
Part 7:

The Search

Note: I hope you guys like it!


Ash: 16

Misty: 16
Sharon: 16
May: 15
Brock: 20
Max: 11


"Where the heck is she?!" Sharon exclaimed in outrage. "I can't believe this! And all for one effing Pokemon! She is so dead when I get my hands on her!!!"

Max looked on wearily as Sharon raged around the lobby of the Pokemon Center. People were starting to stare. Max groaned in embarrassment.

Two days had passed and still Misty hadn't come back. Brock was on the phone with his dad, making sure everything was all right at home, May was sitting in a corner by herself, staring at the floor lost in thought, and Ash was watching Sharon, eyes glazed over as if he was looking straight through her but not thinking about her at all. Max sighed. Today was going to be a long day...

"What was she thinking!?" Sharon roared. "I mean-!"

"You know what Sharon? SHUTUP!!!" Max yelled. "Crud! Can't you just stay calm?"

"HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO BE CALM WHEN MY SISTER IF OUT THERE IN THE EFFING FOREST JUST FOR ONE FREAKING POKEMON WHICH I KNOW ISN'T WORTH IT!?!" Sharon screamed hysterically. "UGH!!!" She sank to the floor, her hair covering her face as she muttered crazily under her breath.

Suddenly Ash stood up. He swallowed hard as if he was about to make a very hard decision.

"I'll go.." Ash whispered "I'll go find Misty. Don't worry Sharon..."

Sharon and Max looked up at him and stared. And before Sharon could say another word, he ran off. Grabbing his backpack and with Pikachu at his heels, he ran, through the door of the Pokemon Center. He ran in the direction of the forest.

Sharon stared after him in disbelief. He didn't... He didn't just do that... Or did he...?

"Oh crud... Did Ash...? Just...?" Sharon asked.

Max nodded, fearfully. This was not going to end well... And just to make matters worse-

"Hey Max, Sharon, where did Ash go?" May asked from behind their stunned backs.

Max and Sharon jumped. They turned to face her uncertainly. They stood there awkwardly.

"Well?" May asked.

"Uh..." Max replied.

Sharon suddenly got an idea. She grinned and answered, "He went to look for Misty. Said he can't live another day without her or something like that..."


"Well... yeah..." Max added catching on quickly. "You don't have any idea where she might be... do you?"

May suddenly broke into a cold sweat. Trembling slightly she stuttered, "Err... No... not really... W-Why?"

"Oh no reason... We were just wondering... I mean you were the last to see her..." Sharon replied yawning but only closing one eye, which stared at May from the corner. "You could have been making that whole thing about Misty chasing a Pokemon up... I mean how do we know...?"

"Yeah May... How can we trust you?" Max asked suspiciously.

"Why would I-I make that s-stuff up? I mean c-come on you g-guys... You k-know me..." May stuttered awkwardly.

"You're right..." Sharon started brightly.

"Yeah we do know you." Max added cheerfully. "We know you'd never do that to anyone right May?"

"Of-Of course..."

"Cuz if you did May..." Sharon went on with a malicious glint in her eye. "You don't even want to know what would happen to you..."

Smiling Sharon turned to a questioning and confused Brock and began to explain where Ash had gone. May watched her quivering slightly as she sat.

May knew exactly what would happen to her if Sharon found out what she had done... Sighing wearily she stared at the floor, thinking all the while... What had she done...? She put a person in danger... And all for her selfishness... May regretted it... Of course she did... Now she wasn't sure if it had been worth it...

"I am in so much trouble..." May sighed.

"Why are you in so much trouble May?" Max asked innocently.

"What?!" May shot up, eyes wide in shock as she looked around, suddenly alert. "Oh! Nothing..." May replied and walked away.

Max knew better. He had been watching her while she had turned away. He saw when May's face grew sweaty and nervous when questioned about Misty. Max had also seen when May's face grew distant and troubled... And even somewhat sad... He sighed. May had been lying about Misty and now she was regretting it...

'At least she knows what she did was wrong...' Max thought dully. 'She hasn't gone completely insane... Maybe Sharon was right... People do crazy things for the ones they love... And May's one of them...'


Ash ran out of town and headed for the forest. He had to find Misty. He just had to... No matter what happened, he would use up every breath in his body to find Misty...

As he walked through the bushes and trees, he remembered the quick kiss he had given Misty. He smiled and put a finger to his lips. Her skin had felt so milky-soft and his skin went on fire as if scraped hers...

Pikachu looked up curiously at him but Ash merely smiled.

"Don't worry Pikachu... Just thinking about Misty..." Pikachu smiled up at Ash and Ash smiled back. "You knew I had feelings for her even when I said I couldn't stand her didn't you?" Pikachu nodded knowingly. "I'm gonna find her buddy... And once I do, I'll tell her so don't worry..."

Ash walked on, determined to find Misty. He searched and searched, hoping to find Misty. Ash couldn't rest, wouldn't rest... until he found his one true love..

***The Next Day at The Pokemon Center***

Sharon paced impatiently around the lobby as May, Brock and Max watched her wearily. Apart from being angry with Misty, she was also worried sick.

"Sharon sit down." Max ordered forcefully.

Sharon, tired of pacing did so, putting her face in her hands. She couldn't just sit here doing nothing... She had to find Misty...

"That's it!" Sharon exclaimed angrily as she shot up, nearly upturning Brock, who was dozing off. "I can't stand it anymore! I have to go and look for Misty myself!"

Sharon expected them to disagree but they didn't. They merely nodded.

"I'm going with you." May said firmly standing up.

Now that did surprise her. What business did May have of looking for Misty? No matter...

"So am I." Max volunteered.

"Me too." Brock nodded though quite drowsily.

"Then let's go." Sharon ordered.

The others nodded in agreement and quickly proceeded to pick up their belongings. Sharon didn't care anymore whether or not Misty was fighting with May... Misty needed all the help she could get...


Note: Well what do you think? We're going into a different kind of scene after the 10th part kay? If you don't get me, you'll just have to wait and see okay?

Reviews plz!


They make me feel special! ;]