Team Dragon

Summary: The group gets their assignment and a team leader is chosen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon. Pokemon Belongs to some rich bastards that live in Japan. Also, some of the attacks in this story belong to BenRG. I hope you dont mind, Ben. (The attacks are Omni Blast & Shuriken.) The other attacks are either original to the tv show and game or made by me. Feel free to use my attacks in your fics. Just ask me first if you want to use a pokemon or a character made by me. Clustanode and Adnocana belong to BenRG as well. Any guns in this fic are made up, in Perfect Dark, or are real firearms.

Author's Notes: Okay, I decided to start the chapter over so I could stay away from too much gunplay and keep it a fic that's more pokemon centric. Oh, and these are the ages: Ash: 13 Misty: 14 Brock: 16 Gary: 17 Phil: 14. Also, I'm going to try not to make this a Mary Sue/Gary Stu type fic. After all, the character Phil is actually a self insertion. However, I'm going to point out faults in every character. So I hope you enjoy! Is this fic not deserving of an R rating? Fuck shit ass whore cunt faggot bitch homo slut cock lesbo. There. Satisfied?

Chapter 2
Evolutionary Secrets

    Ash awoke with a yawn. He looked around at his surroundings and remembered joining Team Dragon. Brock was laying in his bed reading some sort of manual.
"Yaaaawn... What are you reading?" Ash asked, still groggy from sleep.
"Nothing. Just a manual on operating firearms." Brock said, awaiting Ash's response.
"Firearms? I thought this was an organization for stopping Team Rocket, not killing people!" said Ash who was not very happy about the use of guns in the organization he had just joined.
Brock winced.
"Well, they are only supposed to be used in drastic situations." he said, While motioning to a DY357 magnum revolver laying on a table beside the bunk bed that he was in.
Ash sighed and Pikachu, who was sleeping at the bottom of his bed crawled up to him and jumped onto his shoulder.
"Pikapi? Pi Pi chu? {Ash? Whats Whong?}" The little yellow pokemon inquired.
"Nothings wrong, Pikachu. I just don't ever want to have to use a gun to hurt somebody, not even a team rocket member who deserves it." said Ash.
Brock put down the manual beside his gun.
"Ash, these guns are assigned to us in case we have opponents who want to kill us and our pokemon just can't do the trick and incapacitate them. Even If we're in a sticky situation like that, we don't have to kill them. I was told that shooting them in the knee, shoulder, and if they're a male, groin would be sufficient enough to buy time so we can use one of our pokemon or run like hell." he said.
Ash managed to stifle a chuckle. He grabbed his pokeball holding belt off of the table beside his bunk bed and strapped it around his waist.
"Where's everybody else?" asked Ash.
"They're training their pokemon and doing various other things. Oh, yeah, Gary wants to tell you something." Brock said.
Ash nodded, and walked out the door with Pikachu in close pursuit and wondering what Gary wanted. He strolled down the hallway and bumped into Misty as she walked around the corner.
"Wha? Oh, hey Misty. Have you seen Gary? He wants to talk to me about something." said Ash.
"He's at the Arena, training his pokemon." said Misty.
"Where's the arena?" he asked.
"Take the elevator down to the bottom floor. The arena is across the hall from the elevators." Misty replied.
Ash thanked her and walked over to the elevators. He took it down to the bottom floor and got out. He saw the large metal doors across the hall and entered them. Inside the large arena were at least thirty battling stages, marked off by white lines. There were four different 'settings', ten of each. One was a forest clearing-like arena with grass, trees, rocks, and stumps. Another was a dustier, dryer setting with patches of tall, yellowed grass, which was obviously more like a desert, or dry meadow.
And, another was a pool with several platforms. The other ten were standard battle arenas. Ash looked around. He saw Gary and Phil in a desert arena, getting ready to fight.


