The Remnants of Tomorrow Some things need to happen, some things fall when they are dropped, some things end when they are done, but I'm not some things and I'm not finished .....yet. She watched the metropolis being burned until only ashes remained. Sitting on top of that rugged mountain, she could still feel the heat being conducted by the fire. The atmosphere was making it difficult for her to breathe, her lungs burned of the fumes she had inhaled from the sea of fire. The black smoke surrounded the bottom of the mountain and the city as well. " I let them down, I let them die ". She looked at the now obscure metropolis. She lifted her hands toward her face. They were blemished and stained with blood. Her black shirt was torn and her jeans were burned. Espeon rubbed against her side. His face was sullen, blood dripped down his head. She caressed the back of his light-purple ear. I just ran away, like always, I keep letting those I love die. So many sacrfices. Why am I being burdened with this. "WHY." She let out an ear splitting scream. Her cracking voice echoed throughout the area. She wiped the tears away from her face. "They'll be after me next." Her wounds still throbbed, though she tried ignore the injuries left upon her. She turned away from the burning city and ran down the mountain in the opposite direction, Espeon right behind her. -------------------------------------------------*****************************-- --------------------------------------------- " I'm so hungry ". Ash rubbed his stomach, the growling had increased. "Brock is making dinner, you idiot". Misty glared at him. " Was I talking to you, carrot head " . He impersonated her tone of voice. Misty slapped the side of his head with the palm of her hand. Ash fell backwards and rubbed his head, he felt a bumb arise. Ash attempted to tackle her until brock came walking in through the bushes. Ash's focus escaped Misty and was now on Brock. " Hey you two, stop bickering and let's eat " . He held a black pot of soup, he gave Ash and Misty a bowl and spoon. He poured soup into their bowls and gave Pikachu and Togepi homemade pokemon food. Then he tend to himself. Like usual Ash devoured the meal in minutes. Misty watched him in amazment and Brock just ignored both of them, focused on the pokemon interacting with each other. Pikachu and Togepi conversed among each other. All of them sat around the campfire, peacefully eating their meal. The sky was awkwardly darker than the usual night sky. Stars were unseen, a heavy fog had covered the moon and a burning scent permeated the air. The only remaining light was the flickering fire. ------------------------------------------------*********************----------- ----------------------------------------------- Espeon trailed after her as she skid her leg along the dirt road. You could barely see anything farther than a few meters away. Her limping had worsened and her burns had stung. Her untreated wounds had pained her movement. "Espy Espeon esp espy esp ( are you ok, you should rest, you seem tired) ". Espeon had a worried expression on his face. Her breathing had gotten heavier and her whole body ached. She saw Espeon begin to lose strength as he slowed down. She nodded her head weakly."We'll rest as soon as we find a safe area, where they can't locate us " . Espeon nodded his head. She looked around briefly to see a shrouded area of trees. She spread the trees away leaving a safe path for Espeon to pass. She kept walking until she ended up in a small open area. She paused for a moment and shook her head." Espeon espy esp (are you ok, you look drowsy). " She closed her eyes and suddenly collapsed on the floor. Espeon let out a fierce cry for help and ran towards his trainer. He tried to help her up, her body was limp and useless. He kept nudging her, he felt the coldness spread through her body. ---------------------------------------**************************************--- ------------------------------------------- "What was that." Brock dropped his bowl of soup. " I don't know. " Ash jumped of the floor unto his feet. Misty grabbed unto Togepi and held him tightly. Pikachu dropped his plate of poke-food and they all looked around. Pikachu sniffed around for any trace of the scream. He ran through a section of bushes. Ash, Misty and Brock followed. A few meters away they saw the girl on the floor. Pikachu sniffed at her. Espeon protectively watched them . "She's cold" . Brock lifted her up slowly and walked toward the campsite. Espeon followed, still watching suspiciously. Misty