Chapter One Black City was the complete opposite to how my family described it. "It's a lovely, clean, healthy place. You'll fit in very well there, dear." Mum had said before I left the house. "Yes, it'll suit you very well. Everyone there are wonderful, polite and civilized people. They'll help you out. I've got a friend who lives in Black City, here's her number, look, she'll definitely give you a job. Mm-hm, so enjoy yourself!" Dad had said confidently before I got on the Express Train that cut through deserted land in between Anville Town and Nimbasa City. "I went there on a school trip, there's nothing to be afraid of. It's such a nice place, and you'll almost certainly find work there. And Dad knows someone called Cecilia there, you could contact her to see if she knows of any jobs around town." My older and rather good-looking brother, Sam, told me as confidently as Dad had done before I got off the Express Train that stopped at Nimbasa City. All of it was lies. I expected bright lights, tall, white-silver skyscrapers, big shopping malls and lots of friendly people. Instead, it was a dank, dark city with black, traffic-congested roads, grubby, chipping office blocks, shadowy people lurking round corners and chewing- gum and stuffed-binbag infested alleyways. When I stepped through the gate to Black City, I could not believe my eyes. I loved my parents and I always believed them, but I loved my brother even more so. I felt decieved and hurt - why would they send me to a place like this to get a job? Suddenly, I saw a tall, skinny woman waiting beside the gate. Her dark brown hair had been scraped into a smooth, sleek and shiny bun at the back of her head. She wore a plain white shirt, a long, black pencil skirt, a pair of thin, black tights and black, pointy heels. The woman appeared very business-like, but in a beautiful way. Her face was oval and white-skinned, and her nose was perfectly straight but rather large. She had piercing grey-black eyes and her lips were thin and pulled in to a strained line. Overall, she was very pretty, rather intimidating and very business-like. Coiled around her stilletto-heeled feet, was an equally intimidating and overlarge Serperior. Its mouth was twisted up in an uncomfortable smile. "Oh, hello." She greeted me unenthusiastically. Her voice was clear and cold, with a sharp edge to it. "You are Katrina." She wasn't asking me, she was confirming it with me. "Yes." I replied stiffly. The Serperior was making me feel uneasy. "Who are you?" "My name is Cecilia, this is Ivy. I am a friend of your father's. Come this way - you are looking for a job here, are you not?" Her Serperior unwrapped itself from Cecilia's ankles and hauled itself up onto her shoulders as she set off at a brisk walk. "Yes." I said again. "Do you know of any, and do you know where I can stay?" I followed her, trying to keep up with her unnaturally fast pace. "I definitely have a job for you, and in return I will pay you and give you lodgings at my house. I'm quite a successful businesswoman in Unova - I own all the TV programmes you watch daily, all the bridges in Unova (but I have kindly let nearby Gym Leaders have rights to them as well) and all the trains in the Battle Subway. I'm very well-known, so I do have a job for you." Cecilia gave a short, sharp laugh, then turned a corner. I rushed after her, trying to keep an eye on Ivy's flicking tail. "What is the job?" I asked, flustered, as she stopped at a large penthouse. "Ha! It's Sunday, my dear!" She chuckled and patted my shoulder to reassure me. Far from making me feel better, I felt worse. It was as if she were hiding something from me. "Look, I own this whole penthouse here. You can't have the bottom or top floor, I'm renting the 1st floor to a worker of mine and I live at the top floor. Here, have the 2nd floor." She immediately chose for me without letting me even open my mouth. Unlocking the door, Cecilia pocketed the keys and handed me another set of them. "Here, take them. The cupboard and the fridge are all stocked, so go unpack your things, eat something and have a little kip. Bye!" Cecilia left out the door all too cheerfully. I headed upstairs to the 2nd floor, unlocked the door and stared. I imagined it to be like a proper apartment, since it belonged to such a rich person. I thought there would be lava lamps, intricately carved furniture, beautiful tapestries and a brilliant view. However, it was the total opposite. It was damp and dark inside, dripping with water and wet mould. The ceiling was low, the carpet was shabby and stained, and the rooms were tiny, dingy and reeked of something vile that had been fermented for too long. The walls were chipped and cracked and, as I entered the kitchen, I realized that the fridge no longer worked, the taps didn't work, and the cupboards were stocked with ancient, mouldy food. I went inside the dark bedroom, and threw open the curtains. It didn't help brighten the titchy room. I opened my rucksack first, searching for my three pokeballs. Oh