New World Arising Well this story is kind of based normally. There are no PKMN and the world is just like ours. I used a kind of Old-West and Future-War style theme (it is mostly lightly styled) so you might, just might refer to that while your reading ^_^. Anyways, this is just the first chapter of this series. Enjoy… Ages: Ash: 18 Misty: 19 May: 18 (The names have been changed in order to protect the innocent…..Not! Just Mist’s and May’s last names since.....I don‘t really know their last names) Disclaimer: PKMN Characters are Not Mine. The Rights were only used for the creation of this Novel. All association of PKMN belongs to their rightful owners with their rightful laws and rights. All Doubts should be reported to their owners. Thank you for your cooperation… Chapter: 1 A New Horizon The world they knew was now all gone. Most of the luxuries and technology advances had been vaporized by TR; including PKMN….Now it was just a normal world…. Ash looked at his reflection in the lake. A lake only the best of friends knew; him and Misty. They had agreed not to comment about this lake, for if they did, wars would soon recommence between them and the Rockets. Everything seemed empty. His life was most miserable. Why? Because most of the people he loved and cared about so much, had died in the war against TR. A tear dropped into the lake making ripples across his face. The streets were full of people just arriving or departing to a new place. It seemed they were reliving a past that never existed. In the far horizon, a train blew its whistle as it neared. Ash sighed and kept walking to his home….their new home. Misty walked out of the tall, white house “its impossible to live like this!” she began marching off when she bumped into Ash “ouch!” they both felled down “sorry, Mist” he quickly helped her up and dusted himself “its ok, Ash. Now will you excuse me” she began walking but was taken back “where are you going in such a hurry?” she looked at him with tear threatening eyes “I….away from this place. Away from everything. Away form Brock and away from you!” Her words plunged him deep within “I’m…sorry to hear that, Misty” he released her arm and continued walking “Ash I…” his eyes closed “please…don’t. you have…said enough, Misty” he turned around halfway and looked at her one last time “you were always there for me…and somehow, I was not…” he looked at the house then walked in only to come back out a few minutes later with a small bag in his hand. Misty looked at him from her tearful face as he neared her; closer and closer. His hand ran across her long, silky red hair and his lips sank into hers. Misty accepted the kiss with pleasure “till we meet again, Misty…” he walked off into the crowd and soon disappeared “no…please don’t leave me” her tears released again “do you really love him, Misty?” asked Violet, her only sister left. Misty nodded truthful of herself “then go, Misty. Go and tell him” Misty smiled and gave her sister a hug “thanks sis, I’ll return, I promise” she ran into the town “hope you can keep that promise, dear sister” Misty had been walking over an hour now. Still no sign of Ash. She walked into the small ticket room “excuse me, sir, but can you check if you have someone registered by the name of Ash Ketchum?” the old man smiled “just a second, missy” he searched through the departure signatures “ah yes, Mr. Ketchum…he left on the train to Sullivan City about 10 minutes ago” Misty sighed and walked away “the second train leaves in 2 minutes, missy” Misty quickly pocketed herself a ticket and was on her way to Sullivan. She looked out her window and saw the town she had lived the past 5 years. A girl that seemed some younger than her, sat next to her “hi” she greeted “hello” Misty responded shyly. She took a quick view into the town “is this pallet Town?” Misty nodded “yea it is. Why are you asking?” she smiled “because I used to know someone from here” Misty blinked “um could you tell me who. I may know him or her” she searched her bag “this is a picture of him” in front of her, was Ash. Misty stared as mindless into the picture “um…could you give me that back, please” Misty shook her head lightly “oh I’m sorry” the girl smiled “by the way, I’m May Vincent” Misty smiled “I’m Misty Teal” both girls shook hands “so where are you heading, Misty?” asked May “Misty frowned “to Sullivan City” May’s face glistened “no kidding? I’m going there too” Misty fake smiled “cool” May giggled “yea. This the last place I was told they had seen Ash Ketchum over a month ago” The train stopped and both girls got off together “let’s get a hotel, Misty” she nodded as they walked into the streets “this city is very big. We have to stay together, or we will get lost” Misty just smiled once more. The city was big and it had its delights as well bringing thousands of people every year. Alas they found a hotel with vacancy “one room, please” said May as she took out money from her purse accidentally dropping Ash’s picture “I’ll get it” offered Misty. As she lifted the photo, she noticed something particular in it she hadn’t before…she was on the picture. She laid it on the desk and May was about to grab it when “oh I have seen him” said the man as if they had asked him “May immediately looked at him “you did? Where? When?” the hotel keeper smiled “he’s registered with us, miss” May felt extremely happy and so did Misty, yet her happiness couldn’t be demonstrated “I found him! I found Ash!” Misty gave her a hug just before tears released themselves on her face “thanks Misty. Let’s go get some rest now. Oh and when Ash comes in, tell him he has a guest waiting for him in room 205” Ash looked at the giant clock in the tow square. It was 8:09 and the city was still full of people. He looked into the sky “I wish everything was back to normal…” he closed his eyes and a small tear made its way through. A tear which he wiped quickly away “come on, Ash” pull yourself together” he stood up from the bench and walked towards his hotel 2 blocks away “who knows. Maybe my dream comes true” The small bell ringed as he opened the door “Monsieur Ketchum, you have a message” Ash looked at him weird “I wasn’t expecting anything, Mike” the man gave him the small paper “yes I know, but it is from a young girl who is searching for you” Ash’s eyes glittered “could it be…” he grabbed the message and ran upstairs “ah young love” dreamed Mike. The door was just in front of him and he’s hand was already shakily reaching for it “Misty?” The room was empty and solemnly. He switched the light on and searched it thorough “maybe the message wasn’t for me” he was about to leave when “Ash!” a girl was suddenly all over him “whoa! Who are you?” May backed up “its me, Ash. May” Ash’s eyes widened “M-May?” she nodded then they hugged once more not noticing Misty had come in “I have missed you so much, Ash” the stop hugging “I brought a friend along, her name is Misty Teal” ~Well I’m Done with the 1st chapter. If you have read any of my other novels, then you might say this the first story I do in a series (meaning in chapters ^_^) Hope you guys like it and if so, Please send me a review at all of your reviews help me continue writing…..Laterz 2:43 AM 6/5/2004