***The Triangle of Love***

Note: Story's nearly done! And guess what? This April 23rd will officially be two years that I have been on The Pokemon Tower! YAY!!!!!!!! ^_^! Congratulate me plz if you review! ^_~! I'd really appreciate it!


Ash: 15

Misty: 15

Brock: 19

Tracey: 19

Rudy: 19

Maurie: 9


***Part 16***

Here I am, take me.

It's easier to give in.

Some people mistake me.

They only hear what they want to hear. (ooh)

If you're losing sleep,

Forgive me,

I just can't keep pretending.

Misty grabbed her knapsack and yanked it open. She was packing. She was going to leave, just like Ash had asked her-no ordered her to do. But she was not going because Ash had as ordered her to but so she wouldn't be alone in her sorrow... Sighing, she grabbed her things and began to pack them. She would miss Ash dearly but she wasn't going to beg him to take her back... She would just leave.

I'm packing my bags 'cause I don't wanna be,

The only one who's drowning in their misery,

And I won't look back and wonder how it's supposed to be.

How it's supposed to be. (ooh)

Misty stared at the clock and back at her ticket, impatiently. The boat was due to leave at 4:30 and it was only 11:30. She was packed and ready to go. She held the tape in her hand, wondering all the while. Should she give him the tape? Should she just forget him? Should she leave him forever?... She just couldn't stay here anymore, maybe she should give him the tape... But what then...?

There's a prism by the window.

It lets the light leak in.

I wish you would let me.

You feel the water but do you swim?

And it's only me, empty handed,

With a childish grin and a camera.

Misty walked around town, tears glistening in her eyes and camera in hand. She went to the park and straight to the park. She smiled as she reached the lake where she and Ash shared their first kiss. She took a picture, tears shining. She took another of the lake, of the bridge, of Pokemon playing. Sighing she went towards the white bridge and stared at the water running below it.

I'm packing my bags 'cause I don't wanna be,

The only one who's drowning in their misery.

And I'll take that chance cause I just wanna breathe.

And I won't look back and wonder how it's supposed to be.

How it's supposed to be. (ooh)

la da da da

"Misty?" a voice beside her asked

"Mmm?" Misty replied not lifting her head from the rail of the bridge.

"Misty? It's me... Rudy..."

Misty's head snapped angrily. her eyes burned with hatred as she stared at him. How dare he talk to her after what he did to her?! How dare he!?

"Look I'm sorry about-"

"Sorry?!" Misty echoed testily. "Sorry!? You come waltzing up to me after destroying my relationship with Ash and all you say is sorry?! How-! Of all-! The nerve!" She stormed off, leaving clouds of anger behind her.

I'm packing my bags 'cause I don't wanna be,

The only one who's drowning in their misery.

And I'll take that chance 'cause I just wanna breathe,

And I won't look back and wonder how it's supposed to be.

How it's supposed to be!

Tell me how it's supposed to be,

Tell me how, Tell me how,

Tell me how it's supposed to be! oohh!

Misty grabbed her bags, full of sadness and remorse. it was exactly 3:30 pm and she had decided to wait in the lobby until she said farewell to Ash, Brock and Pikachu. She sighed, despising Rudy ever more. It was his fault. All his fault... But what could she do? Life was like that and she just had to keep on going. She opened the door and went to the lobby to wait there for her last meeting with her best friends for five years...

'Cause I'm packing my bags,

And I won't be back. (yeah, yeah)

Packing my bags 'cause I don't wanna be...

Ooh yeah-yeah...


Note: Well what do you think? Kinda rushing this one a bit though is you ask me... Oh well you guys asked for the ending and it's coming nearer! Byes & L8rs!

Reviews plz! <3


They always, always make me feel special so keep 'em coming!;]!