The phone rang loudly in the quiet apartment, jarring him out of a sound sleep. He kept his eyes closed and felt blindly along his nightstand, looking for the source of the clamor. After a few misses, he finally found it and put the receiver mechanically up to his ear. "Hello?" he mumbled, his eyes still closed. There was a long pause and he was about to hang up on what he assumed was a prank call, until the voice at the other end spoke. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?" The voice was cold and really didn't seem to care whether he had woken him or not. He sat straight up in bed, his brown eyes wide open and alert. "No, sir! Well, yes sir, but it's not a problem." There was another pause before the voice said, "Good. We have a problem. Ashton Ketchum has become a rather large thorn in my side. I assume you know the damage he has been doing to Rocket property?" Here the voice paused, obviously waiting for an answer. "Yes, sir, he's been going from town to town destroying our most important projects." "Yes he has. I sent Butch and Cassidy to kill him but, not surprisingly, they failed. The bumbling idiots did manage to make themselves semi-useful though. Do you have any idea where Ashton is heading?" He stopped again, expecting an answer. "Uh, no sir." "He's coming here, to Pewter City. I have no doubt that he knows all about the clone, although I have no idea who is leaking him information." Here he switched subjects. "Do you know what else those idiots, Butch and Cassidy managed to find out?" This time he didn't leave any chance for him to answer. "Ashton is traveling with his old friend, Brock Slate. This leads me to believe he has been in touch with his other friends. As you know Ashton was in Cerulean City a few days ago. I believe he came into contact with his other old friends. Do you know who that is?" "Yes sir. Mistara Waterflower," he said, relieved he could answer the question. "I want you to bring her to Pewter City. I believe threatening to kill her, might make Ashton lose some of his enthusiasm for being such a nuisance." "Yes, sir. I'll bring her to you right away," he assured him, smiling at his boss's ruthlessness. "Very good. If this works out, there's a promotion in this for you, Lindham," the voice said, hanging up. Chris put down phone back on the hook and lay back down on his bed, grinning from ear to ear. ~*~*~ Brock and Ash sat in front of a fire, eating their dinner, although it was seven in the morning. They were camping far off of the road, so deep in the forest that the sun couldn't penetrate through the thick blanket of branches above them. "Prepare for trouble," a female voice said, breaking the serenity. "Make it double," a male added. Brock jumped up, ready for a fight, but was perplexed when he saw Ash, sitting calmly on the ground, still eating. Pikachu also continued what he was doing, ignoring the two voices that were reciting more of the motto. Ash looked up at Brock. "Sit down. It's only Jessie and James." Brock looked towards the sound of their voices then back at Ash. "Ash, I know you've beaten them plenty of times before, but what if they have rhyhorn like Butch and Cassidy?" "Cassidy?" Jessie interrupted. She and James had emerged from behind two trees and walked toward them. "So, Ashton, you had a run in with our old rivals?" James asked, as he sat down and helped himself to the dinner Brock had made. "A bit early for this," he commented. Ash glanced up from his food. "Unfortunately they brought a pair of rhyhorn with them. My head still hurts," he said. "Why didn't Pikachu just take them out?" Jessie asked, gingerly sitting down next to James. "He was busy," Ash said, glancing up at Brock, who was looking at the three as if they had each just sprouted an extra head. "I hope they didn't get away without a good shocking," James said, causing Ash to tear his eyes away from Brock, who's expression he found quite amusing. "They were unconscious when we left them," Ash said grinning. "That's the way, Ashton! Anything worth doing is worth doing right," Jessie said, shooting him an appraising look. "I see you're traveling with the older twerp again," James said, looking at Brock, who was still at a loss for words. Ash looked up at Brock. "Sit down, Brock, you're making me nervous." "Where's the redheaded twerp?" James asked, looking around, as Brock resumed his position on the ground. Jessie smacked James upside the head saying, "You know where she is you idiot!" Ash's head snapped up and he regarded them suspiciously. "Why do you know where Misty is?" Jessie and James both grinned nervously. "Well, twerp, that's why were here," James told him. "Persian told us that Lindham brought her to Pewter City. They are planning on using her to keep you out of the way," Jessie informed him. "God damnit!" Ash cursed, punching the ground next to him. Pikachu jumped out of the way chattering angrily. "I knew this would happen!" Jessie began to speak again. "They are becoming very nervous, Ashton. They know you are going to try something. They also know you are headed to Rocket