=Author's Note= Greetings, readers! I'm sorry about the lateness of this publication, but things have been getting interesting for me on a personal level. However late, though, here it is, the third installment of the Hidden Machine Saga. I hope it was worth the wait. Enjoy! =Legal Disclaimer= I'm beginning to run out of creative ways of saying it, so for this story, I'll just flat-out give it to you. I don't own Pokémon. I don't own Ash, or Misty, or Brock. Dixie's mine, but I'll loan her out to anyone who asks nicely. I don't own that cramma-flamm'n Island, or any of those cute, dangerously bizarre creatures that spit fire and water and poison, among other things. I don't write for money, which works out well, because no one pays me for it. BadgeQuest: The America Chronicles #4 The HM Saga 03 Alfred Giovanni waited patiently in his office, sipping slowly on a cup of black coffee. It had been a fairly slow day today, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing. A slow day, of course, never meant that it was not a busy day. There were always reports to sign, projects to check up on, and the occasional disloyal underling to execute in a manner so gruesome as to dissuade his other peons from even thinking such traitorous thoughts. There were a few projects, however, that held particular interest to him, projects that hadn't given him a report in quite a while. Project Chronos was particularly behind in its updates, but that was to be expected. He preferred that his scientists be careful when trying to locate the single most powerful artifact in the planet's history. A lone figure entered his office without warning, signaling that it was time for the other priority-one project's report to commence. Despite his silent footfalls and fluid, eerie movement, Giovanni had known of his arrival for the past five minutes. It was as it should be; after all, if someone could enter his office without his permission and make it through the doorway alive, what kind of headmaster of Team Rocket would he be? The man walked silently up to the desk, standing at parade rest until he was called upon to speak. He had dusty brown hair, and eyes to match. His entire face was plain and unassuming. Depending on his expression, he could be seen as just another face in the crowd, or even the boy next door. It was the face of a true assassin, one that could fit in everywhere, but didn't really fit in anywhere. His build matched his face well; strong, but not beefy, well toned beneath his midnight black bodysuit. Giovanni let the assassin stand there for a few moments, pretending to go over some report on his monitor. He was satisfied to see that the man didn't flinch or shift uncomfortably. Finally, Giovanni spoke. "Report." was all that he said. It was all he ever said whenever the man came in with new business. It was all that was needed. "I have an update on Omega Red's status," the assassin spoke crisply and quickly. He, like any other member of Team Rocket, knew the price paid for wasting their leader's time. "As well as the Ketchum situation." "Well?" Omega, leader of Giovanni's elite assassins, the Omega Red, wasn't a man who was prone to embarrassment or shame. However, he felt both of them now as he updated his commander. "I'm afraid that Delta is having even less luck than Alpha had in the matter, sir." Though he remained completely impassive on the surface, he burned with humiliation on the inside. Alpha, the unbeatable ninja assassin, had gone after the boy four months ago in the forests of Maine. After giving chase, the mission had ended when the Ketchum boy had dropped a rather large tree on his youngest agent. "I see." Alfred Giovanni's eyebrow shot up as his finger began rapping against the ebony desktop. Red began seeping up from his collar and into his face, betraying his anger. His voice, however, never rose or changed, but remained the same even tone as it had before. "I assume you are correcting the situation." "Yes sir." Omega nodded once. "I've ordered Tau to move in and assist Delta." A small smile passed over his lips before he quickly squashed it, regaining his composure. "We should see results in a few hours, sir." "Excellent." The red disappeared from Giovanni's face as he leaned back in his office chair, feeling more at ease with the mission. Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind. "Speaking of which, Omega; exactly what 'did' happen to Delta?" * * * Delta tiptoed through the halls of the immense airship, now free of the cumbersome jetpack that had gotten him into the bay via a short but exceedingly dangerous flight straight through the aerial firefight. The assassin was unable to contain his admiration for Lawrence's fortress. Just from the fraction of the construct he had seen so far, it had already proven to be years ahead of anything Team Rocket had. Despite Giovanni's immense resources and hundreds of scientists in his employ, he had never developed anything so advanced...anything that hadn't backfired, at any rate. Every now and then, the station would rock ever so slightly, tilting one way or another. Despite the fact that they were several miles up, it reassured him, letting him know that his three agents were still out there, waging war with the fortress's automated defenses. "NO!" The cry of anguish caught his attention, emanating from one of the open doors down the corridor ahead. Seeing and hearing no one around, Delta quickened his pace, bringing him to the door in a matter of seconds. With caution bred from years of sneaking, shooting, and being shot at, he stuck just enough of his head around. What he saw nearly caused him to cry out, which surely would have meant death. "Archimedes, hold." Lawrence told his massive, multi-limbed robot. As ordered, Archimedes froze in position. Held within three of his four stainless steel arms were captives of some kind. Delta couldn't recognize them from his rear angle. Beyond both Lawrence and his mechanical monster was a small table, positioned upright, with rough leather straps on each corner to hold captives of its own. Currently, its prisoner was a young boy of sixteen or so, with jet- black hair, a heavy black Silph Co. jacket, and an old official Indigo League Cap from a half-decade ago. He strained against the bonds to no avail, glaring at Lawrence with unmatched hatred pouring from his amber brown eyes. * * * "Now, Mr. Ketchum, you know that I am a very busy man." Lawrence explained affably, taking a few steps in Ash's direction as he did so. "In addition, I abhor violence. However, I can and will use it when needed. Now," he stopped two feet in front of his captive with an infuriating smile on his face. "I require a service of you. I have your friends in my possession. Perform my task, and I will release them." He shrugged, something he was unaccustomed to doing. "It is that simple." "Go sit under a Snorlax, you twisted psycho." Ash snarled, trying to spit on Lawrence. The spittle fell short and landed on the deck in front of his captor, which only made Ash angrier. "I had something else in mind." He turned, clapping his hands. "Archimedes, crush the redheaded one...slowly. I want to hear the life drain out of her." Archimedes complied, and began to put the squeeze on Misty. Her face grew as red as her hair as the gigantic robot began to draw its arm in against its torso, with the Mistress of Water caught in the middle. She gritted her teeth together as her ribs began to collapse inward on her delicate organs, creaking and straining. "Ahh!" She cried out, hating herself for her own human weakness. Her cries soon grew louder and more frequent as the pain doubled and re-doubled. Ash closed his eyes, unable to watch. It was the worst torture of all, the worst pain that Ash could ever try to endure. Physical punishment was nothing new to him, but he couldn't bear to have any of his friends suffer for his mistakes. "All right! All right!" he screamed, lashing his head back and forth. "I'll do it!" "Archimedes, stop." Archimedes froze once more, but did not release his pressure hold on Misty. She hung there limply, half-crushed and whimpering, tears squeezing out of her closed eyelids. Lawrence studied Ash's face carefully, rubbing his angular chin in thought. "You're certain?" he asked him. "YES," Ash shouted into Lawrence's face, "But for the love of God, LET HER GO! You're KILLING her!" Even the great aerial battle being waged outside seemed insignificant compared to Misty's safety...to all their safety. "Excellent!" a triumphant smile blossomed on Lawrence's features as he turned to instruct his Mechémon. "Archimedes, release them, but do not let them move. If they attempt any cheap heroics, kill them." The robot complied, dumping Brock, Misty, and Dixie unceremoniously onto the ground. Brock immediately rushed to Misty's side, helping the coughing, moaning girl to her feet. "Are you okay?" he whispered to her. She nodded slowly, methodically checking each of her bones to see if any of them were broken. Her entire body ached, but nothing seemed to be too serious. "I will be." She immediately began glaring at Lawrence. "As soon as I strangle him until he's dead, dead, dead!" "I'll second that." Dixie snarled, her southern drawl filled with uncharacteristic anger. The Southern Belle very nearly took a step towards the pampered villain, but remembered the armored, armed automaton at their backs, and wisely kept her place. "Now..." Lawrence began, but Ash interrupted him. "Hold it." Ash's eyes fixed on a pair of Lawrence's patented containment fields, which held two of his Pokémon trapped within the webs of pure energy. "I want you to let them *all* go. That includes Pikachu and Pidgeot." Lawrence sighed heavily, as if Ash's demands were nothing more than a terrible inconvenience. "Very well." The older man snapped his fingers casually, without even turning around. Immediately, the two fields blinked out of existence, letting the tiny yellow thundermouse and its feathery companion fall to the floor in a heap. Slowly, the two pocket monsters came around, blinking heavily as if waking from a deep, long sleep. "Pika?" Pikachu searched its new surroundings dizzily, trying to make sense of what had happened. Suddenly, its tiny black eyes fell upon Ash, who was strapped to the examination table and held upright only a meter from Lawrence's position. "Pikachu!" The electric mouse snarled, and leapt forward, intent on tearing out the man's throat with its own teeth. "Pikachu, stop!" Ash's words cut through its battle-lusted brain, bringing it to a screeching halt. "Stop." Ash said again, this time more gently. "Everything's all right. I'm fine." He sighed, letting his head drop in defeat. "I want you to go over with Misty and the others. You too, Pidgeot." "Pika!" Pikachu began to protest, but Ash cut his Pokémon's cries short with a glance. "Pi..." Slowly, never taking its eyes off of Ash and Lawrence, Pikachu shuffled over to stand at Brock's side. Pidgeot soon followed, hopping over there on its long, sharp talons. "Are you quite done, Mr. Ketchum?" Ash smirked, despite the tense situation. "Aren't you forgetting something?" When Lawrence gave him a questioning look, he explained, "The original deal was that you would give us the HM if I came. Cough it up." "You failed to come alone." "On the contrary," Ash objected, "I came alone, just like you asked. My 'friends' got here after I did." he gave his companions an annoyed glance, still sorry that they were mixed up in all of this. "Besides, what do you need with it? It's useless to you without the Accelerator. Now give it to Dixie." "As you wish." He stepped slowly towards the trio of would-be rescuers, each of his steps ringing out against the cold metal deck. As he drew closer, he reached into his heavy, full-length jacket. Dixie flinched inwardly, wondering if he was going to draw a gun and go back on his promise to let them live. In the end, though, it was a small chip that he drew from the cloth, and not a firearm. The handsome rogue took Dixie's hand and gently pressed the HM into her palm. "Here it is. The Hidden Machine chip for the technique of flight, as promised." "This is the 'Fly' chip?" Dixie examined the small piece of plastic and metal, turning it over in her hands. It was beautiful, just as the first HM had been. Of course, when you hold the last gift your grandfather had ever left to you, anything might appear beautiful. "Now get going, guys." Ash ordered them. "I want you out of here, now." "Actually," Lawrence halted them with a gesture, "I'd rather you stayed. After all, it is a long trip back to the Orange Islands, and I would appreciate the company...as well as the leverage over our young friend here." he added with a smirk. "Orange Islands?" Brock clutched the wounded Misty to his chest, scowling at Lawrence III with confusion. "I don't understand. What is it that you need Ash for in the Orange Islands?" The Collector raised an eyebrow at the teen's inquiry. "Didn't I mention? Mr. Ketchum and I are about to embark on a quest." His eyes sparkled with the glimmer of insanity. "We are going to capture Lugia himself." * * * Delta leveled his gun slowly, half-hidden by the edge of the hatch. With practiced ease, he aimed the barrel of his nine-millimeter pistol. His finger passed over the inscription in the side of the barrel, nearly worn down to the point of illegibility. 