"Gary," Ash said, later that evening as they both lay in their beds. "I'm sorry about what Brock said earlier." It was dark, but neither of them were asleep, as each lay awake contemplating their own thoughts. Pikachu, who was cuddled next to Ash, rolled over, trying to find a more comfortable position. Ash heard a grunt from across the room, where Gary's bed sat. Then Gary spoke. "Don't be sorry. Most of what he said was true. I am ignorant and I have little regard for other's feelings." Gary heard a rustle of cloth, obviously Ash, propping himself up on one elbow. "That's not true! You've proven yourself to care about others' feelings at least three times in the past six years." Gary smiled at the jest and Ash began to laugh. Soon Gary was laughing too. When they had calmed, Ash lay back onto his back and said, "So, Misty's operation is definitely larger than Giovanni realizes." Gary agreed with a soft, "Mmm." Ash and Gary had been amazed to find out that Misty and Brock had begun a full scale underground rebellion. Including herself and Brock, she had managed to convince five of the former gym leaders to join. It had also surprised them to learn that the rebellion consisted of over a thousand people and was rapidly growing. Misty and Brock had informed them of a meeting with one of the gym leaders, who played a major role in leading the rebellion. "It is fortunate they trust us," Ash observed. "They trust *you*," Gary corrected. ~*~*~ Ash and Gary followed Misty into her room. "What's going on?" Gary asked, when he saw Brock already in her small room, standing next to a raven haired woman. Gary furrowed his eyebrows as he examined the woman, she seemed familiar, but he couldn't place her. Her shoulder length black hair hung loose, only restricted by a red headband. She wore a silk green kimono, which hung to her feet, concealing her shapely body. Her eyes matched her kimono and had a slight twinkle in them when she examined Gary, but abruptly changed when her gaze fell upon Ash. Misty dropped to her knees and pushed the pale blue comforter covering her bed back, allowing her to see underneath it. She lay on her stomach and began to slide under, until all of her that was visible was her legs, clad in jeans. "Are we holding the meeting under your bed?" Gary asked, a hint of amusement in his tone. "In a manner of speaking," Misty replied, her voice muffled as she pulled open an earlier unseen trap door. Gary raised his eyebrows, impressed. "Cool." Ash noticed Brock shoot a glare at Gary, who, upon seeing it, sent one right back. Gary and Brock hadn't been getting along well, especially after Brock's comments the previous night. Misty pulled him from his thoughts by climbing from under the bed and pushing it to the side, in order to give them enough room to climb through the trap door. Brock entered first, a flashlight in hand, climbing down the stairs that had been revealed when the door was opened. He was followed by the dark haired woman. Misty waved at Gary and Ash to follow and they too began to descend the stairs. Misty climbed into the hole, then moved the bed back into position and closed the door behind her. The stairs were narrow and made of stone, descending deep underground. It was dark, with nothing to light their way but Brock and his flashlight at the front of the group. The gloominess almost made Ash wish for Pikachu, seeing as his flash would probably illuminate the entire stairwell. He pushed that thought away though, knowing that is was best if Pikachu remained hidden in their room. Ash didn't feel guilty about leaving the little pokemon alone, Pikachu always found ways of entertaining himself. When they had left he was deeply engrossed in a game of solitaire. They continued to walk in silence and the stairs opened up into a brightly lit room. It wasn't big, an overhead lamp hung over top of a circular table that was surrounded by five or six chairs. In the corner a computer sat, turned off at the moment. Turning off his flash light with a click, Brock walked around the table and took a seat. The other's followed his example, Misty and Ash on either side of Brock, Gary next to Ash, and the raven haired woman next to Misty. Ash and the young woman made eye contact. He nodded in acknowledgement and said a curt, "Erika." "Ash," she said, also nodding. Gary instantly noticed the tension between the two, but didn't say anything. Brock and Misty also seemed to notice the obvious agitation stirred up between them, and they both seemed surprised, leading Gary to believe