headquarters." "Yes, you'll have to be careful," James added. "You've lost the element of surprise." Ash shook his head, "Nothing can be easy." Jessie and James stood up. "Persian's going to have to be extra careful for awhile. Team Rocket is starting a search for whoever is leaking information to you," Jessie told him. "Okay Jess. Tell him I said thanks and to be careful." She nodded and they walked away, disappeaing as quickly as they had arrived. Ash stared at the ground, lost in his thoughts. "This is getting ridiculously out of control, Pikachu. First Misty, then who? My mother? Professor Oak?" "Ash, you're with Jessie and James?" Brock asked, finally recovering his voice. Ash looked over at Brock who was looking at him in disbelief. "It's a long story, but if it hadn't been for them, I would have been dead three years ago." Brock contemplated this for a while before saying, "What were they talking about? What are you planning to do?" Ash sighed, unfolding himself from the Indian style position he had been sitting in. He pulled his knees up to his chest and rested his elbows on them. Then he filled Brock in on everything Persian had told him. When he finished, Brock appeared to be in shock. "I can't believe they captured Mewtwo," Brock said. Mewtwo had restored Brock and Misty's memories not long after he had Ash's. Although Brock wasn't good friends with him like Ash was, he knew the extent of Mewtwo's powers. "Ash," Brock said, looking at him intently. "The last time Mewtwo used his powers for evil, you had to die before he stopped. Ash nodded solemnly. The resignation in his eyes told Brock that Ash had already considered this. "I'll do it again if I have to," he told him. "I won't let Mewtwo kill anyone, he will have to do it over my dead body. Literally." "But, Ash, there wont be any pokemon tears this time," Brock reminded him. Ash looked at him gravely. "I know." Pikachu looked at Ash sadly. He knew Ash was telling the truth, he would die to protect others. "Besides," Ash said, forcing a smile. "If luck is with us, we'll stop them before they can gain control of Mewtwo." *If luck is with us,* Pikachu thought. *Where have I heard that before?* Unbeknownst to the travelers, two figures were perched high above them in the trees, listening to their conversation. "I don't understand, Jessie," the male said, moving a stray branch aside. "Why did Persian tell us not to tell the twerp the rest?" "How should I know, James?" Jessie snapped. "All I know is from his conversation with the big twerp, things are not looking good for our dear Ashton at all." James shook his head sadly. "I would say not, seeing how Team Rocket already has Mewtwo under their control." ~*~*~ Misty couldn't believe it. Ash had been telling the truth. He had been trying to help her and she had pushed him even further away then he had been. She looked around the room they were keeping her in. It was small, and was furnished with an old cot and a single chair. A light bulb hung from the ceiling, illuminating the room enough that she could make out the ugly shade of yellow that the walls were painted. Misty had learned the truth about Chris after she had refused to accompany him to a "business meeting" in Pewter City. She hadn't wanted to go because she knew that was where Ash was heading. Instead of respecting her wishes like he normally did, Chris had tied her up and brought her to Pewter against her will. Chris walked into the room, smiling smugly. His brown eyes twinkled. She looked at him in disgust. If looks could kill, Chris would not only have been dead on the floor, he would also have certain parts of his anatomy detached. When Misty thought about that she shuddered. She had slept with this man. She felt violated and betrayed. "I thought you loved me," she said bitterly to Chris. "Did you?" Chris said, raising his eyebrows in mock surprise. "Why?" she asked. "Why?" he said, repeating the question. "Why? Because three years ago Team Rocket successfully managed to capture the greatest Pokemon Master ever." Misty felt guilt creeping into her stomach. Chris continued. "We tortured him to find out everything he knew, but he refused to talk. Then two moronic thieves decided to become noble and helped him escape." His eyes narrowed at that. "For the past three years, Ashton Ketchum has been going from city to city, destroying everything Team Rocket has worked for." Misty was surprised when she felt pride well up inside of her. "We knew eventually Ashton would become a real problem, so the boss had me get close to you, so we would have someone to use as bait. You see, my dear Mistara, there is a leak in Team Rocket and I'm sure Ashton already knows we have you. He'll be riding in on his white horse, right into a death trap." Misty's crystal blue eyes widened. "You asshole." He grinned wickedly. "You say that like it's a bad thing." ~*~*~ Because Brock didn't have the ability to climb electric fences, he and Ash entered Pewter City during the day, before the gate was closed. Ash received many odd looks as they walked to the Pewter City Gym. He