Samuel: (singing) I want to be the best there ever was. To beat all the rest, yeah that's my cause.... Ash stands up, taking a pipe out of his mouth as he does so. He smiles, and runs off. We see the back of a cart, and of Samuel, who is singing. Samuel: (Sings) Electrode, Diglett, Nidoran, Mankey Venusaur, Rattata, Fearow, Pidgey Seaking, Jolteon, Dragonite, Gastly Ponyta, Vaporeon, Poliwrath, Butterfree! Ash: You're late Samuel: A professor is never late, Ash Ketchum. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to. They try to keep a straight face, but fail. They both laugh. Ash jumps onto his wagon. Ash: It's wonderful to see you, Samuel! Samuel: (laughs) You didn't think I'd miss your Uncle Jake's birthday? (laughs) Ash: What news of Johto? Tell me everything. Samuel: Everything? You're far too eager and curious for a Trainer. Most unnatural... Well, what can I tell you? Life in the wide world goes on, much as it has this past Age. Full of its own comes and goings. Scarcely aware of the existence of Trainers. For which I am very thankful. Trainer: (waves) Look! It's Samuel! Samuel: Ooh - The long expected party. Trainers can be seen putting up a banner saying 'Happy Birthday Jake Ketchum' Samuel: So how is the old rascal? I hear it's going to be a party of special magnificence. Ash: You know Jake. He's got the whole place in an uproar. Samuel: Now, well, that should please him. Ash: Half of Pallet Town's been invited! Samuel: Good gracious me! Ash: He's up to something Samuel: Hmm... (mutters) Ash: All right then, keep your secrets. Before you came along, we Ketchums were very well thought of. Samuel: Indeed. Ash: Never had any adventures or did anything unexpected. Samuel: If you're referring to the incident with Charizard, I was barely involved. All I did was give your uncle a little nudge out of the door. Ash: Whatever you did, you've been officially labeled a disturber of the peace. Samuel: (mutters) Oh, really? A Trainer sees Samuel, and looks rather displeased. Children are seen running through the fields. Soon, they come to the road that the cart is on, and stand on one fork of it. Children: Samuel! Samuel's here! Samuel! Fireworks, Samuel... Samuel! Fireworks, Samuel... Samuel takes the other fork. Children: Ohhhh... Samuel lets some fireworks out of the back of the wagon. Children cheer as Samuel laughs. An adult Trainer laughs, but stops when he sees the look on his wife's face. Ash: (Gets off the wagon) Samuel - I'm glad you're back. Samuel: So am I, dear boy. (mutters to himself) So am I. Ash runs off into the fields, Samuel continues on to Oak End. Samuel opens a gate, which reads 'Stay out unless it's about the party!' Samuel knocks on the door Jake: No, thank you! We don't want any more visitors, well wishers, or distant relatives! Samuel: And what about very old friends? Jake: Samuel? Samuel: Jake Ketchum. (Holds his hands out to him) Jake: My dear Samuel! (He walks towards Samuel, who kneels down and embraces him) Samuel: Good to see you. One hundred and eleven years old. Who would believe it? (Looks at Jake) You haven't aged a day. (They both laugh) Jake: Come on, come in! Welcome, welcome. (Shuts the door) Jake: (Mutters) Oh, here we are. (He takes Samuel's stick and hat). Tea? Or maybe something a little stronger. I've got a few of bottles of the old Vinyard left.1996. Very good year. Almost as old as I am. Ha ha ha ha ha. It was laid down by my father. What's say we open one, eh? Samuel: Just tea, thank you. (Samuel hits his head on one of the lights. Then, as he's putting it straight, he hits his head on the ceiling). Ohh... Jake: (mutters in the background) I was expecting you sometime last week. Not that it matters. You come and go as you please. Always have done and always will. You caught me a bit unprepared, I'm afraid. We've only got some cold chicken and a bit of pickle... There's some cheese. Oh no, that won't do. We've got raspberry jam, an apple tart... But not much for afters. Oh, no, we're all right. I've just found some sponge cake. Samuel looks at some maps on the table. Jake: I can make you some eggs if you li -- Misty- Samuel? Samuel: Just tea, thank you. Jake: Oh, right. (Stuffs some cake in his mouth, and mumbles) You don't mind if I eat, do you? Samuel: No, not at all. Female Voice: (bangs on door) Jake! Jake Ketchum. (bangs on door more loudly) Jake: (to Samuel) I'm not at home! I've got to get away from these confounded relatives, hanging on the bell all