***Missing Misty*** Note: Okay first of all I want to thank the person or people who nominated me for the Reader's Choice Awards. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! It makes me happy that poeple out there do like and read my stories. But it would be nice if people would review....^_~ Just kidding. Though it would be appreciated. Kay, I am back from my break or little break. That break actually did me some good. Cuz now I have more ideas for the last few chapters. I'm rearing and ready to go! Charcaters: Ash: 15 Misty: 15 The Spirit of Ash: 15 The Spirit of Misty: 15 Sharon: 15 1/2 _______________________________________________________________________ *Part 13* Nidorina's eyes lit up as the idea formed in her mind. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad....... ******* Ash and Pikachu were trying real hard to keep The Spirit of Misty busy. It wasn't easy though since she kept asking where Sharon was and if she was all right. Ash had just told her that she had gone into the woods to pick some berries for them to take on their journey. Ash had been afraid she wouldn't buy it but surprsingly she did. They were walking around the pool looking at all the Pokemon. Ash was starting to wonder where Sharon was, and why she was taking so long when she came barging in calling Ash's name. "Ash! Get your butt over here!" she yelled at seeing him on the other side of the pool. "What did I do now?" he asked as he walked over to her. Sharon grabbed his arm, and hauled him into the kitchen. She locked the door, and closed the window, pulling the shades down. "What's all this privacy for?" asked Ash. "We have a plan Ash!" Sharon answered quietly. "Really!?!" he replied in a near shout. "Shutup!" Sharon hissed "Not so loud will ya?" "Sorry. What is it? Tell me!" he replied anxiously. "All you have to do is blindfold her and take her to a cave. It'll have a little red 'X' so you don't need any directions okay?" Sharon quickly explained in a hushed voice. "Misty is gonna lure the other one there too." "Now?" he asked looking at watch. "Ten o'clock." Sharon replied in a low voice. "Why ten o'clock?" "You'll see. Now I gotta go get ready." she replied. "Bye!" she added as she went out the door. "Get ready for what?" he asked."She is really weird don't you think Pikachu?" Ash asked his Pikachu as they walked back towards The Spirit of Misty. "Where did Sharon go Ash?" asked The Spirit of Misty sweetly. "I dunno. Said something about getting ready for something." he half lied shrugging. "Maybe she has a date." she replied giggling. "Maybe..." *******Ten o'clock******* Sharon opened the door, looked around then bagan to run outside of her house, headed into the forest happily, her white cape billowing in the air. She was glad of her desicion to never come out in the daytime anymore. That way niether her sister nor Ash could find out where she was, and force her to do something against her will. She wouldn't grant their wishes after the way they treated their Nidorino and Nidorina....... ******* Sharon was tired of waiting. She looked at the house and then down at the paper she had written the description Nidorina told her about. The house fit it perfectly. Nidorina told her to be there before ten o'clock and to wear black. She was wearing black, had been there half an hour before ten o'clock and waited until ten o'clock. Well it was well over ten o'clock, alomost half an hour and still no one was coming Sharon was about to head back whe she saw a head pop out, look around then its whole body merged running happily towards the woods. Sharon waited a few minuted to give it some distance between the two, then run after it. ******** "Ash" giggled The Sprit of Misty who was blindfolded."Where are we going?" "You'll see." replied Ash leading her. "Tell me please?" she whined. "It's a surprise." replied Ash simply. "You're no fun." she grumbled. "Do you want me to ruin it for you?" "No." she sighed. "Then?" "All right, all right but it better be a nice one." "Don't worry. It is" ******* "Ash!" Misty yelled through the woods. "Come on out! I've learned the errors of my ways and all! Please! I wannna show ya something!" 'Where the hell are you?' though Misty impatiently 'You had better get out here or I'm stuck like this forever....' "So you've changed your mind I see..." came an icy voice from behind her. "Holy crap!" Misty yelled jumping. She turned around and said sternly "Never, ever sneak up on me!" "You still haven't changed I see." he replied calmly as if she hadn't screamed. He combed her hair with his fingers trailing them down to her cheek, then her lips. Misty hurriedly took a step back very uneasy. "Please don't do that." stated Misty breathing fast. "But it's just, you're so beautiful, and I can't help it." he replied reaching out to stroke her cheek. Misty stepped even further away. She didn't like this at all. But she had to do it. For her sake, she had to do it. "C'mon I wanna show you something." Misty said grabbing his arm and leading him towards the cave. "What is it?" "You'll see." "You still remember I like surprises I see." "Yep." ******* Sharon was running now. She was getting tired too. She had to catch up to the girl and soon, if not she didn't know what she would do. Suddenly she saw the person up ahead stop walking and slowly turn around. Sharon stood frozen to the spot. Her legs had turned to lead so