Poemon Adventures Jason's Tale I do not own pokemon bus will Bwa-ha-ha.Okay part two plz give critizim and the truth plz.And flammers don't be to harsh on me. A new World The body of Jason was revived by someone shoving him. "Wha..."said Jason waking up. "Wake up kid"said a Kid no older than Jason. "Ahhhgh"shrieked Jason coming out of his trance. "Who..who are you"demanded Jason. "Oh me",the kid replied,"My names antonio but everyone calls me Anth." "I'm Jason",replied Jason. "Where are we"asked a confused Jason,not being at the park. "We're just outside of PallettTown",said Anth messing with his headband." "Your kidding right",said a confused Jason, "I meanthat can't be were in Maryland." "Never heard of a place,I was on my way to get my first Pokemon and saw you and thought were attacked by a group of Pidgey." "You've got to be kidding,I mean i ran away to a park was playin a pokemon game and got struck by lightning." "Maybe you can ask Prof.Oak he may know." "Okay can you take me I know the way in my game but not in life" "Sure no problem." Oh my Pokemon! "Wow! this really is happening."Said Jason "Yup",said Jason,"this is all real". "So wich Pokemon were you gonna get",asked Jason. "Probley a bulbasaur",said Anth,"what about you?" "A charmander",thinking about his old Charizard Flammer. "We're almost there",said a joyful Anth skipping down the route. "I wonder if...nah",thought Jason to himself. They had made it to Pallet Town,a joyfull filled with energy. They ran straight to the lab,to see if there was a line. "where is...,how come...",Stummered a scared Anth. The lab was..was... wrecked.Emergency lights just on windows and machines shattered on the glass covered floor. They found a note saying "Pick a Pokemon while I'm gone.",barely ledgeable and rips and stains. "I wonder what happened",cried out Anth "Okay let's choose",said Jason grabbing the ball marked as fire. Just then the door flew open. "What the...",yelled an angry Prof.Oak,"what have you fools done to my once glorious lab." "Dude it was like this when we got here",said Anth thinking he's crazy. "Wait a minute...,OH NOOO!My project on Sparkly Potion where is it." "Team Rocket must have....,I hate them",shrieked a red Prof. "Oh wait,are you new Pokemon trainers,you must need trainer Cards". "How did you know"said Jason in a sarcastic manner. "Let me take your picture and...done your cards are ready." "So what about our dexes."said Jason "Oh,sorry here you go,take good care of them"Said Prof.Oak as the two boys left on there Journey.