Part four


Dragonite vs. Black Dragonite


Nervously, Reshon knocked on the door and a waited its answering. It isn't everyday that one gets to fulfill a dream and battle one of the greatest gymleaders every.

"Hello?" a soft voice replied from within.

"Hello, Miss Sapphire, this is Reshon, I want to battle you," she replied hastily as the door was slowly opened. A young thirty years old woman appeared in the doorway. Her long blue sapphire colored hair swished lightly in the wind as her blue-green eyes glared into her brown ones.

"Reshon, the little trouble maker Reshon?" Sapphire replied. "I was wondering when I would see you again." "If I remember right you still owe me for that vase you broke last year that you promise, if I didn't tell your parents you would pay me back for."

Reshon was completely speechless as Sapphire looked at her expectantly. Reshon have forgotten about that stupid vase, and even with the money she had gain from those kids at the bridge she still didn't have enough to pay for it.

"Hmm, guessing from your silences you still don't have the money." "Oh well, since you're here to battle me anyway, if one of your pokemon manages to beat mine I will forget about the debt, okay." "Now, show me your Cascade badge." Reshon then showed her the badge, and the ex-gymleader turned around and went back into the house.

A few minutes later she returned with a single pokeball. "This is a one on one match Reshon, so chose your best pokemon."

"I will!"

"Good lets go," she smiled and Reshon was lead around to the back of the house. Here a huge practice field was set up, and Sapphire quickly took her place at the other end of it. Meanwhile Reshon just stood there in surprise. She was expecting a more aquatic field, but this one was more like the type her pokemon were use to.

"This is going to be our battle field for this one, okay, Reshon." Sapphire spoke breaking Reshon trance." "Now hurry up and get to your place so we can begin this match."

Reshon without another hesitation went to her spot, and pulled out her four pokeballs. Out of her five pokemon (Black Dratini is on her shoulder) she had to chose just one to fight as her champion. Her mind whirled with possibilities as she thought of their strengths and weaknesses. She then put the four pokeballs into one hand and started her process of elimination with the first pokeball that came to hand. She started with Growlithe, the fire pokemon she received from Professor Oak after beaten Rachel for it. <He was smart and fast, but he had a huge weakness to water, and Sapphire had been the Cerulean City Gymleader, so most likely her pokemon would be water typed. > With this thought she put the ball back on her belt.

Next was Blitz, he was one of the first pokemon Reshon had capture and had actually evolved from his cute Eevee form to his more powerful Jolteon form during her journey. Because of the fact that Eevee is as normal pokemon and learned many elemental attacks, her Jolteon now can use more than just electricity to defeat an opponent. This was good, consider she didn't know what pokemon Sapphire would be using, but it still had one problem. What if she pulled out a half-breed like Quagsire? Blitz might not be able to handle it. With a deep sign, she grabbed the pokeball with her other hand and quickly fasten it onto her belt. Blitz was out of it.

Next was Venom, this Arbok was partially responsible for her catching Eevee, and they both were caught nearly at the same time. Venom had shown himself to be a pretty reliable pokemon, but he still had his weakness. Like he had a huge problem with rock type pokemon, and Reshon knew that to beat the elite four, Sapphire had to have used more than water types. "Okay, Venom you're out of it."

"Drat?" "Dratini, Drat, Dratini!" Her pokemon replied as she appeared out of her backpack.

"I don't know yet, if I'll choose you." Reshon spoke softly and continued with what she was doing. <Solo, was the final pokemon I caught. > <He is prideful and cocky, but strong and he hates to lose. > <If he fought it would be to the finish, but he has a serious problem with water as well. > She then put him back on her belt, now with no pokeballs left; she reached into her backpack and pulled out Black Dratini.

"Black Dratini, you're my first pokemon that I found on the beach, and you have never let me down when I needed you." "You have no real weaknesses, I guess except ice, but since your only half dragon type and your other half is psychic I'm not sure if its true with you." "You're only problem is if you will battle after what happen in the Cerulean Gym."

The two eyes meet, and Dratini answered clearly to Reshon," I will do my best."

"HAVE YOU FIGURED OUT WHICH POKEMON YET," Sapphire yelled to her as she played with the pokeball in her hand.

"Yes, and we're ready," Reshon called back as Black Dratini teleported from her hands to the field.

"Interesting, Brown said you had an unusual pokemon, but I never would have guessed it was your Shiny Dratini." She smirked and threw her ball high in the air.

"She's not a shiny Dratini," Reshon yelled as her pokemon squeak in agreement. "She a Black Dratini, and you're about to see the differences."

"Really, well, the pokemon I have chosen is the one I won the elite four with." "Let me introduce, Storm," She replied as she swept her hand upwards as the empty pokeball fell into it, "my Dragonite." The yellow pokemon than landed with an earth shattering thud. It was much bigger than the smaller Black Dratini, but Black Dratini didn't back down from it. Both pokemon had defiance in their eyes as they awaited the command to attack.