she couldn't hide herself from view. The person turned around and at the sight of Sharon turned around and started running. Sharon groaning started to run shouting, "WAIT! I just want to tak to ya! Stop!Please!" "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" yelled the person. "I JUST WANNA TALK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sharon screamed. "GO AWAY!!!" Sharon who was in track since age 12 started to sprint ctaching up to the person, and tackling them down. "NOW! You listen her you...you-" Sharon turned the person around and stared. It was her. An exact replica. The person had her same black hair, same bangs, same black glasses,(Which had been knocked to the side of the faces since they had been tackled to the ground) same skin color, same everything except the eyes. Sharon's were dark brown while the person in front of her were black. They both pushed each other away from each other, mouth wide, and eyes staring at each other. They staightened their glasses. "Are you....?" asked Sharon pointing. "Are you....?" asked the person also pointing. "I'm... Sharon. "I'm... Sharon too." "You're a spirit." "You're a real person." "OH CRUD!!!!" they yelled together. They rished towards each other, talking very fast. "You're me!" Sharon excalimed. "Yeah I'm you!" The Spirit of Sharon also exclaimed. "Wow!" "This is so cool!" "No shit it is!" "I can barely belive it!" "You're me and I'm you!" "No shit!" "Suddenly Sharon remembering the plan said, "You need to come with me so you can grant your sister's and Ash's wish!" "What?!?" she snapped. "I need your help!" "NO. They treated their Nidorino and Nidorina badly and I won't do crap for them!" "No you don't understand! Your sister changed places with my sister who looks exactly like your sister and now the Ash you know wants my sister and your sister wants the Ash that I know. I need your help, so they can get together." Ther Spirit was left momentarily speechless at this but soon recovered. "So you're telling me that MY SISTER switched places with YOUR SISTER and wants the REAL Ash and THE SPIRIT wants YOUR SISTER?" "Yeah." said Sharon nodding tired. "This is BULLCRUD!" "Yeah it's crud all right." "I have to do something." replied The Spirit of Sharon anxiously. "Naw. Really. Ya think? Sharon answered sarcastically. "That is annoying." "Really?" "Yeah." nodded The Spirit of Sharon. "Still it's the way we are. Now let's go. I'll tell our plan along the way." said Sharon starting to walk in the direction of the cave. "Our plan?" asked The Spirit of Sharon confused as she followed Sharon. "Yeah our..." ******** "Ash are we almost there?" asked The Spirit of Misty impatiently. "Almost." Ash replied. "I'm getting tired..." Ash was also getting tired but they were nearly there. Ash could see a cave with up ahead with a small 'X' on top of it. ********* Misty walked behind The Spirit of Ash. She had blindfolded him earlier and she was guiding him towards the cave. They were almost there though. Misty could see the cave with a red 'X' on it and they were getting pretty close. ********* Sharon and the Spirit of Sharon were both waiting for Ash and Misty to come with the spirits. And they had to come soon because it was almost midnight and that was the only time, The Spirit of Sharon could preform wishes. The Spirit of Sharon had the power to make wishes and dreams-good from pure hearted people- come true but only at midnight. Sharon sighed in relief at the sight of both Ash and Misty and the spirits. She hurried inside to tell Nidorino, Nidorina and The Spirit if Sharon to get ready. ********* Soon Misty saw Ash and she saw him guiding The Spirit of Misty. They looked at each other and sighed as they continued their way to the cave. They saw Sharon, Nidorina, Nidorino and to their great surprise, they saw an exact replica of Sharon but with black eyes standing on a rock in the middle of the cave. They stared at Sharon amd again to the replica. Ash and Misty were completely and utterly speechless. "Ash," began The Spirit of Misty fear in her voice "Where are we? I don't like this place... I feel all cold..." "Misty? Get me out of here!" The Spirit of Ash said fear also in his voice. "I'm sorry but no." Sharon answered them. "Take off the blindfolds from my sister and Ash please. It is almost time." The Spirit of Sharon said queitly. Misty slowly took off the blindfold at the same Ash did. They looked at each other and sighed. The blindfolds fell leaving both Spirits free to see each other. They looked at each other mouthes open in surprise. There was suddenly a flash of white light. Suddenly the two Spirits were wearing the exact same clothes as Ash and Misty. The Spirit of Ash had everything Ash was wearing except he had on a brown cape. The Spirit of Misty was wearing everything Misty was wearing except for a blue cape. The Spirit of Sharon had also changed. She earlier had been wearing all white but now her white cape, white shirt and pants had become black. Her hood was over her head and her eyes were glowing black. "It is time..." ________________________________________________________________________ Note: Cliffy!!! Ha, Ha, Ha! Sorry but I couldn't resist people! *Counting pages* Hey this one is also 10 pages long! Yay! I'm on a roll paople! I think though that the next few chapters will be shorter... I'm not entirely sure but then again I could be. Reviews plz!