that neither of them knew the cause. "Okay, Erika," Misty said, breaking the silence that had descended upon the group. "What did you want to meet about?" Erika cast a wary glance at Ash and Gary before turning to Misty and saying excitedly, "We've found him!" Brock and Misty instantly lit up, but Gary and Ash exchanged perplexed glances. Noting this, Misty elaborated. "The Elite Four have gone into hiding due too the bounty Giovanni has placed on their heads," she began. Ash and Gary both nodded, having been there when Giovanni had issued the order. Misty continued. "With the number of our forces, we believe we could instigate a successful rebellion against Giovanni. But we feel that if we had the Elite fighting with us we could tip the scales to our advantage." Ash raised an eyebrow, intrigued, while Gary leaned back into to his chair, his hands folded. Brock picked up where Misty left off. "We've been searching for Bruno, the second of the Elite Four. He was rumored to be seen somewhere on route ten. We're hoping that he will know where the remaining three are." Erika entered the conversation. "We haven't made contact, I was leaving that for you. He's hiding in the rock tunnel, in one of the deeper canyons." Brock nodded. "We'll go and find him. Hopefully we can convince him to join us." ~*~*~ It was late that night before Ash and Gary had a chance to talk. "Their operation is pretty large," Gary said, pulling his shirt off. He was grateful that his clothes had finally dried. Ash, nodded from his seat on his bed. He was already changed, wearing black sweatpants and a black T-shirt. He seemed distant, staring at the wall. "Ash?" Gary asked as he finished changing. He had removed his jeans and was now wearing more comfortable black sweatpants and a large gray T-shirt. Ash pulled himself from his thoughts and said, "They could actually do it." Gary furrowed his eyebrows, confused. "Do what?" "Defeat Giovanni." Gary stared at him from across the room, saying nothing. Pikachu hopped from Ash's lap as he stood up. "I mean, if they get the Elite Four to join them, I think they could do it." He paused and looked at Gary. "What if we joined them? We could overthrow Giovanni." "Pika!" Pikachu agreed, excited about the prospect of quitting Team Rocket. Gary stood, slightly stunned at Ash's idea. He recovered from his stupor. "And if we loose? He will do what he threatened and the past six years will have been for nothing." Ash sighed, looking at the floor. "I'm tired Gary, tired of being a Rocket." Gary sadly shook his head. "I know, so am I." He paused. "Let's wait and see what happens with the Elite. Don't commit to something before we know what's going on." Ash sighed again, he really didn't know what to do. He walked to the door, opening it. "Where are you going?" Gary asked, watching him curiously. "I don't feel like sleeping right now," Ash said, before walking into the hallway and pulling he door closed behind him. He blinked a few times, allowing his eyes to adjust to the sudden lack of light the hallway provided. He then began to walk, not really certain where he was heading. His bare feet made no noise on the cold linoleum floor. He stopped at a window and watched as a cloud slowly began to cover the moon. It wasn't long before his ears picked up a light, almost inaudible noise. The soft rustle of clothing led him to believe he wasn't the only one walking around the gym at night. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a female form walking towards him. He remained where he was allowing her to come to him. A sweet aroma began to waft into his sense of smell. He turned his head to see Erika standing next to him, not looking at him, but staring out the window. She was beautiful, especially when the cloud that was covering the moon shifted, bathing her in a soft glow. She was wearing a silk robe, cream, like her complexion. She lacked her red headband; her hair was pulled up into a sloppy bun, loose strands of hair sticking out. They stood in silence, both staring out the window. Erika broke the silence after a few moments. "Was there someone else?" she asked, still not looking at him. "No," he said plainly. "Then why?" she asked, turning to him. "I can't explain," he told her softly. Erika studied him, her green eyes full of hurt and betrayal. Ash closed his eyes, not wanting to meet her gaze. He had hurt her, and he knew it. After Ash had joined Team Rocket, he had moved around a lot. He and Gary were stationed where they were needed. He had been at Viridian, Lavender