'Rose'...Someday he would find out whose name it was on the barrel of his gun. Maybe it was someone from his own past. Try as he might, he couldn't remember anything before he joined Team Rocket. "Focus." he murmured to himself, re-adjusting his aim and banishing any stray thoughts. With a simple squeeze of the trigger, Ash Ketchum's brains would be splattered halfway across the room, and his mission would be complete. Yet something caused him to hesitate for a moment. He had heard Lawrence's insane proclamation, and had initially brushed it aside as a madman's dream. The boy's reaction to it, as well as his friends' reactions, though, seemed as if the world was coming to an end. Thinking back, Delta could remember an incident in the Orange Islands a few years ago, one that involved the Legendary Bird in question. 'Never mind that.' a voice in his head told him sternly, 'All that matters is killing the kid and getting out while you're still alive.' He took a deep breath, focusing in on the middle of Ash's forehead. Already, he could see the carnage in his mind's eye; the boy's head snapping back, a fountain of blood pouring from the bullet's entry point as the room erupted in horrified shrieks and screams. The whole scene played over and over again in Delta's mind, moving in slow motion. "I'll find a way to stop you, Collector." Ash vowed to the twisted madman, even as he lay strapped upright to the table, closer to death than he would ever realize. "You won't win." Lawrence merely smiled. "Bold words, Mr. Ketchum. And I think that it is very cute that you believe them." Still holding his breath, Delta re-adjusted his aim again. He knew what he had to do, even though he wouldn't like it one bit. "Four shots ought to be enough..." He mentally placed the first shot, readying his pistol. Exhale... And squeeze... * * * "Computer, set course for the O-" BAM! PING! Lawrence began to dictate to his navigational systems, but stopped short as a small clap of thunder erupted in the large room, pounding in his ears for a split second. His head whirled around to face his other captives, immediately looking to Pikachu with suspicion. The small Pokémon hadn't even moved, though, and was searching the room in confusion, as were the rest of his human and Pokémon friends. BAM! PING! The sound rang out again. Helplessly, Lawrence spun in place, trying to figure out what was happening. He was a man who was accustomed to being in control, no matter the situation. Unknown sounds of such magnitude in his own fortress was something he wouldn't tolerate in the least. His sweeping gaze eventually brought him back to Ash... Ash... His hands were free... "What?" Lawrence roared, even as a third thunderclap rang out. Right before his eyes, an invisible assailant shattered the clasp around Ash's right leg, reducing it to metallic splinters and freeing the boy's ankle. Though confused, Ash remained absolutely still. He wasn't sure who or what was behind this, but he wasn't about to complain. As he expected, another shot rang out, and the last of his manacles exploded in a hail of shrapnel, slicing through his jeans and cutting into his leg. He winced in pain, but jumped down from the table nonetheless, running for his friends. "Let's get out of here!" he shouted to them. Lawrence shook with fury, chasing after Ash. His heavy jacket shimmered and swayed about him as he bellowed, "Archimedes, STOP THEM!" His robot bent down in response, reaching out to gather up the three intruders back into his monstrous arms, when a fifth shot caught him in the back of his metallic skull. Sparks began shooting from his twin red ocular scanners as his head began emitting small flashes of light. The children beneath him scattered just in time as, with a slow, ominous creaking, the titanium titan toppled over, landing with a fantastic crash against the steel deck. Ash didn't bother to even slow down, clamping down on Dixie's arm as he passed them at full sprint, nearly yanking the poor girl off of her feet as he led the way to the only exit in the room. Brock was quick to follow, carrying Misty in his arms. Both Pidgeot and Pikachu brought up the rear, squawking and squealing as they scampered after their trainer. The group rounded the corner at full steam, skidding so hard they all nearly crashed into the wall. Ash, being the one in front, was lucky enough to be the first to stare down Delta's gunpoint. He dug his heels into the ground and came to a screeching halt in front of the armed assassin. Without thinking, Ash placed himself between the gunpoint and Dixie, glaring defiantly at Delta. The agent of Omega Red remained statue-like, keeping the gun pointed straight at Ash's heart, his face a mask of stoic silence. The stare-down continued for a handful of seconds longer. Delta was the first to move, holstering his gun and half-turning, motioning down the corridor he had come from. "This way. I have a plane waiting...I hope." Ash raised an eyebrow, not budging an inch. "Why are you doing this?" "Shut up and run." Delta broke off, sprinting down the hall and moving out of sight around the corridor's curve. Muttering a curse, Ash once again took off running, still yanking Dixie along. "Don't tell me," Dixie huffed, trying to keep up, "That y'all trust that guy." "Not even as far as I can throw him." Ash answered back between gulping gasps, "But what other choice do we have?" He twisted around, looking further back. "Brock, is she all right?" "She," Misty snarled angrily, hanging on tightly to Brock's neck as the Rock Master barreled down the hallway with her in his arms, "Is just fine, thank you. Although I'd be a lot better if Brock would let me run on my own." "You heard her." Brock quipped, gripping her tighter against his chest. He couldn't afford to drop her, for more reasons than one. After what seemed an eternity, they caught up to Delta inside some sort of large, open bay. Inside, Ash was horrified to find rows and rows of flying Mechémon, the same kind that had brought himself, Pikachu, and Pidgeot into Lawrence's clutches. "There must be a million of these things in here!" "And there are another million out there," Delta barked, pulling a radio off of his belt and extending the antenna. "Jessie, do you read me?" *Delta?* A high-pitched, strong Brooklyn voice squawked back, thick with static. Delta could hear screaming in the background, drowned out occasionally by explosions. *Is dat you?* "Meowth." Delta breathed in relief, glad to know that his team in the air hadn't been blown out of the sky just yet. "Meowth, tell James to swing around and pick us up at the bay you dropped me off at." * * * Meowth sweated nervously, clinging to the edges of the communication console with his jagged claws as their assault carrier shifted beneath his wobbly long feet. The Pidgeot painted plane they had procured was state-of-the- art Team Rocket technology, but even it was having a hard time keeping up under the Collector's barrage. He looked over at James, who was coated with a thin sheen of sweat as he jerked the craft every which way, trying to avoid the crimson bolts of death that seemed to come at them from all directions. Jessie sat in the co-pilot's seat, operating their jet's sophisticated weaponry as best as she could. "He wants us to pick him up?" James grunted, hauling up on the stick. Their Pidjet soared higher, barely avoiding the lancing lasers as they skimmed the bottom of their hull, scorching the Pidgeot paint job. "Is he crazy? A few more direct hits, and there won't be anything left to pick him up in!" Meowth shook his head, turning back to the radio equipment. "Sorry, Mista Delta, that's a no-go on pick-up. Jimmy Boy says that if we tried to land dis ting, we'd be toasted!" *Meowth,* Delta's angry voice came back over the frequency, *I have several...er...hostages here, and we're running out of time. We need an evac, and we need it now!* "Wha'dya want me ta do?" Meowth shouted back, straining to be heard as one of Jessie's shots turned a Mechémon into an expanding ball of fire and scrap, "Use the transploders and beam you over here? Dis ain't Sev Trek, and my name ain't Squatty!" * * * "Blast!" Delta vented, slamming the transceiver into an open palm. Misty broke from Brock's grasp as he lowered her gently to her feet, insisting that she was fine and calmly telling him that she would pound the living bejesus out of him if he didn't let her go. "What is it?" she asked the assassin, limping over and clutching her ribs. Ash remembered his own aching ribs from his crash on Pidgeot the day before, which felt as if they were on fire after all the jostling he had put them through in the last hour or so. "What's wrong?" Delta glanced over at her with a furious scowl pressed on his strong features. "They can't land the jet, there's too much flak out there." A low growl rumbled from the back of his throat as he stared out the open port at the battle beyond. It was like a laser light show, but much more beautiful, and far more deadly. "Looks like we're finished." Brock appeared thoughtful, examining both the battle and the gaping hatch of the landing bay. "Does this jet of yours have any sort of VTOL capabilities?" he inquired, a plan already starting to form in his head. The assassin gave him a questioning look, but then began to understand. A smile slowly blossomed on his face as he raised the radio to his mouth once more. "You know, I think it does. I like you, kid...you have guts." Brock blushed at the praise, even if it had come from a man who had been trying to kill them all for the past two or three days. "Vee-toll?" Ash scratched his head, confused. "Isn't that what a president uses to say no to different bills?" "VTOL: Vertical Take-Off and Landing." Delta snapped, flipping on the radio." "Oh...I knew that." He winced as Misty jabbed her elbow into his ribs, giving him an annoyed look. "Hey!" "Meowth!" Delta yelled into the comm, "Tell James to start making his way towards the landing bay, now!" *I told ya!* the tough tabby's voice answered, *We can't land dis boid!* "You're not going to." Delta exchanged smiles with Brock for a moment before continuing, "I want you to slow down once you get into the bay, and cut in the jet's repulsor rockets. Got it?" *Dat's suicide!* "It'll have to be a suicide we can survive. Just do it!" With that, he snapped the antenna down, jamming the radio back onto his belt. On the surface, he seethed and fumed, silently raging against this new and radically powerful foe that had come into his life not more than a half-hour ago. Underneath, though, he was as frightened as the teenagers surrounding him were. Somehow, he managed to hide his fear beneath a veil of anger, through years of practice and tragedy. "Come on..." he silently urged the Pidjet, "Come on, blast you!" Finally, he saw a glimmer through the raging sea of flashes and explosions, a small spark that shot towards their open bay like a bullet from the muzzle of a gun. A heartbeat later, Team Rocket's assault craft came screaming into the landing bay. James, being the adequate pilot that he was, managed to fire the retro-rockets and activate the VTOL before the plane smashed into the cold metal frame of the fortress. With a soft click and a whirring that was barely heard above the din of the battle, a short, stumpy ramp extended from the back of the plane and halted just before it hit the deck. "Get on!" Delta yelled, gathering the kids in front of him and shoving them towards the ramp. They stumbled as one, clamoring up the slick metal surface and clawing their way into the threshold of the plane. Delta himself was about to follow when a laser bolt struck the ramp, leaving a slagged, carbonized crater where his foot would have been in a moment. With a sinking feeling, he turned around and found himself facing a small hoard of Lawrence's flying Mechémon. The midnight black demons had been deactivated when the escapees had first arrived in the bay, but now appeared fully awake and had found a target. "Delta!" Ash yelled, foolishly rushing back down the ramp. Misty chased after him, crying out his name. "Pikachu, use Thunderwave!" he ordered. Pikachu leapt at the villainous robots, unleashing a golden pulse of energy that shot out in every direction. The flash of power shorted out the Mechémon, playing havoc with their internal circuitry and melting their components like so much butter under a hot knife. Unfortunately, the pulse also struck the Pidjet squarely in its metallic hindquarters. With no operating circuit boards to control it, the plane's VTOL cut out. And with no VTOL to hold it in the