    Phil stood, pokeball in hand with Flareon at his side. At the other end of the arena, Gary held his pokeball, ready to fight.
Phil threw his pokeball "Go, Natu!"
The tiny psychic bird emerged from it's pokeball and fluttered in mid-air.
"Go, Umbreon! I don't think a little psychic pokemon can handle a full force attack from a well trained dark type." Gary boasted, throwing the pokeball containing his first pokemon.
Umbreon emerged from it's confinement and hissed at the psychic bird in front of it.
"Breon! Umbre-Umbreon! {A psychic pokemon? Don't make me laugh!}." it hissed.
"Umbreon, use shadow ball!" Gary commanded.
Umbreon blasted the ball of darkness at Natu.
"Natu, Light Screen!" Phil ordered his pokemon.
Natu threw up a psychic barrier. The ghost attack merely bounced off of the defenseive shield and dissapated into thin air.
"Damn, I should have been ready for that," said Gary, "Umbreon, skull bash."
"Natu, Reflect!" commanded Phil.
Natu threw up another defensive shield just as Umbreon zipped through the light screen. It smashed its head on the shield and stumbled backwards.
"Now, quick attack!" said Phil.
Natu flew towards Umbreon at a phenomonal speed and rammed right into the pokemon's side. Coupled with the damaged it recieved from the smashing of it's head into the reflect shield and Natu ramming into its side, Umbreon fainted. Gary winced and recalled his fainted pokemon, and silently threw another pokeball. Gary's Arcanine materialized in front of Natu and unleashed a flamethrower attack that almost reduced poor Natu to fried chicken. Phil recalled the roasted pokemon.
"Time to fight fire with fire. Go, Flareon!" he said.
Flareon jumped from his trainer's side and landed in front of Arcanine.
"Fire Spin!" commanded Phil.
The firey tornado attack engulfed Arcanine, trapping it. Arcanine howled in pain, and after a few seconds, the attack dissapated.
"Follow up with take down!" Phil shouted.
Flareon bounded quickly up to Arcanine and rammed into his legs, kocking him over.
"Return Arcanine. Go, Nidoking!" yelled Gary, releasing his ground pokemon.
"Oh nuts. Flareon, come back." said Phil.
Flareon leaped back to Phil's side.
"Go, Feraligatr!" he said, releasing his aquatic lizard pokemon.
"Nidoking, Horn attack!" commanded Gary.
Nidoking charged at Feraligatr hith his large horn, striking it in the shoulder. Feraligatr roared with pain, spun around and slashed Nidoking along its back, making the huge ground type roar in agony and stumble forwards.
"Use water blast!" commanded Phil.
Feraligatr opened his large jaws and a huge stream of water blasted from his mouth, drenching and knocking out Nidoking.
"Okay! I forfeit!" shouted Gary, and recalled his fainted Nidoking.
"Hm. That was a good battle." said a trainer who was observing the match.
"Thanks." said Phil.
The trainer drew a pokeball.
"How would you like to trade that Feraligatr for my Ivysaur?" the trainer asked.
"Well..... Sure." said Phil, recalling his pokemon after thinking it over.
The trainer walked over and gave Phil the pokeball he'd just drawn, while Phil gave him Feraligatr.
"Take good care of my Ivysaur. If you want to trade back, It's fine with me." the trainer said.
The trainer walked off into the crowd.


    Ash, after watching the battle, went up to Gary.
"Hey, Gary! Brock said that you wanted to speak to me." said Ash.
"Yeah. Come with me." said Gary.
Gary led Ash to a secluded corner of the arena.
"Ash, a team leader is going to be chosen and there are propably only three of us that have a good chance of getting the position. You, obviously, because you beat the Orange league and the Johto league and placed in the top 16 in the Indigo league. Me, because of my age and skill as a trainer, and Phil, because of his skills. I need to know If you are up for being the team leader." said Gary.
Ash thought about the prospect.
"No, I don't think I can do it." said Ash.
"Good choice. The position should be left to somebody older like me. I've already talked with Phil, and he is going to try for the position." said Gary.
"Okay." said Ash.
"An executive told me to meet him with the group at noon an the top floor. Its about 11:50 now, so I guess we should get going. Are Brock and Misty at their quarters?" asked Gary.
"Yeah." said Ash.
"Okay, go get them." said Gary.
Ash ran out of the arena and into the hallway, but bumped into Misty and Brock.
"Oh, hey. We have to go up to the top floor with Gary and Phil." said Ash.
Ash led them back to Gary, who was with Phil, and they went to the top floor.

