~~~~~~~~The Remnants of Tommorow~~~~~~~ Part 2 :::::::::::: PART 1 :::::Misty, Ash and Brock come upon this girl name Gaby and see that she is wounded severely, they tend to her wounds and she decides to come on their journey. Because of a deadly secret ,she must protect herself and the others she decides to accompany::::::::: They walked towards Pallet town, Ash wanting to visit his mother, Misty wanting to go see how her sisters are and Brock wanting to See his Father, brother and sisters.The sun was scroching hot, reflecting on their faces and no sight of clouds appeared.Ash wiped the sweat dripping down his face, he glanced at Misty and secretly smiled at her.Brock hunched back and breathed in heavily, feeling the weakness in his legs beginning.Pikachu laid on Ash's head, falling in a deep state of fatigue and Togepi was wrapped around Misty's arms, cuffing his hands over his egg shaped body to try to prevent the heat to puncture through. " Espy Espeon (I'm worried the militias are going to locate us, maybe this was a bad idea ,traveling with these people)."Espeons eyes grew red with worry and doubt.Gaby bit on her lip slightly, her toughts of the militas finding them was so insecure. I can't let these good people get hurt by a mistake that I've made, By nightfall I should dissapear.Tha's what I'm good at anyways, dissapearing, always leaving because of this burden that was laid upon me, this unholy, sacred, forbidden item I must hold until the day I die. She untightened her movements and had comforted herself in the heat.Her burns still swelled but they had gotten better and her leg had also still pained her movement."me too." She quietly whispered to her fellow pokemon. " So Gaby, how you keeping up".Brock shared a smile with her." I'm still hurting but other than that I'll be okay".She held onto her leg to maybe still the pain for a moment." Maybe we should rest, anyways I'm really tired."Misty pointed to a cottage near the road.You could see magikarp swimming in the lake next to the little house.Trees gloomily shrouded the cottage, so the sun was not able to shine through.A little white picket fence surronded it and bushes covered the fence.A sign labeled "Cozy Inn" was lodged infront of the house, florescently colored so travelers could spot it immediately. They moved toward the cottage and Ash unhinged the fence for them.He let them pass through first.Gaby rung the doorbell, it had a whimsical chime to it, like a sweet yet haunting melody playing.The wind had suddenly picked up and the sun had dimmed quite a bit.A gentle breeze blew through her hair, letting it softly touch her face. A young lady with jet Black hair and white highlights opened the wooden door.Her hair flowed down to her shoulders, she wore an indigo colored tanktop that revealed a red and black tatoo that was placed on her lower stomach.Her pants reached her knee as she wore black boots. "You". She breathed in deeply and looked straight into gaby's eyes".Such a bold look, so fiercesome, death was hidden in her eyes , such an unrecognizable look of hate and distrust. " Militas ".Gaby shook her head in disbeleif." you, you were the one that burned my home and everyone in it".Espeon stood right behind her, ready to attack at any moment, if any quick reactions were taken by the girl.Gaby just looked at her, anger and hate filled her heart, consuming every bit of it.Her feelings were now uncontrollable, knowing this girl, this person had destroyed the life she once knew, the world she once had, the only escape from the unmerciless fate that had taken over her life. "You should be dead ".She menacingly looked at Gaby." I'm sure, the other militas had taken care of you, you should be dead no matter what". she pulled back her hair and reached into her pocket to reveal an All-black dagger, that had inscriptions written into them .They were hebrew- like writing, deeply carved into the face of the dagger, small writing right in the middle, it was black as well but was visible to the eye.She let her fingers touch the blade. Heavily, she pressed against the inscriptions written on the top of the knife, leaving a cut on the top of her fore-finger that led down to the end of her joint.The blood that had left her finger trailed onto the knife.The blood spilled into the inscriptions, leaving them red, other than the usual blackness. She has it, I can't beleive she has it, she was the one that...... Gaby mezmerizingly looked at the knife.An expression of shock outlined her face. :::: flashback:::: "Gaby get out, get out, now". She looked at her best friend, Jae, her only friend, the only person that knew everything about her, the only person that cared for her.He lay under a peice of debris, that had fallen from a building, nearby.It was puncturing his lower body, making him unable to move.His blood-red hair fell over his eyes and his strong features were burried under all the blood and wounds that were brutally marked upon him.The fire neared him, soon he would be consumed by the burning monster. "Nev...never...le..let any..body ta..ke it....from y...you, ....nev..never...lose....t..the...." Sadly and surely he had dissapeared from this world, the fire reached his lower body, soon he became part of the fire. Tears swept across gaby's face, she ran away from the past she had known for years.All her life she's been running away from everything , this was the only place she knew, and now it was taken away from her, like everything she once had. She ran to find an escape from the ocean of fire.She touched her back pocket to make sure the knife was still attached to her, surely it was.Espeon ran right behind her, blood splattered on his face from the destruction that had over taken the city.She ran and ran, eyes closed, wanting to dissapear from this nightmare that had come true. She ran into an unknown figure, opening her eyes slightly to see who she had abruptly slammed into............ it , it was the girl, the one with black hair and white highlights.The girl looked back at gaby, just slightly shifting her hand , but she moved too quickly for an ordinary human eye to notice what she had done.Not caring for her, not knowing she was the one that had caused this destruction, gaby kept