and Ash followed as well. Back at the campsite Brock looked at her wounds. " Hey ash, go get me the supplies over by my tent" . Ash left to retrieve the supplies. " Misty, can you please get me a few blankets". Misty went inside her tent to get blankets. Brock softly touched her wounds and wiped away the blood with warm water. Espeon studied their movements. " Pikachu [hello, who are you )," Espeon looked at Pikachu, no response came out of his mouth, just a heartless look. Ash and Misty returned with the needed supplies. Brock took out some bandages and wrapped them around her leg. He spread antibiotic on her wounds to rinse them out any unwanted chemicals. Then he laid her in a sleeping bag inside his tent and wrapped a few blankets over her. "Who is she." Misty questioned. "I have no idea." Brock looked at the tent. They had still been sitting outside the campifire. Pikachu and Togepi were snagged up against each other sleeping. " What happened to her, her wounds I mean" . Ash asked. "Burns" Brock whispered." She passed out, I hope she makes it through the night" . They all looked at Espeon, still standing there. He looked away from them and walked inside the tent to see his trainer. "We should get to sleep." Brock blew out the weak fire. They all went inside the tent and went to sleep. -----------------------------------------------------*************************-- ---------------------------------------------- "No, not again, no more, no more pain, please, I beg of you, don't do this". A hooded man stood over her holding a dagger. He moved closer. " No, don't do this." He lunged the knife into her arm causing a petrified scream to escape her mouth. She quickly rose up from her sleeping bag. A cold sweat slid down her face. She was breathing in deeply. Espeon looked at her, worried. She rubbed her arm, to see the scar was still there. " Where am I. " She took the covers off of her to see her leg bandaged up. " Espy Espeon espy [These people helped you) " . She stood up and opened the tent, to see Ash, Misty and Brock eating breakfast. Espeon looked up at her. She still held her arm. "Good morning." Ash smiled at her. "I need to go." She started walking only to fall once more. Misty helped her up . "Not in that condition, you won't." Brock sat her down and gave her a plate of eggs and rice cakes. --------------------------------------------------- *****************************------------------------------------------- "Thank you." She looked down at the food given to her. "What's your name". Brock looked at her suspiciously." I'm Ash".Ash stopped eating his food." That's Misty and Brock". He pointed at his fellow travelers. "Espeon Espy esp (should you tell them)." She looked at her pokemon and then turned to the trio. " Gaby." She softly said. "I should really leave". Gaby examined her leg. "Why, you should eat first." Ash insisted. "Because, I don't want you people to get hurt." She examined her torn shirt and how it revealed the straps of her bra. Her pants were ashy and torn apart now. "Excuse me, can I ask a favor, can I have some clothes." Brock looked at her curiously. "I have some." Misty went inside her tent. "What do you mean, by you don't want to hurt us" Ash questioned. "A deadly past means a deadly future." Gaby said. She had began eating her food quickly. She gave half to Espeon. Misty came back and gave Gaby a black tank top and blue pants. "Thank you" . Gaby limped toward the tent to change." A what past has a what future" . Ash asked." Ash, don't be stupid you know what she said".Brock stared at him."She looks familiar." Misty implied. Gaby walked out of the tent and sat with them. Espeon looked up at her." Espy esp Espeon espy (If we stay with these people, I doubt the militias Will find us)"." You have a great bond with your Espeon." Ash said." Thank you". Gaby smiled. " Espy Espy espeon ( They are good people, I can sense it)"." Excuse me, but if you don't mind, can I go with you guys on your journey". Gaby held Espeon in her lap. "Of course".Ash said. Gaby smiled and kissed him in the cheek.Ash's cheeks turned crimson. Misty feircely slapped him over the head, making him fall over." They're always like this". Brock implied. Gaby just smiled. "We should go now." Brock said. The militias are after me, anyone with me, they are after as well, I need to keep these people safe, I can't let them go. I can sense a connection with every one of them, like I have seen them before. Though no memory of them remains in my mind. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~