"STORM, Seismic toss!" Sapphire was the first to respond as her pokemon charges forward. Black Dratini seeing the charged immediately teleported getting behind her adversary and then following it up with a Slam attack in the back. This threw the huge Dragonite off balance and it hit the ground with a short slid.

"Big mistake," Sapphire smiled, "now you're going to find out why I named her storm." The Dragonite rose to her feet angrily. Her eyes sparkled dangerously like she was an electric pokemon. Storm was very vain and such an attack hurt her pride, and the made her outrage. Before Reshon could shout a warning the other pokemon charged again. This time with more speed than even Reshon thought possible in extreme speed mode.

"OUTRAGE," Sapphire screamed the attack as Storm began to beat the surprise Black Dratini mercilessly. With just a quick flick of her tail she brought Black Dratini into a position where she wouldn't have to bend down to punch her and like a rag doll suspended in air, she began to attack with a series of very fast punches. The last of that attack ended with the small pokemon being knocked across the field. The force of her impact making a small trench in the ground. Black Dratini then laid motionless.

"And that is that," Sapphire smiled at her pokemon. "You still have a way to go, and you need to command your pokemon more instead of letting it do what it wants to." She began to comment when she noticed the strange look on Reshon face. "Reshon?" "Reshon, are you alright?"

"Noooooo," Reshon screamed as she gripped the side of her head. A flash of purple suddenly surrounded her and Black Dratini, and the pokemon awoke." "An intense look crossed the pokemon's face and its eyes whirled purple, in a bright flash of light as it evolved right in front of her." Reshon who still was consumed by the light eyes suddenly gazed over slightly. The purple aura suddenly disappeared and a smiled crossed her face.

"It's not over yet," Reshon replied as she looked at her.

"BLACK DRAGONITE," her pokemon responded and took her place in front of her trainer.

"Humph, this should be interesting, Brown told me that her pokemon was usually, but I thought its ability to teleport was it." "Now, I see, it skips over its second evolution and affects its trainer in the process. A smile came to Sapphire's lips," this battle has just gotten a bit more interesting."

"Dragonite," her pokemon responded as well, and before Sapphire could say anything it charged at Black Dragonite. The coldness in the pokemon's deep purple eyes would have been enough to make any other pokemon wary, but Storm was still felling the affects of Outrage and charged without thinking.

"Storm stop!" Sapphire yelled, but she was too late as the two pokemon engaged each other. Claws in claws, they locked hands. The rage in Storm's eyes was unmistakable as they crackled with the threat of thunder. Sapphire had never seen her pokemon like this, even in the deepest outrage.

One trying to Seismic toss the other or at least that was how it had appeared until Black Dragonite got really mad and crushed Storm's claws in her own. Then she released the other pokemon's claws and as Storm stagger back in pain pulled back her claws in a Mega Punch. The Dragonite never knew what hit her as Black Dragonite broke her snout with a blow so hard that it actually twirled the pokemon around. Now with her back to Black Dragonite, Storm was grabbed around the chest, pinning both arms, and lifted off the ground.

Sapphire could only watch in horror as Black Dragonite did a complete circle high up in the sky. Any whom had seen a Charizard use this technique knew exactly what it was that she was doing.

"That's enough!" Sapphire yelled desperately to Reshon. "Call your pokemon off, we give up."

Reshon didn’t' say anything, but looked upwards as Black Dragonite went into her dive. Blood followed them downward from the Dragonite's snout as they dove. Then just a few feet from the ground, Black Dragonite released her rival and that was the end of the match as she connect with the ground and was knocked out cold.

"STORM!" Sapphire yelled, and then ran to the crater her pokemon had made. Unconscious, but alive her Dragonite breathed slowly but surely as Sapphire pulled big chucks of debris from on top of it. Finally when she had pulled enough off of her to think that it was okay she returned her pokemon to her pokeball. Then as if to mock Sapphire small droplets of blood fell upon her head. An unknown angry filled her and she turn to face the girl.

Reshon still was looking upward when Black Dragonite descended back to the ground.

"That was uncalled for I gave up!" Sapphire shrieked but Reshon wasn't listening.

"Do you hear me, Reshon?" The angry that clouded her judgement for the moment slowly began to wash away. Her own words came back to haunt her," the evolution effects the trainer." Reshon wasn't herself. With that realization all the angry drain from her face, and in puzzlement she looked skywards. There she saw five hot-air balloons, each featuring their own pokemon.

"Oh no, the boss has sent Team Rocket, here, but they don't know what they are about to get themselves into." Sapphire replied. Almost as if she read her mind a smirk appeared on Reshon's face, and Black Dragonite spread her wings and took to the sky.


…To Be Continued