running, ::::end of flashback ::: " Give it back". Gaby laid her hand out, only for the girl to slice the knife into her palm.A deep cut and blood stained her hand. "gaby".Brock, Misty and Ash called at her, scared of what the girl might do next." Move back" Gaby softly told the trio, no scared, petrified, or shocked emotion left her mouth, just calmness.The three were immobolized, in a strange way they did as she said.Maybe they could have fought the girl, but they didn't , they did nothing, just did as she commanded. "You could have been great, so much power, you had so much potential, but no, you decided to do nothing about this gift given to you". The girl threw the knife at gaby, missing purposely, letting it stab the wall, staying in that position." You defeat me, you get that ".She pointed to the knife sticking out of the damp walls. " I can not release the power held in it, so it is worthless to me.But it's a good thing you didn't die, because you know the secrets held in this knife, so if I win, you tell me all these secrets and if I lose I kill your friends over there".The girl pointed to Ash, misty and Brock. A petrified look came upon the trio's faces.Gaby looked back at them, tears slid down her face, this decsion laid on her shoulders.The descision of telling this girl the secret, the one that would cause World destruction, death among everyone, and power that is to great to handle, or letting these good people die, but they would die anyway if the secret was let out. Such a awful situation to be stuck in, such a horrible one.How could she decide, how?? "It was a nightmare, that so-called gift was just a burden, a trap, something I never asked for".Gaby turned to look at the girl.A stiff noise permeated the room.Bars and locks closed off the entrance and the two windows present.The room went dim, by the closing of the only entrance of light to come inside the little house.The trio huddled together, staying silent, no sound came from them...nothing. "I'm sorry, I knew I should have never come with you all, I'm really sorry".Gaby directed this statement to Ash, misty and brock. Pikachu and togepi stood close to their trainers, so preotectively, like espeon always did for her. "one on one", The girl said tauntingly.As if she thought that the death of many, was just a game, that souls could be played with. "espeon".Gaby spoke lower than a whisper. Espeon moved behind from her trainer and stood in front.So brave, such anger and hatred poured from the little creature.The girl smiled with confidence." Go entei".A firey creature was released from his pokeball.His flamey attributes waved amongst the closed enviroment." Death will soon come".The girl smiled a twisted smile. " Entei, tackle". Entei moved back a few steps and threw himself at espeon.He hurdeled back to his trainer after the enormous blow he had thrown at the tiny creature. Espeon held his ground, but was still shaken up a bit. " Entei, fire spin". Entei unleashed a cross of fire, it charred the walls and left some peices of furniture drowned in a tidal wave of fire. Espeon held his ground as well, taking the attack like nothing ever hit him.The fire brushed of off the tiny pokemon, leaving no sign of an attack. " Espeon, Black fire". Espeon stood still, soon red energy surronded him and glowed around him.His eyes grew red and a dark presence illuminated around his figure.Soon the room had turned darker and an eerie flash of red and black moved around the room, circling the tiny animal. " Entei, Hell's domain". Entei positioned himself and silver lining marked his outside appearence.A cold wind blew against entei, soon entei's body was consumed with fire. " That pokemon destroyed my city". Gaby murmurred. " You just notice that now"The girl laughed. " This isn't a game". " I know".The girl had an evil expression on her cold face.Her eyes grew colder, her face grew paler, the crimson that use to be on her cheek had faded, just to leave a pale and cold gesture on her face. " Espeon". " Entei". Both trainers screamed at each of their pokemon, an aura surronded both, a dark prescence of hate for each other. Both pokemon released their attack, full force, without holding back. A firey beam escaped entei, an orange and silver beam, with such immense power. Ash, misty, brock, togepi and pikachu watched in such amazement, such a trance, they had no escape, so this could have been the end, maybe this was the end.Ash pulled misty toward him and embraced her, he could feel her tears falling on his shirt.She returned the embrace and laid her head on his broad shoulder.Brock looked at this very moment, as if he escaped his own body and he was watching from a high tower, he knew he was scared, but was unable to show it, he felt so far away. Espeon let two red and black beams out, they were twirled together, two great forces, both charged at Entei's firey attack. The two attacks battled each other, pushing each other to and fro.A massive blow from espeon had pushed away entei's attack, causing both attacks to manipulately slam into entei and his trainer, pushing them back into oblivion.The walls of the house were torn apart, from the undefeatable attack.The entire room turned white, so blinding , sight was not usable now, all you could see was a brightness.The walls were broken apart, violently thrashed into peices, when the attack subsided nothing but a gaping hole was in sight.The light had slowly faded, letting your eyes capable to see. The trio watched the undefyable blow in shock of the power.Espeon looked up at his trainer, to just see a horrid, guilty expression planted on her face. Tears slowly crawled down her face, as she saw the destruction she had comitted and the life she had taken. Slowly she walked toward where the dagger was placed, the wall had collapsed, leaving only crumbling peices intact, she rummaged through the debris to find the dagger was under it all.She grabbed it and placed it in her back pocket. She then turned to see the the girl face down and her entei floating in the lake of magikarp.Fire remained on top of the lake, floating magically, no embers moving, just stillness, the magikarp stopped floating, no sign of movement, everything stopped in that moment, frozen in time.