air, the Pidjet fell to the deck with a titanic, thunderous bang. The fierce jarring knocked Ash, Misty, and Dixie off of the ramp, leaving only Brock at his place inside of the plane's rear. "Bad move, kid!" Delta yelled, but was cut off by another roar. Horrified, he shielded his eyes as the Pidjet's main thrusters suddenly cut in, blasting them with a wave of heat and light. Before their watering eyes, the plane roared out of the bay, leaving a trail of sparks as its hull scraped against the deck. "Where are they going?" Dixie shrieked, pulling herself up off of the deck and staring longingly at the jet as it sailed off into the night sky. "What are they doing?" "I don't know, but we have to get out of here..." Ash immediately knew what to do. "Pidgeot." he called over his large, fluttering bird. It hopped over obediently, claws clicking and scraping against the deck. "Pal, I need you to carry the girls. I know it's a lot, but it's important they make it." His Pidgeot nodded, and took off into the air. "Who died and made you Eisenhower?" Dixie put her hands on her hips, scowling at Ash. "Besides, what about you? How will you-" All around them, the bat-like Mechémon were beginning to activate, slowly being lowered from their hanging racks. "We don't have time to argue! Pikachu, stick with them." He picked up his Pika-partner and brought it up to his face. "Make sure they're okay. I'm counting on you. You got it?" "Pika!" "That's my guy." He tossed Pikachu to Misty, who was barely quick enough to catch the Pokémon. "Now, Pidgeot! Take off!" With a shrill cry in response, Pidgeot swooped down and snatched each of the girls, wrapping a long, sharp set of talons carefully around their waists. With a strong gust from its wings, the enormous bird wobbled into the air. "Wait!" Misty cried out, but it was too late. With one final cry, Pidgeot disappeared over the edge of the deck and began its barely controlled descent. Ash stared longingly after the two girls and his Pokémon, his heart sinking as he realized that he would probably never see either of them again. "Our turn, Ketchum." Delta told him, shouting to be heard over the roaring engines and blazing cannons. He grabbed Ash by the arm and began to run for the edge, just as Pidgeot had with its passengers. His muscles ached, and he had the distinct feeling that they wouldn't be getting better anytime soon, but nevertheless he knew what he had to do. Ash didn't fight Delta, but still didn't know whether or not to trust the assassin yet. "What are you doing?" he asked him as they reached the edge of the bay. Behind them, the newly activated Mechémon had become airborne and were heading in their direction, guns already aglow with power, ready to tear them into burning pieces of flesh and cloth. "This." It was déjŕ vu all over again, with the positions reversed, as Delta violently shoved Ash out of the bay and into the open air below. The second-to-last thought that passed through Ash's head as he began his free fall was the irony behind it all; just a few days ago, he had pushed Misty out of an airship not unlike this one in exactly the same manner. Apparently, it was his turn now. The last thought was pure, blinding terror as he saw the green landscape yawing below him, separated by two vertical miles of air...a space that was growing smaller very, very quickly. * * * "What are you doing?" Brock climbed into the Pidjet's cockpit, hanging onto the hatchway for dear life as the plane danced and jerked beneath his feet. His eyes fell on Jessie and James as they pounded at the smoking, flashing control console, trying their best to keep their craft aloft even as it was being hammered by Lawrence's furious barrage. "We have to go back and get them!" Meowth rolled his large, inhuman eyes, still clinging to the communications panel. "Of all da people to make it aboard, it had ta be you." His sarcasm cut short in a yelp when Brock grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and hauled him up to the Rock Master's face level. "Listen up." Brock growled, gritting his teeth. Anger sparked in his narrow, slitted eyes like never before. It was a fearsome sight for Meowth as the cat dangled in the large man's grip, face to face with the fuming breeder. "My friends are still on that deathtrap. I'm not sure how, but I know that, somehow, all of this is your fault. Now turn this bucket around and get them." "You have to be crazy!" James grunted, trying to fly the plane and put out the fire on his control panel at the same time. "This thing isn't going to stay in the air for more than a minute or two. We turn around, and that time gets cut to zero." Jessie's head whipped around as she shot James a horrified glance. "You mean we're going to crash?" "That's exactly what I mean!" Even as he spoke, the nose of the plane began to dip downward, taking the plane lower and lower towards the Appalachian forests below. The engines whined, then began to cough and sputter pathetically. A moment later, they caught fire, spreading the blaze across half of the dying Pidjet as it sailed towards the ground. "Everyone assume crash positions!" James' voice reverberated in their eardrums above the death throes of their plane. "What's a crash position?" Meowth screamed back. "The position you want to be found dead in!" Jessie snapped, pulling her knees up to her chest and curling into a ball. James and Meowth did the same, leaving Brock seatless and hopeless as they careened out of control. "Looks like Team Rocket's crashing down again!" * * * "I'm really getting sick of this!" Misty could barely hear the Southern Belle's wails of indignation over the rushing of the wind past her ears, to say nothing of the furious, fear-driven pounding in her chest. Pidgeot, Ash's loyal, feathery friend, was doing its best to keep the two girls and their Pikachu carry-on aloft, but the weight proved to be too much for the bird. The best it could manage was a semi- controlled fall, trying without success to slow their nearly two vertical mile descent. "We're going too fast!" Dixie cupped her hands to her mouth, screaming to be heard. Like Misty, she was wrapped delicately in one of Pidgeot's dangerous talons, hanging beneath the bird as they 'flew' down. "It's too much for Pidgeot to handle!" "Well, what do you suggest we do?" Misty screamed back, venting her fear and anger through frustration as she tried to be heard. "It's not like we can just 'teach' Pidgeot to carry more weight!" Dixie brightened, her eyes going wide with surprise. "Wait a minute! Yes we can!" "What?" Twisting slightly, she managed to reach into her pack. As she unzipped it, several different items rained out, flying every which way; a spoon, her sleeping bag, extra clothes...Misty prayed that no one was below them to take the brunt of the items' fall, much less their own. Finally, she pulled out her grandfather's miracle device, the HM Accelerator. "How's this supposed to help us now?" Misty shouted, unable to hold back the sarcasm in her voice despite the situation. Ash had always told her that she could always be counted on to be snide, no matter how much trouble they were in. She hated it when he was right. "Are we going to cut our way out of this mess?" "No!" Dixie pulled a small chip from her pocket, plugging it in to the machine. The Accelerator came to life with a series of beeps and hums, its access panel lighting up. "Lawrence gave me the number two chip. It teaches a flying technique." "What kind of flying technique?" "I don't know." "You don't KNOW?" Misty roared, her stomach already sinking. "What do you mean, you don't know?" "Look, do you have a better idea?" Dixie shot back. When Misty didn't answer, she took it as a 'no'. "Now look," she explained, splitting the device in half, as it was meant to do when used, "We have to get this on either side of his temple. I can't do this alone, not right now." Straining her arm, she reached over to hand the other half to Misty. The redhead hesitated, wavering in her conviction. Either side of the bird's temple...that meant letting go. That meant free falling. She hated free falling. If she made just one mistake... Just one little mistake... Splat. But what choice did she have? Reaching out, Misty took the Accelerator half, nodding slowly. She swallowed her fear, and told her urge to vomit to stuff it, giving Dixie a weak thumbs-up. "On three," Dixie shouted up towards Pidgeot's head, "I want you to let us go. Understand, Pidgeot?" "Jyo!" Misty desperately hoped that 'Jyo' meant 'yes'. "One!" Dixie shouted at the top of her lungs. "T-two!" Misty took the next number. Her eye caught Dixie's, and she took comfort in seeing that the newest member of their group was just as afraid as she was right now. "THREE!" they shouted together, pushing away from Pidgeot. As ordered, the avian Pokémon had uncurled its talons and let them into free fall, hanging out in the middle of air with nothing holding them, save for gravity's unbreakable grip. Misty's mouth opened to scream as she began to drift away from Pidgeot, but no sounds came out. After a half-second of eternity, she shut her mouth and forced herself to concentrate on the task ahead. Pidgeot was just a few feet in front of her, with Pikachu clinging desperately to its plumage, tiny eyes squeezed shut, and claws digging painfully into the bird's back. Beyond the two, Dixie was using her entire body as a modified airfoil, trying to maneuver towards Pidgeot without losing too much speed to wind resistance. Misty began to do the same, tilting forward, her eyes tearing and burning with the incredible wind ripping into her soft features. At long last, they both reached Pidgeot's neck, each gripping the bird with a single arm. Misty wanted to scream, to dance in celebration at having survived so far, but they weren't even close to being done, and there was maybe a single mile between them and the Appalachian ground left. A minute more...maybe two... "Put it on his temple!" Dixie's voice brought Misty's focus back, forcing her to shake off the visions of her own death. She did as she was told, pressing the Accelerator gently on the side of Pidgeot's head. Dixie nodded in satisfaction, doing the same. "Here goes nothing!" Taking a deep breath, she triggered the activator. Pidgeot screamed, trilling so loudly that Misty thought her eardrums were going to start bleeding at any moment. She couldn't imagine what it felt like, having information imprinted directly onto your brain. Did it hurt, or was the Pokémon merely surprised? She hoped the latter, and also hoped that she would never have to find out firsthand. Pidgeot's eyes began glowing a deep amber yellow, a glow that soon faded. "Is that it?" Misty shouted across. She looked worriedly at Pidgeot, who seemed a bit dizzy after the ordeal. "Did it work?" "We'll find out in a second!" Dixie answered grimly. "Okay, Pidgeot: Fly!" Pidgeot's eyes began glowing again with the same golden light. This time, though, the bird Pokémon did not scream. Instead, it seemed joyful, as if instilled with some new kind of power. Soon, everything around them began to glow amber, surrounded in a surreal light. At first, Misty thought that Pidgeot had somehow turned the entire world yellow. Then she realized that she was the one that was glowing, that Pidgeot's new ability, its new power, had grabbed hold of her. First they were in free fall. Then they were in no-fall. Misty simply couldn't believe it; she had only placed a single arm on Pidgeot's neck to stabilize herself for Dixie's tricky maneuver. Suddenly, Pidgeot had stopped falling, hanging in midair as if it had somehow applied an emergency brake. Stranger still, Misty, Dixie, and Pikachu had all stopped with it. The four of them were floating, but it didn't feel like floating... It felt like flying! With a joyous whoop, Pidgeot inverted and dove for the ground in a nosedive, taking the rest of them with it. This time, though, the bird was in perfect control. Dixie was the first to let go, tentatively testing Pidgeot's technique; she didn't drop like a rock, as Newton would have insisted her to do. Instead, she simply flew right alongside Pidgeot, her arms akimbo, laughing and crying with every swoop, every juke that Pidgeot made. Casting her doubt away, Misty let go as well. It was glorious! The freedom, the rush of unaided flight...it was intoxicating! Behind her, she could hear Pikachu's tiny voice laughing and egging Pidgeot on, trying to get the bird to go faster, be more daring. After a few minutes, and several loop-the-loops, Pidgeot finally them down. The enormous bird was first to touch ground, with the other three setting down gently at its side. A moment later the amber aura faded around each of them. They fell to their knees as one, laughing and dizzy from the heady experience. Pidgeot merely tilted its head, staring at them as they carried on loudly. "I never..." Dixie panted, falling back on her butt, "I never imagined anyone could do anything like that...ever!" "It was