trouble. Voice 2: And make it double. Ash: Oh god. Jesse: To denounce evils of truth and love. James: To hey wait a second. What are the twerp and twerpet doing? Jesse: What are you doing stopping right in the middle of the motto! :Looks at Ash and Misty: Oh I see! Meowth: We've got love bwirds! Ash: Aren't you here for Pikachu and not here to talk about us? Misty: Yeah?! Jesse: Aw ain't that cute, the twerpet is defending the twerp now. James: Well we are here for Pikachu, but we can take a little break to talk about this. Jesse: Yeah it's our choice when we want to try and capture Pikachu. Ash: Whatever, Pikachu Thunder Bolt! Pikachu jumps off Ash's head and throws an awesome Thunder Bolt attack at Team Rocket. Team Rocket is smoked and blasts off into the morning sky. Jesse/James: Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again! Ash: Good job Pikachu. And good ridden. C'mon Misty, those two slowed us down. Misty: Yeah we better hurry, Brock is probably getting a few hours more of sleep though so that gives us some time. The couple starts a faster pace then before with their eyes set on the road and looking out for any campsites that are near. Hours pass and they have yet to see even one campsite. Misty: Where'd they go? It's like they've vanished. Ash: Yeah I know. We couldn't have been tickling each other that long. Several more minutes pass and in a distance they see two tents standing and one person outside cooking. Ash: Hey look it there, it's got to be Brock cooking. Misty: Yeah it has to! Ash: I was starting to get hungry. Misty: Starting? Ash: OK I am hungry. How'd you know? Misty: A little stomach told me. Ash: Hehehehe. C'mon let's run there! Ash starts running right for camp leaving Misty behind. Misty: ASH KETCHUM GET BACK HERE! Ash stops his running forward and begins to run backward toward Misty. Ash: Uh what'd I do? Misty: You left me behind, duh. Ash: Well then run. Ash starts to run again while Misty is hot on his trail. Misty catches up to Ash and then soon leaves Ash behind leaving a shocked Ash back. Misty: Why don't you run? Ash: Misty watch out for that tree! Misty: What?! Misty stops dead in her tracks only to see nothing except for a blazing Ash passing her. Misty: Why you little! Ash and Misty soon get to the campsite and find that Brock is cooking a beef stew and Silk is in the tent still sleeping. Ash: Yum what smells delicious? Brock: Well welcome back you two. Well it's my special beef stew. It's got stew, beef, cabbage, herbs, some spices, and a few other good things. It'll be ready in a few more minutes so you guys came in at perfect timing. Ash: OK well do you need us to do anything? Brock: No nothing right now. Ash/Misty: OK. Brock: What took you guys so long to get here anyways, I figured it wouldn't take you that long. Ash: Well we took our time to get here. Brock: Hmm… Silk: Good morning folks. Ash/Brock/Misty: Good morning Silk. Silk: When did you two get back? Ash: Just a few minutes ago. Silk: Oh OK. Misty: Hey Ash let's take a walk. Ash: How long should the stew take Brock? Brock: Oh you got enough time to go take a walk. Silk: Well actually no. There's this huge true that's blocking everything. No one knows how to get rid of it and if you try to cut it down the steel breaks. Brock: What?! Ash: Wow. What kind of tree is it? Silk: No one knows, so they left it alone. Ash: I bet Ash Ketchum can do something about it! Misty: Yeah right. Ash: You want to make a bet? Misty: Yeah I'd love to make a bet. Ash: OK if I get that tree out you owe me TLC (Tender Love and Care) and if I don't I owe you TLC. Misty: DEAL! Brock: What?! You guys are willing to do that?! Who are you two and what have you done to Ash and Misty?! Ash: Oh yeah we didn't tell you. Misty: Hehehehehe, Ash and me well kind of got together on the same page last night. Brock: :Stands up: How together? Misty: Not THAT together. Ash: What are you talking about? :Confused look: Brock: Yeah you're right Ash wouldn't know anything about that. Ash: ABOUT WHAT?! Brock: You'll know when the time comes. Ash: Misty what are you two talking about? Misty: It's nothing Ash; we don't really have to worry about it yet. Ash: Worry about what? I WANT TO WORRY!!! Silk: :Whispers to Brock: You mean he's 13 and he doesn't know what we're talking about? Brock: :Whispers back: He's rather dense. Ash: Grrr. C'mon Misty I'm going to get rid of that tree. Misty: If you say. Brock: :Sad tone: What about me? My stew? I baked so long and hard for most of the morning and you're willing to miss it for a tree? Go on then and forget