day, never giving me a moment's peace. I want to see mountains again, mountains, Samuel. And then find somewhere quiet where I can finish my book... (teapot whistles) Oh - tea! Samuel: So you mean to go through with your plan, then? Jake: Yes, yes, it's all in hand. All the arrangements are made. Jake gets the tea, and Samuel takes the lid off for him. Jake: Oh, thank you. Samuel: Ash suspects something. Jake: Course he does. He's a Ketchum! Not some blockheaded Flute from Lavender. Samuel: You will tell him, won't you. Jake: Yes, yes. Samuel: He's very fond of you. Jake: I know. He'd probably come with me if I asked him. I think in his heart, Ash's still in love with Pallet Town. The woods. The fields. Little rivers. I'm old, Samuel. I know I don't look it, but I'm beginning to feel it in my heart. I feel thin. Sort of stretched, like butter, scraped over too much bread. I need a vacation. A very long vacation. And I don't expect I shall return. In fact, I mean not to. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The night of the party. Jake and Samuel are sitting on the top of a hill together. Jake: Old Toby. The finest weed in the Kanto. Jake blows a smoke ring, and Samuel blows a ship that goes through it. Jake: Samuel, my old friend. This will be a night to remember. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fireworks go off, everyone cheers. Trainers are dancing. Jake: (Is talking to some guests) Hello, hello. Sandy Bottoms. Lovely to see you. Welcome, welcome! Brock: Go on, Misty, ask Ash for a dance Misty: I think I'll just have another cup of punch. Brock: Oh, no you don't! Go on! Misty stands up for another drink, but Brock pushes her towards Ash. They both blush, and start a conversation. Misty: Um... Ash? Ash: Yuh-nuh? Misty: Do you mind if... if I have this- Ash: Dance? Sure. They dance to the music, as Misty puts her head on Ash’s shoulder. He blushes again. We pull towards Jake. Jake is telling a group of young trainer children a story. Jake: So there I was, at the mercy of three monstrous Snorlax. And they were all arguing amongst themselfs about how they were going to cook us. Whether it is turned on a spit, or whether they should sit on us one by one, squash us, to jelly. Trainer girl: (gasps) Jake: And they spent so much time arguing, the whitertos and the whyfors that the sun's first light crept over the top of the trees -poof- Trainer kids: (gasp) Jake: And turned them all to stone! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- (Samuel takes out some fireworks from a wagon in a tent. As he leaves, Todd and Kenji come out from behind the tent.) Kenji: (whispers) Quickly! (Todd gives Kenji a leg up onto the wagon) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- Samuel is letting off some butterfly fireworks for the young trainer children) Samuel: Oh! Up they go! Kenji takes out a firework. Todd: No, no, the big one, big one (Kenji takes out a Charizard shaped one. They light it. Kenji: Done. (pushes the top end towards Todd) Todd: You're supposed to stick it in the ground. (pushes it back to Kenji) Kenji: It is in the ground. (Pushes it back to Todd, who pushes it back to Kenji) Todd: Outside... (They continue pushing the lit firework back and forth) Kenji: This was your idea! Firework goes off, and Todd and Kenji are both thrown to the ground. The firework lets out fireworks, then turns into a fiery Charizard. The trainers scream and run away from it. Ash: Jake, watch out for the Charizard! Jake: Charizard? Nonsense, there hasn't been a Charizard in these parts for a thousand years! The 'Charizard' goes off in to the distance, and fills the sky with fireworks. Trainers: Oh! (They cheer) Todd: That was good! Kenji: Let's get another one Samuel: (grabs them by the ears.) Kenji Sketchit and Todd Snap. I might've known. Todd and Kenji are seen washing up the dishes. The trainer crowd: Speech, Jake! Speech! (They cheer and clap) Ash: Speech! (Jake walks up to the front of the crowd) Jake: My dear Ketchums and Oaks! (Cheers from the crowd) Snaps and Sketchits! (More cheers) Waterflowers! (cheers) Slates! (yet more cheers) Imites! (cheers) Melodies! (cheers) Flutes! Bottoms! (cheers) And Cooties! Kudo: Kudos! Jake: Today is my one hundred and eleventh birthday! (Cheers from the crowd). Trainer in the crowd: Happy Birthyday! Jake: Alas. Eleventy one years is far too short a time to live amongst such excellent, and admirable trainers. I don't like