incredible..." Misty agreed, resting on her knees. She looked over at Pikachu, who still looked loopy from the loops. "It was phenomenal...It was..." Her hand brushed down by her waist, coming into contact with something foreign. It took her a minute to remember what it was. "Hey, Dixie?" "Huh?" Misty laughed, unstrapping Ash's Pokébelt from her slender hips, where it had been ever since he had given it to her for safekeeping when he first got Lawrence's message. "I had Ash's belt the entire time...we could have ridden down on his other flying types." "We didn't have to go through any of that?" Dixie asked her breathlessly. Misty nodded, which sent Dixie into uncontrollable laughter. Misty joined in, not quite knowing why they were laughing. She didn't think Dixie knew either. It probably just felt good to laugh again. It helped drive the terror away. * * * Ash groaned, slowly coming around. The first thing he was truly aware of was that his entire body hurt. His ribs, which had taken more than their fair share of punishment over the past few days, were screaming at him in protest, aching with every rattling breath he managed to get into his lungs. His left leg was still cut and pierced from when Delta had freed him of Lawrence's manacles and his right ankle didn't seem to be facing the correct direction anymore. All in all, Ash felt like crap. But he was still alive. Groaning again, he managed to open his eyes. Above him, wafting, dirty pines slowly came into focus, drifting above him as if in another reality against the starry night sky. He was on the ground...but how? It seemed that the last thing he could remember was Delta hauling him out of the bay's huge doors, letting the both of them drop like a stone. Had the assassin been so determined to kill him that he would sacrifice himself as well? If so, he had failed. But not by much. Propping himself up on his elbows, he began to gather his legs underneath him in order to stand up. It took every ounce of will he had not to pass out from the pain, as his right ankle refused to do anything but hurt worse than anything he had ever felt before. By God, it hadn't hurt this much when he had died...either time! "AHH!" he howled in pain, his cry echoing off of canyons, trees, and other such foresty things. He fell back to the ground, hitting his head against something hard and cold. The good thing was that it helped take away from the pain in his ankle...the bad news was that, with his luck, it had probably split his head open like a cantaloupe. Absently, he wondered how things could possible get worse. As if to answer, a dark shadow suddenly monopolized his vision. Squinting through the haze of pain, he saw Delta standing above him, gun already drawn and leveled at his head. Ash felt a cold sliver of fear in the back of his woozy brain. 'GET UP, YOU IDIOT, HE'S GOING TO KILL YOU!" His mind screamed, but he knew too well that he was in no condition to even get up, much less run for his very life. It was finally over, after all these years. Team Rocket had beaten him. Then Delta did something that genuinely surprised him. Without ever moving his gun, he looked down at Ash and asked, "Any idea where we are?" "Somewhere...on the ground...I think." Ash managed to get out, the edges of his vision going black. Why was Delta asking him these stupid questions? "Going to...finish the job...and call your friends?" Delta shook his head, still aiming right for Ash's heart. He reached down with his left hand and pulled a broken radio off of his belt, showing it to Ash, then tossing it to the side. "My comm broke after those robot things shot my emergency chute and we had to make a rough landing." "Chute?" Ash murmured, trying to remember. "Landing?" That would explain why he wasn't a smear on the forest floor, but it didn't explain why Delta had kept him alive this long, much less why he had shared a chute with the boy. Picking his left wrist up weakly, he began to speak into his watch, an action that made Delta the surprised one for a change. "Gear...Location." If speaking to a watch had given the assassin pause for wonder, the man was floored when the watch began speaking back to the boy in a crisp, very feminine voice. "Location confirmed: approximately two miles south-southwest of previous position." "Locate...Pokédex." He mumbled again, already slipping in and out of consciousness. It was all he could do to keep himself awake, afraid that if he fell asleep, it would be for the last time. "Are the girls...okay? What...what about P...Pikachu?" The Pokégear hummed for a moment, processing the request. "Unit Pokédex location confirmed: approximately four point six miles north-northeast of current position." "They must've...fallen the opposite direction..." Ash chuckled, more out of reflex than of true amusement. He was immediately relieved to hear that they were safely out of harm's way...at least, he hoped so. If he was going to die, at least he would go out knowing that his Pokémon and his friends were all right. "This hardly seems like the time for laughter, Ketchum." Delta told him in a low voice. His finger applied the slightest pressure to the trigger, letting it creak ever so slightly underneath his grip. "This is serious." "If you were about to die..." Ash wheezed, coughing, "What would you do?" The Omega Red remained stonily silent for a moment, pondering the situation. Then he pointed to Ash's wrist with his free hand, indicating the Pokégear. "Is that thing some kind of map?" he asked. Ash nodded slowly, unable to find the strength to speak, and not sure if he even wanted to bother. Last words never really had appealed to him. "Does it only respond to you?" Again Ash nodded, knowing full well that Gear had no real preference, and would respond to anyone that strapped it on. Again, the assassin paused in silence a moment, as if pondering something. Finally, he slipped his gun into its holster with a sigh, then bent over to examine Ash's broken form. "What..." Ash managed to whisper, but Delta quickly told him to kindly shut his mouth. "Fractured ribs..." Delta moved up and down Ash's athletic frame, testing various points for reactions and pain. "Plenty of bruises...broken ankle." He took a quick look at Ash's head, being as gentle as any Nurse Joy Ash had ever seen. "Your head doesn't look good, either." "What's the bottom line, doctor?" Ash managed to joke, half-awake and drunk with pain. "Stay here. We're not going anywhere until morning anyway, and not before I make sure you can survive the trip." "What about your mission?" Delta took one last glance at Ash as he got up, dusting his hands off. "You let me worry about my mission, kid. I'll kill you on my own terms. In the meantime, let's see if I can patch you up. Now rest. I'll be back in a little while." Ash was out cold before he ever finished the last sentence. * * * Brock groaned in frustration, parting a pair of tree branches in his path as he stole a glance over his shoulder. "Will you three hurry up already? We have a lot of ground to cover!" "Quiet, twerp!" Jessie snarled as she clutched a nasty cut on her shoulder. The entire top right part of her split jacket was stained with a mixture of crimson blood and dark brown earth. Every move she made sent a shaft of pain lancing through her, which made the trip back to wherever it was they were going both long and painful. "Who died and made you boss, anyway? We're in charge, here." James kept his mouth shut, still hauling the unconscious form of their feline friend as he remained by Jessie's side. He was more concerned about how they were going to get out of this one than who led them where. They were stuck in the middle of nowhere, lucky to be alive after their multi-billion dollar, one-of-a-kind assault jet had made an "emergency landing" in the middle of the forest, not too far from where Lawrence's sky fortress still hung. Brock rolled his eyes, a movement that was invisible to the Rockets, as he tried desperately to keep his patience. Never again would he complain about traveling with his hardheaded teenage companions...not after a few hours in the woods with these nimrods. "Then what would you suggest, oh wise and skilled agent of evil?" he asked mockingly, letting the sarcasm drip from his voice as if it were basted in his own frustration. Jessie looked in either direction, seeing nothing but unfamiliar forest. Like the twerps, Team Rocket was still new to America. She was rapidly getting sick of the fresh pine scent, too. Then she looked up, spying the ominous, imposing airship that hung above them, the axe of their would-be executioner. "Uh...keep taking point. James and I will guard our flanks." "Aye-aye," Brock turned back, muttering several choice phrases in English, Japanese, and a few strings of native islander. The Breeder let his thoughts drift to Ash, Misty, and Dixie. He hoped desperately that they were all right. He could never live with himself if they were still trapped on Lawrence's floating island, prisoners of the megalomaniac madman. "Keep it moving, Squinty Joe!" Jessie fumed, already renewing her pace behind him. With a small smirk, Brock drew back the branches that he held extra far, letting them go only after Jessie was well in range. THWAP! "OW!" * * * Dixie searched through the remainder of her pack, praying that she hadn't lost it. "It has to be here somewhere..." she muttered, digging through her personal items, food, and clothes. "Where is it?" If it had indeed fallen out during their aerial maneuvers, then it was as good as street pizza now. "C'mon..." Misty bent over her, balancing Pikachu on her shoulder. She had managed to return Pidgeot to its Pokéball, but Pikachu, as always, stubbornly refused to enter the capture/containment device. Ash had always been the one to tote his Pokémon around, but in his absence, Misty was always more than happy to provide an arm-up for the tiny mouse. Together, they examined the inside of Dixie's pack as the young blonde dismantled it. "Wha'cha looking for?" "I need to make sure that we still have the Itemfinder." Dixie muttered, more to herself than to answer Misty's query. "Can't have lost it. It has to be here...somewhere." The mention of Dixie's personal electronic scanner jogged Misty's mind into activity. She pulled Dexter off of Ash's Pokébelt, still strapped around her waist, and flipped it open. "Dexter:" she commanded, "Scan for Gear's tracer chip." It was simple enough, really; if they found the Pokégear, they would find Ash. Or at least, what was left of him after Delta was through. She shook off the thoughts as the Pokédex began to speak. "Ohhhh....Grrrrrr....Doooohhhaaa..." "Dexter?" Apparently, that caught the machine's attention. "Hello, how am I? Oh, I'm fine, thank me. Would you like a scone?" Dexter's screen was filled with hazy static, blinking in and out faster than any strobe light Misty had ever seen. Dixie pulled her head out of her bag, looking up. "Is there a problem?" Misty nodded as Ash's Pokédex continued to babble on. "Dexter's malfunctioning...I don't understand, though, he had an upgrade just a few months ago, the Professor gave him a clean bill of-" Then she noticed it; a series of spiderwebbed cracks and fractures on the outside of the Pokédex's glossy translucent-red casing. "Oh no..." "What?" Misty's mind flashed back to Lawrence's airship, when they had been captured and held in the clutches of his deadly Mechémon. Her ribs ached at the mere thought of Archimedes crushing her in his deadly grip. "Back on the flying island..." Misty mumbled, her mind a million miles elsewhere, "When that thing was putting the squeeze on me...it must have crushed Dexter in the process." "Pikachu..." Pikachu leaned over on Misty's shoulder, staring sadly at the broken device as it began to scan about wildly, yammering on about French wine and the ambient temperature of bathroom fungus. "So?" "So?" Misty looked down at the device, which was arguing with itself whether Pikachu was a Zapdos or a grilled cheese sandwich. "So? So this means we can't find Ash, which means we can't meet up with him and start looking for Brock!" Misty's voice squeaked. She was about three sentences away from panic, if that. "Hmmm..." Dixie began digging in her pack again, and came out a moment later with a cry of triumph on her lips. "HA! We won't need the Pokédex as long as we have this!" She palmed the Itemfinder, tossing it up in the air. "Ash has HM-Oh-One on him right now, right?" When Misty nodded, Dixie gave her a beaming smile. "So, all we have to do is use the Itemfinder to lock on to Oh- One, and Bingo! Instant Ash!" Misty smiled, despite herself. It was actually very clever...she only wished she had thought of it first. And truth be told, she was glad that they wouldn't have to muddle through with the Pokédex. It was being even more obnoxious than usual. "I am the merry model of the modern mech mechanical..." the machine sang loudly in its best show tune voice, "With instruments examination, none of them