Ash was amazed when he saw signs on the walls with the word Labs written in bold letters and an arrow pointing down the hall. He stopped jogging and thought, *This is too easy, it's like they want me to find Mewtwo.* *Maybe they do,* Pikachu replied. *They knew you were coming, it's probably a trap.* Ash shook his head. *That's a comforting thought.* He continued down the hall, following the signs. Ash stopped at a steel door that was labeled Labs. He shorted out the lock with electricity and waited with baited breath as the door slid open, agonizingly slow. Ash stood in the doorway looking at the huge room. It was easily fifty yards across and twenty yards high. Computers and other technical equipment lined the walls. What really caught Ash's attention though, was the man standing in the center of the room, with his back to Ash. "I have been waiting for you Ash." Ash cocked his head and frowned. This was the first person from Team Rocket who hadn't used his full name. "What do you think of Team Rocket? I built it up to something rather impressive in only three years." The man still hadn't turned to face him. "So it's true," Ash said. "Giovanni isn't the head of Team Rocket anymore." "Giovanni is dead, I killed him," the man said calmly. "He was weak and under his leadership Team Rocket was nothing more than a joke." Pikachu had emerged from Ash's bag and was now sitting on his shoulder. "Jolt jolt!" Ash looked at the pokemon that stood at the man's feet. A jolteon was sitting, glaring at Pikachu. Pikachu remained silent, glaring back at it, as though accepting a challenge. The man turned to face Ash. His spiked auburn hair framed his face and his gray eyes stared stonily at Ash. "I should have known," Ash muttered. "Gary," he acknowledged with a curt nod. "Ash," Gary said, also nodding. "I was wondering where you had disappeared to after I beat you in the Pokemon League," Ash said, purposely reminding Gary of his defeat. "That was luck. Your pikachu never should have beaten Nidoqueen. I still think you cheated." "Chu!" Pikachu said with indignation. Ash rolled his eyes. "Gary, you know I didn't cheat, you just couldn't bring yourself to admit that I was better than you." "Never mind," Gary said indifferently. "That was nine years ago. Now I will prove that I am better than you." Pikachu jumped off of Ash's shoulder. He dropped to all fours, his tail raised in a ready stance. Before he or Ash realized it, Jolteon was attacking Pikachu with a Pin Missile attack. "Pika!" Pikachu cried as the dog-like electric pokemon slammed him onto the floor. "Pikachu!" Ash cried. Apparently Jolteon's attack had been meant as a diversion because Gary snuck up behind Ash with a long wooden bow. He raised it high and swung it at Ash, who turned and used his right arm to block the blow. "Attacking someone when their back is turned isn't very polite," Ash said smirking. Gary gave him a look of contempt and pulled the bow away from Ash's arm. He twisted it so both of his hands were gripping the weapon, about twelve inches apart. Ash looked at the bow then at Gary. He smirked as he sent a kick between Gary's hands, breaking the bow in two. Half of the weapon flew out of Gary's hands and Ash plucked it from the air. Gary let out a scream of rage and began blindly attacking Ash. Although Gary was very good with the bow, Ash easily blocked the blows and countered with a few good shots to his abdomen. Gary stumbled backwards and Ash used the opportunity to knock his legs out from under him. Gary fell onto his back, and his half of the bow rolled away from him. Ash stood over him, a slight smirk on his face as he pointed the broken, pointed end of the bow at Gary's neck. A bright light appeared from their electric pokemon's battle, and both trainers looked to see what had occurred. When the light dissipated they could see Pikachu standing victoriously over Jolteon, after knocking him out with a thunder bomb. "Looks like you lost, Gary," Ash said, still pointing the bow at Gary's throat. Gary, however, did the last thing Ash would have expected a man in his position to do. He smiled. Not only did he smile but he began to laugh. A red light signaled the opening of a pokeball and Ash stumbled backwards. Ash's eyes widened as a large catlike pokemon materialized. "Oh, no Ash. I didn't lose," Gary said, standing up. "The battle is only just beginning." Pikachu ran to Ash's side. "Mewtwo kill him," Gary commanded, his voice full of glee. Ash watched in horror as Mewtwo's eyes began to glow and he floated towards him. Ash slowly began to back away as Mewtwo advanced on him, hovering a few inches above the ground. *Pikachu, get somewhere safe,* Ash told his friend. *Ash I can't just leave you.