assumed the stares were directed at his attire, a trench coat hardly seemed necessary in May. Even so, the attention was making him uneasy. Word about him being alive would travel fast, and he didn't want Team Rocket to know he was in town yet. Pikachu was in Ash's bag. If he was on his shoulder Ash was certain he would be recognized. When he had been Master, he was rarely seen without his favorite pokemon perched on his shoulder. Ash shook his head, bringing him back to the present. They were walking at a quick pace when a young boy stepped in front of them, blocking their way. They stopped short, trying to avoid a collision. "I know you!" the boy said excitedly. His green eyes sparkled as he ran a hand through his wavy black hair. Ash felt his stomach drop. Brock looked at him, then back to the boy. Passersby had stopped to see what the child was up to. The boy continued, "You're Brock, the gym leader!" Relief flooded through Ash like water through a broken dam. He silently willed his heart to return to it's normal rate. *That was scary,* Pikachu thought. Brock too, appeared to be relieved as he said, "Yeah kid, I am." The boy began to tell Brock how much he looked up to him and wanted to be just like him. "I'm going to be a pokemon master when I grow up. I read somewhere that you traveled with the great Master Ash Ketchum. I bet you taught him a whole bunch of stuff!" he said enthusiastically. At the mention of his name Ash, who had his hands shoved into his pockets, glanced up, but he kept his expression impassive. Ash returned to looking at the pavement, smiling a little, recalling how much Brock taught him. The boy continued to ramble and Brock smiled as he thought, 'If only he realized who was standing next to me.' Brock glanced at Ash, who appeared extremely uneasy. He had his head down and was nervously shifting from foot to foot. "Brian!" a female voice called, interrupting the boy. "Brian, you leave that man alone!" Brock looked up as a blonde woman walked quickly over to them. She took hold of the boy's shoulders and began to steer him away. She looked at Brock apologetically. "I'm sorry about that." As they walked away Brock heard the boy say, "Mom do you know who that was?" The rest of the walk to the gym had been uneventful. Ash now stood alone, looking out the window at the setting sun. Pikachu, who had been eating, entered the room and jumped on Ash's shoulder. *Aren't you going to eat anything?* Pikachu asked him. Ash continued to stare out the window with a weary expression on his face. He looked at the pokemon, his eyes somber. "I'm tired Pikachu." He returned to staring out the window. Ash's tone was disconcerting to Pikachu, but before he could say anything Ash continued, "I'm tired of running. I'm tired of waiting for the Rocket agent that will finally get me." He was still looking out the window, the sun was just barely visible over the horizon. "Tonight is it Pikachu. Either way I'll be free." Pikachu ears flattened to his head and he sighed, knowing full well the night could end in disaster. "Ash are you ready?" Brock asked softly. Ash turned to see Brock, dressed in black, a look of determination upon his face. It had taken a lot of persuasion before Ash had agreed to let Brock come, and even then the only reason Ash had relented was because, as Brock had pointed out, he could rescue Misty while Ash saved Mewtwo. Ash nodded and they walked out of the gym, into the cover of darkness. "So if Persian didn't tell you which building it is, how are you planning on finding it?" Brock asked Ash as they walked. Ash stopped and pointed to a tall brick building that sat across the street. "There." "Are you sure?" Brock questioned. Ash shot him a sideways glance. "Positive." Brock looked at him in awe. "How do you know." "Because the guards are wearing Team Rocket uniforms," Ash told him, matter-of- factly. Brock, who had been expecting something a little more impressive, rolled his eyes. "Come on," Ash said, starting across the street. "Do you have a plan?" Brock asked, as he hurried to catch up. Ash didn't answer, instead he said, "Pikachu, stealth now." Pikachu did the attack from inside of Ash's bag. Brock stopped dead in his tracks. "Ash, where did you go? I can't see you," he hissed. A disembodied voice came from his right, startling him. "Take a look at yourself." Brock looked down, only to see the pavement he was standing on. He was starting to panic when Ash said, "Relax, it's one of Pikachu's attacks, it makes you invisible. People can still hear you though, so stay quiet. Just head straight to the door." When they were safely inside, Pikachu allowed them to become visible. "That was incredible," Brock whispered excitedly, as Ash looked around the darkened lobby. "That was too easy," he said. "You go find Misty, I'll go find Mewtwo." Brock and Ash looked at each other for a moment. "Be careful, Ash," Brock said before turning and beginning his search for Misty. He heard Ash jog off in the opposite direction. Brock had a sinking feeling that that was the last time he would see Ash. Walking aimlessly