Part: 4 True Love Found Lost And Found Again Disclaimer: i dont own the Pokemon characters. wish i did. then Ash n Misty would be together. Well, its one week later and everythings in place. Sakura is gone. Richie goes out with Arina. Well everythings great! Ash and Misty- excellent. "Well, I don't think its possiable," Delia said to Jamie(Misty's father,) "I don't think so either," Jamie said. "Ash has to be Adam's son not yours," Delia said. "Yeah, Becky is ours but Ash and Misty don't know about her," Jamie said. "And neither do Sylvia." "Yeah, I mean Step-Brother or Step-Sister doesn't matter but half does." Delia said. "I'd just hate to find out that," Jamie said. "Ash my son that'd be bad," "Yeah," Delia agreed. Tears fell from the two teens eyes, as they heard Jamie and Delia talking. They couldn't believe it was they gonna be thorn apart again? "I'm asking about this," Ash said, grabbing Misty's hand and running into the kitchen. "But ... Ash..." Misty said. "Mum, what the heck is going on?" Ash asked."We just heard you and Jamie talking or should I say dad?' "Ash..." Delia said. "MUM!You should of told us before, and we're step-brother/sister, and that sucks enough WHY didn't you tell us?" Ash asked. "Well,you see your mums and I's relationship was a secret. When Sylvia doesn't know.." Jamie said. "But we're take some DNA tests to find out okay?" Delia asked the two teens. They nodded and went into the living room holding hands. "Oh Jamie! What if they are brother and sister.." Delia said. "I just hope not," Jamie said. "Me too," Delia said. The next day the went to the hospital and took a test. And they sat in the waiting room waiting for the results. Misty looked at a magizine, and she read about the S-Club break-up and the concert,and she saw some pics from the concert and saw one entitled "The Cutest Couple"... Misty Waterflower and Ash Ketchum and there was a picture of them together. "Hey Ash," Misty said. "Yeah honey," Ash said, walking to Misty and putting his arm around her. "Look! We're famous," Ash giggled, and Delia asked Ash if she and Jamie could look at it. "Sure," Ash said. Then Ash and Misty started talking.... and 26 minutes later the nurse walked out and passed Delia the results. Delia looked at them, and her smile dropped to a frown. Ash and Misty knew what this meant... and what was they gonna do? "Guys, I'm sorry," Delia said. Ash and Misty couldn't even look at each other. So they went home. They didn't go to school for weeks, and they barely spoke or eat. So Delia phoned the hospital. "Hello," Delia said. "Hello," the Nurse(well... lets just use...JOY!) said. "Last month my family took a DNA test, is it posable that its wrong,?" Delia asked. "Yes,"Joy said. "Many people take em twice, the first two are oppsuite,unless its definelty postive, and then the 3rd one is the answer," "Well, I'd like to make a retest," Delia said. " OK come here in a hour we'll do them then," Joy said. " Ok." Delia said, and then she phoned Jamie. Yeah, now this was going to be hard going to for Ash and Misty because they havent seen each other for a nice time. *** Now they are waiting for the results. And Delia loked at them, " Okay guys, good and bad news, this time its negative so we have to come back tomorrow to check this out and find out whats going to happen. ~~~~Part 4 Finished~~~~ Now- the next part sadly is the last part and well in that part we'll come to conclude the answer. And by the way, my titles dont mean a thing! So and you know what IM not sure of the test results I'll base that on a test here okay! So don't get down you gotta read the last part. So stay tuned! Email questions comments to: gotta go. later!