half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve. I er ... I have things to do. Jake puts his hand into his pocket, and takes out a gold Game Shark. (whispers) I've put this off for far too long. I regret to announce this is the end. I'm going now. I bid you all a very fond farewell. (whispers) Goodbye. He vanishes, and the crowd gasps. He makes his way back to Oak End, still invisible, and takes off his Game Shark once he has closed the door behind him. He appears, laughing. He flips the Game Shark into the air, then catches it, putting it back into his coat pocket. Humming, he picks up his stick, and enters the living room, where the fireplace is already lit. Samuel: I suppose you think that was terribly clever. Jake: (Gasps, looking around him, and seeing Samuel) Come on Samuel, did you see their faces! Samuel: There are many Game Sharks in this world, Jake Ketchum, and none of them should be used lightly! Jake: It was just a bit of fun... Oh, you're probably right, as usual... You will keep an eye on Ash, won't you? Samuel: Two eyes, as often as I can spare them. Jake: I'm leaving everything to him. Samuel: What about this Game Shark of yours, is that staying too? Jake: Yes, yes. It's in an envelope over there, on the mantle-piece... No, wait it's - here in my pocket. Takes Game Shark out and fingers it. Why - isn't that - isn't that odd, now. Yet after all that, why not. (whispers) Why shouldn't I keep it? Samuel: I think you should leave the Game Shark behind, Jake. Is that so hard? Jake: Well no... And yes. Now it comes to it, I don't feel like parting with it. It's mine! I found it! It came to me! Samuel: There's no need to get angry. Jake: Well if I'm angry, it's your fault! ... It's mine. My own. My precious. (eyes bulge) Samuel: Precious? It's been called that before, but not by you. Jake: Oh, what business is it of yours what I do with my own things?! Samuel: I think you've had that Game Shark quite long enough. Jake: You want if for yourself! Samuel: (Rises up, and becomes very angry) JAKE KETCHUM! DO NOT TAKE ME FOR SOME QUACK OF CHEAP MEDICINE AND KNOWLEDGE! I AM NOT TRYING TO ROB YOU! (Becomes normal again). I'm trying to help you. (kneels down beside Jake, and places his hand on his shoulder). All your long years, we've been friends. Trust me, as you once did, hmm? Let it go. Jake: You're right, Samuel. The Game Shark must go to Ash. (Prepares to leave) It's late; the road is long... Yes, it is time... (Walks out the door) Samuel: Jake. The Game Shark is still in your pocket. Jake: Oh - yes. Puts it on the palm of his hand, and turns his hand over, letting it drop. It does not bounce. Jake turns and walks out his door, and Samuel follows him. Jake: I've thought up an ending for my book. (He turns around to look at Samuel) "And he lived happily ever after, to the end of his days." Samuel: And I'm sure you will, my dear friend. Jake: Goodbye Samuel. Samuel: Goodbye, dear Jake (They shake hands) Jake: (Jake leaves) The road goes ever on and on... Samuel: (Softly, to himself) Until our next meeting Samuel walks back into the house. He leans over the Game Shark, and reaches out the touch it, but sees a red eye. He leaves it on the floor. The scene cuts out, and we see him sitting by the fire, smoking. Voice of Jake: It's mine. My own. My precious Samuel: Riddles in the Crime... Ash: (In the distance). Jake! (Opens door). Jake! (Leans over, and picks up the Game Shark). Samuel: A precious... Precious... Ash: He's gone, hasn't he? Samuel lets out a puff of smoke. Ash: He talked so long about leaving. I didn't think he'd really do it... Samuel? Samuel turns around to face Ash. Ash shows Samuel the Game Shark in the palm of his hand. Samuel: (smiles) Jake's Game Shark. He's gone to stay with the Pikachus. He's left you Oak End. (He holds out an envelope to Ash, who puts the Game Shark into it. Samuel seals the envelope with a red stamp). Along with all his possessions. The Game Shark is yours now. (Samuel holds out the envelope to Ash, who takes it). (whispers) Put it somewhere out of sight. Samuel prepares to leave. Ash: Where are you going? Samuel: There are some things that I must see to. Ash: What things? Samuel: Questions. Questions that need answering. Ash: You've only just arrived. I don't understand. Samuel: (stops and turns around) Neither do I. (Leans over to face Ash). Keep it secret. (Places his hand on Ash's shoulder). Keep it safe. (He leaves, and shuts the door) Ash looks at the envelope in his hand.