
Part 35:

You Set Me Free

Note: The last chapter here people! Then itÕs off to the Epilogue!



Ash: 22 ½

Misty: 22 ½

Dan: 23 ½

May: 19 ½

Amy: 2 ½

Anna: 2 ½

Sharon: 22 ½

Damien: 22 ½

Brock: 26 ½

Britney: 26 ½

Richard: 2 ½

Hallie: 22 ½

Tyler: 22 ½

Angelo: 22 ½

Drew: 21 ½


A/N: Song, ÒYou Set Me FreeÓ by Michelle Branch


ÒSo he was okay with it?Ó Ash blinked curiously as he and Misty sat on a bench within the greenhouse. ÒJust like that?Ó

ÒYeah.Ó Misty smiled. ÒApparently someone had already told him- did you tell anyone else?Ó

ÒWellÉÓ Ash shrugged sheepishly. ÒI needed help getting everyone away from you so yeahÉÓ

ÒI thought so.Ó Misty nodded dryly. ÒI knew you couldnÕt do everything on your own.Ó

ÒHey thatÕs unfair Mist- I mean after all you pretty much hated me and didnÕt want to even so much as look at me. What was I going to do? Take you hostage? Actually that sounds more reasonableÉ But then again-Ó

ÒAsh.Ó Misty interrupted rolling her eyes.


ÒJust shut up.Ó Misty pressed her lips to his and was glad to have caught him off guard.

She felt his hands rest at her waist as he pulled her closer. Moaning, she reached up to wrap her arms around his neck tongues slipping over and-

ÒLET MY SISTER GO, YOU SICK PERVERT!!!Ó Sharon roared fiercely as she barged in the greenhouse.


CanÕt you see?

ThereÕs a feeling thatÕs come over me

Close my eyes

YouÕre the only one that leaves me completely breathless


No need to wonder why

Sometimes a gift like this you canÕt deny



Abruptly the two broke apart, flinching slightly at the glare they were receiving. They separated some more, calmly turning to Sharon, Damien, Britney, Brock, Mary, Max, May, Lily, Daisy, and Violet. Sharon stood there amongst them, eyes flashing dangerously in anger with her fists clenched at her side.

ÒYouÉÓ she whispered hollowly as she pointed at Ash. ÒWhat suck twisted lie did you tell my sister this time to get her to believe you?!Ó

ÒSharon, like calm down.Ó Lily rolled hr eyes. ÒMisty seems to be enjoying herself.Ó

Misty flushed scarlet at the comment but Sharon didnÕt seem to be taking it so lightly. She turned to her sister coldly, ÒDonÕt you dare tell me to clam down Lily. After how I saw that bastard make my sister cry six years ago- thereÕs nothing that comes out of that mouth thatÕs good!Ó

ÒSharonÉÓ Violet sighed in exasperation. ÒThat was like soo long ago! This is like the now here! Chill will ya?Ó


ÔCuz I wanted to fly so you gave me your wings

And time held its breath so I could see, yeah

And you set me free


ÒI donÕt care.Ó Sharon growled. ÒI still donÕt trust him.Ó

ÒMan you are like way too bitter little sis.Ó Daisy shook her head, placing her hand on SharonÕs shoulder. ÒLetÕs hear what Misty has to say.Ó

ÒYeah, IÕm sure sheÕll be able to enlighten us all.Ó Britney added, crossing her arms.

Misty smiled a little weakly as Sharon, Britney and Mary turned to her, expectantly. She sighed, shaking her head. ÒYou guys are making a big deal out of nothing you know.Ó

ÒIÕll say.Ó May rolled her eyes. ÒCanÕt you guys see MistyÕs happy? Just let her be- if she wants to be with Ash- I say let her.Ó Ash smiled gratefully at May, even Misty managed a smile towards her. She gave them the thumbs up and winked, ÒIÕll make sure you two stay together- IÕm like your number one fan and hope you guys become official- so donÕt worry.Ó

ÒThanks.Ó The two grinned.



ThereÕs a will

ThereÕs a way

Sometimes words just canÕt explain

This is real

IÕm afraid

I guess this time thereÕs just no hiding, fighting

You make me restless.


ÒMayÕs right.Ó Misty stood up and walked over to her two friends and sister. ÒI love Ash and he loves me- weÕre going to be together cuz that makes us happy. DonÕt you guys want me to be happy?Ó

ÒYes, but I still donÕt trust him.Ó Sharon snapped eyes softening slightly towards her sister. ÒHe hurt you Misty- I donÕt forgive people that hurt my family so easily- heÕll have to earn it.Ó

ÒOkay.Ó Misty nodded, the smile tugging on her lips, growing wider. ÒHeÕll work for it, IÕm sure.Ó She turned to the other girls. ÒHow about you two?Ó

ÒI guess if you can trust him again so can we.Ó Britney shrugged.

ÒBut if he hurts you again-Ó MaryÕs eyes flashed in his direction. Ò-and no more chances. HeÕs a goner.Ó

ÒFair.Ó Misty agreed. ÒIÕll help.Ó

ÒDonÕt leave us out.Ó The three sensational sisters added.


