
Part 5:

All's Fair in Love & War

Note: Some of you guys liked the last chapter. Some of you didn't, but I really loved it! It was a great one, if you ask me!


Ash: 16

Misty: 16
Sharon: 16
May: 15
Brock: 20
Max: 11


"This is the beginning of war between you and me, May and I will never stop fighting you. I love Ash and I will never lose him." Misty declared.

"We'll see about that." May replied curtly. "Just promise me this please don't break down and cry when you see us walking hand in hand okay?"

"Got to hell May. Go straight to hell"

"Yeah I'll go. But I'm bringing Ash with me."

***Two Years Later***

"Ash stop whining please. It's getting annoying." Sharon said exasperated as Ash complained about his empty stomach continuously.

"Very" Misty added.

"But I'm hungry!" Ash wailed.

"You know I'm kinda hungry too." May interjected suddenly.

"But you just told me that you weren't-" Max started but May stepped on his foot causing him to cry out in pain.

"Finally some one agrees with me!" Ash exclaimed smiling at May who smiled right back.

Misty narrowed her eyes at May but May just smiled smugly with a look that plainly told Misty-you snooze, you lose.

"Fine let's eat over there in that clearing." Sharon suggested pointing.

"I don't have anything to cook though." Brock replied.

"Wait." Max checked the Poke-Nav; for a few moments he said nothing then-"The next town isn't too far from here. It's pretty close."

"Then why don't we eat there?" May asked.

"It would be nice to sit on a cushion seat again instead of a rock or the ground." Misty agreed nodding.

"Oh come one! Let's eat out here! In the fresh open air!" Ash exclaimed.

"Yeah" May quickly replied. "Stop being so lazy Misty!"

"I am not lazy." Misty answered forcing her voice to remain calm.

"Yes you are."

"Well, so are you."

"I am not!"

"May, if you're not lazy, you'll go with Brock while Misty gets the firewood." Sharon interrupted.

"Fine." May replied. "I will."

"I'll help you, Misty." Ash suggested.

"Thanks Ash." Misty smiled.

May stood there angrily as she saw Ash and Misty smiled at each other. She couldn't let Misty have Ash; she loved him too much to let him go. She sighed. She would just have to think up of a way to separate the two. She went with Brock thinking all the way.

As May left the clearing, Misty smiled just as smugly as May had smiled when Misty had glared at May. She put down her knapsack next to Ash's backpack and they walked into the forest in silence.

Sharon smiled when she saw the look on May's face when she had heard Ash volunteer to help Misty. She knew what was going on. Misty hadn't told her, she had just guessed. Sharon had seen a few of their small face-offs between them and she found them rather funny. But when she really though about it, when she really thought about the whole situation, she felt sad. Once good friends, the next devious rivals... She still had a small hope that they would be friends again... She sighed. Somehow Sharon knew this would not end well...


Misty picked up small branches, not saying a word to Ash. She smiled at him once in a while but that was it. That was how they acted ever since that day in the clearing. They barely ever talked. And when they did it was either to argue or comment on something. Ash always talked with May though. Something that always worried Misty. Could her love possibly love her enemy?

Misty always had that cloud of worry over her head. And she always thought about it. But she never came to a conclusion. She would just stop thinking about it and start up a conversation with Sharon, Brock, or Max about any particular subject. (She barely ever talked to May and when she did it was mostly to argue.)

As Misty and Ash were about to head back into the clearing, he stopped. Misty who was right behind him carrying wood didn't see him stop so she bumped straight into him causing her to fall. Ash caught her by the arm as both of their pile of sticks fell to the ground. Ash held her there in midair his face blank and covered with worry.

"Is something wrong Ash?" Misty asked her face full of concern.

"It's just... Misty we need to talk. After lunch okay?" Ash responded looking at her hard.

Misty slightly intimidated by the look Ash was giving her replied weakly. "Um... Okay."

Ash smiled at her and Misty smiled back brightly. Together they picked up the firewood and walked back into the clearing.


"Hey Sharon, can you come over here for a sec?" Max asked as Ash and Misty went into the forest.

"Yeah?" Sharon replied.

"Have you kinda noticed that Misty and May seem to argue a lot?" Max questioned in a low voice.

"Yeah I have." Sharon answered nodding.

"Why d'ya think they've been fighting?"

"I dunno. But I have the shrewd idea that it has something to do with Ash..."

"Yeah I think so too..." Max replied. "May told me long time that she liked him."

"She likes him huh?" Sharon asked interestedly. "I think there's a war between 'em Max..."

"Yeah... And the worst part is: we're in the middle of it."

They stopped talking just as Ash and Misty came back into the clearing smiling brightly clearly in a cheerful mood. Sharon and Max watched them in moods far from theirs. They looked at each other and shook their heads with worry.


