"Aaron?" hissed a young fifteen year old boy. "Where did you go?" Colin glanced around, seeing nothing but thick brush and trees. He began to feel afraid. He had told Aaron that coming this deep into the forest was a bad idea, especially at night. His sense of hearing was working overtime; every bug chirp, every rustled leaf seemed to echo loudly in his ears. The bush next to him began to shake and he backed away nervously. "Ah!" A voice cried, as a figure leapt at him from the bushes. Colin screamed and tried to run, but only succeeded in tripping and falling. Terror filled him. Then he heard it. Laughter. The figure that had leapt at him sat a few feet away, laughing hysterically. Colin fumbled with his flashlight and with a shaky hand he turned it on, aiming it at the figure. The light illuminated the face of a sandy haired boy, no older than he was. "Aaron!" Colin said, struggling to his feet. "That wasn't funny." Aaron continued to laugh, but managed to choke out, "You are such a wuss!" "Shut up!" Colin snapped. "I'm going home." Aaron stopped laughing. "Oh, come on, Col. It was only a joke." He watched as the brown haired boy began to walk off. "Colin. Colin come back. I'm sorry," Aaron called. Colin disappeared behind a tree. Aaron sighed and began to follow. Suddenly he heard Colin say, "Aaron, come here!" Aaron smirked. "What's the matter? Too afraid to walk home by..." he trailed off. He had caught up to Colin and stood, enraptured by the sight before him. A large stone temple rose into the air, ancient in construction. Vines had inched their way over most of the structure, hiding much of it from view, although its large doors were visible. Aaron was the first to find his voice. "Let's go in." Colin looked at him as though he had announced he was pregnant. "Are you insane?" "Come on, Colin, for once don't be a baby," Aaron prodded. Colin bit his lip. After a moment of contemplation he walked foreword, shining his flashlight upon the entrance. "Hey there's something written here," he said to Aaron. He read it out loud. "Inside these walls pure evil lies dormant, awaiting those who will set him free. That which can be seen in plain sight, but not recognized as evil, he will destroy all that has been or will be. Only one can stop him, one who's worth is not even known by he himself. But the death of this evil will also be the death of this good." The boys stood in silence for a moment before Colin said, "Somehow, I think going in there is a bad idea." Aaron rolled his eyes. "You don't really believe that do you? Someone just wrote that to keep kids like us from going in." Colin looked at Aaron, then back to the temple. "Well, it's working. Let's go." "Fine," Aaron said. "You go home. But I'm going in." "Aaron, that sounded like a warning and a prophecy all rolled into one," Colin protested. Aaron ignored him, and set himself to the task of examining the large doors. Small golden tiles, each with a picture of a different pokemon, covered the door. Aaron felt the door open with a click after pressing a tile that bore the picture of a ditto. "Yes! We're in," he said. Colin peered cautiously into the darkness beyond the door. "If we destroy the world, I blame you," he muttered. Aaron smiled as they entered, using Colin's flashlight to see. The inside of the temple took their breath away. The walls were made of pure gold. Colin squinted his eyes. Pictures seemed to be carved into the walls. Colin stepped closer to the wall to examine the drawings. "These look like ancient hieroglyphics," he told Aaron. He ran his fingers over a picture of a man shooting a bolt of lightening at another man. Aaron didn't seem interested in the pictures as much as a large golden chest that stood in the center of the room. With a small click Aaron unlocked the chest and began to open it. A noise much like a gust of wind caught their attention. Colin's flashlight suddenly died, leaving the two in total darkness. "Hang on," Colin said. "I have extra batteries in my bag." He began to open the zipper. "Colin let go of my arm you big baby," Aaron snapped. From across the room, Colin turned towards the sound of Aaron's voice, his own shaking as he replied, "I'm not touching your arm." "Colin," Aaron whispered, a slight hint of fear in his normally steady voice. Colin jumped when Aaron screamed. He clutched his chest, his heart beating rapidly. The scream died off, although it still echoed through the temple. "Stop trying to scare me, Aaron," he said, on the verge of tears. Aaron screamed again and Colin's stomach tightened in fear. He fumbled with the batteries, nearly dropping them in the process, but succeeded in getting them into the flashlight. Aaron had been screaming the entire time. He turned on the flashlight and added his own scream to Aaron's. Pure terror filled him and he dropped the flashlight and ran from the temple. Aaron's screams suddenly stopped and nothing could be heard but Colin's distant cries and the thump of Aaron's body as he fell to the floor. The flashlight lay on the floor, spinning, and every time it would come around it would illuminate Aaron's face, shining the light into his lifeless, unblinking eyes. A/N: I know, a bit gross, but I had to get my point across. Ok, so I lied, I took about a one day break before I grabbed my notebook and began this story. Are we really that surprised? Yes this is the sequel to If I Could Change the World. You do not need to read that first, unless you're curious as to how Ash and Misty ended up together, where Ash's powers came from, and any other small references that you may find in this fic, but this fic does stand alone. The next chapter will reintroduce Ash and Misty and I basically have it written so be on the look out. With that said, are you all ready to begin a new journey? Disclaimer: I said it before and I'll say it again. I do not, nor ever will, own Pokemon. (But every young girl can dream can't she?)