through the bottom floor was getting Brock nowhere. He had no idea where Misty was, and had to quickly leap behind a corner as two guards made their rounds. As luck would have it, they were talking about "the redheaded bitch" on floor twelve. Brock smiled to himself, wondering what Misty had done to gain that reputation. When the elevator doors opened at floor twelve, Brock's head perked up at the sound of someone pounding on a door. He walked quickly down the darkened hallway, and as he neared the door he heard a female voice yelling, "Let me out of here you bastard!" "Misty?" he called through the door. The pounding stopped. "Ash?" he heard her say. Brock was about to tell her he wasn't Ash when she began talking again. "Ash, get out of here, it's a trap," her muffled voice said through the door. No sooner had she finished speaking then someone slammed Brock into the door, twisting his left arm behind his back. "Well, Ashton," his attacker whispered in hie ear. "We finally meet. I've heard a lot about you." Brock didn't bother telling him that he wasn't Ash. He used his free arm and pushed off of the wall sending them both flying backwards. Brock pried his arm loose and turned to face his attacker. In the dim light he could make out the man's face. "Lindham," he said. It was more of a statement than a question. Lindham flicked the lights on, illuminating the hallway. Brock shaded his eyes from the sudden brightness. Lindham's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Brock? I was expecting Ashton." He shrugged. "I guess I'll have to settle for killing you." He pulled a long sword from a sheath that hung from his belt. Brock barely had time to register what he was holding before Lindham lunged at him. Brock leapt to the side, narrowly missing the attack. "I prefer to use a sword for my murders," Lindham said, straightening and preparing to attack again. "It makes for a much more painful death than simply shooting someone." Brock regained his balance and glared at Lindham, who was now brandishing the sword with both hands. Lindham wildly swung the sword at him and Brock jumped backwards to avoid being sliced in half. He began to back down the hallway, with Lindham advancing on him. Brock had no way of defending himself so he decided to attack while Lindham was off guard. Brock sent a kick up at the sword, which, amazingly, flew out of Lindham's hands and behind him. Lindham threw a glance over his shoulder and apparently decided against retrieving the sword, because he assumed a fighting position. Lindham was a strong fighter and Brock soon found himself taking a beating. Lindham kicked Brock's legs out from under him, and he fell on his back. Before Brock even had a chance to get back to his feet, Lindham appeared above him, holding his sword, a triumphant look upon his face. He raised his sword above his head and swung it hard at Brock. Brock reached quickly into his coat and released one of his pokemon. The sword bounced harmlessly off of Golem's rock body, who now stood protectively in front of Brock. Lindham cried out in pain as the sword impacted with Golem. The sword hit the ground with a clatter as he cradled his throbbing hands. Brock stood up. "Golem, rock throw!" he commanded. It only took one rock to knock Lindham out cold. He fell to the ground with a thud, Brock congratulated Golem then returned him to his pokeball. He found the key to the room Misty was locked in, in Lindham's pocket. He unlocked the door and Misty rushed out, her expression a mixture of worry and relief. "Ash..." she trailed off upon seeing Brock. "Brock?" she asked, obviously confused. Brock rolled his eyes. Misty got over the shock of seeing Brock and, noting his bleeding lip and swelling left eye, said, "Are you okay?" "I'm fine," he said absently. At that moment the lights went out, throwing them into darkness. Brock and Misty looked around, puzzled at the sudden lack of illumination. "Come on, Misty, we have to go help Ash," Brock said, pulling her toward the elevator by her arm. "Where is he?" she asked, confused. Although she could barely see him, she could tell Brock was looking at her gravely. "Team Rocket captured Mewtwo," he explained. "They are attempting to control him. If they have him under their power, Ash is going to have to fight him." "What? The last time Ash fought Mewtwo-" "I know." Brock pressed the elevator button and nothing happened. "The power must be out in the entire building. We need to hurry." Misty didn't say anything as Brock pulled her to the stairs. "I have a feeling the sudden loss of electricity has something to do with Ash." A/N: I bet you are all dying to know what is going on with Ash. Well you're going to have to wait. I have received several reviews telling me to kill Misty, I have to tell you, there are no plans for her to die. Sorry to all of you who wanted to see her killed. (Stick with me though, I might be able to sneak in some deep emotional torment ;) ) Once again please review, and since I have run out of witty and/or comical things to say about flames, I will end it at that.