Brock and May came back exactly one hour later. They had supplies and food with them. While Brock cooked their lunch, May kept thinking about her plan. She had formed the plan as she passed by a TV store showing a movie. She had then began her plan from there and planned to carry it out soon but she didn't know how. She went over to Max who was playing with his Poochyena. Suddenly she spotted the Poke-Nav and came up with an idea.

"He Max, can I ask you something?" May asked as sweetly as she could.

"You already did… What do you want?" Max replied curtly.

"What can't I ask you a question without you biting my head off? At least say ask me nicely what I want." May replied in a fake hurt voice.

"Fine. My dearest sister May what do you want?" Max asked voice full of biting sarcasm.

"Oh nothing much. I just want to know... Is there a waterfall or river around here?"

"Uh... lemme check…" Max looked at the Poke-Nav for a second and then replied, "Uh yeah... One's not too far from here like a quarter or less of a mile due east from here... Why?" He suddenly sounded suspicious.

"Oh I just wanted to know..." May replied coolly

Soon they were all eating stew. May knew exactly what she would do. She smiled smugly to herself as she ate.

'I'm gonna have to make sure Beautifly knows what to do.' May thought still smiling. 'I should put my plan into effect as soon as lunch finishes...'

And just as they finished lunch she had the perfect opportunity.

"Hey you guys how're we gonna wash these dishes?" Brock asked. "There's no lake or anything around here."

"There's a river around here. It’s not too far, from what Max tells me. Just a quarter or less of a mile." May replied quickly. "If you want, Misty and me could go."

Sharon and Max grew tense. Their backs stiffened as they strained to hear Brock's answer over their Pokemon's shouts of glee as they trained. They didn't know what May was planning but they knew it could not be good. The bad thing they realized too late was that Brock didn't know what they knew...

"Um okay..." Brock replied nodding gratefully.

'Oh crud...' Sharon thought fearfully. 'This cannot, cannot end well...'

Misty didn't seem to care though. She just picked up the plates and followed May who led the way carrying her own set of plates. But before she left the clearing Ash came up to her.

"Hurry up Mist. Cuz I really need to talk to you." Ash whispered hurriedly as the others began to laze around.

Misty smiled at him as she replied, "Don't worry Ash. I'll be back soon."

Ash grinned at her. He looked around them and made sure no one was looking their way when he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Misty stared at him shocked. Did he do what she thought he just did? Ash just grinned blushing and turned away from her. Misty continued to stare at him as she and May left the clearing.


May and Misty had already arrived at the river. They were both washing the dishes when May went into the trees.

"Okay, Beautifly. You know what to do. Now go! Quickly and make sure she doesn't see you!" May whispered to her Beautifly.


Misty had her back to the trees so she hadn't seen who was coming towards her. She hadn't been thinking at all. She was just too dazed. Ash had kissed her... He had actually kissed her... Those were the only thoughts in her head as Beautifly came flying towards her sprinkling Sleep Powder.

When the dust fell on her she instantly felt drowsy. The only thing she saw before she closed her eyes was the triumphant grin on May's face.


May dragged her towards the waterfall. Once at the bottom she left her there and hurried back to camp carrying the plates. That would leave Misty out of her way so she could win Ash's love.

She was sweating hard when she got back to the clearing. Even though she had mopped herself a bit with her handkerchief she was still slightly sweaty. She walked into the clearing carrying the plates with as much of a blank face as she could put on.

When everyone turned to see May by herself, Max and Sharon grew worried. Where was Misty? they asked themselves. They all stared at her quietly. May pretended to not notice. Finally Sharon broke the silence.

"Hey um... May? Where's Misty?" Sharon asked.

"Oh she saw a Water Pokemon by the river and said she had to have it so she ran after it. She told me to tell you guys to keep going on and to wait for her at the Pokemon Center. She said she would come later. Oh and also to leave her knapsack in case she needed her other Pokemon. She knows the way back to camp so yeah..." May replied all ready for the question.

"Oh..." Ash nodded, disappointment flooded his face, mind, and voice. "Okay then... We'll wait for her at the Pokemon center... She won’t be long... I hope..." he had added that last bit more to himself than to anyone else.

They started to pack though Sharon and Max did reluctantly. They had a feeling that not everything May had said was true but they didn't question her.

May packed her stuff thinking all the while. She felt proud of herself. Yet she still had a feeling in the back of her mind that what she had just done wasn't at all right. She sat there thinking if it was a good thing to do but soon shrugged and shook the feeling off. She remembered what Misty had told her, before, when they were still friends...

'She can't say it wasn't fair cuz she said it herself...' May thought. But soon Misty's voice echoed in her mind. 'Remember May: All's fair in Love and War...'


Note: Well I certainly liked this part a lot. HELL! I loved it! LOL! It's coming along well dontcha think so?

Reviews plz!


They make me feel special! ;]