botanical...La la la la la other words, la la la la la la la la...I am the merry model of the modern mech mechani-" Misty shut the Pokédex down before it could embarrass itself any further. "Well, what are we waiting for? Crank it up, and let's find us a trainer." "Hold your hormones." Dixie snapped back, strapping the device onto her head and fitting the lens over her left eye. She clicked the machine into activation and was about to request a lock on the Hidden Machine Ash had in his possession, when it began emitting a wild beeping sound. "What the..." Dixie touched the trackball embedded in the earpiece gently, moving the cursor on her screen about as she attempted to discern the cause of the Itemfinder's excitement. "Well, I'll be." "You found him?" "Better." She pointed off towards the southwest excitedly, closing up her pack and strapping it to her back. "Just a few miles from here, we have ourselves another Hidden Machine!" "Pika?" "What?" Misty could hardly believe it. The last couple of HMs they had encountered had been separated by over a thousand miles. Now, they found the third right in the backyard of the second. "That doesn't make sense..." "Maybe so, but the Itemfinder doesn't lie. Now grab your pack and let's go!" "Wait!" Misty protested as Dixie began walking hurriedly in the direction of the elusive device. "What if Ash and Brock aren't in that direction?" "And what if they are?" Dixie countered, already thrilled at the prospect of finding another of her grandfather's machines. "Look, do you have a better idea?" Misty had to admit that she didn't. With a sigh, she pulled her heavy pack on, trying to keep up with the other girl as they tromped through the forest. She silently wondered how on Earth they always got themselves into messes such as these, or if they truly deserved the trouble that life was giving them right now. * * * As he had been doing for the past three hours, Delta couldn't help but wonder exactly what had possessed him to let himself get into this situation. There he was, stuck in a strange new country, lost in some mountainous woods, with nothing but moonlight to guide his way, and the target he had been sent to kill was leaning on his shoulder, walking only because of a makeshift splint that Delta himself had constructed. Every fiber of his training told him he should be killing Ash Ketchum, that he should be doing whatever it takes to see to it that the boy never saw another sunrise. So why hadn't he? "We need to stop." Ash's hoarse voice murmured down by Delta's shoulder. Delta looked down at the boy's face, now a mass of dried blood and swelling bruises. Ash had taken the fall much worse than Delta had, who had been spared injury thanks to his training. That bump on Ash's head still had Delta a bit worried as well. He was almost positive that it was a concussion. "We're going to keep moving." Delta told him firmly, trying to put some disdain and hate into his voice that he just didn't feel. The truth was, he felt sorry for the kid. Here he was, only sixteen years old, and already he had responsibilities that some adults never even knew of. "If you can't handle the pace, I'll gladly leave you somewhere to die by a tree." "We have to stop...now." Ash said, this time with a little more conviction. He tried digging his heels into the ground, slowing the pair down. "Stop." he insisted groggily. Snorting, Delta released his grip on the Ketchum boy, letting him drop to the ground. Helping him was one thing, but the Omega Red refused to take orders from the boy, pity or no pity. "Fine. Stay here and bleed to death for all I care. At least then my mission will be complete." He kept walking, throwing his hands up in the air. "Try to help the kid," he spoke as if Ash weren't there, "And what does he do? He tells you to stop. What an idiot." "Actually," Ash half-moaned, half-chuckled from the ground, "I'd say that you're the idiot right now." Delta whirled around, his hand on his gun. "Oh yeah? What makes you say that?" "Because, I'm not the one who walked in between an Ursaring and her Teddiursa cub." Delta's blood ran cold, chilled to a stream of icy fear as he looked off to his left. Sure enough, he saw a tiny teddy cub with a ringed tummy, tilting its head in curiosity at him as it stared with beady black eyes. A deep, snarling rumble from his right confirmed Ketchum's observation, and told Delta that he was about to be in a whole world of hurt. The mother Ursaring charged from out of the wooded thicket, roaring in fury at the interloper who dared to come between herself and her pride and joy. Before Delta could clear his gun from its holster, mama bear had overtaken him. With a single swipe from its claw, the assassin was carried off of his feet and knocked a good fifteen feet away, falling to his rump with a bone-jarring thud. He managed to roll with the attack, which meant that nothing was broken, but that was about it. He again reached for his gun, only to find that it was missing. He managed to find it out of the corner of his eye, lying just beyond reach. If he could have another second... ...A second that the Ursaring wasn't going to give him. The enormous mass of muscle, teeth, and brown fur bore down on Delta, rearing up on her hind legs and bellowing at the man with uncontrolled fury. Just as Delta was about to kiss his miserable existence goodbye, Ursaring was struck in the side of the head by a small rock, drawing a tiny rivulet of blood from her muzzle. With a snarl, the enormous bear Pokémon's head snapped back, looking in the direction of the attack. "Hey ugly!" Ash Ketchum shouted, palming another rock. "Why not try picking on someone only half your size, huh?" He tossed another rock, catching the Pokémon square between the eyes. Years of practice with Pokéballs had made him a crack shot, and rocks weren't all that different from the capture spheres. "C'mon, over here! Why eat him when you've got a nice piece of wounded meat to chew on?" Ursaring saw only red as it charged towards Ash, her previous prey forgotten. She would tear the arrogant newcomer apart right before her cub's eyes, though she was loathe to do something so gruesome in front of her child. "Urrrrrrrrsssssssaaaaaaa!!!" she screeched, bearing down on the animal. "That's right, right here!" Ash shouted. He glanced over, catching Delta's eye. The assassin couldn't have been more shocked if the boy had stood up on his busted ankle and ripped off a mask to reveal the face of Alfred Giovanni beneath it. "What are you waiting for, you idiot?" Ash yelled at him, "Get your gun! Scare her off!" That shook Delta out of his stupor. In one fluid motion, he dove for his gun, rolled off of his shoulder and came up on one knee with Rose in his hand. With careful aim that came from years of experience, he squeezed the trigger and sent a round off. The concussion of the gun rocked his arms back as the bullet flew out at tremendous speed. Without any sort of warning, the mother Ursaring suddenly found itself with a small jolt of blinding pain coming from her hindquarters. Caught off her guard, Ursaring tripped and fell, tumbling head over claws and rolling right past Ash until she finally came to rest beneath a tree. She began to moan and whine, picking and gnawing at the bullet wound in her behind. Her cub waddled over, bleating questioningly at its mother. Delta picked himself up and limped over to Ash, scowling down at the boy. As a reflex, he pointed the gun square at Ash's melon, ready to splatter his brains across the forest floor. Ash sneered up in contempt, trying to pick himself up. "Go on," he spat weakly, still too tired and injured to stand on his own, "Finish it. We both know that's what you'll do eventually." Delta nearly did just that, putting a minute amount of pressure on the trigger. He could feel it trembling beneath his finger. Another ounce of pressure, and the gun would go off. In the end, though, he simply holstered the gun once more and grabbed Ash by his jacket collar, hauling the boy to his feet with one arm. "Come on. We need to move before mother dearest realizes that it's only a flesh wound." Thankfully, Ash didn't bother to question why the assassin hadn't killed him yet. He did, however, risk a smirk in Delta's direction. "I told you that you were the idiot." "Shut up." "And then I had to go and save your life." "Shut up." "So now you owe me one, huh?" "I'm going to kill you, kid." Delta muttered, not sure if he meant it or not. Ash couldn't help but smile. "I know that. That's why I'm having a little fun while I can. * * * "Here?" "Here." Misty peered into the murky waters of the tiny pond she, Dixie, and Pikachu had come across in their trek. Following the Itemfinder's electronic breadcrumb trail to the new Hidden Machine had been a fairly easy task, and now it seemed that their labors were about to bear fruit. "I don't see anything." she got down on her hands and knees, nearly putting her face into the cool, calm water. Dixie shucked her pack, letting it drop to the ground as she tweaked the Itemfinder range display. "The Itemfinder said that the HM's about twelve to fourteen feet below us..." Misty stood, stretching her arms and touching her toes. "Piece of cake. I'll have that thing out of there before you can say 'waterlogged'." Small twinges began popping up all over her lower back and hamstrings, but she wasn't about to let on that she wasn't in top condition for a dive. Reaching in to her backpack, she pulled out her trusty one-piece bathing suit, the one she had kept over from her old shows back at the Cerulean Gym's stadium. As she slipped her T-shirts over her head, she made a mental note to pick up a new one at the next town they hit; this one was wearing thin in a few key places. She had just gotten her shirt bundled up underneath her chin when she saw Pikachu staring nervously at her out of the corner of her eye. Clearing her throat loudly, she gave the Pokémon an annoyed glare, and it turned around sheepishly. "Pika..." Pikachu protested softly as the Mistress of Water continued to strip, "Pikachu. Pika-pika, pika-cha, pi, pikachu pika pika cha pikachu." "I'll be fine, Pikachu." Misty insisted as she pulled the shoulder bands of the suit up and over her slender, sinewy arms. "Pika. Pi cha, Pika pi chu." She smiled softly, shaking her head. "I know what Ash told you, but I'm a big girl, and he isn't my father." She picked up Ash's Pokéball belt and strapped it around her waist, pulling the band down tight. Though she had plenty of her own Pokémon to take along, she wanted to make sure that nothing happened to Ash's Pokémon, even for a moment. She knew it was something that Ash would have wanted... 'Stop it,' she forcefully ordered herself, 'You're thinking like he's already dead. He isn't dead...is he?' "Pika?" the mouse asked hopefully. The smile disappeared. "Or my boyfriend. Now stop being silly." With that, she reached again into her bag, this time withdrawing a pair of Pokéballs. "Let's go, guys." With a tap of her thumb and a flick of her wrists, she released the stars of her own little water show, Staryu and Starmie. "We have a chip to find." "Hyah!" "Hoo!" Dixie walked Misty to the water's edge, reluctantly handing her the Itemfinder. Silently, both of the girls individually prayed that the device had been waterproofed. "Good luck." Dixie offered her redheaded friend. Misty gave her an encouraging smile. "When you're as talented as I am, you don't need luck. Together as one, and with a unison that sprung from years of synchronized practice, Misty and her Pokémon dove into the murky waters of the pond, submerging in the blink of an eye as they disappeared beneath the surface. Just as she had predicted, the water was ice cold against Misty's pale ivory skin, chilling her to the bone within a moment. She shivered, careful not to let her lungs lose the precious air inside. Blinking a few times to adjust her eyes, she began her search for the HM, letting her gaze play about the sandy bottom. Though she didn't see anything but large rocks and dirt, Dixie's one-of-a-kind machine was telling her that their treasure was right under her, stuck somewhere beside a particularly large boulder. With a few frog kicks, she managed to propel herself down to the bottom, and began sifting her delicate fingers through the gritty brown muck. Staryu and Starmie flanked her, keeping close watch over her as she worked. Who knew what dangers lurked in this pond? Misty's lungs began to burn for air, but she continued to sift and probe the bottom. A small patch of grassy plants...no, not there. Somewhere to her left...no, not there either. She was just about to give up and head back up for a breath when a small glint caught her attention, down low near the base of a large, precariously balanced rock. Could it be? Yes! The Itemfinder's eyepiece lit up like a Chinese New Year the second she laid eyes on the small metallic chip. With another kick, she reached the rock and began digging at the edges of the chip. Whoever had put it here must have put the chip into the rock, then the rock into the water, she mused, even as her body desperately screamed out for a fresh supply of oxygen. Even though her body panicked, her mind stayed focused. 