God! They weren't there, neither were my mobile or my home keys! My snacks had also gone, as had all my healing potions and sprays... But... Mum couldn't have cleared everything out. Thank God they were my back-up ones with Piplup, Turtwig and Chimchar inside. My most important ones were inside the lining of my jacket that contained my Snivy (named Leaf), Oshawott (named Rain) and Tepig (named Burn). I stroked the comforting curves inside the smooth material before tearing open my suitcase. Again, Mum had taken out anything that weren't clothes. After a few moments of observations, I realized that I was hungry, so I zipped my rucksack up, hitched it over my shoulders and left the apartment with my keys in hand. Jamming them into my trouser pocket, I left the building and stared around the place anxiously. Just ahead there was a large roundabout filled with cars puffing evil fumes and honking in unneccesarily loud fashions. The road leading out that was nearest to me was full of even more grimy cars, beeping and tooting angrily at nothing. I spotted the pokemon centre just over the roundabout - how was I to get over there? Carefully, I pulled out the pokeball containing Leaf and sent her out. She looked at me meaningfully. "Leaf, I want you to create a large, but light leaf for me please." I told her in a voice barely audible over the huffing of car engines and incessant parping of horns. Snivy nodded, blinking her beautiful shiny eyes once to tell me she understood. Her tail flicked round swiftly and an enormous leaf burst from nowhere, hovering in the air at waist-height. Hopping onto the leaf, I returned Leaf and sent out Rain. "Use Water Gun to shoot us up over the roundabout, Rain." I murmured. She nodded, then released a powerful jet of water, which blasted the leaf over the congested roundabout. I returned her, then stepped of the leaf, which vanished immediately. As I looked at the pokemon centre, I saw how unsanitary and dirty the place was. I walked inside to witness Nurse Joy shouting at a middle-aged woman with a large Meganium at her side. "No, I don't care! Remove that... that... that THING at once!" Nurse Joy bellowed at the poor woman. "I will NOT! Meganium LIKES it!" The woman boomed back in a voice that was twice as loud as Nurse Joy's. The Meganium hissed, it's petals flapping and antennae waving. "Fine! I will not treat your pokemon then!" Nurse Joy yelled. "Get out! OUT!" The woman and the Meganium left, barging past me furiously. "Whaddaya want?" Nurse Joy rounded on me sharply. "I just came here to buy - " I began, startled. "Go over there, then." She snapped, pointing to a couple of irritable- looking salesmen. I approached the red-headed one accompanied by a rather moody Pichu. "What?" He griped. "Can I buy some Lava Cookies, please?" I asked tentatively. "Sold out." The man grumbled. I suddenly realized that I didn't have any money on me. "I'm sorry, I don't have any money." I told him as politely as possible. He swore loudly, making an unnecessary gesture with his hand at me. The Pichu sullenly turned away. Suddenly, I heard a horribly familiar voice behind me, and a firm hand clasping my shoulder. "Come on now, honey. Time to go home. No more wanderings for you, my dear." I whirled around and found myself nose-to-nose with Cecilia. Ivy hissed menacingly at me from the floor. Cecilia marched me out of the centre and shoved me back in the direction of the penthouse. "You are forbidden to go out alone, is that understood? Because if you do, Ivy will give you something you'll never forget." Cecilia hissed into my ear, droplets of saliva being sprayed over my face. Ivy snarled at me, slapping the ground with her tail. We crossed the busy road, then went into the penthouse. A muscly man was standing there, an annoying smile playing around his lips. Purple-pink scars crossed his left cheek and right hand, but they seemed to have healed a while ago. I didn't like the look of him. "Cecilia." He murmured, kissing Cecilia on the cheek. She giggled, but Ivy hissed and slunk up the stairs to the topmost floor. "Katrina, this is Morden, my good friend. He is staying with me for now." Cecilia informed me. Morden gave me a lopsided smirk. "Come, now, Cecilia, we have business to be getting along with." He said in a deep voice, taking her by the arm and leading her up the stairs. Just as I was about to head upstairs to the second floor, the first floor door opened. A young man stood there, around my age, dressed in filthy clothes that were thick with grime and dirt. Despite the disgusting clothing, he was extremely good-looking. He had dark, chestnut hair that flopped over his face, beautiful hazel eyes and a small, slim, but strong build. "Hi." He said quietly. "Do - do you live upstairs?" "Y - yes." I muttered. "Um... who are you?" "I work for Cecilia." He said. "Wait, I'll tell you inside. Come." He led me into an equally vile flat and sat me down on the threadbare sofa that smelled weird. "Cecilia - she's a monster. She works us