This will be a little dramatic chapter. Please don’t cry girls : P I am sorry for some Grammar mistakes I made. English is not my Native Language.



Ash: 15

May: 14

Ralph: 16

Celia: 16



Ralph ran to his Salamence.

“What happened buddy?” he said.

Salamence roared and an other Hyperbeam was shot at the group.

They all saw a Tyranitar standing at the trees. It was furios and it started to charge another Hyperbeam.

“Come back, quickly!!” Ralph said to Salamence and he took out his pokeball.

Salamence went in and Ralph yelled “Every one, RUN!! It is a furious Tyranitar!!”

Ash grabbed May’s hand and he said “Come on May, run!!”

“Alrigth. Come Celia, run!” May said.

They ran over to the lake and the Hyperbeams were flying over them.

Suddenly Celia tripped over a rock and felt. The tyranitar saw this and started to charge his Hyperbeam, aiming on Celia.

Ralph saw Celia fall and suddenly a great fear came over him.

He ran to her and he yelled “Get up Celia!! Get up quick!!”

But Celia did not move. She looked terrifyed at the charging Tyranitar.


Ash and May heared Ralph scream and they turned around. Ash saw Celia laying on the ground and he saw Ralph running to her.

Ralph said “Celia!!! Come on r...” but Tyranitar shot his Hyperbeam at Celia.

Ralph jumped infont of the Hyperbeam and he crossed his arms infront of his face.

Ash saw Ralph closing his eyes waiting for the blast and suddenly he heared May scream.

Ralph took on the whole blast and he slided backwards a bit but he holded his ground.

His arms were full of wounds from the blast and his clothes were ripped on most places.

Ralph said “Celia run!! Please, I cant take much more blasts!! Run” “NO!! I won’t leave you now!” Celia said.

“Please g...” Ralph started but he took on another blast. He still holded his ground but it hurted him more. The wounds were on his wole body. On his cheeck there was a big cut.


Celia was paralyzed. Ralph took on all the Hyperbeams for her. Tears jumped into her eyes and she said “No please, don’t hurt yourself any mor...”

Ralph grabbed his elbow and he yelled “Celia I am not going to ask you again. I will be FINE!! Lea...” and there came another blast.

Ralph fell on one knee and he was about to fall down.

Celia watched her boyfriend suffer and she started to cry.

Ralph said “C...Celia please L...leave. I c..can’t hold out very long...” but before he could finish he was hit again. This time he didn’t hold it.

Ralph was smashed back and he crashed against a large boulder.

He fell on his knees and he changed back to is normal self.

Then he fell on his face and he almost fainted.

Celia ran to Ralph and lifted his head. She said ”Sorry Ralph, I am so sorry. I should have run away but I was so scared.”

Please d...don’t blame yourself, just get away with Ash and May the will take care of you.” Ralph said.

“And I guess this was why I didn’t turn back to my old self.” He added smiling.


“No! I won’t leave you!” Celia said when the Tyranitar charged again. Celia grabbed Ralph, holded him tigth and waited for the blow.

Suddenly Celia heared Ash yell “Sceptile use Bulletseed!!” The hyperbeam flew over their head and she looked at Ash and May.

May screamed “Blaziken use Overheat!!”

May’s Blaziken shot his overheat and hit Tyrantitar full.

Celia looked at Ralph but he had fainted. She checked his hartbeat and she found out he was still alive. Suddenly she heared May yell “Get out of there Celia!!”

Thank god they came with me” Celia tougth “I don’t know what will have happened if I was alone with Ralph here


Ash and May were still holding hands but the were to busy with the figth to notice. Celia smiled and she looked to the Tyranitar, she was safe now. When Sceptile’s leafblade hit the Tyrantitar, it felled down. Ash threw a pokeball and caugth it. May ran to Ralph and Celia.


“OMG is he ok?” May asked

“Yes he is.” Celia answered “he just fainted.”

“Well who wouldn’t after hit with 4 Hyperbeams by a Tiranitar!” Ash said while he joined the group “but he has to get to a Hospital ASAP” he added.

“Yes! But where can we find one. We are in the middle of nowhere!” May said.

Ash smiled and he let his Swellow out. “Swellow, go and look for a city.” he said and Swellow took of.


While waiting, Ash and May builded some sort of brancard for Ralph from roots, branches and some clothes so they could move him.

Celia took care as much as she could. She had stopped he bleeding from most of the wounds but the cut on his face didn’t stop bleeding and Ralph still hasn’t came by.

Suddenly Swellow arrived and he told them there was a city 5 miles west of them.(well not tell but, you know)

“Good” Ash said “now, how do we gonna move Ralph.”

“Maybe our Blazikens can carry him.” Celia said.

“Yes, and if you two go on my Sceptile I will ride my Tyranitar” Ash replied.

May said “Ok” but Celia yelled “You caugth that cursed pokemon!!!”

“Yes! But only so he would not wake up again and shot us down with is Hyperbeams!!”

“Ok that’s settelled then.” May quickly said looking from Ash to Celia “come on lets get Ralph on the brancard.”


Like I said a little dramatic, but I hoped you liked it. Please review!!


Never trust an Alien on Skateboard and Greetings from:


Ralph AKA Drix Sigar