'This is no time to panic,' she thought. Little by little, the rock chipped away, revealing at last the edge she needed to pry the chip loose. With a few hearty tugs, she felt the chip give away into her hands. She slipped it underneath the top of her swimsuit for safekeeping, gave her stars a thumbs-up, and began making her way for the surface. It was then that disaster chose to strike; the precarious rock that Misty had been clawing at finally gave in to gravity, tilting over and beginning a slow, painful descent towards the mucky pond bottom. Even as Misty began to swim for the top, the boulder crashed down noiselessly, coming down at her with tremendous weight. Some might have called her lucky; if she hadn't started swimming when she did, the rock might have crushed her. As it was, all it ended up doing was trapping her strong, slender legs against the soft, gritty floor. Misty screamed involuntarily as the rock dragged her back to the bottom, letting out precious air and replacing it with a belly full of water. Staryu and Starmie circled her furiously, already hysterical that their trainer was trapped underwater. She pointed frantically up towards the surface, trying to signal for them to get help. 'Now it's time to panic...' she thought, even as her vision grew dim. * * * Dixie peered down, kneeling on the pond's slippery edge. She exchanged worried glances with her yellow-furred companion, loathe to take her eyes from the water in case Misty would return. "She's been down there an awful long time, Pikachu." "Piii..." Pikachu wrung its tiny paws, biting down on its lower lip as it stared the water down in anticipation and anxiety. "Pikachu." Dixie sighed with frustration. Why was it that she was the only one who didn't understand Ash's rodent sidekick? Her frustration changed to hope as soon as she saw something break the water's surface, but returned when she saw that it was Staryu and Starmie, unaccompanied by either Misty or her grandfather's hidden chip. "Hyah! Hyah!" Staryu circled the pair excitedly, trying to say something to them. Starmie merely hovered above the water, shivering with impatience and buzzing at the landlubbery pair. "Hee, hyah! Hyah!" "Pika?" "Hyah!!!" "Pika!" Pikachu's ears shot up as it turned to Dixie, tugging on her arm and pointing at the water with furious conviction. "Pika, pika pikachu!" the tiny mouse shouted, dancing around. "I don't under..." Dixie stopped herself, thinking rationally for the first time that day. Fact; Misty's Pokémon had come up. Fact; Misty had not. Fact; Pikachu was freaked out. Fact; Pikachu didn't get freaked out easily. "She can't make it up, can she?" "Pika!" Pikachu nodded, jumping up and down. Without hesitating, without even thinking things through, Dixie kicked off her boots and leapt into the water, splashing clumsily into the water for a moment as she got her bearings. Then, she took a deep breath, inverted, and dove under the water, kicking and pumping her legs with fear-driven, adrenaline-charged power. In no time at all, she found Misty beneath the rippling water's surface, half of her trapped, the other half floating limply, a thin stream of bubbles trailing from her face. Her vibrant blue eyes were closed, which sent a wave of terror over Dixie. The Southern Belle grabbed hold of Misty's shoulders and tried to shake the other girl awake, but Misty's consciousness had left for lunch and didn't appear to show any signs of coming back early. Letting go, Dixie swam downward to the base of the rock and tried pathetically to lift the boulder off of the Water Mistress's legs. Even with all of her might behind the heave, she could barely get the rock to budge. She needed help, but how? Misty's Pokémon were still above surface, but they wouldn't have been of any use here. After all, how could an overgrown starfish help lift anything if it didn't have arms? Panicking, Dixie began looking about, as if something would just swim by and start lifting the rock for her. How could she have been so stupid? He didn't bring her Croconaw down with her, or any of Misty's Pokémon along. The only Pokémon they had down here was Ash's Pokébelt, and it contained the majority of his flying force. Pidgeot, Fearow, Articuno, Charizard... Dixie paused for just a moment, her heart freezing in a mixture of fear and hope; with those four, plus Pikachu, Ash had room for one last Pokémon on his team, which was planted firmly in its catch on the Pokébelt looped round Misty's waist. Ash had traded in either Ivysaur or Wartortle to bring in his Fearow, which meant that she had a fifty-fifty chance here. Either she would release his Wartortle, which could easily help her lift the rock and save Misty's life, or she would end up drowning not only Misty, but also Ash's beloved seed Pokémon, and probably herself as well in the process. Hesitating only another half-second, she ripped the Pokéball from Misty's lifeless form and triggered the release, holding it in the palm of her hand as the ball split in twain and exploded with a shower of dazzling energy. A horrifying moment of tension later, Ash's blue turtle Pokémon floated before her, getting its bearings among the new surroundings. Dixie nearly whooped with delight, but had to stop short before she swallowed half the pond. Gesturing to Wartortle, she pointed down at Misty's predicament and made lifting gestures, indicating her plan. The Pokémon gave her a wink and a grin, and swam down, getting its stubby hands beneath the boulder. Dixie moved opposite of it, and together they began lifting. Dixie was more than a little embarrassed when she realized that Wartortle was doing more than ninety percent of the work, but she put in as much as she had, and then some. Slowly but surely, the rock lifted up and off of Misty's legs. Now free from her bond, the Mistress of Water began to float towards the surface even as Dixie and her Pokémon partner heaved the rock off to the side, careful not to get caught beneath it. Then, like an aquatic bullet, Wartortle shot up towards Misty's receding form, catching her and aiding her ascent towards the precious air that she needed so badly. Dixie swam after them, coming up to the surface of the water a few seconds behind them. Even as Dixie hauled herself out of the icy water, Wartortle had Misty lying flat near the water's edge, pale and lifeless. Quick as she could, Dixie scrambled over the shore and hovered above Misty, unsure as to what she should do. First things first, she took the Itemfinder from her friend's face and tossed it aside so that it would not get in the way. "Come on, Misty...Breathe!" she slapped the girl's face a few times, but there was nothing, not even a twitch. Pikachu, Staryu, Wartortle, and Starmie began to crowd around. Though Pikachu and Wartortle were the only ones with a face, somehow all four managed a worried expression as they stood over their redheaded friend's still form. Forcing herself to calm down, Dixie began to perform CPR. She pressed her lips down onto Misty's, forcing air down into her body, then began pumping on the girl's diaphragm. One. Two. Three. Four. Five...still nothing, not even a twitch. She repeated the process all over again, trying not to give in to the hysteria that was gnawing at her. Breathe...One. Two. Three. Four. Five. "Come on, come on!" Dixie pleaded, tears stinging in her eyes and dripping down her cheeks. She leaned over again, once more giving her friend the kiss of life... And was delighted when Misty coughed up a vile concoction of mucus, saliva, and pond scum straight into her mouth. Dixie reeled back, spitting out Misty's "gift" even as the other girl sat up, wracked with fitful coughing and spasms as she tried to trade off the water in her lungs for air. "You're okay!" Dixie kept screaming, again and again. "You're okay! You're okay!" "Dixie," Misty coughed, pounding a fist on her chest, "Take it easy. I'm going to live, all right?" She smiled as the four Pokémon onlookers broke out into a cheer, yelling and dancing about. Pikachu leapt into Misty's arms and wrapped its tiny claws around Misty's neck in a big hug, crying and scolding and nursing her all at once. "It's okay, Pikachu. I'm fine." She said, even as she coughed up another pint of pond water. Dixie collapsed onto the ground, remembering her own exhaustion now that the ordeal was over. "Oh, man..." she sighed, thanking her lucky stars that everything turned out all right. "I was so worried about you. I really freaked when I saw you trapped down there." "Yeah..." Misty said uneasily. Then she cleared her throat, her voice becoming unsteady. "Dixie? Uh...I wanted to...What I mean is..." "Hmm?" Misty blushed. "Thanks for coming after me." "Hey," Dixie smiled at her, lacing her hands behind her head as she stared up at the night sky, "What are friends for?" Misty nodded, realizing for the first time that Dixie really was her friend. Not just the kinds of friends they met and made wherever they went, the kinds they always helped on their adventures. Dixie was one of her true friends; the kind she could trust, the kind that adventured right alongside her. She was as much a friend as Brock or Ash, and that surprised her a little. "Yeah." she said at last, returning Dixie's smile, "What are friends for?" The sound of a throat being cleared loudly behind them gave pause in the moment as Misty and Dixie turned. Standing behind them was a tall silhouette, one that neither of them recognized. Suddenly, a bright light flashed on, blinding the girls. They squealed in protest, even as their Pokémon took a defensive position between their trainers and the new threat. "Sorry!" a quiet, musical voice apologized through the bright haze. Quickly, the light was shone down towards the ground, creating a soft ambient glow. Blinking the stars away, Dixie was able to make out the vague lines of a ranger's forest green uniform, clinging to the outlines of what must have been a woman. "I didn't mean to shine it in your eyes, ladies. My name's Ranger Tausan. I'm part of a team investigating some strange goings-on that have been happening in the area recently." "Are we glad to see you!" Misty leapt to her feet, despite her exhaustion. Finally, they would be able to get some help in their fight against Delta and the insane Collector. "Do you ladies know anything about a flying island?" "Do we ever!" It was Dixie's turn to stand. She recalled Ash's Wartortle and began to describe the events of the past two days, leaving out some key parts, like the Hidden Machines, or Ash's previous encounters with Lawrence, leading up to their final leap from the airship and their miraculous survival. Ash she did so, Misty retrieved her own Pokéballs, recalling Staryu and Starmie and placing them carefully back into her pack along with the rest of her pocket monsters. "I see..." the ranger said. "Well, it sounds like this one friend of yours...Ash, did you say his name was? It sounds like he'll need medical attention immediately. Do you know where he is?" Dixie paused for a moment, then retrieved her discarded Itemfinder. "We can look for him with this!" As the ranger regarded it with some skepticism, she strapped it on to her own face. "Trust me. With this thing, we'll find Ash in no time." "Good." was all the ranger would say. Within moments, the girls were all packed up, and Dixie had reprogrammed the Itemfinder to locate Hidden Machine Oh-One, which was safely on Ash's person...she hoped. Together, the group trudged back into the forest, with Dixie leading the way, and the ranger bringing up the rear. * * * The sun was just beginning to rise over the Appalachian ridge, sending a cascade of colors boldly across the darkened sky. It glazed the forest in a soft bath of orange and yellow as night once again yielded to day, just as it always had, and just as it always would until the day the sun refused to shine anymore. Hobbling along, Ash couldn't help but marvel at the fact that he had lived to see it all at least one last time. He wasn't fooling himself, and Delta wasn't fooling him either; he had no doubt that the assassin would finish the job eventually. The waiting, the tension in every moment as he waited for the sweet kiss of oblivion, was beginning to get to Ash. As they hobbled together towards a clearing ahead, the prodigy Trainer couldn't help but wonder if that would be his final resting place. "Let's stop up ahead in the clearing," Delta grunted without looking down at him, "And take another reading on your friends." It had been hours since the Ursaring incident, and Ash could tell that Delta was forcing himself to ignore whatever injuries the bear Pokémon had given him. Ash tried to put a little humor in his voice. "I could use a rest myself." he smirked. Delta just snorted in contempt, dragging Ash along as they reached the edge of the clearing. It wasn't all that large; just a small spot on the ground where the trees had decided not to grow. Both Ash and Delta were disappointed that there wasn't any water, but neither was willing to say a word. "I don't need to rest." "Y'know," Ash grunted as he eased himself down onto a boulder with a long, painful sigh, "It's okay to be human. No one'll hold it against you." Delta remained standing, looming above Ash. Still, Ash could tell that his unlikely traveling companion was taking the opportunity to catch his breath. Delta's shoulder sagged with fatigue, and his breath was a little ragged. "I'm not human." he stated in a bone-chilling monotone. "Not even close. I'm Omega Red." Ash was about to respond when a flying blur came out from behind them and struck Delta, tackling the larger man and bringing him to the ground. Ash was astonished, but not enough so that he forgot how crippled he was at the moment, and remained seated. "ASH!" Brock shouted as he struggled with the Team Rocket assassin, "RUN! GO!" It was clear that Delta was about to break the chokehold Brock had on him. He had another ten seconds at best before the assassin flipped him on his butt and showed him the proper technique for a choke...a lethal one. "Brock, you have it all-" Ash started to say, but a pair of smoke bombs cut him off, exploding in the middle of the clearing and obscuring his vision. He coughed pathetically, cursing his own weakness and his lack of Pokémon. How could he have been so stupid as to leave his team with Misty? Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid...and dumb. Without his Pokémon, he was just a kid with a hat who shouted orders. Stupid! "Prepare for trouble!" Speaking of stupid... "Make it double!" A pair of shadows emerged from the unnatural fog, followed by a third, much shorter shadow. Even Delta and Brock had stopped their grappling as the pair began to speak, their words ringing out across the sun-kissed clearing. "To protect the world from devastation," "To unite all peoples within our nation," The smoke began to clear as Jessie and James continued their motto, much to the aggravation of Ash's headache, which had just tripled. "To denounce the evils of truth and love," "To extend our reach to the stars above," "Jessie," the scarlet-crowned Rocket wench stepped through the last wisps of the smoke, casting off her wispy mask with a haughty smirk. James did likewise, a large rubber net casually slung over his shoulder. "James," he added, almost as an afterthought. "Team Rocket..." Jessie stopped, tilting her head in Ash's direction. "Wait a minute...hold the motto!" She stomped over to the young boy, her hands sternly on her hips as she glared straight into Ash's eyes. "You! Boy! Where's your Pikachu?" "He's not here..." Ash said slowly, wondering not for the first time (nor the last) if Jessie was mentally stable. "I left him with Misty." "Just great!" Meowth threw his claws into the air, totally exasperated. "We follow dat squinty, stupid blockhead through da forest, waiting for a shot at Pikachu, and we end up finding da wrong twerp, which," he added, shaking a scornful claw at Ash, "Should have been da 'right' twerp. Shame on you for not keeping your own Pokémon with you." "Yeah. Right. Sorry about that." Ash muttered, rolling his eyes. James sullenly dropped the net, kicking up some dust and muttering about never getting to capture Pikachu anymore. "Well, let's cut our losses." Jessie sighed, folding her arms across her rounded bust. "James, call the jet." she ordered. James simply stood there, staring at her as if she had grown a second head. "Well?" "Uh, Jessie," he scratched the back of his neck. "We crashed the jet, remember?" "Oh. Right." she cleared her throat, trying not to blush. "All right then, call the balloon." "Can't." Meowth shook his oversized head. "We had to trade the balloon in to get the jet." Jessie turned red, but from anger, not embarrassment. "Well, call SOMETHING!" she screamed, stamping her foot. "How about an ambulance?" The stray quip from the edge of the clearing grabbed Jessie's attention, just in time to catch a blast of concentrated air full on in the chest. Jessie flew back, screaming as she crashed back into the trees and disappeared from view. Ash's Pidgeot hopped into view on the opposite side of the clearing with Misty mounted on its back. Dixie walked up beside the enormous bird, with Pikachu and Wartortle at her side, hands curled deftly into fists. A third figure stood behind the two girls and their Pokémon squad, folding her arms and smirking at the whole scene, as if she found something cute about it. "The cavalry's here, guys!" Dixie called out, "And they brought reinforcements, too." She glanced back at their ranger friend, and was a little unsettled when the ranger's piercing gaze fell on her, the smirk still firmly in place. "I'm afraid not, little girl." The ranger grunted. With a single hand, she reached out and grabbed Dixie by the neck, wrapping her fingers around the girl's esophagus and lifting her off of the ground with unbelievable strength. With a free foot, she caught both Wartortle and Pikachu in a football punt that sent the two Pokémon flying. Dixie's eyes bugged out of her head as she struggled to breathe, punching and kicking the ranger to no avail. "Well, actually, you're half-right. You just brought the cavalry for the wrong side." "Tau!" Delta shoved the stunned Brock off of him, rising unsteadily to his feet. "This is my assignment," he growled angrily, pulling out his gun. "Butt out!" "I was just sent in to clean up your mess, Delta." Tau commented offhandedly, tightening her stranglehold on Dixie as she stepped forward. "Now, kindly finish off these gawkers while I take care of the main target." She tossed the blonde bombshell aside effortlessly, shocking all that stood before her. A sudden gust of wind blew the assassin off of her feet, knocking her to the ground. "Forgetting something, Ms. Ranger?" Misty called out from atop Pidgeot. Her feathered steed hopped forward, wings spread and ready to attack again. "If you want a piece of him, you'll have to tangle with us first." "Gladly." Without warning, Tau leapt up in a handstand and sprung up, flipping over and leaping high into the air, coming down on top of the pair before they ever knew what hit them. With a single kick, the deadly, diabolical woman sent Misty sprawling and tumbling onto the ground. Landing on top of Pidgeot, she wrapped her legs around its neck and twisted. For half a heartbeat Ash was terrified that she would snap the bird's neck, but instead she merely drove Pidgeot's head straight into the ground, stunning it. At the end of the three seconds it took all of this to happen, Tau stood up and calmly brushed herself off, grinning from ear to ear. She looked down at Misty, who was groaning and clutching her ribs, grimacing in pain. "Is there anyone else who would like to stand up for the boy?" "Piii..." Delta grimaced as Ketchum's tiny, battered Pikachu hobbled over, standing between Tau and its trainer with arms akimbo, as if it could hope to stop the super-strong assassin. True, Ketchum's Pikachu was no ordinary Pokémon, not by a long shot, but even with all of the training it had received, it was still no match for Tau's pseudo-muscular bionic implants. Even now, the arrogant assassin was cracking her knuckles, advancing on the tiny Pikachu with booted foot aching to squash the rodent. "Brave little fellow..." she chuckled, placing her hands on her hips. "But you're a little out of your element, aren't you? This is no Pokémon battle..." "The heck it isn't." The voice surprised Tau; it was the first time Ash had spoken up since her arrival. "Pikachu:" his voice quavered, filled with fatigue, pain, and fear, but somehow Ash managed some semblance of his former composure. "Defensive stance." Pikachu nodded back at Ash, going down on all fours and snarling at Tau ferociously. "Oh, this is rich." Tau's laughter rang like a mean-spirited bell as she guffawed at the boy and his Pokémon's tiny, pathetic defense. "What, are you honestly going to stop me?" "Pikachu, Thunderbolt." Ash croaked, scowling as Tau stood there, laughing at them. Taking only a moment to power up, the thunderous rodent let loose with a bolt of pure energy that streaked towards its target at the speed of light...only the target wasn't there anymore. Defying every limit of human speed, Tau had somehow managed to dodge lightning itself, and had made it look considerably easy. "Is that all you have?" she asked, folding her arms calmly. "You'll have to do better than the same old, tired tricks you've used in the past, boy." Swallowing his fears, Ash gave her a confident smirk, one he didn't completely feel. "No problem. Pikachu," his mind began racing; if he was going to beat Tau, he was going to have to be smarter and faster. Since the latter wasn't possible, he would really have to work on the former, which meant making use of Ash's least favorite activity, heavy thinking. "Agility Charge!" Pikachu disappeared in the blink of an eye, moving so fast that none of the on-lookers could follow. Tau could, though, and began moving as fast. Human and Pokémon began a terrible dance, attacking one another. Because of their tremendous speed, neither one was able to land a blow or a bolt of electricity, but still they tried, tearing up the landscape. Every now and then, they would slow down just enough for Ash to catch a glimpse of what they were doing; a headbutt here, blocked by Tau's forearm; a vicious kick that nearly took off Pikachu's tail... After a moment of eternity, Ash decided to implement part two of the plan that was still forming in his head. "Pikachu! Red Light!" Pikachu came to a screeching halt, reacting in an instant to Ash's orders and flipping out of the way of Tau's latest attack. The assassin hadn't been expecting a sudden stop, and was forced to let her kick continue all the way through the nearest tree, which toppled over with a sickening thud next to the pair. In the midst of the chaos, she lost track of Ash's oversized mouse. "Atomic Tick!" Ash shouted again, praying that Pikachu could remain hidden for just another second. As Tau spun about, looking for her prey, Pikachu appeared from behind her, leaping out of the brush and latching on to her back, right between the shoulder blades. "Get off of me, you wretched little vermin!" Tau snarled, trying to reach around to snatch the rat off of her back. She managed to grab a few fists full of its short, wiry hair, but her iron-hard muscles prevented her from reaching around far enough to detach Pikachu from her back. Pikachu, in the meantime, was holding on for dear life, digging its claws through her ranger's disguise and into her back. Despite the situation, Ash couldn't help but grin. His grin soon disappeared, however, and he swallowed hard. It was now or never. "Pikachu, Thunder!" The sky above them crackled, shimmering with a supernatural power as Pikachu's most potent attack began to charge. The clouds swirled, and the heavens opened up, pouring down a stream of pure golden light that slammed down onto Tau and her unwanted passenger. Pikachu, naturally, was unaffected by the enormous bolt of lightning that struck them. Horrified screams pierced the air as every cell in Tau's body burned with electricity, screams that would haunt Ash for a long time. He never enjoyed attacking other humans with his Pokémon, and he had never subjected a single person to Pikachu's Thunder attack. It was over as quickly as it had begun, lasting only an instant. Pikachu dislodged from Tau's back, letting the smoking assassin's unconscious form drop onto the ground like a smoldering sack of grain. She lay on the ground, twitching and spasming uncontrollably. Pikachu trotted over to Ash, looking slightly guilty but otherwise satisfied with their victory. "Good job, Pikachu." Ash wearily patted his Pokémon on the head, fighting the urge to drop into a deep sleep. "We should be okay, now." "Wrong." the cold muzzle of Delta's gun pressed painfully against the base of his skull as a dark shadow fell over Ash and Pikachu. Ash didn't turn around. He saw Brock, Misty, and Dixie, who had managed to collect herself and Ash's Wartortle, freeze in place. It was obvious that they desperately wanted to help him, but knew that they couldn't do anything. Down by his feet, Pikachu was snarling and hissing at Delta, furious with the assassin at this latest turn of events. Ash, however, tried to remain calm. "I saved your life." Ash told him flatly, not moving a muscle. "You owe me." Delta remained silent, but Ash could feel the gun's barrel waver against his neck. "You owe me." he repeated, this time more forcefully. "Owe?" a cackling voice from the forest laughed at Ash, signaling the return of Team Rocket from their Pidgeot-powered trip. "Team Rocket never pays its debts, boy." Jessie sneered, dragging James and Meowth out into the