Chapter 16 It was a beautiful day in the forest. The air was fresh, and laden with the scents of spring. The sun shone green and golden through the leaves of the trees. The occasional rustling noises of small animals going about their business was the only thing that disturbed the serenity of the forest. But only for a few minutes longer. A group of people approaching from the east soon entered the forest. For once, none of them were arguing. The only thing disturbing the forest was the mere fact of their presence. Unfortunately, the evil grin spreading over David's face, and the way he was fingering one of his pokeballs, suggested that other disturbances would soon occur. After walking in silence for a few minutes, Lauren, annoyed at her inability to get there sooner, said crossly, "When are we going to get to Pallet? My clothes are dusty, and my feet hurt." Behind her, David, with an evil grin still firmly plastered across his features, dropped a pokeball to the ground. It hit the path and silently opened. "How should I know?" David said. It's not like it's my fault if you can't take a little walking." Seeing how Lauren was already looking for someone to take out her annoyance and being dirty on, these words had the same effect on her temper as they would have if they were a lighted match being dropped in a bucket of gasoline. It was just as volatile, and flared up just as fiercely. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?!" She yelled, whirling around to face him, and possibly hit him over the head a few times with whatever came to hand. However, as she whirled, she came face to face with what David had released from the pokeball. Lauren screamed, and jumped straight up in the air. Anyone looking up at her would have seen her clinging with a death grip to a branch. "Poltergeist." Chuckled the pokemon in amusement. It always enjoyed a good practical joke. David looked up at Lauren, smiling. "Well, I guess your feet don't hurt that much, if you can jump all the way up there." Lauren scowled at him. "I hate ghosts!" She yelled. Any further conversation was interrupted when a figure in a dark cloak stepped out from the bushes along the side of the path. With its face hidden in shadow, it said in a deep, ominous voice, "I have something to tell you all." It paused, and looked back into the bushes. In a completely different, and very familiar voice, it whispered to some unseen person, "Are you sure this will work?" Another very familiar voice answered. "Of course it will work. I saw it in a movie once." "Did it work then?" "Just do it before they get suspicious!" The figure sighed resignedly, and turned back to the group. "Jack." It intoned in a deep, heavy voice of lead, then paused. "And, um... David, Lauren, and, errr, that other guy," it continued hesitantly, "I am your father." The figure looked at them, watching for a reaction. "Now give me all your pokemon." It concluded in a rush. David's disbelieving gaze met the other's, all with similar expressions on their faces. After a moment's stunned silence, he stepped forward. "You're not my father." He said. "My father is back on Puce Island." The figure gave him a sheepish (or Mereep-ish) look. "Um, would it help if I told you to join the dark side?" It asked hesitantly. David shook his head. "Nope." The figure sighed. "Fine then, back to the good old ways." It tore off it's cloak, revealing a tall, blue-haired man, with a large, conspicuous "R" on his chest. A red-haired woman stepped out from the bushes. She also had a large red "R" on her shirt. "Prepare for trouble!" She yelled. "Make it double!" The man responded. "To protect the world from devastation!" "To unite all peoples within our nation!" "To denounce the evils of truth and love!" "To extend our reach to the stars above!" "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!" "Surrender now or prepare to fight!" A cat-like pokemon jumped out of the bushes. "Meowth, that's right!" It yelled. James grinned. "Now are you going to give use your pokemon?" Jack crossed his arms over his chest. "No." He said. James's face fell. "Pleease?" He whined. Jack shook his head. "No." He said again. "I'll be your best friend." James pleaded. "No." Meanwhile, David had been staring at the Meowth. "Wow! A talking Meowth!" He exclaimed, then walked up to it. "Would you mind letting me run a few tests on you? You're the only talking pokemon I've ever heard of!" Meowth crossed his arms over his chest. "No." He said. "Aw, c'mon. Can I please run some tests on you?" David whined. Meowth shook his head. "No." He said again. "I'll be your best friend." David pleaded. "No." While these strangely similar conversations were going on, Lauren and Bob were conversing on what to do next. "We should probably capture them." Bob argued. "They may know something important." "Them? I say we just flamethrower them away. We can use your Charmeleon." "I don't think we should. They may actually know something of importance." Lauren