* *Please Pikachu,* Ash said, looking pleadingly down at the little pokemon. Pikachu sighed then scampered off, out of harms way. Ash turned his attention back to the large purple pokemon that was closing on him. "Mewtwo," Ash said. Mewtwo's eyes flared dangerously. Ash took a deep breath then continued, "Mewtwo, do you remember me?" In reply, Mewtwo shot a powerful beam of psychic energy at him. Ash dodged by rolling to the side. He remained crouched on the ground, looking at the large hole that Mewtwo's attack had put through the wall. "Guess not," Ash muttered. Gary grinned as he watched Mewtwo attack Ash. Mewtwo changed direction and headed for Ash after the young man once again spun out of the way. Ash dodged as Mewtwo shot another beam at him. He felt the attack go by, dangerously close to his head. Ash knew he couldn't keep dodging the attacks, eventually one would hit. He concentrated his powers, and released an attack similar to Pikachu's thunder bomb, when Mewtwo attacked again. The two attacks collided in midair, and the force sent Ash flying backwards. He crashed into a computer with a moan. A large metal pipe that ran up the wall, detached and fell to the floor with a clatter. *Ash!* he heard Pikachu think. Ash struggled to his feet as Mewtwo slowly floated over to him. Ash looked at the computers around him, slowly forming an idea. *Pikachu, concentrate your electricity to me.* Ash closed his eyes, and didn't see Mewtwo powering up for Psychic, his most powerful attack. Ash concentrated everything he had on draining the electricity from the machines. He didn't stop at the computers though, he continued gathering electricity from the entire building. The lights went out but Gary could still see because of the bright golden glow that was now surrounding Ash. Ash had begun to levitate almost a foot from the ground. Mewtwo had stopped powering up and was now watching the human curiously. Ash's eyes snapped open, and before Mewtwo had a chance to react, Ash released the most powerful attack Gary had ever seen. A wave of lightening wider and taller than Mewtwo himself struck the pokemon. It went on for a good five minutes before Ash collapsed, exhausted. It was now completely dark and Pikachu had no idea what had happened to Mewtwo or Ash. There was a long silence. *Ash?* Pikachu asked. *Ash!* Pikachu used flash and a small glow appeared around him. He saw Mewtwo lying unconscious on the ground, and ten feet from him lay Ash, also unconscious. Pikachu's eyes widened as Gary suddenly appeared over Ash, half of the bow in his hands. He raised it over his head, ready to stab him in the chest. Anger flooded through Pikachu and he ran, with more speed than he knew he possessed, to save his friend. "Piikaachuu!" he cried as he leapt into the air. Pikachu's fist began to spark, and Gary stumbled backwards in fear. Pikachu hit him with a thunder punch, and the bow plunged through Gary's stomach. Gary teetered, then fell to the ground, dead. Pikachu shook his head, then turned his attention to Ash. His ears perked up as he heard someone approaching. From the light he was giving off, he saw Brock and Misty appear in the doorway. Brock and Misty stopped short at the scene in front of them. Pikachu was sitting on his haunches, giving off enough light to make out most of the room. Mewtwo, Ash, and another man were all lying on the floor, with Pikachu leaning over Ash. "Ash!" Misty cried, running to his side, Brock on her heels. "Brock is he..." Misty asked. "No," Brock said. He turned to look at Pikachu. "Pikachu what happened?" "Pi pika pikapi chu," Pikachu started to explain, but he stopped upon the realization that neither of them could understand him. A low groan from below them caused all three of them to look at Ash. His hand was rubbing his forehead, his eyes still squeezed shut. "Ash, are you ok?" Brock asked, kneeling down next to him. Ash opened his eyes and blinked a few times. Brock helped him slowly sit up. "No more electric attacks for me," Ash muttered. Without warning, Misty gave him a hug, surprising all of them. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you," she said. Ash blinked stupidly, completely taken aback. Misty pulled away, and stared at the ground embarrassed. He looked at her for a moment then changed the subject. "Did we win?" he asked, unsure of what had happened. *Ash, that attack was incredible!* Pikachu told him. Ash looked at his friend. "Did it work?" *Mewtwo is out cold,* Pikachu told him, gesturing to the unconscious pokemon. "Where's Gary?" Ash asked. "Gary?" Misty and Brock said in unison. Pikachu pointed behind Ash, to the still figure of Gary. They all looked up as the backup generators kicked in, lighting up the room. Ash struggled to stand up, his bruised body objecting to the movement. Misty and Brock were in a stupor. " was the head of Team Rocket?" Brock said in disbelief. Ash shrugged and ran a hand through his ebony hair. "Now what do we do about Mewtwo?" Everyone stared sadly at the large pokemon. "I think you have other things to worry about," a new voice said from behind them. Ash whirled around to face the newcomer. A blonde man with narrowed brown eyes glared at them, his forehead bleeding and swelling, a sword clutched in his hands. "So Ashton, we finally meet," he said, his voice cold and emotionless. He turned the sword slowly in his hands so the blade glistened. "And you are?" Ash asked. "Christopher Lindham," the man introduced himself. Ash narrowed his eyes at the name. Misty looked between the two as they stared each other down. Without warning Lindham charged at Ash, the sword raised high above his head. Misty and Brock scattered as Lindham ran. He swung the sword wildly, narrowly missing Ash. "Ash! Here!" Brock called, throwing him the metal pipe that had fallen off the wall earlier. Ash caught it and used it to block the sword, which was heading towards his head. Sparks flew as metal clashed with metal. "Very good, Ashton," Lindham said, as he strained against the pipe. "But, not good enough." He pulled his sword away and kicked the pipe out of Ash's hands. He started upon Ash again, trying to skewer him with the sword's sharp blade. *Pikachu, stealth,* Ash thought frantically. Pikachu quickly preformed the attack, removing Ash from sight. Lindham stopped attacking. "Well, that was different," he said, his sword still raised. Lindham slowly began to move to his right. He glanced around the room, looking for Ash. "There is more than one way to hurt you, Ashton. If I can't injure you physically, it'll have to be emotionally." By this time he had inched himself a good five feet away from Misty. He suddenly pulled his sword back and lunged. Mixed with her scream of terror was the sound of Ash crying, "No!" As Brock watched, Misty was pushed aside and the sword stopped in midair, as though it had stabbed someone. Pikachu lost his concentration and Ash became visible, the sword straight through his back. Lindham smiled triumphantly and pulled the sword out of Ash, blood covering the blade. Ash stood in shook, looking at the blood seeping onto his hands, his mouth moving wordlessly. He fell to his knees, then to the floor. "Pikapi!" Pikachu cried, rushing towards his fallen trainer. Lindham took a step back, delighted by his victory. Pikachu nudged the still Ash with his paws and desperately tried to connect with him. Misty crawled to Ash and pulled his head into her lap, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Oh, God, no," she whispered. Brock stood in shock and watched as Lindham's look of pleasure quickly changed to terror as Pikachu advanced on him. The little pokemon's eyes were filled with fury as he continued towards his prey. "Piikaachuu!" he cried as he released a thunder bomb on Lindham, who was dead on impact. He hurried back to Ash, and upon seeing Brock's sullen face and a sobbing Misty, his ears flattened in grief. "He's dead," Brock told him. A/N: Thanks for sticking with me on this. I'm not sure, but I think there will only be maybe two or three more chapters until I'm done, but don't quote me, I have been known to miscalculate. ;) Once again please review.