overtime, doesn't feed us and we live in terrible conditions... we're her slaves... she doesn't pay us, she takes away our pokemon and... many have... died... like... my... my... sister..." His voice trailed away and he buried his face in his arms. "I don't believe you. I'm sorry, and I know that Cecilia and that Morden guy are a bit creepy, but they're not too bad." I said truthfully. "I understand... but you will believe me... soon enough..." He murmured into the crooks of his elbows. I didn't know what to say. "My little sister, Lynette... she was two years younger than me... Lynette was pretty, intelligent... and... she was perfect... I loved her so much... we came to Black City together for work... we both had no money... Cecilia took pity on us and gave us jobs... but we were separated and after around 6 months... I heard that... while working at one of the bridges... she was... killed... and..." His voice dropped so low I could barely hear the last few words. He turned away just as the door banged open. I jumped. "Oh, there you are, my dear. What are you doing with snivelling James? I was looking for you, but you weren't in your apartment... I need to talk to you." Cecilia called from the doorway, an icy edge to her voice, which was full of contempt. I got up, turning to James briefly, but he was facing the other direction. Reluctantly, I followed Cecilia out of the room. As we headed up the winding staircase, Cecilia began her rant. "You are not to speak to snivelling James or anybody else who works here, is that understood? You are also not to go out alone, do you hear me? Work starts tomorrow, and I have very high expectations. It is getting late now, so get some rest before dawn. You heard me, get going." Cecilia unlocked my apartment door with my set of keys, threw me inside and locked the door from the outside so I couldn't exit. Chapter Two I hadn't slept that much because of the freaky noises like gentle pattering from the ceiling, soft moans of the wind and weird squeakings from the floor. It was extremely disturbing. However, just as I was about to get some decent sleep, I heard the apartment door unlock and Cecilia barged into my room with Ivy hissing along by her side. It was 4:05 am, for crying out loud! "Goodness me, you aren't making much of a first impression. Up, now, come on." She snapped, clicking her fingers as Ivy released an annoying, choking chortle. I got hurriedly got dressed and went into the kitchen to find her with a bowl filled with something or other. Ivy sniffed and slithered out of the apartment huffily. "Your breakfast. Now hurry up, you have duties to be getting along with." She said sharply. I took the bowl and saw that for my breakfast, it was a bowl of dirty water with an old bread crust inside. Nevertheless, I was hungry, so I ate and drank it all, then looked expectantly at Cecilia. "Good, good. Now, since, I'm busy today, Morden will drive you to Driftveil Drawbridge so you can operate the bridge's mechanic whatnots." She told me in a very brisk voice, dragging me out the apartment and pushing me down the stairs. "I - I don't know how to work bridges!" I protested in a stammer as I stumbled outside onto the pavement. "Oh, dear. Well, you'll just have to make do." Cecilia said in an unconvincing tone. Despite the early hour, the roundabout was as clogged as ever with traffic. A blue pickup truck was waiting on the kerb (illegal, but obviously not in Black City) with Morden inside. We approached him quickly. "Cecilia!" He cried delightedly in his manly tones. "Morden, my dear." Cecilia cried in an equally joyous voice. "Will you be accompanying us, my darling?" Morden asked, as Cecilia poked me into the passenger seat. "The scum - sorry, Katrina, can sit in the back." "No, I will be on television today for an interview, so I must be getting along. You will come to drive me to Jubilife City?" Cecilia asked politely. "Of course, Cecilia dear." Morden smiled in a very creepy way. "Now we should go. I will see you later, darling." "Goodbye, Morden." Cecilia smiled back, then walked off. At the moment, Morden revved up the engine, pulled dangerously out onto the road and swerved round the roundabout past many annoyed drivers before accelerating much too fast down a surprisingly empty road leading out of town. "Heh heh. Cecilia knows your parents, doesn't she?" Morden sneered, his knuckles white from gripping the wheel. "Um, yes." I said nervously. "Well, if you must know, there's been one death already at Driftveil Drawbridge, but Cecilia will do everything within her power to keep you alive. She promised your parents." Morden's voice was somehow tainted with a jokey edge. "Uh, okay." I said hesitantly. Then I realized that the strange boy's (James, Cecilia had said) sister Lynette was the one who died there. But how? Did she go for a wander around the bridge, someone went inside the control box and opened the bridge so she fell to her death or was squeezed to death? Was she having a break, then was pushed off the edge