Town, Cinnabar Island. For a while they were even stationed in a small room on the SS Anne. When he had gotten the call, telling him to pack up and head to Celedon, it hadn't phased him in the least. Just another assignment. Ash had been nineteen at the time. Being in a new city always made Ash restless. A few nights after their arrival in Celedon, Ash, unable to sleep, left the new apartment he and Gary shared and went for a walk. Gary and Pikachu had remained in the apartment, neither really feeling like heading out into the brisk night. Ash had wanted coffee. True, coffee was not the best thing for a man who was having trouble sleeping, but he liked coffee. Ash recalled stumbling upon a quaint little coffee shop, empty, save for a beautiful young woman, who sat alone at the counter, staring into her coffee mug. He had joined her and struck up a conversation. Any dream of sleep Ash had had was shot, for they talked well into the morning. As soon as he had given her his name she remembered him as the young boy who had saved her gloom years ago. They had started out as friends; two lonely people keeping one another company. It wasn't long before they progressed from friends, to a couple, to lovers. Ash didn't know why, but he never told Gary about Erika. He had kept her a secret, she was something special, something he didn't want to share. Erika intrigued him, maybe because the only female he ever really had a lot of contact with was Misty. But Misty was more of a tomboy, with a quick temper, and a mean left hook. Erika was more delicate, she was like a flower that must be handled gently, lest it would wither and die. Then, he had received another phone call. His skill had captured the attention of Giovanni and he and Gary were to move to Cerulean. It was one of the hardest decisions he had to make, but in the end he had left her without so much as an explanation. One day he was there, the next he was gone. He had thought it better to simply leave, rather than try to explain where he was going. In short, he was a coward. "Was it me?" Erika asked, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. Ash looked her in the eyes. "No," he said sincerely. Her expression became angry and she shoved him hard against the wall. That in itself was a feet, considering she was almost a head shorter than him. "Then what the hell was it?" she cried. "It's bad enough you left without so much as a note, but now you don't even have a reason why!" Ash was contemplating an answer when the window they had been standing at moments before shattered. Ash threw himself around Erika to protect her from the thousands of flying glass shards. When he looked up, two muscular men dressed in black stood before them, red R's emblazoned across their chests. The dark made their features impossible to make out. Ash watched as they each released a rope, the he realized what had happened. They had repelled down from the roof and swung through the window. Soon the two men were joined by others, who had run up the stairs after apparently using the conventional entrance of the door. Now there were about seven Rockets all facing them, all armed with rather large guns. One of the two men that had repelled in spoke. "Satoshi Ketchum, you and Shigeru Oak are under arrest for treason to Team Rocket." Ash narrowed his eyes, curious as to how Giovanni could have possibly known that treason had crossed their minds. Erika stood in stunned silence, confusion settling over her. "What's going on?" Ash heard an angry voice call from behind him. The lights in the hallway suddenly flicked on, causing Ash to shade his eyes from the sudden brightness. He glanced over his shoulder to see Misty, closely followed by Brock, quickly walking towards them. Both were in bathrobes and appeared to have been roused from sleep. "Team Rocket!" Brock cried when they reached them. He took a protective stance in front of everyone, including Ash. "What do you want?" One of the Rockets, a blonde man with blue eyes spoke. Ash noted it was the same voice who had declared him under arrest. "We want nothing to do with you. Stay out of it and we will leave you unharmed, for now." Brock growled slightly, looking as though he had no intention of staying out of it. Ash placed a hand on his shoulder. "Let me handle this," he said, stepping forward again. "Where is Shigeru?" the Rocket asked, his eyes narrowing. "I don't know," Ash lied. "Agent Satoshi, do not force me to have you shot," the man said, impatience in his tone. Brock and Misty exchanged worried