    "Welcome to Team Dragon. I'm Mark Patterson, a top executive of Team Dragon. You five are very skilled trainers. I have a very special assignment for you."
Mark pulled five pokeballs out of his pocket.
"These are Electrode, Magcargo, Raichu, Arbok and Wigglytuff. All of them are theroretically capable of evolving into terrifyingly strong pokemon with the proper timing, strength or evolution stone." said Mark.
Mark handed Electrode to Ash, Arbok to Brock, Wigglytuff to Misty, Magcargo to Phil and Raichu to Gary.
"These can evolve?" said Gary.
"Theroretically, yes. Our scientists have been studying the evolutionary patterns of these pokemon and have determined that these pokemon are all capable of another evolution." said Mark.
"So what about choosing the leader of the team?" asked Phil
"Ah, yes. I've already chosen Gary to be the leader because of his age." said Mark.
"Oh... so there won't be any physical exams, skills tests or stuff like that?" asked Gary
"No. It already is quite obvious that you are more physically capable of fighting than the others.
"Okay." said Gary.
Mark walked over to his desk and pulled out a box.
"These are your uniforms. You are classified as junior field agents, or Rookies." said Mark.
He opened the box and pulled out a pair of loose fitting, but not baggy grey cargo pants and a black long sleeved shirt. He handed it to Gary. He handed three other outfits that were the same to Ash, Phil and Brock. He pulled out a pair of tight fitting kakhi pants, a black t-shirt and a grey vest with lots of pockets and handed it to Misty.
"These are to be worn when you aren't at HQ. If you haven't already chosen a gun for your protection, then here are some weapons." said Mark.
Mark opened up a case on his desk, revealing five PP9 Dark Fox semi automatic handguns.
"Who here has a gun?" asked Mark.
"I do." said Brock.
"Me too." said Gary, remembering the two revolvers he had stolen from the two rockets the day before.
"Well then, here you three go." said Mark, handing Ash, Misty and Phil the three pistols, "They're already loaded with one clip. I don't think you'll be getting into any shootouts, so that'll do."
"Okay." they all said.
"Once those five pokemon have evolved, your mission will be completed. Good luck." said Mark.
Gary lead his team out of the office. Once they had left, a monitor lowered down in front of Mark, and an image of a middle aged man sitting at a desk appeared on it.
"The mission has been assigned, I assume." said the man.
"Yes, sir." said Mark.
"Good. I have very high expectations for this group. The one called Ash seems to be very capable of communicating with his pokemon in battle. That is a vital skill in pokemon training. He beat the Orange league and the Johto league because of that." said the man.
"I thought that was him. He seems rather quiet." said Mark.
"He is still insecure. After a while he will get used to it, and he might make a good leader." said the man.
"He could." said Mark.
"Yes. But they are all still children, and Team Rocket wants them dead or converted to their side. So look to it. See that some of my top agents, including Jack Young, the one that found them make sure that they are all safe and unharmed." said the man.
"Yes sir." said Mark.
The monitor flickered off and concealed itself again.
"This is going to be alot of work..." sighed Jack.

The End of Chapter 2

End Note: FINALLY! I'm done. It seemed like an eternity to finish it. I'm DEFINATELY going to get to work on chapter three NOW! So, REVIEW! I won't keep on going without alot of good reviews! If you want to be an agent in this fic, email me with your stats at and give me your name, pokemon, your Pistol/SMG and your age.

This fic will be at least ten chapters. And I'm going to make 1 or 2 sequels.