Wishes Do Come True Note: I'm running out of ideas seriously. I know what'll happen at the end but I'm not so sure about the other parts. Anyway hope you like this part. I worked really hard on it so enjoy! Characters: Ash: 13 Misty: 13 Lily 2:Misty's Pikachu Sharon: 13 Lily 1: My Pikachu Brock: 17 May: 12 Max: 8 -------------------------------------------------------------- ***Part 6*** Misty and Ash were flying on Articuno. Pikachu on Ash's shoulder was holding on for dear life. Misty still holding on to Ash and the boombox looked up at Ash and smiled. Seeing her smile Ash's stomach did a somersault. 'She's smiling at me. Maybe she likes being with me after all.' thought Ash Soon Misty was feeling sick and wanted to land. "Um...Ash?" asked Misty "Yeah." said Ash. "Could we please land..." "Why?" "I think I'm gonna be sick." Ash's heart sank. He thought she was enjoying the ride with him. 'Maybe she doesn't really like me..." thought Ash He landed Articuno just because he wanted to please Misty. If he could have it his way (my way actually) he would have stayed there with Misty holding on to him while he told her how much he loved her. As soon as they landed, Misty got off, put Articuno in its pokeball, turned off the boombox and sat down with her arms wrapped around her knees moaning that she was gonna barf. Ash who didn't want to see Misty barf looked anywhere but at her. He saw that they were right where he had found Misty. They were at the same lake. Nothing had changed except they weren't alone... There lying near the bank of the lake was a Suicune. It was seriously injured. All over it were bumps, bruises, scratches, and cuts. Big cuts. The Suicune's purple mane that was supposed to fly in the wind hung limp and lifeless. It had its eyes closed and seemed unable to move. "Misty-Look." whispered Ash trying not to wake up the Suicune. However when Misty looked up, Suicune had opened its eyes and stood up alarmingly fast. But when Suicune stood up it was fighting against its will which wanted to lie down and die. Misty whose stomach had evaporated when she saw the badly injured Suicune stepped tentatively toward it. "Misty be care-" whispered Ash. "Shh..." replied Misty "Suicune stay where you are. We don't want to hurt you. We want to help. Please stay where you are." Suicune nodded and then collapsed. Misty hurried over to it and got to work. Soon Suicune was all better but was still weak. "Thank you kind human" said Suicune. "No problem" said Misty smiling "But you better not battle or it'll risk your health." "Yes." "By the way who injured you?" asked Ash. "It was a very vicious monster-" "There you are you weakling!" interrupted a booming voice. Misty and Ash looked up and there at the top of the hill was an Entei...Suddenly when Suicune saw Entei, Suicune used Teleport. "Hiding are we? Well you know you can't hide from me! Me who is superior of all 3 brothers!" said Entei looking through bushes and trees, "Come out, Come out wherever you are! Come now you can't hide forever! You know I'll find you and when I do I'll rip you to shreds-" "Hey! Leave that poor Suicune alone! You have no right to hurt it!" shouted Misty. "Yeah!" yelled Ash. "If I were you two weaklings, I would keep my nose out of what's none of concern. Besides the other weakling deserves to die..." replied Entei coolly. "Who are you calling a weakling?" yelled Ash. "At least we don't kill for the fun of it!" Misty shot back. "You're a prissy little one aren't you?" said Entei beginning to get annoyed now. "Yeah and what of it? You got a problem with that?" asked Misty squaring her shoulders. "Uh Misty..." said Ash backing away slowly. "You're a snotty one too." "So?" "You know what I do to little weaklings who are prissy and snotty?" asked Entei stepping closer to Misty. "What?" asked Misty unafraid "I eliminate them." said Entei in a soft yet dangerous voice. Eneti looked down at Misty threateningly but Misty kept her ground. She looked him right in the eye still unafraid. She wasn't scared of a big bully like Entei. She wasn't going to cry or run she was going to face him with all the dignity she could muster. She was going to stand up to him like a man.... (You go Misty! You can do it! -Oh uh sorry I just had to do that...) "You should start running pathetic human." "I am ssoooo not pathetic. Have you looked in a mirror lately 'cause I think if you looked in it you would find the pathetic one." Ash stood paralyzed by fear as he watched the square off between Misty and Entei. He didn't know what to do. He didn't want Misty to die but if he ran toward Misty would that cause Entei to hurt Misty? "Leave them alone Entei...It's me you want not them!" yelled a voice nearby. Entei stepped back and looked around. He was searching for the source of the voice. "Come out then and show your face! Let's settle this once and for all!" yelled Entei. _________________________________________________________________________ Note: Cliffy! Haha I'm, so evil! But not as much as Entei! Heck no! He's mean! I'm sure you all agree with me on this one. Oh and I know it's short but you have got to admit it's pretty good. Send me reviews!