glances. "What the hell!" an annoyed voice called. "Can't a guy get any sleep around here? People yelling, lights going on, Team Rocket Agents repelling through windows." Ash looked behind him to see Gary sauntering towards them, pushing his way between Misty and Brock, Ash's bow in hand. Ash rolled his eyes. "Could you be anymore conspicuous, Shigeru?" he asked, taking the bow from him. "What would you have me do, Satoshi?" Gary asked, a smirk on his face. "Fold it up and hide it behind my back?" "Do you take anything seriously?" Ash asked. "Not really," came the reply. Brock, Misty, and Erika stood a few feet behind them, completely confused. Why were they calling one another Shigeru and Satoshi? They watched as Gary and Ash began to bicker. "What the hell are they doing?" Brock hissed to Misty, who shrugged as she stared at them. They weren't the only one's confused though. As Brock watched, the Rockets slowly began to lower their guns, unsure of what to do. "It certainly took you long enough to get here," Ash snapped. "I was sleeping," Gary retorted, a slight whine in his voice. "Could you be more of a child?" "Me a child? Honestly, you act like you are THREE!" On the word three, Ash took a running start and used his staff to vault over head of the Rockets. At the same time, Gary whipped his gun from the holster and steadily shot each gun from the Rocket's hands until every Rocket was unarmed. One man quickly reached for his dropped gun, but Gary shot the ground, only inches from the man's hand. "Do it and I'll shoot your hand off." Gary smirked as he cocked the gun. Brock, Misty, and Erika's jaws dropped. "It was a diversion," Brock said, realizing what had happened. The Rocket's turned on Ash, seeing him as the lesser of two evils since he had a wooden stick, while Gary had a gun. Brock headed foreword to help, but Gary reached out an arm and caught him against the chest, stopping him. "Better let him handle this alone," Gary said to him. "But," Brock said, protesting. "It's seven against one." "Believe me," Gary said as he lowered his arm. "Seven is no big deal." Ash spun his bow to keep the Rockets back, the same way he had done with Misty, as he slowly backed away from the advancing attackers. Two Rockets suddenly lunged at him and he used his bow to his advantage, jabbing one in the stomach, while hitting the other with a well placed high kick to the head. Each fell to the floor with a grunt. The five remaining Rocket's began to second guess themselves. They had heard of Satoshi's skill. This time three Rockets charged at him, obviously not learning from the mistakes of their teammates. Ash dodged one and smashed his bow into the back of his head. He crashed to the ground, unconscious. Ash then used his momentum to swing his bow, knocking the feet out from under the second. The third was older, wiser, and better trained. He stood a good distance away, making sure he was out of reach of Ash's bow. Unfortunately he was the perfect distance for Ash to take a running start. When he was a few feet away from the bewildered Rocket, Ash planted the staff to the ground and his momentum carried him foreword, allowing him to slam both feet into the man's chest. The man grunted and fell, unceremoniously as Ash landed gracefully next to him. Now the only two conscious Rocket's remaining were the two who had repelled through the window, one of them the apparent leader. They stood facing everyone. Ash was carefully watching them, his back to his friends. The leader sneered "I've had enough." Without warning, the quickly pulled hand guns from their jackets, each aiming at Ash's forehead. Ash heard Gary quickly click the safety off his own gun. "Consider carefully," the leader called to Gary, his blue eyes shining almost triumphantly. "Whichever one of us you shoot, the other will kill your partner, before you can do anything about it." Gary hesitated, his gun still aimed at the blonde haired leader. The leader waved his gun at Ash. "Go stand back there with your partner," he said, a grin forming on his face as he glanced at Ash's bare feet. The floor between Gary and Ash was littered with broken glass. Misty, Brock, and Erika stood behind Gary aghast and helpless as Ash began nonchalantly walking across the glass. They cringed, although the glass didn't seem to have an effect on Ash as he joined Gary. He leaned against his staff as he lifted a foot and brushed it off, revealing a foot with not so much as a scratch. The leader narrowed his eyes at his failed attempt at torture and he