the stew. Ash: Oh yeah hehehe forgot about that. Sorry Brock. Brock: :Happier tone: OK then when we finish a little lunch then we'll see what this tree is. The four eat the stew in a feverish pace seeming as if they were all in race to see who could finish faster. First finish Ash, then Brock, Silk and last was Misty. The four packed up the camp and headed toward the mysterious tree. The hike took about a good 30 minutes and Ash and Misty were in an eerie silence walking hand in hand while Brock and Silk looked on from the behind. ***At the Mysterious Tree*** Ash: Hmm so this is the all and mighty mysterious tree? Silk: Yup no one's been able to even cut it. No one's sure what to do. Ash: OK then Go! Snorlax! Snorlax: SNORLAX! :I'M SLEEPY!: Ash: Snorlax Body Slam that tree! Snorlax gets up from its back and jumps somehow into the air and almost seeming like a massive swan in mid air. (If that were possible.) Snorlax soon sensing the gravity effect and dropping onto the tree hard. Ash: That's got to do it! As the dust settles everyone sees that the tree is still standing as Snorlax is even on the tree. Everyone is in awe at the amazing strength of such a tree. Ash: That can't be… Misty/Brock/Silk: Amazing… Ash: Grr… No more Mr. Nice guy I'm just burning this tree down. Return Snorlax. Go! Cyndaquil! Cyndaquil: Cyn! :I'm hungry!: Ash: Burn that tree down! Cyndaquil flares its back on fire and starts a stream of flames toward the tree and nothing happens. The tree stands and nothing has changed. Ash: AHH!! Go! Everyone! Use your attacks on that tree! Everyone pops out of their pokeball except Pikachu of course. The start their attacks with Pikachu Thunder Bolt, Cyndaquil's Flame Thrower, Bulbasaur and Chikorita's Razor Leaf attack, Snorlax's Body Slam and Totodile's Water Gun. Silk: He's rather stubborn. Misty/Brock: Yup. Misty: But he's cute when he does it at least. Silk: He sure is. Misty: Don't even think it. Brock: Looks like Ash is going to lose the bet. From out of nowhere Togepi gets out of Misty's bag and walks to Ash's pack that was left on the ground by him. Misty: Togepi what are you doing? Misty grabs Togepi from Ash's bag, but not before it could grab the water that was given to them earlier by the strange woman. Misty: Togepi give that to me. Togepi by accidentally tosses the water near the tree, the tree some how gets up and gets a face, more detailed legs and arms. Ash sees the new thing. Ash: Is that a pokemon? Ash points his pokedex at the new creature to find that the name of the pokemon was Suduwoo (Forgive the spelling please I'm just too lazy right now.) And that the information about it was limited, all that was said was that it was a rock type pokemon. Ash: All right then go Totodile, Bulbasaur, and Chikorita. Use Razor Leaf and Water Gun attack on it. The three attacks head toward the massive rock pokemon and make contact. The pokemon goes down but gets back up quickly. Ash: OK Bulbasaur, charge up your Solar Beam, while Totodile Chikorita continue their attacks. The two pokemon continue their attacks while Bulbasaur charges up the beam. Soon in a minute Bulbasaur is ready. Ash: DO IT! Bulbasaur shoots out its Solar Beam at rock pokemon making full head on contact. Suduwoo goes down and stays down. Ash: Pokeball go! Ash throws his pokeball and the nearly fainted pokemon. The ball shakes once, twice then trice, the red light is still in and a little shaking is still eminent. The ball soon after nearly of five seconds stops and calms. Ash: I DID IT! Brock/Misty/Silk: He actually did it. Soon after Ash had picked up Suduwoo people come from the town and see that the path is now clear. Man: Oh wow. Who cleared this? Ash: It was me sir. Man: Oh really and what would your name be? Ash: My name is Ash Ketchum from the town of Pallet. And these hear are my friends. Man: Hi my name is Kyle. I'm the mayor of the town ahead; I'd like to thank you for your assistance with an award. Ash: Oh wow. Kyle: How about it? It's just down below. Ash: Is it Ecruteak cause we're going there. Kyle: It just so happens to be. Now please come. You are my esteemed guest until you leave the city. Ash: Uh ok. ***To Be Continued*** CyberDuh: Wow I finally finished. Sorry about the HUGE delay. I didn't plan on having a part 2, but seeing as how when I turn this in that all my predictions had come true pretty much, like the Sudowoo or however you spell it. Anyways I hope you enjoy this one and I'm hoping to finish this one and my others I've done. Well I hoped you enjoyed part one of this on going thingy called a story.