YouÕre in my heart

The only light that shines

There in the dark




Ash sweat dropped considerably- he was being threatened by seven girls- two of who shared a thing for mallets. He laughed nervously and all the males in the vicinity looked at him pityingly.

ÒWell I guess that only leaves one thingÉÓ MistyÕs smile faltered slightly. ÒWhereÕs Amy?Ó

ÒOutside.Ó Damien replied helpfully. ÒIÕll get her.Ó


They waited only for a few minutes, everyone watching an anxious and nervous Misty. Soon Damien came holding his daughterÕs hand and his nieceÕs. Anna ran over to her mother, Pichu hanging off her shoulder as SharonÕs Raichu, Anna and DamienÕs Raichu, Evans trailing behind them. Amy rushed forward towards her mother, little Pichu in her arms.

Everyone backed away a little, exchanging worried looks as Ash came to stand by Misty. They all watched as Misty took a deep breath ad led Amy to sit over on the bench.


Cuz I wanted to fly

So you gave me your wings

And time held its breath so I could see, yeah

And you set me free.


ÒAmyÉ you know who your daddy is right?Ó Misty began as she sat next to her daughter.

ÒYeah.Ó Amy nodded. ÒDaddyÕs downstairs!Ó

ÒYou know IÕm not married to daddyÉÓ

ÒYouÕre going to get married!Ó

ÒNoÉÓ Misty shook her head sadly. ÒNot anymore. You see I love everything about your dad butÉÓ she bit her lip, holding tiny hands in hers firmly. ÒIÕm not in love with him.Ó

ÒI donÕt get it.Ó Amy blinked in confusion.Ó DidnÕt the story say that Princess Misty and Prince Dan loved each other?Ó

ÒYes but thatÕs just a story- this is my real life and I canÕt be with daddy because I love Ash.Ó she nodded in his direction. ÒAnd I want to be with him.Ó

ÒIs he the evil prince?Ó Ash glared childishly in his direction.

ÒNo, heÕs not evil- he was never evil. He just did thingsÉ a little stupidly.Ó Misty replied dryly.


When I was alone

You came around

When I was down

You pulled me through

And thereÕs nothing that

I wouldnÕt do for you


ÒHey listen Amy.Ó Ash bent down beside her, Pikachu jumping on his shoulder. ÒIÕm not taking away your daddy or your mommy- Dan and Misty will always be your parents. IÕll just be Ash okay? Sure IÕll be your momÕs husband but that doesnÕt mean you have to see me as your dad okay?Ó

ÒOkayÉÓ Amy tapped her chin, agreeing. ÒSoÉ will I still see daddy?Ó

ÒOf course.Ó Ash grinned. ÒYou can see him whenever you want- in fact, IÕll take you to him on my Charizard okay?Ó

ÒYou have a Charizard?!Ó AmyÕs eyes widened.

ÒYup.Ó She grinned, pinching her cheek lightly. ÒYou can ride him whenever you want- just as long as IÕm with you.Ó

ÒOkay!Ó Amy nodded happily but suddenly the small child grew serious. ÒWill you be taking mommy too?Ó

ÒOf course.Ó Ash replied solemnly. ÒIÕll take care of you both-IÕll make sure youÕre both safe, always.Ó

Amy seemed to ponder this for a while but soon immediately brightened, ÒThen that makes you like a second daddy right?Ó

ÒIf you want me to be.Ó

ÒI do!Ó

ÒThen I will be.Ó Ash grinned at the small girl.

ÒYay!Ó Amy shouted happily. ÒI get two daddies!Ó


Cuz I wanted to fly

So you give me your wings

And time held its breaths so I could see, yeah


Misty watched all this, feeling a warm glow in her heart- her daughter was liking Ash- she didnÕt see him as bad or taking the place of her father. She couldnÕt help but smile at her daughterÕs enthusiasm. She grinned at Ahs and nodded in approval.

Everything would be all rightÉ SheÕd live happily with her lovesÉ Dan would always be there too and that would be perfect for Amy. She would grow up with not only one father but two. And her family and friends were supporting her- ready to back her up whenever she needed them. And Ash, her final choice0 a selfish choice- it was her happiness after all of course sheÕd be willing to do what she could do for it. She smiled happily at the thought- her choice for her happiness- the person sheÕd spend her life with for the rest of her years.

ÔYouÕre my choice Ash.Õ MistyÕs eyes twinkled lightly as they met his. ÔNo more choicesÉÕ


Cuz I wanted to fly

So you gave me your wings

And time held its breath so I could see, yeah

And you set me free


Note: So thatÕs the 35th chappie! :D Just the Epilogue left now and then Choices will be all done! Wee! I hope those who have read this will continue on reading my other fics! ^__^ the contest however is still going on! I need another email from First place winner with further details of your request on the story I shall credit to you!

But anyone else interested can still enter! Just find out the date when ÒLove At First FlightÓ aired in the U.S! And leave a comment with your email in this entry kays?

Byes & L8rs!