clearing's edge with a wicked smile planted on her dazzling features. Both of her male counterparts nodded, but each of them looked exhausted, as if they had endured more than enough for today. Ash could easily sympathize with them, though he didn't feel any pity. "That's okay!" Misty yelled, hopping off of Pidgeot, "We're the ones that owe you something." She locked eyes with Pidgeot for a moment, then gave it a nod. "Pidgeot, Fly attack, now!" Pidgeot's eyes began to glow with a golden amber radiance, an unnatural light that amazed Ash and frightened Team Rocket. Soon, the light had surrounded Pidgeot's entire body. The Pokémon screeched, spreading its wings and crying out at Jessie, James, and Meowth. Then, without warning, the three villains were surrounded with the same aura. Screaming and fumbling, the treacherous trio was lifted into the air, kicking helplessly against the thin mountain air. "My turn." Dixie's eyes narrowed on her targets as she spoke. Down by her feet, Ash's Wartortle grunted its agreement, stepping forward to get in on the action. "Wartortle: Surf, now!" Wartortle leapt ahead, pulling its head and limbs into its thick, heavy shell, landing with a thud on the hard forest floor. Then it began to spin, spraying thick columns of water out of its shell. At first, Ash thought it was merely a Hydro Pump attack. Then he noticed something...the water from Wartortle's attack wasn't disappearing, or soaking into the ground. The water was rippling in mid-air, turning around and gathering under Wartortle. The water was alive! Soon Wartortle was spinning atop a massive pile of water, a mountain of the liquid that was writhing and flowing beneath him, held in check by supernatural forces that no one understood. Once the column was as tall as the trees around them, Wartortle stopped his Hydro Pump, coming out of his shell and standing atop his watery tower, king of the aquatic mountain. Its eyes shone with a sapphire light, twin beacons of blue brilliance above his wide, grinning mouth. "Tortle!" The column suddenly dropped out underneath of Wartortle, sending him splashing down to the ground. Ash feared that Wartortle had somehow lost control, that he had somehow lost the magic. He should have known better, though; hundreds of gallons of water fell to the Earth, forming itself into a small, focused tidal wave that roared across the clearing with Wartortle riding atop it. Horrified, Team Rocket realized all too late what was happening, turning to run just before the wave swept them off of their feet and into the thicket of trees that lay beyond the clearing. Ash's aquatic Pokémon leapt down from the wave just as the three Rockets hit the first of what would be many, many trees in their path. "Looks like Team Rocket's splashing off again!" Meowth gargled as they sped out of sight, slamming into trees as the tidal wave dragged them through a painful tour of the forest. Ash would have laughed, but he was too amazed at what he had just seen his Pokémon do. Defying gravity? Tidal waves in the middle of a continent? It was impossible, wasn't it? Then he looked over at Dixie, and realized that it had to have been her, that it had been Dixie's Hidden Machines. It was no wonder that Shades and Spike were after them so badly. What power! Ash was so impressed, he hardly noticed that Delta's gun was no longer planted in the back of his head. It was only when he heard a grunting and scraping off to the side that he broke his gaze with Dixie. Delta stood with his back to Ash, gun holstered and Tau encumbering his shoulder. He began walking off at a quick pace, limping slightly as he did. Though he spoke softly, Ash could hear him saying something as he left. "Now we're even." And with that, he disappeared into the forest, vanishing from sight. Somehow, though, Ash knew that it wasn't the last time he would see Delta...not by a long shot. At the moment, though, he didn't care. He simply slumped forwards, falling to his hands and knees. With the adrenaline rush of the battle wearing off, all of the aches and pains, the cuts and fractures and concussions, were coming back in full force. He heard a very distant 'Ash!' Who was saying his name? It sounded like a girl. Dizzily, he looked up at his three friends, accompanied by his three Pokémon, as they crowded around him. "Are you okay?" Misty's mouth moved, but the words didn't seem to match her lips, and her tiny voice sounded as if it were a million miles from him. "Can you hear me?" "I must be losing it..." he mumbled back, shaking his head. A thrumming sound of rushing air had filled his ears, blocking out any attempts at thinking he may have had. "I hear something..." Dixie pointed up at the sky excitedly, sounding just as distant as Misty had. "No, look! Something's coming!" "Lawrence?" Misty's voice sounded worried, but Ash couldn't be sure. "Did he find us?" "No!" Brock squinted hard (no small feat for a man who never opened his eyes to begin with), fending off the glaring dawn with his hand. "No, it's a helicopter. It's a chopper! We're saved!" "Great..." Ash murmured. "I'll just pass out then, all right?" And he did, slumping onto the ground in a heap of aching limbs and exhausted muscles. * * * "Miss, could you please excuse me? I'd like to make sure this boy is going to live." Misty apologized, and slunk out of the way of Ash's doctor for the millionth time. She had been hovering over Ash's sick bed in the hospital like a hawk, ever since he had underwent the emergency regeneration treatments. The former champion was now in the Intensive Care Unit, though no longer in mortal danger. The doctors and nurses had been muttering and nattering about fractures and lacerations and shocks to his physiology, but all Misty knew was that Ash was hurt ten times worse than any of them were. Brock had come away smelling like a rose, while Misty and Dixie had only required a few bandages, and some tape for Misty's ribs. Ash, though, needed IV drips and monitoring equipment, and a plethora of other things that his feminine friend couldn't understand. Pikachu was curled up and sleeping by his side, refusing to leave even after one of the nurses had attacked him with a bedpan. Ash was awake now, as awake as a person could be on as much painkillers as was physically safe for the doctors to give to him...and give them to him they did! "This would be much easier if you would get out of the way." the doctor groused, lightly grabbing Ash's wrist and looking down at his watch as he checked Ash's pulse. "Your friend needs his rest." "She can stay." Ash croaked, his lively amber eyes dulled by the powerful sedatives. "I want her to stay." He looked up at the doctor, his voice sleepy and soft. "I'll be out of here soon anyway, right?" "Out of here?" the doctor repeated incredulously, "Soon?" He laughed at this, slapping his knee as he chortled. "Oh my, that's rich. You'll be in here until I say you can leave, and not a moment before." He gathered his clipboard and left, still chuckling as he closed the door behind him. "Soon, he says. Oh, Maple will get a kick out of that one." Misty was all too glad when he left. She sat down on the edge of Ash's bed, taking the hand that wasn't hooked up to the intravenous tube. "Hey." "Hey..." She smiled at him, giving his hand a squeeze, and was relieved to feel him squeeze back. "How are you feeling? Does it hurt much?" "Well," he said thickly, as though his tongue had become too large for his mouth, "I think it should hurt..." He lifted his other arm, indicating the IV. "But I think they have me on morphine." He giggled. "A lot of morphine." He started giggling again, which got Misty going. After a moment, though, he stopped, groaning. "I can't believe they're keeping me in here. I'm probably going to lose a whole week of training." Misty silently berated him, forcing down the urge to tell him to count his lucky stars. Before the development of cellular regeneration, the injuries he had sustained would have slowed him down for several months. "Well, maybe a break won't be so bad." She leaned forward, giving him a kiss on his forehead, letting her lips linger a bit longer than she should. "Get some rest, okay?" He nodded as she got up to leave. As she walked towards the door, it opened from the other side, revealing Dixie as she walked into Ash's room. "Hi." Dixie greeted her softly. Misty returned her 'hi' in kind, giving Dixie a smile. "I just wanted to pop in for a moment, I won't stay long." The redhead gave her a nod, slipping out of the room and closing the door behind her with a soft 'click'. Now it was Dixie's turn to sit at Ash's side. She gave Ash an encouraging smile, being careful not to wake Pikachu as she plopped down on his bed. "Hi Ash." "Hi..." Ash grinned at her, half-asleep. "How are you?" "I was just going to ask you the same thing." Dixie rubbed her arm, careful to avoid the bandages the emergency room had put on. There was no easy way of saying it, so she was just going to have to say it. "Um...Ash?" "Hah?" "Look, I..." She shifted uncomfortably, her courage betraying her. "Ash...I was so afraid that you were going to die out there...and I wasn't sure why. Then I figured it out..." She smiled at him, taking his hand in hers. "Figured what out?" She rolled her eyes, exasperated. "I have a thing for you, Ash." "Really? Where?" "You idiot, I like you!" She wasn't sure if he was jerking her around or not. The dawning look of realization on his face, though, told her that he was genuinely confused. "Really?" his face became apologetic in a tired sort of way. "Sorry." There was a long pause, and then he said. "I like you too." "Really?" He nodded, giving her hand a sleepy, sloppy kiss. It was cute nonetheless, though. "Uh huh. Could you do me a favor, though?" "Sure...what?" He let his head drop back onto the pillow, thoroughly exhausted. "D'you think you could remind me that we had this talk? I'm on a lot of medication right now, and I don't know if I'll remember." She laughed, leaning over to give him a hug. "No problem." * * * Misty closed the door behind her. Brock was standing out in the hall, waiting for her. He held a pair of Styrofoam cups in his large hands. He handed one to Misty, who took it gratefully and took a long drag of the hot chocolate in the cup. "So how is he?" Brock asked between sips of coffee. She looked back, watching Dixie talk to him through the small window in the door. "He looks pretty out of it." "He is," she nodded, still watching the pair, "But he'll be fine." "You must have been pretty worried." She whirled her focus back on Brock, her eyebrows upturned with confusion. "What makes you say that?" she asked. He shrugged, taking another long drink of the Colombian blend. It wasn't nearly as good as Mount Moon's coffee, but it wasn't bad at all. "Well, if the girl I loved had been through what Ash was just through, I'd be worried sick." Misty felt a wave of anger sweeping through her. Where did Brock get off making all these assumptions? "Listen, you!" she jabbed her free finger at him, poking him in his broad, muscular chest, "I'm sick and tired of you and your stupid...your stupid...oh, I'm just sick of it!" she growled, looking in on Dixie and Ash. The blonde had taken Ash's hand into hers now, and was saying something that clearly made her uncomfortable. "Look, I am not Ash's girlfriend." Now Ash was saying something, something Dixie had laughed at. "I am Ash's good friend. I-" She stopped cold, dropping her cup of cocoa at the sight that heralded her beyond the meshed glass of the door's tiny window. Dixie was hugging Ash. Ash was hugging Dixie. They were hugging. Misty couldn't believe it. She watched on as Ash and Dixie locked gazes, staring into each other's eyes with a look that Misty had seen before. It was a look she had only seen in Ash's eyes once before. It was the look he used to give her, back when they had been together, when they had been a couple. It was the look...it was 'her' look...and now he was giving it to Dixie. "Misty?" Brock placed a strong hand on her shoulder, his voice filled with worry and questioning. She swallowed hard, forcing herself to turn away. There were tears in her eyes, tears she couldn't explain. She wasn't sure if she wanted to explain them. She just stood there for a moment, crying softly, without making a sound. "I am going to be sick." she sobbed weakly, and flung her arms around Brock's neck. He reeled back in surprise, but wrapped his arms around her waist all the same. He had a feeling that she was going to be crying into his shoulder quite a bit in the days ahead. End -Quiet Hindsight- As I said above, I hope it was worth the wait. Oh, and I hope that I'm not the only one who appreciated my reference to John Cook's Sev Trek. What can I say, I'm a hopeless Sci Fi geek. I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys science fiction, or to anyone who doesn't, either. sev.com.au, or use a search engine. Next: BadgeQuest: The America Chronicles #5 The Hidden Machine Saga 04