laughed scornfully. "Them? Just look at them!" Bob looked. James was on his knees begging Jack to let him have all the pokemon, while David was in a similar position begging Meowth to let him run some tests. Jessie had taken out a mirror and a can of hairspray, and appeared to be doing her hair. Bob sighed. "I believe you have a point there." "So what are you waiting for?" Lauren asked. Before Bob could react, she darted her hand in and grabbed Charmeleon's pokeball off his belt. Tossing it out on the ground, the lizard materialized in a splash of red light. "Charmeleon, flamethrower Team Rocket." Lauren said, pointing. Charmeleon looked at Bob. "Char?" It said, asking for his approval. Bob sighed. "Go ahead, I guess." He said. His Charmeleon nodded, and let loose with three thin streams of fire. They impacted against the three Team Rocket members, and sent them flying away. James landed on the ground, battered and charred, with a thud and a loud "oof!". This was followed by an "ahh!" when Jessie, equally charred, landed on him. Finally, a "my spine!" resulted when Meowth landed. "Ah, don't be such a baby." Meowth said scornfully, picking himself up and dusting off. Jessie stood up, leaving James moaning on the ground. It appeared that this time they had landed on a sidewalk, leaving a large dent in the pavement. They appeared to be in the middle of a heavily industrialized city. The sky was gray with smog, and the stink of pollution hung heavy in the air. The buildings were coated with a thick layer of black soot, deposited there like snow, except uglier, and, of course, no one would cancel school for a soot day. The sidewalk ran along the edge of a road, passing between two blocks of towering skyscrapers, and every so often a car would zoom past, releasing the stink of more hydrocarbons into the air. It was, in short, a place that, if, by some freak occurrence, an EPA inspector had ever managed to reach, he probably would have fallen over and died of shock at the sight of the super-polluted city. Also, most importantly to Team Rocket, there was a phone booth just a few feet away. "C'mon," Meowth said, starting towards the booth, "We better call the Boss to report this latest failure." James sighed. Reluctantly, he started towards the booth. "Why can't we just call him up once we actually do something right?" He whined. Meowth scratched him across the face. "Because, knowing you two, we'd die of old age before that!" He yelled. "Are you sure it's a good idea to call the Boss collect?" James whined. (Yes, he does do that a lot.) "It's not like we have any money." Meowth responded. The phone beeped. "Ssshhh! It's ringing!" A few seconds passed, and then the phone flickered on, revealing the Boss, cloaked in shadow as usual, eating something. On closer examination, it appeared to be a slab of some sort of meat, with a thick pink skin around the outside. "What is it now?" He asked tiredly, putting down his knife and fork. "May I dare to think that, for once, you actually did something right?" James winced. In a whisper to Jessie, he said "Ouch. He's getting sarcastic with us. If we don't watch out, he might even start being [i]condescending[/i]." He shuddered, then in a louder voice said "Not quite..." His voice trailed off. "So basically you came up with a stupid plan, failed miserably, and were sent flying?" Meowth coughed nervously. "Um... You could phrase it that way." The Boss sighed again. Taking in their charred, battered, and, as a result of the impact with the muck covered sidewalk, begrimed appearance. "Listen, I'm going to reassign you to a job more suited to your special... ...talents." "What kind of job would that be?" Meowth asked. Jesse and James thought for a moment. "Uh... hobo?" James suggested. "Paperweight?" Jesse asked after a few moments thought. "Talents?" Meowth asked, surprised. The Boss shook his head. "No, your new job will be... lab assistants. Report to lab 32. I'm sending you directions now." He pressed a button, and a sheet of paper, covered with writing, began feeding out of a slot in the wall. "We won't disappoint you!" Jesse said, right before hanging up. As the screen went dark, the Boss smiled evilly. "Well, it's good to have those incompetents finally out of the way." He said to the Persian lying on his lap. It's only response was a satisfied purr. Jack broke out of the forest and crested the final hill. There, lying before him, was a town. Composed of houses and stores, lying nestled in a slight depression before the shimmering sea, no one would guess the idyllic little town was the site of a major Pokemon League base. Jack let out a whoop of exhilaration. "We're here!" He yelled back to the others, who were still straggling out of the forest. Taking the first steps down the hill, he took the first few steps towards a new future, towards a completely different path then the one he started on. This different path was unexpected, but still, he would follow it as far as he could.