kept his gun pointed steadily at Ash's forehead. They were in a stale mate, no one could move without someone being shot. Ash sighed and leaned against his staff like one would a walking stick, almost as if he was bored. The leader, seeing this as a sign of resignation, grinned and said cockily, "Any last words before we take you to Giovanni?" "Only two," Ash said, shrugging. He paused, then said, "Thunder wave." The two Rockets seemed confused until a yellow pokemon sprinted from behind Misty, Brock, and Erika, where he had apparently been hiding. The Rocket's confusion became fear when they saw Pikachu's brown eyes narrowed viciously, and his cheeks sparking. "Pikachu!" he cried as he released a powerful thunder wave at the Rockets. They fell to the ground, unconscious, joining the rest of their team. Ash fell to one knee in order to pet Pikachu. "Nice job," he said softly. The pokemon climbed upon his shoulder and Ash stood up, turning slowly, his bow still in hand. "Time to face the music," he muttered to Pikachu. When he turned he saw Gary holstering his gun, and behind him stood Brock, Misty, and Erika, all visibly upset. If they had had any doubts, Pikachu made it obvious of Ash's involvement with Team Rocket. Misty was the first to find her voice. "You're in Team Rocket?" she asked softly. She sounded like a child who had just discovered the truth about Santa Claus. Ash nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. Misty cast her gaze to the floor. Ash looked at Brock, who was avoiding his gaze. "Brock..." he began, before trailing off. "I thought I knew you," Brock said softly, pain obvious in every syllable he uttered. "But I was wrong. You have betrayed us and you are more of a stranger now than when I first met you." "Brock," Ash said, trying to explain, but Brock cut him off. "Just go." Ash cast his eyes to the floor, then back to his friends, who were all actively avoiding eye contact. He sighed, then without another word he turned and left, without so much as going back to his room for his belongings, or even his shoes. Gary, on the other hand remained where he was, angrily glaring at them all. "You're supposed to be his friends!" Gary cried infuriated, upset at the way Brock had treated Ash. Brock removed his gaze from the floor and glared at Gary. "That is not the same Ash we knew," he said stonily. "Bullshit," Gary said forcefully, startling them all. "He's still Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, a good man, with a good heart." Misty and Erika said nothing, but Brock was hurt and angry, and Gary was only proceeding to piss him off even more. "Anyone in Team Rocket has no heart." "How dare you!" Gary cried, almost in a rage. "You have no idea!" He lowered his voice, although his gray eyes were still flashing with anger. He pointed a shaky finger at Brock. "Ash thinks of you as his older brother, or even the father he never had, and you judged him without even giving him a chance to explain." Brock suddenly shot an accusing glare at Gary. "I bet you're the reason he joined," he said, taking a step forward. "You always were no good, Gary, you probably tricked him into joining." "If you only knew," Gary said through gritted teeth. He turned, preparing to leave before he did something he would regret, namely shooting Brock. He stopped. "He didn't have a choice you know," Gary said, his back to them. "Everyone has a choice," Brock replied softly. Gary closed his eyes and shook his head at Brock's stubbornness. "You know what, you are right. Ash isn't the same person you knew. The day he joined Team Rocket a part of him died. He was forced to join an organization that stood for everything he was against." Gary paused. "He is losing himself more every day, I can see it when I look at him, talk to him. The Ash you knew *is* dead, and this one, he's barely holding on to life anymore." With that he walked away, leaving them alone with the seven Rockets Ash had rendered unconscious. A/N: Well, this one took a lot longer, but it is probably the longest chapter I have ever written for any story. And yes, it is possible to walk on glass, I've seen it done live. What did you think about Ash and Erika? I don't know where that came from, it just popped into my head. I don't even know if there's a shipping for it. Anyway, I thought I'd leave the choice up to you all, do you want to see Ash and Erika get back together, or shall Ash and Misty give it a go? Please review, it's all I have to live for. (Well not really, but I LOVE reviews all the same!).