
By: DayDreamer


Note: Look I am updating Invisible only because I have hit writer's block in New Acquaintances, New Friends, & Old Rivals. I need reviews to that btw! It's the sequel to Wishes Do Come True! I hope you like this part!

Ash: 15
Misty: 15
Sharon: 15
Gregory: 15
May: 15
Dan: 15
Brock: 19
Max: 10

*Part Three*

Old Friends

She walked Drew by her side, but not talking. Once inside, a teacher steered them into a room with many tables and benches. The floor was covered with blue tiles and the walls were of the color white. They sat next to each other wondering what would happen next...

Half an hour passed and still more people came. After a few more minutes less people began to walk into the closed the door. A man walked up to the front of the room.

"Welcome to The Academy for Pokemon Coordinators & Breeders. I am your principal, Mr. Johnson. You will all be taking classes here and in The Pokemon Academy for masters. Dorms are right out this door. He pointed to a set of large double black doors that had an Exit sign above it. "Your schedule, supplies and uniforms will be given to you when you check in at the front desk of the Dorm House. Now you may leave and find your dorms. Breakfast is served at 8, lunch at 12, and Dinner at 6. Good day you all." And with that said he opened the double doors for them to leave through.

May and Drew stood up and left with everyone else. Once outside the door, they saw a stone covered path leading up to what looked like a huge wide tower and behind it another one just like it.

“Cool...” May whispered, looking up at the two towers.

As they walked up the stone covered path, they saw that there was a line of students waiting to be checked in. it wasn't a big line as there were three desks. Deciding to line up in the line with the least amount of people, May and Drew quickly filed behind a brown haired tall girl. Soon the line moved and slowly as students went into the tower, it was May's and Drew's turn.

"Your name please?" The woman asked dully.

"May from Petalsburg City." May replied.

“Room 18 on the 2nd floor; you’re lucky you get the emptier tower. Everything you need if up there in your room. Now during the year, if you have any questions ask the secretary of your floor, which would be me, Annie Dally. I will assist you in any way I can." She said giving her a key. "Welcome."

"Thanks." May replied as she began to walk away with her key.

As she walked away a little and waited for Drew, she heard Annie ask drew his name and him reply. She heard when she heard Drew say, "She is not."

And he walked after May, blushing furiously, key held tight in his fist.

"What happened?" May asked curiously.

"She thinks you're my girlfriend." Drew muttered in embarrassed fury.

"Oh..." May blushed.

As they walked they heard Annie shout after their retreating backs, "Have fun with your girlfriend!" Causing them both to blush harder.

***At Cerulean City***

"Oh cool!" Max exclaimed to his Poochyena as they walked around through stores. "Look at all this cool stuff! I mean it's really awesome don't ya think?"

Suddenly as Max and his Poochyena rounded the corner someone unexpectedly bumped straight into him, causing him to fall. He looked up and saw-

"Mary!" Max exclaimed happily. "I didn't think you'd be here!"

Mary was a tall red head girl. She had soft light skin with bright brown eyes. She had a smile on her face as she looked at Max. She wore a light green shirt and had on yellow capris. She wore sneakers and her hair fell to her shoulders ending with curls at the tips.

"Yeah well here I am!" Mary exclaimed as she helped him stand up. "You're going to The School of Pokemon Learning for Youngsters right?"

"Yep." Max replied as they walked.

"Me too! This is gonna be so cool! Kimberly and me share a room together and it's totally awesome. The classes are great! Once you turn 10, they let you start to battle with other trainers at the school. They hold a tournament every 2 months. Every winner can't compete in the next tournament cuz at the end of the school year all five winners battle to see who's the best of them all to fight against last year's winner. It's just so cool! And the teachers are so nice and-" but Mary was cut off by a yell.

"Max!" Kimberly yelled in excitement when she saw him. She ran over and gave him a hug. "It's so good to see you! How've you been?"

Kimberly had light black curly hair and was quite tall for her age. She had light tannish skin and bright shining brown eyes. The laughter dancing in them was very pronounced on her face as she was smiling widely. She wore a short spin skirt and yellow tank top; she also wore white sandals. She had her hair up in a ponytail.

"I'm fine but how have you been?" Max replied.

"Good. It’s gonna be so cool! I mean like dude! We'll have so much fun and all! But anyways... a friend of mine is also here! His name's Derek and he's so cool!" Kimberly exclaimed as they walked down the street.

"Derek's here already?!?" Mary asked shocked by the news. "When did he get here?"

"Just yesterday, he told me. He's battling my brother Junior. I went to look for you at the beginning of the battle so I expect they're nearly done. It's 3 on 3 so come and see!" Kimberly added excitedly leading them to the Cerulean City Gym.


"Jolteon quick dodge it!" Junior yelled as Derek's Muk used Sludge Punch.

"Cool!" Max exclaimed. "Derek's really good!"