of the bridge? The possibilities were endless. Soon I found myself drifting off to sleep, where I dived off a bridge and got trapped between the two boards. I was screaming my head off, but nobody was there. All of a sudden, there was a pretty girl in front of me, slightly translucent and floating - wait, what? She was translucent and floating?! That meant she was... a ghost! But... they didn't exist... or did they? I moved away from that chilling thought, then focused on her looks. She was immensely pretty, with dark curls (that reminded me of someone) falling past her shoulders to meet her tiny waist. She was slim and small, but seemed to emanate a powerful air. "Katrina." She said quietly, moving closer to me. I stopped screaming and writhing to realize that it actually wasn't that painful. Scary, yes, but painful, no. "H - how do you know my name?" I cried, wiggling my toes a bit. "It doesn't matter. What does matter is that my brother was telling the truth. I am his deceased sister Lynette. I died here at the hands of Cecilia." She murmured, her hair blowing around in the cool breeze. "You! James told me about you..." I trailed off. James was right about her being very pretty. "Please. Believe him. Trust him. For me." Lynette whispered, pearly tears rolling down her cheeks. I drew breath to reply, but she dissolved into nothingness. "Lynette!" I bawled like a maniac, resuming my mad shrieking and flailing. The wind howled loudly, and a pokemon feather was blown about till it landed in my hair, but I was too busy screeching and wriggling to take notice of its presence... I woke up with a start in the pickup truck. Morden had just driven over a speed bump. He turned to me, smirking. "Wake you up, did I?" He grinned, then turned back to the road. I shivered as I recalled the dream. Was it real? Suddenly, I was aware of something in my hair. Warily, I pulled it off and realized that, with a sudden jolt in the pit of my stomach, it was the pokemon feather that had landed on my hair in the dream. Chapter Three "You know you fell asleep?" Morden sniggered as I hastily stuffed the feather into my trouser pocket. "Yes." I said defiantly, fixing my gaze on the long, winding road stretching out ahead. "Heh heh heh. You're just like your mother, you know. Pretty, smart..." He chucked my chin, making me flinch away. "Heh heh. Your mother, Wilhemina. We used to date back in Year 10." Morden smiled in an overly contented way as I choked on my own saliva. "You what?!" I spluttered, whirling round to face his unshaven, scarred and smirking visage. "Didn't last too long, though. She realized your father, Squeamish Stephen - I mean, Stephen Morissey, was much more worthy than me," Morden spat viciously out the rolled-down side window, "the little scaredy-cat, your father was." He added poisonously. I didn't say anything; my brain was still processing the horrible idea of Morden and my mother Wilhemina dating. "Of course, I met Cecilia in university. Love at first sight. Heh." Something like pride flickered over Morden's face as he announced this piece of news with relish. My brain struggled over the news. "We were both smitten. I know now that Cecilia is much better than your mother, no matter how pretty or clever she was, or is." Morden said in a satisfied voice, then he fell silent. "My mother... Wilhemina... will always excel Cecilia..." I snarled at him. He chuckled fondly in a very annoying way. "That's what you say, Katrina. You won't in a few months... no, actually, maybe a few days. Cecilia's power over Unova is never to be underestimated. Heh." Morden smiled. There was silence for a few minutes. "Like I said, you're just like your mother. You've got her beautiful chocolate eyes, full lips, perfect nose, porcelain skin... and Squeamish Stephen's stupid poker-straight hair. Greasy fucker." Morden's last comment was voiced in an angry growl. Affronted by Morden's rudeness about my father, I turned on him. "My father has never been and will never be scum enough to be subjected to your... your... taunts." I said in a low voice. Much to my horror, Morden roared with laughter. "He was bullied in school, you know. He had a phobia of, what was it now? Oh, yes, insects. Yes... we used to bring him fresh insects every day at break times... That's what earned him his nickname..." Morden smiled as he reminisced back to the 'good old days'. "We?! You stupid pig! How could you?! " I shrieked at him, beside myself with anger. I had a strange urge to kick him in his special place to vent my feelings about the topic. "Hey, calm down, Katrina. It stopped when we realized that he was good enough to get Wilhemina as his girlfriend. He was a chicken, he needed it to toughen him up a bit." Morden chuckled as if nothing had happened. "Oh, and that doesn't matter now, does it?" I spat venomously. "We're here now." He drawled idly, changing the subject. "I - " I began, then was cut off by my own sharp intake of breath at the sight of the marvellous bridge in front of me. We were here.