"So is Junior!" Mary added watching intently. "Of course one would expect that. I mean just look at what he's got for cousins! Seven Gym Leaders!"

"Go Junior!" Kimberly screamed jumping up and down cheering. "Use your head will you! Derek! You can do better than that! Don't go easy on him!" Kimberly was screaming herself hoarse.

Max, Mary and Kimberly were at the Cerulean City Gym, sitting in the stands, watching Junior battle against Derek. Junior had short black hair and light tannish skin; he wore black shorts and a blue shirt. Derek had light brown hair with very light skin; he wore black jeans and black shirt. They both seemed only an inch within each other’s heights. Junior was at one side of the gym in his designated square as was Derek. They were concentrating hard as Max, Mary, and Kimberly cheered the battle on.

"I expect Junior's really ahead right?" Max asked as the battle raged on.

"Yep. The absolute best in his class 'cept for Sally. She's got brains, pretty decent Pokemon and looks... Junior's got a crush on her..." Mary grinned.

"But Derek's really good... I don’t know whether Junior really has a chance or not...” Max said thoughtfully completely ignoring Mary's last comment.

"Yeah. He's Sally's cousin, and he's excellent at battling." Mary replied.

"Plus," Kimberly whispered so only they could hear her, "Brains and looks apparently run in the family. I saw one of Sally's other cousins and I have got to admit, lot's of girls would go after him... As would I..." she giggled and continued to watch the battle.

"Kimberly's got a crush on Derek..." Mary added smirking.

"So?" Kimberly asked defiantly. "You can't blame me for his good looks...Oh no! Jolteon's knocked out... Wonder what Junior'll use next...? Derek's still got one other Pokemon and this is Junior's last one..."

Junior looked as if he was thinking hard, then he yelled, throwing a Pokeball, “Go Raticate!” And out came a Raticate ready to battle...

"Muk return!" Derek ordered holding out its Pokeball. He grabbed another one and threw it. "Go Fearow! Use Agility! The use Drill peck!" Derek's Fearow went into action.

"Raticate quick use Agility!"

Raticate's speed accelerated and before Junior could do anything, Fearow dodged Raticate and attacked from behind, sending Raticate flying into the water.

"Raticate!" Junior yelled worriedly.

Raticate slowly floated to the surface, unconscious. Junior threw himself into the water as Raticate's body came floating towards him.

"Raticate... Are you all right...?" Junior whispered.

"Raticate is unable to battle! Derek wins!" The referee stated, raising his hand towards Derek.

Kimberly, Mary, and Max ran down from their seats and towards Junior and his fallen Raticate. As they neared them, they saw Raticate beginning to react. His head moved slightly as he slowly opened his eyes. Junior smiled gratefully.

"You did great. Now you deserve some rest..." Junior whispered as he took out a Pokeball. Raticate nodded gratefully as the red light ensued his body and enclosed him in the device. Junior stood up as Derek neared him. "Great match Derek. You were awesome!" Junior exclaimed as they shook hands.

"You weren't so bad yourself." Derek grinned. "I'm hungry. Let's go eat my treat."

"You sure you wanna do that?" Kimberly asked wryly. "You know how Junior is..."

"Why don't we eat at my house?" Asked a voice from behind them.

Max turned and saw a girl with dark long curly brown hair, green eyes and white skin smiling at them. The girl wore a light blue shirt and skirt.

"Sally!" Kimberly exclaimed rushing to hug the girl. "When did you get here!?! You said you were coming tomorrow!"

"I decided to come today..." Sally smiled.

Kimberly turned to Max and started her introductions, "Sally, Derek, this is Max from Petalsburg City in Hoenn."

"Hello." They greeted each other smiling politely.

Max noted Junior's sudden flush from behind Sally as Mary nudged him knowingly. This wouldn't be so bad after all....

***Back at The Academy for Pokemon Coordinators & Breeders***

"Wow..." May whispered breathlessly as she looked around her dorm.

The walls were brilliantly colored yellow and the covers on the bed were green. There were two beds on either side of the room, desks at their sides and a drawer for clothes.

"Wow is right..." said a voice from behind her. May turned around and saw the brown haired tall girl, she and Drew had lined up behind. "Hi. I'm Elizabeth..."


Note: I know that for The Pokemon Academy for Masters that there are more types of Pokemon but I thought I'd just keep it to those 8 simple types otherwise the number of types would be too big! Just thought I'd clear that up. Anyways... I remember asking reviewers if they would like to be in this story. For the most part, I have received 6 characters for The Pokemon Academy for Masters. I need 6 characters for The Pokemon Academy for Pokemon Coordinators & Breeders. Plz include in ur review (if you r interested) Character Name, Hair Color, Eye Color, Coordinator or Breeder, Pokemon Team, Description of your character and anything else you feel would be needed.

Reviews plz!


They make me feel special!